What is a multi-genre project?

Name: _______________________________________________
Block: ________
Date: _________
Multi-genre Research Project – The Basics!
What is a multi-genre project? - A multi-genre project is a written collection of works which presents the
researched findings of a particular subject or topic of interest using many different genres of literature.
A multi-genre portfolio is similar to a traditional research essay because it allows exploration of a topic; however, a multigenre portfolio differs from a traditional research essay because the findings are presented with a less classic approach. The
information gained from research about a topic of interest is presented in a way that also demonstrates knowledge of many
different literary genres.
1) Title Page
 Topic (state your chosen disorder and the group affected you want to research)
 Name, Date, Block
2) Table of Contents
 Title of each work: genre, medium…………...………………………………………………. Page #
3) Preface – gives background information about the work and introduces the topic (written in paragraph form)
 Write important background information in detail about your research project which introduces your topic.
 Describe how you chose your research topic/group.
 Describe how your research will be valuable.
 What would the audience need to know before reading your works?
 Describe your thesis and how it is carried throughout your portfolio.
4) Product 1: Nonfiction
5) Product 2: Fiction
6) Product 3: Poetry
7) Product 4: Visual
8) Product 5: Your choice of genre
9) Epilogue – reflect on your topic and provide concluding information (written in paragraph form)
 Conclude your project by reflecting on your research.
 Describe how your research and the creation of your portfolio have changed your perspective on the topic.
 Tell what you have learned overall.
 Describe your opinion on using the multi-genre portfolio instead of writing a traditional essay/story?
 Tell what you hope your audience learns from your portfolio.
 What do you feel you’ve accomplished from this project?
 Add anything you would do differently if you were to do this project again. Describe anything else you feel
your audience needs to know.
10) Works Cited
 MLA Format (at least 4 resources
Genres (choose one from each)
Short story
Newspaper article
Two voice poem
Found poem
Free verse poem
Symbol poem
(no drawn lines)
Photo (taken by you)
Drawing (self-made)
Public Service
Free Choice
Name __________________________________
Block: _______
Date: _______
Multi-genre Research Portfolio: The Process
 You must complete the steps in order.
 You need to FOLLOW directions!
 Ask for help!
 Stay on task and meet deadlines. Trust me….you do not want to fall behind!
 You must get approval after each step before moving onto the next step. Be sure to periodically check your
Choosing a Topic:
Each of you will research a different topic. You will draw numbers and choose your topic in the order the numbers
were drawn.
 Choose a topic that interests you from the list provided for you.
 The topic must be narrowed to a central idea.
o General (broad) Topic = ADHD
o Specific Subject = Teenagers with ADHD
When you are thinking about a topic you need to think about the following:
Presents multiple, even conflicting perspectives of one event or topic – There are different opinions
on the topic!
Will you be able to write to different audiences?
Topic can be written about using various genres and uses of language.
Stimulates critical analysis and higher-level thinking skills.
Requires research skills and knowledge of source documentation.
Results in an interesting, engaging product.
Anorexia Nervosa
Anxiety Disorders
Binge Eating Disorder
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Bulimia Nervosa
Cerebral Palsy
Cystic Fibrosis
Down’s Syndrome
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Fragile X Syndrome
Huntington’s Disease
Klinefelter Syndrome
Muscular Dystrophy
Muscular Sclerosis
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Oppositional Defiance Disorder
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Rett’s Syndrome
Significantly Developmentally
Spina Bifida
Sotos Syndrome
Tourette Syndrome
Traumatic Brain Injuries
VATTER Syndrome
Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome
Williams Syndrome
Name ___________________________________
Due By: ___________________
Step 1 - Research Questions
In order to really narrow your topic down to one OVERARCHING question, you need to start with
asking several questions about your topic. Based on what you have research so far…. try to complete the
following questions about your topic:
1. I wonder why__________________________________________________________?
2. Why does ______________________________________________________________________________?
3. How does ___________________________influence ___________________________________________?
4. What might happen if _____________________________________________________________________?
5. What does __________________________mean to _____________________________________________?
6. How does __________________________________________________________________impact the
7. If ________________________________________________________________changed what would
8. How does _________________________________impact my life?
Now…. write at least 5 more questions you want to know about your topic.
Name: __________________________________________________________
STEP 2 – Is my topic researchable?
Block: _______
Date: ________
Due By:___________________
Last night you wrote several questions to begin thinking about your topic. This is what GOOD researchers do. Today,
you are going to get some great information about how to research. Yes…..we have conducted research, but we are
going to teach to research even better. Please listen carefully to Mrs. Baker and then complete STEP 2.
I’d Like to Know More About…..
One thing I would like to know more about (This should come from one of your ideas from Step
What I think I might find:
Overarching Question: (to be answered by your thesis statement)
What I found:
Name _____________________________
Block: ______
Date: _____
Multi Genre Project Rubrics
These are working rubrics. That means as you finish each step in the rubric and research process, you need to bring it
to me and have me sign off on the points for that portion of the rubric. You will be receiving two grades for this
project - one grade for research and one for writing. DO NOT LOSE THIS SHEET!
RESEARCH RUBRIC - Use multiple sources of information to explore a specific topic and create a research
Researching Phase
Step 1 - Research Questions- The student has
demonstrated mastery of developing research questions
that are open ended and will support the research process.
The student has created a minimum of ten research
Step 2 – Is my topic researchable? Sheet
Step 3 – Overarching Question- The student has written
an overarching question and a thesis statement that
answers the overarching question. The thesis statement
can be proven through the four student products.
Step 4 - Research Notes- The student has demonstrated
mastery of paraphrasing a credible research source using.
These notes are purposeful and help the student in
supporting the thematic question – At least 4 sources are
used and research organizer completed.
Step 5 - Working Bibliography - The student has created
a Working Bibliography page in correct MLA format.
100 pts.
Total Points:
Pts. Earned
(Late -5pts)
Name _________________________________________
Block: ________
FINAL DUE DATE: ______________
Portfolio Products –
Fiction/Drama Producto The student has created a work of fiction for their
o The student has chosen a genre to represent and at least
3 elements of that genre are highlighted in the final
o The student has also highlighted at least 5 pieces of
“textual evidence” and included references.
Poem Producto The student has created a work that is categorized as a
o The final product contains at least 3 figurative devices
that are highlighted and labeled.
o The work also contains 3 connections to their research
in the final product and includes references.
o Poem must be at least 16 lines.
Non Fiction/Information Producto The student has created a non -fiction product that is
o The student has included 3 facts from their research.
o In-text citations are included.
Visual Producto The student has created a product of their choice that
incorporates at least 3 facts from their research.
o This product also contains a short written description of
the product and its connection to the research.
Free Choice Producto The student has created a product of their choice that
incorporates at least 3 facts from their research.
o This product also contains a short written description of
the product and its connection to the research.
Intro. Letter and Epilogueo The student has included an introductory letter that
introduces the reader to the portfolio.
o The letter explains their author’s purpose in the
portfolio and elaborates on the connections to the
thematic question they have chosen.
o The epilogue is a student reflection on their project and
their accomplishments on the project.
o Both products are thoughtful and demonstrate and
introspective reflection on the learning process.
Table of Contents- The student has included a table of contents
which includes the title, genre, medium and page number.
Due Date
Date: ________
15 pts.
15 pts.
15 pts.
15 pts.
15 pts.
15 pts.
5 pts.
Works Cited – Student has changed the Working Bibliography
to show only the sources that student used. It is in correct MLA
Total Points (No original rubric -20 pts)
5 pts.
100 pts.
Pts. Earned
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Block: __________
Date: __________
Multi-Genre Report – Research Organizer
Research Topic: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________________________________
Author: ___________________________________________
Date of Publication: _______________________
Database/Website: ____________________________________________
Notes: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________________________________
Author: ___________________________________________
Date of Publication: _______________________
Database/Website: ____________________________________________
Notes: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________________________________
Author: ___________________________________________
Date of Publication: _______________________
Database/Website: ____________________________________________
Notes: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________________________________
Author: ___________________________________________
Date of Publication: _______________________
Database/Website: ____________________________________________
Notes: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________________________________
Author: ___________________________________________
Date of Publication: _______________________
Database/Website: ____________________________________________
Notes: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________________________________
Author: ___________________________________________
Date of Publication: _______________________
Database/Website: ____________________________________________
Notes: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________