Spring 2014 - Missouri Western State University

Missouri Western State University
Department of Criminal Justice, Legal Studies & Social Work
Legal Studies Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes for April 9, 2014
Tim Davis, Nick Edwards, Jeff Glidewell, Matthew Gregg, Cathy Grimsinger, Karla Hardin, Barb Harris,
Joanne Katz, Suzanne Kissock,,Tim Kissock, Melissa Lawyer, Dr. Kathleen O’Connor, Dave Tushaus,
Jason Soper, Jennifer Soper-Wilper, Tiffany Tant-Shafer, Doug Tschauder, Debbie Wells, Lilia White,
Kathy Wood, Nichola Yeager, Sara Young,
Welcome & Introductions: Suzanne welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made
around the room. Suzanne gave a gift of farewell and thank you to Tiffany Tant-Shafer, who has been an
adjunct with the program for several years, teaching LAT 115 Paralegal Studies, LAT 220 Legal
Research and LAT 400 Advanced Legal Research. Tiffany is moving to Tennessee, where she will be
starting her own law office, and hanging out her shingle. Everyone wished Tiffany well, and Suzanne,
Dave, Joanne and Barb acknowledge that her knowledge of research, her dedication and commitment to
the program will be dearly missed. We hope to keep Tiffany on as an adjunct for future online legal
studies courses, as available.
Legal Studies Advisory Board Overview and Legal Studies Program Updates: Suzanne gave a brief
history of the MWSU Legal Studies Advisory Board  Department must report to the ABA; required to
have an advisory board for the program; Advisory input is important to the growth and function of the
program; board members contribute information and suggestions that help enhance the program for
students, etc.
 ABA Re-Approval: The ABA program re-approval report is now due June 15th, pushed back
from May 15th.
 Program Assessment: Report assesses what we are doing in the program, how we are meeting
students’ needs, obtaining feedback via student and employer surveys, Facebook, etc.
 ABA Approval Commission Update: Suzanne is currently serving on the ABA Approval
Commission, and has learned a great deal thus far. Our program upkeep is more difficult than
many, because we offer four degree options (BS, AS, Certificate and the LS Minor). Most
institutions only offer one degree option.
 At a recent commission meeting in Chicago, she learned that they hope to eventually
have this process go to all electronic entry and processing; Thus far there have been
problems with this, so for the time being submissions must be in paper/binder form.
One recent development in the field is the creation of an LLLT position – Limited Licensed Legal
Technician, now licensed in the state of Washington. Washington requires participants to be a
graduate of an ABA approved program in order to become licensed. New York State is following
suit. Debbie Wells stated that responses from the Kansas City area paralegals are that they would
rather stay under the supervision of an attorney, rather than an LLLT;
 Regulation of paralegals is under discussion; Older employers are concerned they would
not be qualified or grandfathered in; very concerned that legal secretaries and
receptionists are doing the actual paralegal work at some law offices.
 An LLLT would be paid position, similar to evolution of family nurse practitioners in the
medical field.
 It is limited; NY wants it only for certain areas/types of cases, administrative law type
 Legal Aid/Housing already has some of this; this is directly related to access to justice
issues; this is why Washington State brought this about;
 LLLT is not under the supervision of an attorney; not governed by anyone; issues abound
re: qualifications, malpractice insurance, etc.
 Paralegals can now get a Bar number and register for conferences and CLE’s, etc.
 Has received mixed reactions from attorneys; some say this would be great if regulated,
others not so convinced.
 Family access/self-lawyering has been a big problem; things did not work our according
to plan; Melissa Lawyer stated that Legal Aid covers 18 counties; pro-se is a problem,
and the paperwork is a mess.
Internships and Practicums: Program is still going well for the dept; Joanne Katz stated that we are
always looking for good placements, encouraged all board members to contact her or Dave T. right away
should they run into any issues with our students; Joanne and Suzanne thanked everyone for what they do
for our interns. Suzanne asked for recommendations from board members regarding emerging skills that
we may need to build into our curriculum (e.g., e-filing and other new developments).
Legal Community Updates:
 Missouri Bar Association Paralegal Committee Update: Next meeting will be May 9, 2014
@10:00am (same date as the St Louis group meeting);
 Missouri Paralegal Association (MPA) Seminar: Debbie Wells announced that the 2014
Annual MPA Seminar would be held June 20, 2014 at the Country Club Hotel at the Lake of the
Ozarks, MO; They are granting a scholarship to an MWSU legal studies student that would like
to go; the brochure for the conference is due out next week.
 Crime Victims’ Rights Week: Activities to take place all week long, culminating with the
Victims’ Rights breakfast, to be held at the St. Joseph Country Club on Friday.
 NFPA(National Federation of Paralegal Associations): Debbie and Suzanne discussed the fact
that MPA works closely with NFPA; NFPA and NALA are the two big national organizations
who advocate for the paralegal/legal assistant profession.
University Updates:
 New Website: New MWSU web site upgrades are still ongoing, site officially went live in early
March, with updates and corrections happening ever since. There is still much work to do, as we
are still learning how to use the WordPress program to develop our web sites. Suzanne asked for
input from the advisory board, to make certain we are not missing anything. Please email Barb or
Suzanne with questions or suggestions.
 MWSU Child Abuse Investigation Conference: April 16th & 17th in the Fulkerson Center; well
attended last year; professionals can earn up to 12 CLE hours; On Tuesday, April 15th, there will
be a special speaking engagement with Terry Probyn (Jaycee Dugart’s mother) – “Keeping Kids
Safe: Terry Probyn’s Story”, 7:00pm in the Spratt Hall Kemper Auditorium. Entire conference
was CJ professor and Law Enforcement Academy Director Kip Wilson’s creation, and has thus
far been quite successful. Hope is that the conference will continue to grow.
 Peace and Conflict Studies Minor: New minor, developed by Joanne Katz with Dr. David
Kratz-Mathies of the Sociology and Religion department; 18 hours required for the minor, which
includes our LAT 335 Introduction to Mediation course; a combination of LAT & LAW classes
with political science, religion, sociology, etc; Number of students interested in the minor has
been picking up in its first year.
 Mediation: Joanne and others mentioned that students have asked what it takes to become a
mediator; Is this something we could promote or help facilitate? Joanne stated that it is hard to
get this certification in Missouri; most places and/or states require an advanced degree(especially
for court ordered cases); Joanne was asked if this was a potential Master’s degree program we
could develop down the road? Suzanne and board said that feedback on this would be
Department Updates:
 Selected Topics Course Offerings for Summer and Fall 2014
 LAW 392 Victimology (Spring)
 LAW 392 - Race, Crime & Justice (Fall)
 LAW 492/LAW 540 – Forensic Entomology (Summer )
 HON 395 – Election Law (Fall)
 Peace & Conflict Studies Speaker Series (Fall & Spring)
 Speakers from Holy Cross, from India, etc.
 Criminal Justice Week (February 2014)
 SWK Brown Bag Lunch Series & Seminars (Fall & Spring)
*Tentative Date for next Fall’s LS Advisory Meeting – November 5th @ Noon. Barb and Suzanne will
follow up with everyone this summer, once it is solidified on the facilities schedule.
Suzanne thanked everyone for their attendance and their input, and the meeting was adjourned.