10.2 In 1871, Germany was the largest power in Europe. German industrialization developed rapidly Late 1800s, chemical and electrical industries were the best in the world. 2nd in shipping only to Britain Vast amounts of coal and iron Very educated work force A Growing population ▪ Grew from 41 million to 67 million in 44 years House of Krupp a monopoly created by Alfred Krupp ▪ Supplied Weapons and Ammunition Many companies and railroads August Thyssen “House of Thyssen” second largest monopoly ▪ 70 employees into 50,000 employees in 40 years German scientists began using and developing synthetic chemicals and dyes. Lots of scientific research and development To s0lve problems Government promoted economic development. Single, government-issued, currency Reorganized their banking system Raised tariffs during an international depression to protect home grown Germany Industry from imports Otto v0n Bismarck Wanted to keep France weak Allied with Austria and Russia More Army less Navy 1/3 of Germans were Catholic ▪ Was afraid their loyalties might belong to the Pope ahead of the state Kulturkampf- battle for civilization ▪ State could control Catholic education and who became a priest ▪ Closed the Jesuit order in Prussia ▪ Had to be married by civil authority not the Church Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck Aristocratic family Junkers Found civil service work boring Entered politics at age 32 Prussian delegate in 1847 Unified Prussia and German States “Germany” “Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.” Socialism was rising Social Democratic party Bismarck didn’t trust Socialists Fearful of revolution Dissolved socialist groups Shut down newspapers Banned meetings Workers unified in supporting it. Sponsored laws protecting workers. Health, accident, old-age insurance Social reform in the 1890s in Germany was ahead of the rest of the world. Workers still liked socialism. In 1912, they had the most seats in the Reichstag William II became kaiser in 1888. Asked Bismarck to resign in 1890. Didn’t like democratic reforms. Social welfare- programs to help certain groups of people ▪ Cheap transportation ▪ Electricity Improved public schools Bismark’s More funding into the German military. Most powerful in Europe Expanded the German navy Wanted an “overseas empire” like France and England Kulturkampf Bismarck’s battle for civilization against the Catholic Church House of Krupp Krupps Works was a major German industrial company. Social Welfare Programs to help certain groups of people William II Became kaiser in 188, asked Bismarck to resign, and was aggressive with his military Why did Germany grow rapidly as an industrial giant? Iron and coal resources, educated work force, and a large home market Who was the Iron Chancellor? Otto von Bismarck Who wanted to win overseas colonies for Germany? Bismarck How did the German government encourage economic development? Single currency, reorganized bank system, coordinated railroads, and tariffs Under Bismarck, Germany took a pioneering role in what reforms? Social: health, accident, and old-age Who said “There is only one master of the Reich”? William II TEXT http://www.mygermancity. com/german-chancellor http://www.brainyquote.co m/quotes/authors/o/otto_v on_bismarck.html#v21Zm 6kF4O3LIXtp.99 PICTURES http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_ figures/bismarck_otto_von.shtml http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwoway/2013/03/13/174201655/a-pope-ischosen http://www.rmcoin.com/rocky_mount ain_coin_precious_metals_primer.htm http://fineartamerica.com/featured/1kaiser-william-ii-1859-1941-lasteverett.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_o f_the_Social_Democratic_Party_of_G ermany http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fi le:Partis_reichstag.png