Chapter 18 Economics of Retirement and Healthcare McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives • Apply the life cycle theory of retirement and identify the main sources of retirement funds. • Explain the difference between defined benefit and defined contribution retirement plans. • Summarize the demographic challenge facing Social Security and describe the possible solutions. • Describe the healthcare life cycle, its problems, and the role of health insurance. • Discuss reasons why healthcare spending is rising so quickly. 18-2 Basics of Retirement • Retirement means that someone no longer has income from work and must finance their level of spending. • The life-cycle theory of retirement says people spend when they are young, save during the latter part of their working lives, and then spend while they are retired. – That is, they build up a nest egg and then spend it down. 18-3 Basic Financial Life Cycle Youth: Spend on education and buying a home Net worth Middle Age: Build up savings Peak earning years Borrowing for home and education Old Age: Use savings for medical and living costs Retirement Age 18-4 Where Adults over 65 Get Their Money, 2009 Earnings from Work Social Security Percentage of average income for people 65 and over 26% 41% Public and Private Defined Benefit Pensions 18% Defined Contribution Plans and Individual Retirement Accounts 1% Income from assets 11% 3% All Other 18-5 Problems with the Life-Cycle Theory • Two things can go wrong with the lifecycle theory: – The retirement poverty problem occurs because poor people often cannot save much for retirement. – The retirement uncertainty problem occurs because individuals don’t know how long they will live. 18-6 Employer Retirement Plans • Employer retirement plans are provisions for retirement that your employer contributes to on your behalf. • There are two types of employer retirement plans: – First, a defined benefit plan provides retirees a pre-determined amount of money monthly. • This plan is funded by the employer. 18-7 Employer Retirement Plans – Defined contribution plans require employees to put money into an account, which the employer then invests. • The payments from a defined contribution plan depend on how well investments have performed. • As a result, the retirement benefits are not guaranteed • The most important form of defined contribution plan today is the 401(k) plan. • In recent years, there has been a move away from defined benefit plans toward defined contribution plans. 18-8 Social Security • The Social Security Act was passed in 1935 to solve the retirement poverty problem. • Social Security places a tax (FICA) on current workers to pay the retirement benefits of current retirees. – There is an implicit commitment that future workers will do the same and fund the retirement benefits for today’s workers. 18-9 The Life Cycle with Social Security In principle, Social Security can solve both the retirement poverty problem and the retirement uncertainty problem. 18-10 How Social Security Works Today • Social Security is the best source of income for people 65 and over. • There is a a formula for determining your monthly benefits. – That formula depends on the average of your lifetime earnings, adjusted for the rise in average wages over time. – The formula is progressive, so that lowincome workers get back a higher percentage of their lifetime average income than better-paid workers. 18-11 How Social Security Works Today • There is also a formula to determine how much payroll taxes the employee and employer pay. – Taxes are paid into the Social Security trust fund and invested in Treasury bonds. • There is no link between the taxes you pay and the benefits you receive later in life. – Congress can change the benefit formula and the tax rate at its discretion. 18-12 Demographic Challenge • The principles underlying Social Security work well if the population and real wages are expanding. • But funding becomes more difficult if population growth slows. • The old-age dependency ratio is the ratio of the older population to the working age population. 18-13 Demographic Challenge of Social Security 18-14 Will Social Security Run out of Money? • Currently, the Social Security program is running a surplus. • The surplus is invested in government bonds, so, in effect, the Social Security trust fund is lending money to the rest of government. • The problem is in the future when payments for Social Security benefits will exceed the revenues received from the payroll tax. 18-15 Fixing the Retirement Shortfall • Four possible solutions to the Social Security financing gap: – The first possible solution is a cut in benefits. • This need not be an across-the-board cut. • This can be accomplished through a higher retirement age or a reduction in benefits for high-income households. – A second solution is to raise the payroll tax, either by increasing the rate or lifting the cap. 18-16 Fixing the Retirement Shortfall – A third possible solution is to fund the Social Security funding gap by using general tax revenues from income and corporate taxes. – The final possible solution is privatization, which would be a major change in the Social Security system. • This involves moving more of the decisions and responsibility of retirement saving into the private sector, while preserving a basic safety net for the poor and unlucky. • The problem of privatization is the return of the retirement uncertainty problem. 18-17 Why Don’t Americans Save? The Personal Savings Rate 18-18 Basics of Healthcare Spending • Healthcare is the largest sector of the economy, accounting for 17.6% of GDP in 2009. That is nearly double the amount spent as a percentage of GDP in 1990. • Most significant is the fact that healthcare spending has been growing at a rapid rate. • A major challenge for policymakers is to slow down the rate of increase while maintaining care for everyone. 18-19 Per Capita Healthcare Spending Across the World, 2008 18-20 Life Cycle Theory of Healthcare • In healthcare, the market consumption decision is not voluntary, but forced by an external event such as becoming sick. • There are three type of health events: – First, there’s the flow of ordinary healthcare expenses when you are young and middle-aged. – Second, there’s the relatively rare catastrophic health event in youth and middle-age. – Finally, there’s the inevitability of a steady stream of old-age-related health expenses as you age. 18-21 Healthcare Life Cycle Theory The life cycle theory has three problems: • The poor can’t afford to pay for the insurance (the healthcare poverty problem). • It is difficult to predict how much money is needed for healthcare when retired (the healthcare uncertainty problem). • The problem of adverse selection, where healthy people do not buy insurance. 18-22 Healthcare Funding • Healthcare is funded by three sources: – The first is spending by individuals on their own. – Second are employer health insurance plans, where companies set up a health insurance plan for their employees. – Finally, the two government-funded healthcare programs. • Medicare covers the healthcare costs of older citizens, and Medicaid covers low-income families and children, their caretaker relatives, and individuals with disabilities. 18-23 Who Doesn’t Have Health Insurance: 2009 18-24 Rising Cost of Healthcare • There are six reasons why healthcare costs are rising at a rapid rate: – Demographic changes are the first reason. • The population over 65 is increasing, and they tend to consume more healthcare than young people. – Second, healthcare is a luxury good, so as incomes rise, consumption on healthcare increases. • As people become richer, they spend more on healthcare. 18-25 Rising Cost of Healthcare – A third reason is that most healthcare payments are made by a third party and not the patient. • These payers are either a health insurance plan, Medicare, or Medicaid. • With a third party, the normal sorts of constraints on purchases are not present. • Doctors can order expensive tests and treatments without worrying about the cost, and the patients can agree without worrying about having to pay. 18-26 Rising Cost of Healthcare – The fourth reason is the tax deductions for employer healthcare. • Workers receive compensation, in the form of healthcare, which is not taxed. – Another reason is that the rapid pace of technological change has resulted in the development of very expensive new procedures. – Finally, the practice of bad medicine, where some healthcare practices do not work. 18-27 Policy Response • There is a great debate about what role the government should play in addressing the healthcare problem. • Some economists argue that the US should move toward a single-payer system. – Under this system, the government handles healthcare, and everyone is automatically covered. – Such a system has several advantages: it eliminates the poverty problem, the uncertainty problem, and the adverse selection problem. 18-28 Policy Response – It also potentially reduces the administrative costs of running the healthcare system. – However, it’s not clear that a move to a single-payer system would slow the growth rate of healthcare costs. • At the other end of the spectrum, some economists support the idea of increasing individual responsibility for healthcare spending. – This gives patients an incentive to monitor their own spending. 18-29