Kingwood Park HS - Welcomes The Class of 2019 To new opportunities, responsibilities, challenges and privileges Kingwood Park High School Principal: Lisa Drabing Associate Principal: Brian Johnson Counselor/AP House Teams Student Last Names: A-D: Caren Barnes & Alan Corman E-K: Timothy Hurlbert & Jamie Deborde L-P: Kimberly Young & Wes Solomon Q-Z: Lisa Mosely & Amy Wallace Director of Student Support Services: Lesa Pritchard Academic Lead Teachers English: Cathey Buck Math: Theresa Head Science: Kathleen Goerner Social Studies: Freda Johnson Transition Planning & Graduation Requirements Kim Young and Caren Barnes K-Park Counselors Transition to High School Increased expectations Get involved Social aspects …NAME YOUR CLUB!!!! American Sign Language Club Anime Club Armed Drill Team Athletic Trainer Auto Collision AVID Club Band Baseball Basketball Be the Change Best Buddies Cheerleading Choir Class Officers - 2016 Class Officers - 2017 Class Officers - 2018 Class Officers - 2019 Color Guard Creation to Donation Creative Writing Cross Country Dance (Silver Stars) Diving Drama Club Dungeon and Dragons Club Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) FFA - Future Farmers of America FIDM Fashion Club Fishing Club Football French Club French Honor Society Frisbee Golf Golf HOSA - Health Occupation Students of America International Thespian Society Invisible Children Club Jazz Band Journalism Team JR ROTC Key Club Kitty Hawk Air Society Literary Criticism Team Magazine National Honor Society (NHS) Orchestra Otaku Alliance Paintball Club Panther Pals Panthers Helping Panthers Project Graduation Robotics Club Soccer Softball Spanish Honor Society Speech/Debate Stu-Co Swimming Track UIL Accounting UIL Computer Applications UIL Computer Science UIL Current Issues & Events UIL Journalism UIL Math Team UIL One Act Play UIL Science UIL Social Studies UIL Spelling & Vocabulary Volleyball Wills Kids Wrestling Yearbook The International Baccalaureate Program Often referred to as the IB Program For students who are University bound Students may receive more than 24 college credit hours for courses taken in this program with good test scores Students can participate in extra-curricular activities – about 90% participate in band, athletics, choir, etc. IB Program is at Humble High School (parents must provide transportation) IB Diploma Coordinator, at 281-641-6541 or STAAR End of Course Exams English: Science: Math: Social Studies: English I & English II Biology Algebra I US History STAAR will focus on readiness for success in subsequent courses, and ultimately, for college and career readiness. Graduation Plan Comparison Graduation Plan Comparison Cohorts 2015 through 2017 may choose the Recommended (RHSP), Distinguished (DAP) or Foundation Plans (FHSP) English Math Science Social Studies Foreign Language Fine Art PE Speech Electives Credits Notes FHSP+Endorsement English 1 English 2 English 3 Additional English Algebra 1 Geometry Additional math Additional math Biology IPC or Additional science Additional science Additional science W Geo or W Hist US History Gov/Econ 2 yrs same language 1 credit 1 credit 7 credits 26 Must earn endorsement FHSP+DLA English 1 English 2 English 3 Additional English Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Additional math Biology IPC or Additional science Additional science Additional science W Geo or W Hist US History Gov/Econ 2 yrs same language 1 credit 1 credit 7 credits 26 Must earn endorsement; Eligible for top 10% automatic TX university admission Endorsement Options STEM Endorsement Business & Industry Endorsement Public Service Endorsement Arts & Humanities Endorsement Multi-Disciplinary Endorsement Considerations for an endorsement Career interests Post-secondary goals Student strengths Practicums & Certifications Practicums = Paid/Unpaid Internships during Senior year Available for every Career Pathway! Certifications = Industry Certifications that students can earn during Senior year Practicums & Certifications Education & Training – Student Teaching at Local Elementary School Health Science – Clinical Rotations with Staff at Kingwood Medical Center Hospitality Services – Internship at the IAH Airport Marriott Hotel Culinary Arts – Learn culinary skills and host community events Engineering – Earn certification (AutoCad), explore engineering fields Certified Nursing Assistant – Earn Board certification Pharmacy Technician – Earn Board certification Cosmetology – Earn Board certification Computer Maintenance and Networking – Earn industry certifications Welding – Earn industry certifications Auto Collision & Auto Tech – Earn industry certifications Coming Soon….LVN and Veterinarian Technician certification! 2015 CTE Expo Tuesday, February 3rd Humble Civic Center 4pm-8pm Check out our district’s CTE Programs Meet Program Directors Ask questions Choosing an endorsement in Important resources for the course selection process: • • • • • • Parents Teachers Counselors Course Selection Guide (Online) NCAA Eligibility Guide - Athletes College Admissions Counselors/Websites Course Selection Guide (online at KPark under Information - Counselors) Graduation Plans Endorsements Grade Point Equivalencies GPA Explanation Award of Credit Policies and Procedures Recommended Course Placement Course Descriptions Electives listed by Career Pathways Course Basics Select enough courses to fill 7 periods Use a combination of year-long classes A = fall and B = spring and/or semester-long courses Consider graduation requirements (foreign language, fine art, PE) Be aware of grade restrictions Verify students do not repeat classes taken in middle school for high school credit Course Basics Cont’d… Students earn 0.5 credit for each class they successfully pass each semester Students can average to pass to regain credit Ex: 1st semester = 68 (earns 0 credit) 2nd semester = 72 (earns .5 credit) Average for semester = 70 (regain .5 credit from 1st semester) Students must earn 6 credits end of Freshman year to be considered a Sophomore Foreign Language Offerings Spanish French American Sign Language Considerations for PE Athletics PE Trainer PE classes Aerobics, Team Sports, Foundations of Personal Fitness, Individual Sports Cheer (Tryout Required – see Kpark site for dates) Silver Stars (Tryout Required – see Kpark site for dates) Fall semester of Band ROTC Dance I Off Campus PE Athletic Considerations Athletic Coordinator: Jim Holley Only one athletic period at a time (1st in season should be in Bridges) There are tryouts for most sports. Some athletic programs begin in the summer. (Ex: Football, Cross Country & Volleyball. Watch our website, athletics page, at end of semester.) If a student does not make the team, you will be placed in PE. All athletics require a PHYSICAL EXAM every year. NCAA Considerations Four Year Plan on Go with your child to Review their choice of career area Review their classes selected Make changes as desired before February 9th • • • To add/remove courses from your child’s 4 year plan, choose the edit link in the appropriate box. Columns = Grade Level Rows = Subjects New Classes 2015-16 AP Human Geography College level Advanced W. Geography course Mr. Webb, Social Studies Coordinator, will discuss tonight See Mrs. Prescott at the AVID table Principles of Information Technology survey course for Business & Industry endorsement Handout of most electives Important Dates February 9th – KMS deadline for parent/student course selection input into March 27th – list of course requests will be distributed to students. To make a change: Update Bridges Plan, Print Plan, Submit printout to counselor April 7th - Final Day for Schedule Change Requests = No elective changes after this date due to teacher staffing ???s – Send your student’s counselor a message through Pre-AP & AP Classes Brian Johnson Associate Principal What is Pre-AP/AP? AP = Advanced Placement Standards established by College Board Earn college credit in high school Gifted and Talented students served through these courses Why Take Pre-AP/ AP? AP and College Success Students who take AP courses and exams are much more likely than their peers to complete a bachelor’s degree in four years or less. College Readiness Save $ AVG SAT Scores No AP Courses: 1414 1 or more: 1707 Gifted and Talented students served through these courses 70 61 60 45 50 40 30 29 20 10 0 No AP Source: Camara, Wayne. College Persistence, Graduation, and Remediation. College Board Research Notes (RN-19). New York, NY: College Board. One AP Tw o+ AP Impact of AP on 5-Year College Graduation Rates Chrys Dougherty, Lynn Mellor, and Shuling Jian, The Relationship Between Advanced Placement and College Graduation (National Center for Educational Accountability) Recommendations 80+ in previous honors course 90+ in previous level course Start early Know your student Schedule Change Policy Pre-AP/Honors Exit Request Parent, Student, and Teacher must conference prior to request for level change Students must attend tutorials and have assignments completed Students being successful in Pre-AP/Honors classes are strongly encouraged to remain in the course Schedule changes are granted upon approval at the 6 weeks, 9 weeks and at the end of the 1st semester. The Importance of The PSAT Available for Freshman and Sophomore Year Free practice for the SAT Receive feedback on strengths and weaknesses Estimate of performance on SAT No Cost to Sophomores Junior Year Can qualify for National Merit Scholarships Additional practice for SAT Must test - will take ASVAB if not registered Kingwood Park High School National Honor Society National Honor Society is an honor and privilege extended by the faculty to deserving students of Kingwood Park High School. It is an invitation given to students beginning the fall of their sophomore year if they have an overall cumulative GPA of 4.0 and meet certain criteria. Once they receive an invitation to apply for membership they must show both leadership and service. Leadership points may be earned through things such as leadership / officer positions in clubs or organizations, leading service projects, lettering, KP Merit Awards and leadership conferences. Service points may be earned through such things as club and organization membership, athletics, fine arts, FFA, StuCo, other school groups, community groups and through community service. For more detailed information please visit our website located on the Kingwood Park webpage under the activities tab AVID Hazelanne Prescott AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination) What is AVID? A college preparatory class that places students with potential in advanced classes and provides them with critical support. All AVID students are required to be in at least one advanced (PreAP, AP, Dual) course while enrolled in the program. This is a year long course and students will receive elective credit. Applications and for more information, please contact HazelAnne Prescott or 281-641-6632 Student Council Sponsor: Matthew Bennett What is StuCo? Student Council is a student-run organization that focuses on promoting school spirit, uniting the student body, and providing services to the school and surrounding community. Past Activities Include… Future Activities Include… Homecoming Dances and Coronations, Thursday Morning Shows, Socials, Disney “YES” Leadership trips, Red Ribbon Weeks, Welcome Parties, Faculty Breakfasts Spring Festival, Spring Socials, Student/Faculty Basketball Game, State Convention, Disney “YES” Program in Orlando Welcome to the TASC Sweepstakes award winning Kingwood Park STUCO! Who? All prospective StuCo Members and Parents What? Student Council 2015- ‘16 Orientation Where? KPHS, Lower LGI When? Monday, May 4, 2015 at 6pm Why? This is your first step in learning how to get involved with the most dynamic student-led organization on campus. Get Involved! Make Friends! Make a Difference! Advisory and Service Learning Brian Johnson Associate Principal Service-Learning Personal Fitness class plays softball with residents from Stony Glenn Service + Curriculum= Service Learning Benefits of Service-Learning Through service learning programs, students may: Increase motivation and desire to learn Develop responsibility, think critically, make decisions, and solve problems Improve academic knowledge and performance Cultivate self-perception Begin to develop a lifelong commitment to public service and to learning Annual Day of Service 450 Freshmen 17 Locations 30 teachers 100 Panther Pals = 1620 Man Hours of Service Thank you for being here tonight. We are here to help you in any way we can to ensure your child’s transition into high school is a positive experience!