Planning Committee - 20/06/2013 Parish: Droitwich Ward: Droitwich West 13 Major Application W/13/01052/PN Description: Replacement of existing industrial building with new storage and distribution building (class B8 of the Use Classes Order 2005) with ancillary offices (class B1 of the Use Classes Order 2005). car parking, loading, highway access alteration and landscaping at Roman Way, Droitwich. Site: Site 20, West Bank, Berry Hill Industrial Estate, Droitwich Spa, WR9 9AX Applicant: Begg (Nominees) Ltd Agent: Date Valid: Seymour Harris Architecture 17/05/2013 Expiry Date: 15/08/2013 Case Officer: David Addison Tel: 01386 565447 Grid Ref: E:389230.4 Member(s): Cllr Peter Pinfield, Cllr Mrs Lynne Duffy 1. N:264306.4 Site Description and Details of Proposal This application seeks permission for the replacement of the existing industrial buildings on Berry Hill Industrial Estate, Droitwich, with a new storage and industrial building (B8) with ancillary offices (B1); car parking; loading; highway access alterations and landscaping. The application site is situated within the south-west corner of the Berry Hill Industrial Estate in Droitwich. To the west of the site is Kidderminster Road (A442), a relatively busy dual carriageway with Westwood Road running parallel to this. To the south of the site is Roman Way (A38). To the north, east and south of the site are existing industrial and office units. There is an established housing estate to the west of the site on the opposite side of the A442 Kidderminster Road, approximately 50m away from the development site at its nearest point. The Berry Hill Industrial Estate is located approximately half a mile to the north of Droitwich town centre. This application relates to a site of approximately 3.76 hectares positioned to the north of Roman Way on the southern edge of the industrial estate. The site itself is relatively flat and is occupied by an existing distribution warehouse. The existing building on the site measures approximately 18,000 sq.m and is made up of a combination of lower single storey sections and one central high-vaulted structure which extends to approximately 24m in height to its eaves and 26m to its ridge. The building is generally clad in profiled sheet metal and brickwork on a steel frame. The southern end of the site is used for lorry parking with car parking situated on the northern and eastern sides. The existing tall warehouse building was approved under planning permission W/88/01751/PN. The single storey elements of the warehouse were existing at that time and are likely to have been built at some point within the 1960s. The relevant planning history of the site is summarised below:- Outline planning approval for the site was granted in February 2010 under application W/09/02872/OU. This consent determined the specific site layout and warehouse massing, including specific warehouse building heights. - Permission granted to vary conditions 8, 9, 12 and 14 of application W/09/02872/OU, to exclude provision of access from commencement of development - reference W/10/03008/OU. - Reserved Matters application W/11/00022/RM granted permission in March 2011. - Discharge of conditions 3, 7, 10, 11 and 13 of outline permission W/09/02872/OU in April 2011. - Construction of site access road was completed in August 2011. As such it is considered that permissions W/09/02872/OU and W/11/00022/RM have been implemented and represent an extant planning permission for the replacement of the existing industrial building on the site. These extant permissions are a material consideration in the determination of this application. Key changes now proposed from previously approved applications W/09/02872/OU and W/11/00022/RM: - Increase in office space over 3 floors - Inclusion of mezzanine floors within the main warehouse, 30,000 sq.ft over 2 floors - Reconfiguration of main elevations to the offices to accommodate increase in massing - Minor changes to door positions - Modifications to car parking provisions to create additional 23 car parking spaces - Modifications to configuration of service yard and dock loading areas - Minor modifications to landscaping proposals It is understood that the proposed development is to be used by VAX Ltd, a UK floor care brand/specialist. The VAX Ltd customer contact team is currently registered at Quillgold House, Kingswood Road, Hampton Lovett, Droitwich. This application is made based on the identified operational requirements of VAX Ltd, over and above that of the previously approved development. Given the size of the proposed replacement building, the proposals constitute a major application and therefore appear on this planning committee agenda. The application has been submitted with a number of supporting documents, including:- Design & Access Statement - Environmental Noise Report - Addendum of Environmental Noise Report - Flood Risk Assessment - Geo-environmental Assessment - Phase 1 Habitat and ecological scoping report - Ecological Implications Update - Land Contamination Report - Transport Assessment - Waste Management Plan - Workplace Travel Plan 2. Planning Policies Wychavon District Local Plan June 2006 Relevant Policies are: GD1 (Location Strategy for New Development) GD2 (General Development Control) ENV1 (Landscape Character) ENV18 (Development in Areas of Low to Medium Flood Risk) ENV19 (Surface Water Run-off) SUR1 (Built Design) SUR2 (Landscape Character) SUR3 (Parking Provision) ECON1 (Protection of Existing Employment Land) ECON2 (Expansion of Existing Employment Land) National Guidance National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework) 3. Planning History W/01/00544/PN - Extend yard area out to the boundary at two places. Install two-storey portakabin at the existing entrance to provide a new exit only facility – Approved 30/05/2001 W/01/01478/PN - To install four camera pylons 7.5 metres high. – Approved 12/011/2001 W/01/02077/PN - install a portacabin for use as a smokeroom. – Approved – 13/02/2002 W/09/02872/OU - Outline planning application for replacement industrial building for storage and distribution (class B8 of the Use Classes Order 2005) with ancillary offices (class B1 of the Use Classes Order 2005). – Approved 09/02/2010 W/10/03008/OU - Application to vary conditions 8,9, 12 & 14 of Permission W/09/02872/OU to exclude provision of access from commencement of development. – Approved – 18/01/2011 W/11/00022/RM - Reserved matters application following outline planning approval (W/09/02872/OU) - replacement industrial building for storage and distribution with ancillary offices. Approved – 04/04/2011 W/76/00049 - Despatch and receiving entrance to warehouse – Approved W/87/00780 - Retail shop to be incorporated into part of existing warehouse premises – Approved W/88/01751 - Two high bay warehouses in 2 phases – Approved W/89/00967 - Entrance porch and double doorway for existing disposal shop – Approved W/89/02193 - Infill to create new warehouse area – Approved W/90/00198 - Part demolition of existing warehouse and construction of fifty seven total lorry loading slash unloading bays and new reception area – Approved W/91/00295 - Construction of new office accommodation including new entrance doors and windows within wall – Approved W/95/00808/PP - Five additional loading bays and extension to provide transport office Approved – 23/08/1995 4. Consultation Responses Town Council: No comments received as of 03/06/13. Comments due by 12/06/13. County Highways: No comments received as of 03/06/13. Comments due by 12/06/13. Environment Agency: No comments received as of 03/06/13. Comments due by 12/06/13. Severn Trent: No objection to the proposal subject to inclusion of condition requesting drainage details Worcestershire Regulatory Services (Contaminated Land): Our records including previous site investigations have indicated potential significant issues associated with the previous industrial use and presence of tanks on site. As such, recommend condition requiring a tiered site investigation. Subject to the application of this condition, raise no objections to the proposals in respect of contaminated land. 5. Representations Received No comments received as of 03/06/13. Comments due by 12/06/13. 6. Representations Made No comments received as of 03/06/13. Comments due by 12/06/13. 7. OFFICER APPRAISAL The main considerations in the assessment of this proposal are: - the principle of the proposed development in this location; - the visual impact of the proposed development on the surrounding landscape; - the impact on the neighbouring units in terms of both noise and lighting nuisance; - the impact on the local highway network; - landscape and ecological impacts; - potential for contaminated land issues; - flood risk assessment; - energy statement and assessment against sustainability principles In consideration of this planning application, an Environmental Impact Assessment screening opinion was required as the development would fall within Schedule 2 (Industrial Estate Development Projects) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 1999. However, it is considered that the proposal is unlikely to have significant effects on the environment and is therefore not an EIA development requiring further assessment. Principle of Development The location of the application site is within an established industrial estate. This is considered to be the most appropriate location for an industrial building of the scale proposed. The proposed use on the site would fall within use class B8 (Storage and Distribution) with ancillary office accommodation (B1). The existing use of the site is also within B8 use. The principle of storage and distribution operations from this site has already been established. The principle of the development has been established through the approval of outline planning permission W/09/02872/OU and subsequent reserved matters application W/11/00022/RM. Policy and Economic Development The Government is committed to securing economic growth in order to create jobs and prosperity, as stated in paragraph 18 of the Framework. Paragraph 19 seeks to place significant weight on the need to support economic growth through the planning system. Paragraph 20 continues by stating that to help achieve economic growth, local planning authorities should plan proactively to meet the development needs of business and support an economic fit for the 21st century. The proposed development is generally considered to help achieve economic growth, and provide modern facilities for an existing significant local employer. The economic development officers have made the following comments on the application: - Berry Hill Industrial Estate was largely developed in the 1960s and 1970s and some of the key buildings on the site are now dated and struggle to meet modern business requirements. - As a result a number of high profile closures and job losses have taken place in recent years with a number of buildings remaining vacant for some time. - The key to improving Berry Hill's future is the demolition of some buildings and their replacement with new modern commercial investment, which this application delivers. - This proposal will help secure 170 jobs in the town with prospects for future growth. - Vax is a high profile international company that has grown within Droitwich Spa and this high profile investment will help promote Berry Hill and Droitwich Spa as an excellent business location. Furthermore, the protection and expansion of existing employment sites are supported by Policies ECON1 and ECON2 of the Wychavon District Local Plan (June 2006). Scale, Layout and Design The proposed replacement industrial building would extend to 19,104 sq,m and incorporate 21,956 sq.m of floor space including the mezzanine at first and second floor. The ancillary office space would extend to 2217 sq.m over three floors. The main storage and distribution building has an external height to parapet of approximately 17m, with an overall ridge height of 19m. The proposed ancillary offices are approximately 12.5m wide, with an overall height of approximately 12m to the parapet. In addition, there are approximately 18,000 sq.m of hardstanding and landscaped areas, including car parking, loading/unloading bays and footpaths, all set within a 37,690 sq.m (3.76ha) site. For comparison, the proposed plan area of the building is approximately 5% larger than the existing building on the site, but would have a ridge height approximately 7m lower than the highest vaulted section of the existing building. For comparison purposes, the proposed industrial building is approximately 12 sq.m larger than that previously approved, with an additional 2852 sq.m of internal mezzanine floor space. The height of the main building is the same as previously approved. The office accommodation is now proposed over an additional floor and extends to approximately 1250 sq.m of extra floorspace than that previously approved. The proposed increase in office accommodation, over three floors, is still considered to form an ancillary and subservient element to the main warehouse building. Whilst the proposed height and massing of the office element has increased from that previously approved, it would still remain considerably lower than the proposed external eaves of the main warehouse building. The proposed storage and distribution part of the building is almost square and occupies the greater part of the north-east corner of the site. The associated offices are in the form of an 'L' shaped three-storey block wrapped around the eastern corner of the storage and distribution unit. The north-east elevation of the main building proposed, includes 15 no. loading docks, with space for 4 future docks; and 2 no. level loading bays with parking space for 4 lorries adjacent to the building. Parking space for up to 33 lorries is located opposite the level access loading bays on the north-east boundary of the site. A new car park for staff and visitor use incorporating 150 spaces (including disabled spaces) is located in the eastern corner of the site. Provision is also made for 10 motor cycle and 20 standard cycle spaces. A new gatehouse is proposed adjacent to the offices to control security and entry onto site from the new Roman Way access, and exit onto Ten Acre just south of the existing vehicular access. The proposed gatehouse would extend to approximately 18 sq.m and to a height of 4m. The proposed finish of the gatehouse, light grey composite cladding, is considered an acceptable choice and seen in association with the main industrial building and ancillary offices. The siting of the proposed building has been, in part, dictated by the existing culverted storm drain running from north to south in the eastern corner of the site, in the area proposed to be occupied by the new associated car park. The submitted Design & Access Statement states, "being the replacement for a very prominent existing structure it is envisaged that the new building has to be a major presence within the immediate area, being of large proportions and sited adjacent to the sole entrance to the industrial estate." The existing 26m high building on the site is considered a large landmark building in the locality. However, no objection is made to the principle of replacing this tall central vaulted building, together with the lower single storey sections, given that these existing structures are not considered to positively enhance the visual character of the surrounding landscape. In particular, the existing tall vaulted central building, which can be seen from various vistas within the locality, comprises of four blank walls generally clad in profiled sheet metal. The main body of the proposed building will include profiled sheet metal cladding as a neutral colour choice. External pressed metal trims and flashings have been designed to contrast this main elevational form, as will the escape doors, loading bay doors and canopies. The contrasting door colours have been proposed to tie in with the tenants corporate identity colours. The roof cladding will be in a pale neutral colour. The office is a three storey shallow pitch roofed building clad in a microrib composite system to contrast with the main storage and distribution building. It is generally considered that the proposed finish for the building would be generally acceptable for such a large industrial building with ancillary offices, set within an existing industrial estate. No objection is made to the principle of large corporate signs proposed on each elevation of the building. Details of any signage are to be subject to a separate application, and are not considered under this application. The proposals would result in the built development extending nearer to the southern, western and northern boundaries of the site, but further from the eastern boundary. Whilst the proposals would result in an increase in building mass along the western boundary adjacent to the A442 Kidderminster Road, given the associated significant reduction in maximum building height from the existing central vaulted building, it is considered that the visual impact on the Kidderminster Road street scene would not be so significant to warrant refusal of this application. The existing established planting to the west and east of the site are to be retained, with the northern boundary to be reinforced with native trees and shrubs. The south boundary of the site adjacent to the west bank is proposed to be semi-ornamental planting to reflect the existing planting around the adjacent buildings and extend the theme along the estate road, where no significant planting exists at present. Further increased tree planting is proposed to the West Bank frontage. It is considered that the proposed development, and associated landscaping of the site would not have a significant visual impact on the surrounding landscape, the majority of which is an established industrial estate, over and above the existing site appearance. Lighting A detailed lighting scheme and an External Lighting Assessment has been submitted as part of the application. In principle the external lighting has been designed to achieve a functional lighting level, and will be non-light polluting, and non-glaring to adjoining roads and buildings. The use of utility floodlighting will be limited to the minimum standards necessary to allow business to continue after dark, and to provide safety and security whist parking in and servicing the development. Car parks, service yard and pedestrian areas, including all escape doors and paths, are to be illuminated by LED / low level light sources using a combination of building mounted luminaries and lighting columns, to provide a minimum maintained illuminance. Local increases in lighting levels shall be provided to the service yards and staff entrances and loading bay areas for safe access and egress. The control of lighting solutions will be via a time clock and photocell control. This will enable the lighting to be controlled to operate during the opening times to coincide with the summer and winter seasons, thus preventing the unnecessary operation of the lighting system. Landscape Impact There are varying amounts of existing vegetation beyond the development site boundary. To the south-east corner at the rear of the Roman Way Business Centre there is a well maintained designed planting scheme including mature shrubs and semi-mature trees. Along the eastern corner there is an existing grass edge. The north-east boundary is dominated by an extensive tree belt of small to medium size specimens. There is one large (approximately 18m high) multi stemmed poplar within the tree belt to the north-west of the existing vehicular entrance. There is very little existing vegetation along the northern boundary of the site. The western boundary is well planted in a designed roadside belt. The existing established planting to the west and east of the site are to be retained. The northern boundary is to be reinforced with native trees and shrubs. The south boundary of the site adjacent to the west bank is proposed to be semi-ornamental planting to reflect the existing planting around the adjacent buildings and extend the theme along the estate road, where no significant planting exists at present. Increased tree planting is proposed to the West Bank frontage. Due to the functional requirements of the development, the landscaping is confined to the site perimeters. On balance, it is considered that the proposed landscaping scheme and retention of existing landscape features are broadly agreeable. Comments from the landscape officer had not been received at the time of writing this report. Members will be updated on any comments received. Access, Parking and Traffic The access arrangement approved under application W/09/02872/OU have been implemented on site, as per the consideration and approval of application W/10/03008/OU, which excluded the provision of access from the commencement of development, in order to implement the new access arrangements prior to the demolition and replacement of the building. As such, there are now two existing vehicular accesses serving the site, one from 'Ten Acres' and the other off 'West Bank'. Site access arrangements, for both cars (staff and visitors) and lorries have been designed as such to prevent any vehicles backing-up onto the highway. It is envisaged that car, both staff and visitors, would use the access off 'West Bank', where as lorries would utilise the access off ' Ten Acres', as shown on drawing no. 'AP(0)001 D'. The nearest bus stop is located on Kidderminster Road, approximately 520m walk south of the site. An alternative bus stop is located on Westwood Road, approximately 580m walk north-west of the site. An informal crossing facility located on A442 Kidderminster Road provides a safe crossing point for pedestrians. The site is approximately 1200m from Droitwich Spa Rail Station to the south. The National Cycle Network Route 45 between Worcester and Shrewsbury passes the site along a segregated section parallel to Kidderminster Road. Covered cycle parking provisions (20 spaces) are provided on site, with internal shower and changing room facilities also to be provided. The submitted Transport Assessment is considered to demonstrate that the opportunities for sustainable transport modes have been considered and that the residual cumulative impacts of the development would not have a severe impact on the highway network, in accordance with paragraph 32 of the Framework. Comments from the Highways Authority had not been received at the time of writing this report. Members will be updated on any comments received. Contamination Based on the review of the 2007 Geo-environmental Assessment and the further review of the assessment undertaken in April / May 2013 including a review of the historical mapping update, the environmental database as well as a site walkover survey carried out on 26 April 2013, the following conclusions are made in the submission: - there is no evidence of a change in land use on the site and its surrounding lands since 2007 - the Honeyman's Brook traverses the south-east corner of the site in a culvert - the Mercia Mudstone is designated as Secondary B aquifer. There are no licensed groundwater abstractions within 1km of the site and the site is not in a Source Protection Zone for public water supply abstraction. - it is considered that the risk to site users and construction workers from known contaminants present in the soil is Moderate/Low Risk. - the result of the soil gas monitoring indicates that gas protection measures are not required for the site. Worcestershire Regulatory Services consider that the previous industrial use of the premises and presence of tanks on site have potential significant contamination issues. The recommended condition with requesting a tiered site investigation will be included with any approval to ensure that the risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised. Noise The original Environmental Noise Report, completed in November 2009, recommended that plant noise levels from the proposed unit are limited in order to ensure that noise from the proposed unit would not cause an overall increase in background noise levels in accordance with BS 4142. An addendum, dated 15 May 2013, to the original noise report has been submitted to specifically consider the current proposals. This addendum confirms that the nearest sensitive properties to the site have been identified as residential properties along Westwood Road, the nearest of which are located approximately 55m from the western site boundary. Based on the previous proposals, limiting plant noise levels for fixed services plant items were provided within the noise report to see that there was no increase in background noise levels at the nearest sensitive properties. In addition, it was considered that the re-orientation of the service yard and location of the HGV route was such that shielding provided by the proposed building would see that there was no increase in background noise levels at the nearest residential properties. Given that the proposed building would be constructed to modern standards (with subsequent acoustic benefits) it was previously considered that noise impact associated with internal activities were unlikely to be significant. The addendum report considers that the proposed amendments to the previously approved scheme (W/09/02872/OU and W/11/00022/RM) would not increase the level of noise impact at the nearest sensitive properties and that the conclusions and recommendations of the original noise report would still be valid. Comments from Worcestershire Regulatory Services with regards to noise had not been received at the time of writing this report. Members will be updated on any comments received. Flood Risk A Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) has been submitted to accompany this planning application. This site is located within Flood Zone 1 where there is a low risk of flooding. Due to the scale of the proposed building, the amount of storm water run-off has been identified as a potential issue. The submitted FRA indicates that permeable surface materials will be considered for the car-parking areas and drainage measures implemented to intercept run-off. Drainage design will use SuDS features in the form of an attenuation tank to store and attenuate stormwater runoff. Discharge to the sewer will be limited to 20% less than the estimated existing discharge rate. The impermeable area of the proposed development is reduced by 9% compared to the previous land use. It is concluded in the FRA that the drainage and attenuation design will allow for a 20% reduction in rate of run-off compared to the existing site for all events up to the 1 in 100 year storm. It is therefore considered that the proposed development will not increase the risk of flooding in the wider catchment. Comments from the Environment Agency and the land drainage engineers with regards to site drainage and flood risk had not been received at the time of writing this report. Members will be updated on any comments received. Energy It is noted that since the original outline and reserved matters applications, the requirements of the building regulations relative to thermal performance and energy consumption has increased significantly. In response, the external envelope of the proposed building has been developed to improve its thermal performance. The following opportunities have been identified: External - To utilise solar protection measures on the elevations of the ancillary office element - To utilise overhanging roof profiles to the main entrance providing shading - Increased glazing to improve natural day lighting to the internal environment, thus reducing reliance on artificial lighting - External lighting will be the minimum to achieve adequate levels of security and will be controlled through sensors and time clocks to limit energy use. Internal - Air permeability of the building will exceed the set requirements of Building Regulations - All rooms will be naturally ventilated where possible, through opening windows - The office areas of the building will be heated with and cooled with high efficiency electric heat pump systems, supplemented with mechanical heat-recovery ventilation (where natural ventilation is not possible) - The warehouse will be provided with high efficiency gas fired heating plant - The internal environmental conditions for the building will be set in accordance with the recommendations of the CIBSE Design Guide A: 2006. - Domestic hot water generation may be assisted by the use of thermal solar collectors - All heating, ventilation and comfort cooling system controls will be based on digital systems that can be adapted and expanded for tenant use - All lighting will utilise where possible LED / T5 lamp technology with electronic control gear and switching through movement and daylight sensing to achieve low energy use. - Power factor correction equipment will be added to the electrical distribution system to reduce energy losses. - Flow restrictor devices will be installed to all water outlets to minimise water use It is considered that the replacement of the existing industrial buildings on the site with a new industrial building incorporating the above features, would represent development that meets modern energy efficiency standards, broadly in accordance with part 10 of the Framework. Ecology Previous outline planning application W/09/02872/OU included the submission of a Phase 1 Habitat and Ecological Scoping Report. This report concluded that the majority of the site comprised hard standing and buildings. Vegetated habitats were generally confined to the edges of the development, with a strip of semi-improved grassland to the north, a strip of semi-natural broadleaved woodland to the east and a line of trees to the west. The site was not considered to have potential to support an invertebrate assemblage of conservation interest, or populations of amphibians, reptiles, badgers or bats. There was considered to be some limited foraging potential for bats in the woodland strip to the east, and the site was also considered to have potential for small numbers of breeding birds (nesting feral pigeons were observed during the survey). It was recommended that site clearance take account of the potential for breeding birds to be present, and that the vegetated strips on the site boundaries be retained if at all possible. No other ecological issues were identified, and no further surveys were required other than a check for breeding birds prior to demolition. An Ecological Update Note (May 2013) has been submitted as part of this application. This report indicates that the revised proposals involve changes entirely within the footprint of the already approved development, and would not therefore result in any increased ecological impact in terms of habitat loss. It is therefore not considered that the revised proposals differ in terms of ecological impact from the consented scheme in any meaningful way, and the conclusions and recommendations of the original report remain valid. Bird boxes are to be provided in the existing trees. The northern boundary is to be reinforced with native trees and shrubs, extending the habitat corridor. Comments from the Landscape and Natural Heritage Officer had not been received at the time of writing this report. Members will be updated on any comments received. Conclusion The proposed use on the site would fall within use Class B8 (Storage and Distribution) with ancillary office accommodation (B1). The existing use of the site is within B8 use. The principle of the development has been established through the approval of outline planning permission W/09/02872/OU and subsequent reserved matters application W/11/00022/RM. It is not considered that this application would be so significantly different to the approved details in the aforementioned applications to negate the reasons of planning permission being previously granted. The proposed development is generally considered to help achieve economic growth, and provide modern facilities for an existing significant local employer. The proposed replacement industrial building, ancillary offices and associated works are not considered to have any significant impact on the visual character of the surrounding landscape or on the amenities of any neighbouring property over and above the existing buildings and operations on the site. 8. RECOMMENDATION Approval subject to no material planning objections being made by any statutory consultee by 12 June 2013. 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason - In accordance with the requirements of Section 91 (1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: - 3091_Droitwich_OGL - 07-3058-001 - AP(0)003 G - AP(0)004 D - AP(0)005 C - AP(0)010 A - AP(0)012 C - AP(0)015 C - AP(0)016 B - AP(0)017 A - ESC0876/S/003 P1 - AP(0)001 D - AP(0)002 H - AP(0)008 B - AP(0)011 B - Landscape Proposals 1A Reason - In order to define the permission and ensure the development is visually satisfactory, in accordance with saved Policies GD2 and SUR1 of the Wychavon District Local Plan (June 2006) 3. All planting and seeding/turfing comprised in the submitted landscape scheme as shown on drawing no. 'Landscape Proposals 1A', hereby approved, shall be carried out in the first planting season following the completion or first occupation/use of the development, whichever is the sooner. All planting shall be watered as necessary and competitive weed growth controlled to ensure successful establishment. Any trees or plants which, within a period of five years from the completion of the planting, die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason - To protect and enhance the visual amenities of the area and to ensure the satisfactory development of the site - in accordance with saved Policies GD2, ENV1 and SUR2 of the Wychavon District Local Plan (June 2006). 4. Demolition, clearance or construction work and deliveries to and from the site in connection with the development hereby approved shall only take place between the hours of 08.00 and 18.00hrs Monday to Friday and 08.00 and 13.00hrs on a Saturday. There shall be no demolition, clearance or construction work or deliveries to and from the site on Sundays or Bank Holidays. Reason - To preserve the amenities of the locality, in accordance with saved Policy GD2 of the Wychavon District Local Plan (June 2006) 5. No building hereby permitted shall be occupied until the sustainable drainage scheme for the site has been completed in accordance with the submitted details. The sustainable drainage scheme shall be managed and maintained thereafter in accordance with the agreed management and maintenance plan. Reason - To ensure the proposed development does not exacerbate flood risk and deals with surface water run-off from the site in a sustainable manner, in accordance with policy ENV19 of the Wychavon District Local Plan (adopted June 2006) and the provisions of the Council’s Water Management Supplementary Planning Document (October 2009). 6. Clearance of the site shall be restricted to the months outside of the nesting period (late February to August incl) so as to protect as far as possible, any protected nesting birds that could be present within the existing boundary vegetation. Bird boxes shall be installed on site in accordance with the details submitted prior to the occupation of the building hereby permitted, and shall be retained thereafter. Reason - To protect any nesting birds on the site and to make appropriate habitat provision in accordance with paragraph 118 of the NPPF 7. No burning of waste arising from construction or ground clearance work shall take place on the site. Reason - To preserve the amenities of the locality, in accordance with saved Policy GD2 of the Wychavon District Local Plan (June 2006) 8. The car and lorry spaces to be provided shall be kept available for the parking of motor vehicles at all times. Reason: To ensure the proposed development is provided with adequate parking/turning space in the interests of road safety and to prevent indiscriminate parking on the public highway, in accordance with policies GD2 and SUR3 of the Wychavon District Local Plan (adopted June 2006) 9. Unless otherwise agreed by the Local Planning Authority development, other than that required to be carried out as part of an approved scheme of remediation, must not commence until conditions 1 to 4 have been complied with: 1. Further detailed site investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken as identified by the conceptual model, which should be revised to include offsite receptors, and the initial investigation which revealed unacceptable risk. This should follow recommendations made by the investigation and include further gas monitoring and soil sampling. A written report of the findings should be produced. This report must be approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to any development taking place. The investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken by competent persons and must be conducted in accordance with DEFRA and the Environment Agency's "Model Procedures for the Management of Contaminated Land, CLR11" 2. Where identified as appropriate, a detailed remediation scheme to bring the site to a condition suitable for the intended use by removing unacceptable risks to identified receptors must be prepared and is subject to the approval of the Local Planning Authority in advance of undertaking. The remediation scheme must ensure that the site will not qualify as Contaminated Land under Part 2A Environmental Protection Act 1990 in relation to the intended use of the land after remediation. 3. The approved remediation scheme must be carried out in accordance with its terms prior to the commencement of development, other than that required to carry out remediation, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 4. Following the completion of the measures identified in the approved remediation scheme a validation report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out must be produced, and is subject to the approval of the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of any buildings. 5. In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken and where necessary a remediation scheme must be prepared, these will be subject to the approval of the Local Planning Authority. Following the completion of any measures identified in the approved remediation scheme a validation report must be prepared, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of any buildings. Reason - To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors Notes: In the consideration of this application, the Council has had regard to the following policies:Wychavon District Local Plan (adopted June 2006) Policy GD1 (Location Strategy for New Development – states that most new development will be accommodated with main built up areas or within other defined settlement boundaries) Policy GD2 (General Development Control – includes general criteria used for the assessment of all proposals) Policy ENV1 (Landscape Character– includes criteria relating to impact on the landscape for the assessment of all proposals ) Policy ENV18 (Development in areas of low to medium flood risk - including appropriate circumstances where development will be permitted in such areas) Policy ENV19 (Surface Water Run-Off – encourages the provision of Sustainable Drainage Systems) Policy SUR1 (Built Design – requires new buildings to demonstrate a high standard of design and make a positive contribution to visual quality of the area) Policy SUR2 (Landscape Design - highlights criteria by which to assess the landscape impact of proposed schemes) Policy SUR3 (Parking Provision – requires development to comply with parking standards unless it can be shown that highway safety will not be compromised) Policy ECON1 (Protection of Existing Employment Land - protecting existing employment sites for the benefit of the local economy) Policy ECON2 (Expansion of Existing Rural Employment Sites - supporting the expansion of existing businesses where no landscape impact or harm to the local environment would be caused) The Council find that: the proposed development would be constructed on previously developed land and in a location where facilities exist so as to reduce reliance upon the private car; and the proposed development would not have an adverse impact on the amenities of other units or residential properties to justify refusal of planning permission; and the proposed development demonstrates a high standard of design that in appropriate in the existing natural and built context; and the proposed development incorporates sufficient parking provision and would not prejudice highway safety; and it has been shown that the proposed development will include satisfactory drainage facilities to deal with surface water run-off; and the proposed development complies with all the relevant planning policies referred to above and that there are no justifiable reason to refuse planning permission. Positive and Proactive Statement No problems have arisen in dealing with this application. The planning application sought an acceptable form of development consistent with the requirements of relevant policies and material considerations. No amendments or alterations were therefore required and no further positive or proactive action was deemed necessary.