REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Proposals Due: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 by 4:00 p.m. Webinar: Friday, March 18, 2011 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. School Improvement Grant 2011 Pursuant to: Title I, Part A and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) For program questions contact: Precious Broadnax ( or 303-866-6788) For fiscal/budget questions contact: Elizabeth Conway ( or 303‐866‐6886) For RFP specific questions contact: Lynn Bamberry ( or 303-866-6813) Issued by: Colorado Department of Education Office of Federal Program Administration Competitive Grants and Awards 1560 Broadway, Suite 1450 Denver, CO 80202 School Improvement Grant Request for Proposal Proposals Due: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Introduction The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires that states allocate resources for intensive and sustained support to schools designated as in need of improvement. Available Funds Funding available for a two-year cycle of the School Improvement grants (beginning Fall 2011) is as follows: Phase 1 Planning: Up to $50,000 Phase 2 Implementation: Up to $100,000 Eligibility Schools identified for Title I School Improvement that are not receiving Tiered Intervention Grant funding (1003g funding) are eligible for School Improvement grants. To determine if your school will benefit most from this process, please refer to Attachment A for the Conditions for Success checklist. For a list of eligible schools see Attachment B. Priority Allowable Use of Funds Priority will be given as follows to: Schools that have not received a School Support Team visit in the last 4 years; Schools that have a School Performance Framework Plan rating of Turnaround or Priority Improvement; Schools that are furthest along in Title I Improvement; and Schools that have been identified as ‘Potentially’ on Title I Improvement for the 2011-2012 school year (see attachment C). Please note: If a school that has been identified as ‘potentially’ on Title I Improvement and is not placed on Improvement after AYP determinations have been made (Fall 2011), the school will not be eligible to receive School Improvement Grant funding. Awarded funds shall only be used for the following purposes (attachment D): Phase 1 School Support team review conducted by state certified consultants (one team leader and minimally 5 team members); Facilitated review of report findings and establishment of goals with all staff; Development of a unified school improvement plan; and Planning for implementation. Phase 2 Expenditures that build the school’s capacity for carrying out implementation of school improvement efforts; Expenditures that address the root causes of low student achievement; Expenditures that supplement school funding and do not supplant; and End-of-grant analysis to assess the impact of the improvement strategies on student achievement. 2 Duration of Grant Grants are awarded upon the approval of the application, and funds are available for a 2-year cycle. Phase 2 funds are released on the condition of the school providing an approvable implementation plan based on the attached rubric. Funds are contingent upon future congressional funding appropriations. Monies, once awarded, must be expended by September 30 of each fiscal year. Evaluation & Reporting Each school must submit a progress report (Attachment E) and an Annual Financial Report to CDE on or before October 1 of each year following completion of the program. Review Process Applications will be reviewed by CDE staff to ensure they contain all required components. Note: This is a competitive process – applicants must score at least 18 of the total 26 points in phase 1 and 45 of the 68 possible points in phase 2 to be approved for funding. There is no guarantee that submitting a proposal will result in funding or funding at the requested level. Applicants will be notified of award by Wednesday, May 11, 2011. Submission Process and Deadline The original plus 4 copies must be received at CDE by Wednesday, March 30, 2011 at 4:00 pm. In addition to the 5 hard copies, both an electronic copy of the proposal narrative and a copy of the electronic budget workbook must be submitted to: Please email all required pieces of the narrative as one document with the Excel budget workbook. Faxes will not be accepted. Incomplete or late proposals will not be considered. Application materials and budget are available for download on the CDE Website at: Proposals will be due by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 to: Nicole Dake Colorado Department of Education Competitive Grants and Awards 1560 Broadway, Suite 1450 Denver, CO 80202 & Submit electronic copies of the proposal narrative and electronic budget to: 3 Application Format The total narrative (Part II) of the application cannot exceed 5 pages. All pages must be standard letter size, 8-1/2” x 11” using 12-point font and single-spaced. Use 1-inch margins. Number all pages. The signature page must include original signatures of the lead organization/fiscal agent. Successful applicants will be required to submit disclosure and assurance pages with original signatures. Staple the pages of the original and each copy of the proposal. Please do not use paperclips, rubber bands, binders or report covers. Required Elements The format outlined below must be followed in order to assure consistent application of the evaluation criteria. See evaluation rubric for specific selection criteria needed for Phase 1 (page 9) and Phase 2 (page 11). Phase 1--Planning Part I: Part II: Part II: Proposal Introduction (not scored) Cover Page and Certification Form Narrative (2 pages) Element 1: Needs Assessment Element 2: Budget Narrative Electronic Budget (not included page limit) Phase 2--Implementation Part II: Part III: Part IV: Narrative (5 pages) Element 1: Implementation Plan Element 2: Evaluation Element 3: Budget Narrative Unified School Improvement Plan (not included page limit) Electronic Budget (not included page limit) 4 School Improvement Grant 2011 PART I: COVER PAGE (Complete and attach as the first page of proposal) Name of Lead Local Education Agency (LEA)/Organization: Mailing Address: Title I, Part A Authorized Representative: Telephone: E-mail: Signature: Program Contact Person: Mailing Address: Telephone: E-mail: Signature: School Name: Mailing Address: Telephone: E-mail: Principal Signature: Fiscal Manager: Telephone: E-mail: Signature: Grant Type: Indicate the type of grant for which you are applying Phase I: School Planning Grant Phase 2: School Implementation Grant Region: Indicate the region(s) this proposal will directly impact Metro Pikes Peak North Central Southwest Southeast Phase 1 $ Northwest Northeast Phase 2 $ West Central Total $ Please note: If grant is approved, funding will not be awarded until all signatures are in place. Please attempt to obtain all signatures before submitting the application. 5 Part IA: Certification and Assurance Form School Improvement Grant The Board President and Board- Appointed Authorized Representative must sign below to indicate their approval of the contents of the application, and the receipt of program funds. On (date) , 2011, the Board of (district) hereby applies for and, if awarded, accepts the federal program funds requested in this application. In consideration of the receipt of these grant funds, the Board agrees that the General Assurances form for all federal funds, the specific Assurances related to the Title I, Part A grant program, and the terms therein are specifically incorporated by reference in this application. The Board also certifies that all program and pertinent administrative requirements will be met. These include the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), the Office of Management and Budget Accounting Circulars, and the Department of Education’s General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) requirement. In addition, the Board certifies that the district is in compliance with the requirements of the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), and that no policy of the local educational agency prevents or otherwise denies participation in constitutionally protected prayer in public schools. In addition, districts that accept Title I, Part A funding for the School Improvement Grant agree to the following assurances: The applicant commits to participation in a continuous improvement process. Participate with CDE in problem resolution regarding the implementation of school support procedures if necessary. Fully participate in a partnership with CDE to direct, implement and monitor the Unified School Improvement Plan. Provide implementation and impact data pertaining to the Unified School Improvement plan’s strategies and goals. Participate in the end-of-grant impact analysis and evaluation plan to assess the impact of the grant on student achievement. A commitment to developing a Unified School Improvement Plan that demonstrates how the school will increase overall student achievement; A commitment to building leadership capacity to oversee and sustain the implementation of the improvement efforts outlined in the Unified School Improvement Plan; The applicant will provide the CDE with a progress report by October 1 of each year (see Attachment E); The applicant will assure that the school end of phase is not considering closure in the 201011, 2011-12 and 2012-13 school years; The applicant will use funds in accordance with the approved grant proposal and provide CDE with a fiscal accounting of the funds. 6 Assure that funds will be used to supplement and not supplant any money currently used to provide services. The grantee will maintain sole responsibility for the project even though subcontractors may be used to perform certain services. The applicant will not discriminate against anyone regarding race, gender, national origin, color, disability, or age. Comply with all relevant state and federal laws. Any communication disseminated regarding this grant award must include the following language: “This grant opportunity was made possible by grants from the U.S. Department of Education.” Funded projects will be required to maintain appropriate fiscal and program records. Fiscal audits of funds under this program are to be conducted by the recipient agencies annually as a part of their regular audit. Auditors should be aware of the Federal audit requirements contained in the Single Audit Act of 1984. IF ANY FINDINGS OF MISUSE OF FUNDS ARE DISCOVERED, PROJECT FUNDS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. The Colorado Department of Education may terminate a grant award upon thirty (30) days notice if it is deemed by CDE that the applicant is not fulfilling the requirements of the funded program as specified in the approved project application, or if the program is generating less than satisfactory results. Name of School Board/BOCES President Signature of School Board/BOCES President Name of District Superintendent Signature of District Superintendent Name of District Title I Authorized Representative Signature of District Title I Authorized Representative Name of School Principal Signature of School Principal 7 2011 School Improvement Grant Evaluation Rubric Phase 1--Planning Element II: Narrative Element 1: Needs Assessment Element 2: Budget Narrative Total /12 /14 /26 GENERAL COMMENTS: Please indicate support for scoring by including overall strengths and weaknesses. These comments are used on feedback forms to applicants. Strengths: Weaknesses: Required Changes: Recommendation: Funded_____ Not Funded____ Fund w/ Changes____ 8 Phase 1--Planning Request for Proposal Selection Criteria & Evaluation Rubric Part I: Proposal Introduction No Points Cover Page and Certification Complete the attached cover page and certifications and attach as the first two pages of the proposal. Part II: Narrative 26 Points The following criteria will be used by reviewers to evaluate the application as a whole. To receive this grant, there must be alignment between the Unified Plan and the grant request. In order for the application to be recommended for funding, it must receive at least 16 of the total possible 24 points and all required parts must be addressed. An application that receives a score of 0 on any required parts within the narrative will not be funded. Element 1: Needs Assessment Inadequate Minimal Good Excellent (information not provided) (requires additional clarification) (clear and complete) (concise and thoroughly developed) a) Provide a brief history of the school and its overall need for a School Support Team visit. 0 3 5 b) Describe the specific activities to be conducted with grant funds (i.e., School Support Team visit, rollout, phase 2 plan development, community/stakeholder meetings/communications). 0 3 5 Inadequate Minimal Good Excellent (information not provided) (requires additional clarification) (clear and complete) (concise and thoroughly developed) a) All expenditures contained in the electronic budget are described in the budget narrative and connected to project goals and activities. The costs of the proposed project (as presented in the electronic budget and budget narrative) are reasonable and the budget sufficient in relation to the objectives, design, scope and sustainability of project activities. 0 3 5 7 b) Demonstrate how the funds awarded under the program will be used to supplement the level of funds available for authorized programs and activities, and will not supplant federal, state, local, or non-federal funds. 0 1 3 5 Element 2: Budget Narrative 7 7 Reviewer Comments: Total Points ____/26 9 2011 School Improvement Grant Evaluation Rubric Phase 2--Implementation Element II: Narrative Element 1: Implementation Plan Element 2: Evaluation Element 3: Budget Narrative /24 /27 /17 Total /68 GENERAL COMMENTS: Please indicate support for scoring by including overall strengths and weaknesses. These comments are used on feedback forms to applicants. Strengths: Weaknesses: Required Changes: Recommendation: Funded_____ Not Funded____ Fund w/ Changes____ 10 Phase 2--Implementation Request for Proposal Selection Criteria & Evaluation Rubric Part II: Narrative 68 Points The following criteria will be used by reviewers to evaluate the application as a whole. To receive this grant, there must be alignment between the School Support Team visit, the Unified Improvement Plan and the grant request. Write a narrative (in no more than five pages) that describes the improvement efforts planned that focus on the prioritized needs and improvement strategies defined in the Unified Improvement Plan. You are encouraged to cut and paste language from your Unified Improvement Plan. Attach both the electronic budget form and the Unified Plan immediately following the Narrative. In order for the application to be recommended for funding, it must receive at least 45 of the total possible 68 points and all required parts must be addressed. An application that receives a score of 0 on any required parts within the narrative will not be funded. Element 1: Implementation Plan Inadequate Minimal Good Excellent (information not provided) (requires additional clarification) (clear and complete) (concise and thoroughly developed) a) Describe the research-based interventions and/or strategies that will be implemented with the grant funds to support the identified priority needs. Note: Please use the root cause analysis process outlined in the unified improvement planning template ( 0 3 5 7 b) Describe any professional development that will occur in support of the proposed interventions and/or strategies. 0 1 3 5 c) Describe how the entire educational community (local school board, business community, parents and school-level staff) will participate in the implementation of grant activities. 0 1 3 5 d) Discuss how the grant activities will provide a foundation for continuous improvement and support the successful implementation of the unified improvement plan. 0 3 5 7 Reviewer Comments: TOTAL POINTS __/24 11 Element 2: Evaluation Inadequate Minimal Good Excellent (information not provided) (requires additional clarification) (clear and complete) (concise and thoroughly developed) a) Describe how the implementation of the improvement strategies will be assessed for impact, including both measurable indicators of success and the appropriate measurement tools. 0 3 5 7 b) Indicate the measurable outcome for each proposed improvement strategy and the tool to be used in evaluating its effectiveness. 0 3 5 7 0 3 5 7 0 1 3 5 c) Provide a clearly detailed timeline for implementing the key strategies and activities to reach goals that were set. Timeline identifies major implementation activities, interim benchmarks and the date by which they will be accomplished. For Example: Strategies /Activities Interim Benchmarks Timeline Person(s) Responsible d) Provide clear and focused description of what methods will be used to collect information (See Attachment F) and how the strategies and activities will be evaluated for effectiveness. Reviewer Comments: TOTAL POINTS __/27 12 Inadequate Minimal Good Excellent (information not provided) (requires additional clarification) (clear and complete) (concise and thoroughly developed) a) All expenditures contained in the electronic budget are described in the budget narrative and connected to project goals and activities. The costs of the proposed project (as presented in the electronic budget and budget narrative) are reasonable and the budget sufficient in relation to the objectives, design, scope and sustainability of project activities. 0 3 5 7 b) Demonstrate how district/organization will align current and future funding in support of improvement goals and sustainability (e.g., specific funds identified, how existing funds will be reallocated to sustain program and professional development activities after federal funding ends). 0 1 3 5 c) Demonstrate how the funds awarded under the program will be used to supplement the level of funds available for authorized programs and activities, and will not supplant federal, state, local, or non-federal funds. 0 1 3 5 Element 3: Budget Narrative Reviewer Comments: TOTAL POINTS ___/17 13 Attachment A Conditions for Success Self-Check List Schools that elect to participate in the School Improvement Grant process, beginning with a School Support Team review, should consider the following questions. If the school can answer “Yes” to the majority of these, there is a greater likelihood of success in the implementation of the school improvement process. Are the school leadership and staff willing to work collaboratively? Yes No Is the school willing to work towards ensuring that all staff and community have the opportunity to contribute their ideas about improvement? Yes No Is the school willing to establish the structures that support collaboration (i.e., specific times for teams to meet, timely communication, etc.)? Yes No Is the school willing to develop a process for group decisionmaking? Yes No Is the school willing to use data as the primary source for decision making? Yes No Is the school willing to sustain a commitment to the implementation of a continuous improvement plan? Yes No Is the district willing to provide the resources (time, research, personnel, etc.) to the school for its improvement initiatives? Yes No Is the school willing to make a commitment to change those structures, practices, etc. that contribute to lack of progress? Yes No 14 Attachment B Eligible Schools District Name Adams 12 Five Star Schools School Name Coronado Hills Elementary School EMH Level School Performance Framework Plan Type Title IA Improvement Overall SST Review and Status 10-11 SI Grant E Priority Improvement Plan SI1 Cohort 1 (04-05) SI1 SI2 Cohort 1 (04-05) Cohort 1 (04-05) Cohort 2 (05-06) Adams 12 Five Star Schools Adams 12 Five Star Schools Federal Heights Elementary School Malley Drive Elementary School E E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Adams 12 Five Star Schools Adams 12 Five Star Schools Adams 12 Five Star Schools Mc Elwain Elementary School Niver Creek Middle School North Mor Elementary School E M E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan RI3 RI3 SI1 CA Adams 12 Five Star Schools North Star Elementary School E Priority Improvement Plan Adams 12 Five Star Schools Rocky Mountain Elementary School E Priority Improvement Plan SI2 Adams 12 Five Star Schools Adams 12 Five Star Schools Adams County 14 Adams County 14 Thornton Elementary School Thornton Middle School Adams City Middle School Central Elementary School E M M E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan RI3 RI3 RI1 SI2 SI1 SI1 SI1 RI2 Adams County 14 Adams County 14 Adams-Arapahoe 28J Dupont Elementary School Hanson Prek-8 School Altura Elementary School E M E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Adams-Arapahoe 28J Aurora West College Preparatory Academy M Performance Plan Cohort 1 (04-05) Cohort 2 (05-06) Cohort 1 (04-05) 15 Attachment B District Name Adams-Arapahoe 28J School Name Elkhart Elementary School EMH Level School Performance Framework Plan Type Title IA Improvement Overall SST Review and Status 10-11 SI Grant E Improvement Plan CA SI2 SI2 RI1 Adams-Arapahoe 28J Adams-Arapahoe 28J Adams-Arapahoe 28J Fulton Elementary School Kenton Elementary School Lansing Elementary School E E E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Adams-Arapahoe 28J Adams-Arapahoe 28J Laredo Elementary School Lyn Knoll Elementary School E E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan CA RP Adams-Arapahoe 28J North Middle School Health Sciences and Technology M Improvement Plan RI1 CA Adams-Arapahoe 28J Paris Elementary School E Priority Improvement Plan Adams-Arapahoe 28J Adams-Arapahoe 28J Adams-Arapahoe 28J Adams-Arapahoe 28J Adams-Arapahoe 28J Park Lane Elementary School Peoria Elementary School Sable Elementary School Sixth Avenue Elementary School Vaughn Elementary School E E E E E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan SI1 CA CA SI1 SI2 RP Cohort 6 (09-10) Adams-Arapahoe 28J Wheeling Elementary School E Priority Improvement Plan Alamosa RE-11J Ault-Highland RE-9 Evans Elementary School Highland Elementary School E E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan SI2 SI2 Boulder Valley RE 2 Columbine Elementary School E Priority Improvement Plan SI2 Cohort 5 (08-09) Boulder Valley RE 2 Emerald Elementary School E Performance Plan SI1 Cohort 7 (10-11) 16 Attachment B District Name School Name EMH Level School Performance Framework Plan Type Title IA Improvement Overall SST Review and Status 10-11 SI Grant Boulder Valley RE 2 Pioneer Bilingual Elementary School E Performance Plan SI2 Cohort 4 (07-08) Boulder Valley RE 2 Boulder Valley RE 2 Canon City RE-1 Cherry Creek 5 Cherry Creek 5 Sanchez Elementary School University Hill Elementary School Skyline Elementary School Cimarron Elementary School Holly Hills Elementary School E E E E E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan SI1 RP SI1 SI1 SI2 Cohort 7 (10-11) Cohort 3 (06-07) Cherry Creek 5 Cherry Creek 5 Cherry Creek 5 Independence Elementary School Meadow Point Elementary School Ponderosa Elementary School E E E Performance Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan SI1 SI2 SI1 Cherry Creek 5 Village East Community Elementary School E Performance Plan SI1 Cherry Creek 5 Village East Community Elementary School E Performance Plan SI1 Colorado School For The Deaf and Blind Colorado Springs 11 Colorado Springs 11 Colorado School For The Deaf and Blind Monroe Elementary School Rogers Elementary School M E E Improvement Plan Turnaround Plan Performance Plan SI2 SI2 SI1 Del Norte C-7 Delta County 50(J) Denver County 1 Underwood Elementary School Lincoln Elementary School Abraham Lincoln High School E E H Priority Improvement Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan SI1 CA RI3 Denver County 1 Ace Community Challenge Charter School H Performance Plan CA Cohort 3 (06-07) Cohort 2 (05-06) 17 Attachment B District Name School Name EMH Level School Performance Framework Plan Type Title IA Improvement Overall SST Review and Status 10-11 SI Grant Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Amesse Elementary School Archuleta Elementary School Barnum Elementary School Bruce Randolph School Castro Elementary School E E E M E Priority Improvement Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Denver County 1 Centennial K-8 School E Priority Improvement Plan RP Cohort 6 (09-10) Denver County 1 Charles M. Schenck (Cms) Community School E Priority Improvement Plan RI5 Cohort 4 (07-08) RI4 SI1 RI3 RI2 RI4 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Cheltenham Elementary School Cole Arts and Science Academy Cole Arts and Science Academy Colfax Elementary School E E M E Turnaround Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan RI3 SI1 SI1 RP Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Colorado High School Columbian Elementary School Columbine Elementary School Cowell Elementary School Doull Elementary School Eagleton Elementary School Ellis Elementary School H E E E E E E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Performance Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan SI2 RI1 SI1 RI4 RP RI1 CA Denver County 1 Escuela Tlatelolco School H Priority Improvement Plan SI2 Denver County 1 Fairmont K-8 School E Priority Improvement Plan RI3 Cohort 2 (05-06), RE-VISIT Cohort 6 (09-10) Cohort 2 (05-06) Cohort 3 (06-07) Cohort 3 (06-07), RE-VISIT Cohort 5 (08-09) Cohort 6 (09-10) Cohort 3 (06-07) Cohort 5 (08-09) 18 Attachment B District Name School Name EMH Level School Performance Framework Plan Type Title IA Improvement Overall SST Review and Status 10-11 SI Grant Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Fairmont K-8 School Fairview Elementary School M E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Florence Crittenton High School Ford Elementary School Garden Place Elementary School H E E Priority Improvement Plan Turnaround Plan Performance Plan CA RI5 RI3 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Gilpin Elementary School Godsman Elementary School Goldrick Elementary School Grant Middle School M E E M Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan SI1 RI2 RI3 RI1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Green Valley Elementary School Greenwood Elementary School Gust Elementary School Harrington Elementary School Howell K-8 School Johnson Elementary School Kaiser Elementary School E E E E E E E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan RP SI1 RP RI2 SI1 RP SI1 Cohort 6 (09-10) M E E H E Priority Improvement Plan Performance Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan RI5 SI1 RI4 SI1 CA Cohort 2 (05-06) Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Kepner Middle School Kipp Sunshine Peak Academy Knapp Elementary School Manual High School Marrama Elementary School SI2 SI1 Cohort 6 (09-10) Cohort 4 (07-08) Cohort 4 (07-08) Cohort 5 (08-09) Cohort 4 (07-08) Cohort 4 (07-08) Cohort 5 (08-09) Cohort 4 (07-08) Cohort 3 (06-07) Cohort 5 (08-09) 19 Attachment B District Name School Name EMH Level School Performance Framework Plan Type Title IA Improvement Overall SST Review and Status 10-11 SI Grant Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Martin Luther King Middle College Maxwell Elementary School Mc Glone Elementary School Mc Meen Elementary School Merrill Middle School Montclair Elementary School Moore K-8 School M E E E M E E Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Turnaround Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan RI2 SI1 CA SI1 SI2 SI2 SI1 Cohort 5 (08-09) Denver County 1 Munroe Elementary School E Priority Improvement Plan RI3 Cohort 3 (06-07) Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Northeast Academy Charter School Oakland Elementary School Pioneer Charter School Place Bridge Academy Place Bridge Academy M E E M E Turnaround Plan Turnaround Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan SI2 RI1 CA SI1 SI1 Cohort 6 (09-10) Cohort 4 (07-08) Cohort 6 (09-10) Denver County 1 Prep Assessment Center M Priority Improvement Plan SI1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Ridge View Academy Charter School Schmitt Elementary School H E Performance Plan Improvement Plan CA SI1 Denver County 1 Skinner Middle School M Priority Improvement Plan RI5 Denver County 1 Smiley Middle School M Priority Improvement Plan SI1 E Priority Improvement Plan RI2 Denver County 1 Smith Elementary School Cohort 2 (05-06) Cohort 3 (06-07) Cohort 2 (05-06) 20 Attachment B District Name Denver County 1 School Name Stedman Elementary School EMH Level School Performance Framework Plan Type Title IA Improvement Overall SST Review and Status 10-11 SI Grant E Performance Plan CA Cohort 5 (08-09) RI4 Cohort 3 (06-07) Denver County 1 Swansea Elementary School E Priority Improvement Plan Denver County 1 Trevista Ece-8 at Horace Mann M Priority Improvement Plan SI1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Trevista Ece-8 at Horace Mann Valdez Elementary School Valverde Elementary School E E E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan SI1 RP RI2 RI3 SI1 Cohort 4 (07-08) Cohort 5 (08-09) Denver County 1 Denver County 1 West High School Whittier K-8 School H E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Eagle County RE 50 Englewood 1 Falcon 49 Fort Morgan RE-3 Avon Elementary School Cherrelyn Elementary School Horizon Middle School Columbine Elementary School E E M E Performance Plan Performance Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan CA SI1 SI1 SI1 FREMONT RE-2 Florence High School H Performance Plan SI1 FREMONT RE-2 Fremont Middle School M Priority Improvement Plan SI2 Garfield 16 Garfield RE-2 Greeley 6 Bea Underwood Elementary School Wamsley Elementary School Centennial Elementary School E E E Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan RP SI1 SI1 Cohort 4 (07-08) Cohort 3 (06-07) Cohort 7 (10-11) E Priority Improvement Plan SI2 Cohort 6 (09-10) Greeley 6 Jackson Elementary School RE-ALLOCATED (05-06) Cohort 6 (09-10) 21 Attachment B District Name Greeley 6 School Name Madison Elementary School EMH Level E School Performance Framework Plan Type Improvement Plan Title IA Improvement Overall SST Review and Status 10-11 SI Grant SI1 Cohort 6 (09-10) Greeley 6 Romero Elementary School E Improvement Plan CA Cohort 2 (05-06), RE-VISIT Gunnison Watershed RE1J Gunnison Elementary School E Performance Plan SI2 Cohort 1 (04-05) Harrison 2 Monterey Elementary School E Priority Improvement Plan SI1 RE-ALLOCATED (05-06) E E E E E E E M E E E Priority Improvement Plan Turnaround Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Performance Plan SI1 SI1 SI1 RP SI1 SI1 RI1 RI2 CA SI1 SI1 RI2 Harrison 2 Ignacio 11 JT Jefferson County R-1 Jefferson County R-1 Jefferson County R-1 Jefferson County R-1 Jefferson County R-1 Jefferson County R-1 Jefferson County R-1 Jefferson County R-1 Jefferson County R-1 Stratton Meadows Elementary School Ignacio Intermediate School Edgewater Elementary School Eiber Elementary School Foster Elementary School Lumberg Elementary School Molholm Elementary School O'Connell Middle School Pleasant View Elementary School Slater Elementary School Swanson Elementary School Jefferson County R-1 Wheat Ridge Middle School M Priority Improvement Plan Keenesburg RE-3(J) Hudson Elementary School E Performance Plan SI2 Las Animas RE-1 Las Animas High School H Improvement Plan SI1 E Priority Improvement Plan SI1 Mapleton 1 Global Leadership Academy Cohort 1 (04-05) Cohort 3 (06-07) Cohort 4 (07-08) Cohort 1 (04-05) Cohort 1 (04-05) Cohort 4 (07-08) Cohort 2 (05-06) 22 Attachment B District Name School Name EMH Level School Performance Framework Plan Type Title IA Improvement Overall SST Review and Status 10-11 SI Grant Mapleton 1 Mapleton 1 Meadow Community School Monterey Community School E E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Mesa County Valley 51 Mesa County Valley 51 Mesa County Valley 51 Chatfield Elementary School Dos Rios Elementary School Dual Immersion Academy School E E E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan SI2 SI2 SI1 Mesa County Valley 51 Rocky Mountain Elementary School E Improvement Plan SI2 SI1 SI2 Montezuma-Cortez RE-1 Kemper Elementary School E Turnaround Plan RI2 Montezuma-Cortez RE-1 Montezuma-Cortez RE-1 Montrose County RE-1J Montrose County RE-1J Manaugh Elementary School Mesa Elementary School Johnson Elementary School Olathe Elementary School E E E E Improvement Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan RI2 SI1 SI2 SI2 Platte Valley RE-7 Platte Valley Middle School M Improvement Plan SI1 Poudre R-1 Poudre R-1 Pueblo City 60 Roaring Fork RE-1 Harris Bilingual Elementary School Tavelli Elementary School Spann Elementary School Crystal River Elementary School E E E E Performance Plan Performance Plan Turnaround Plan Improvement Plan SI1 SI1 SI1 SI1 Roaring Fork RE-1 Roaring Fork RE-1 Glenwood Springs Elementary School Sopris Elementary School E E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan SI1 SI1 Cohort 1 (04-05), Cohort 6(09-10) Cohort 1 (04-05), Cohort 6 (09-10) Cohort 6 (09-10) Cohort 6 (09-10) Cohort 6 (09-10) Cohort 7 (10-11) 23 Attachment B District Name School Name EMH Level School Performance Framework Plan Type Title IA Improvement Overall SST Review and Status 10-11 SI Grant Sheridan 2 South Conejos RE-10 Sheridan Middle School Antonito High School M H Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan South Routt RE 3 South Routt Elementary School E Priority Improvement Plan SI1 St Vrain Valley RE 1J Columbine Elementary School E Performance Plan SI2 Cohort 5 (08-09) RI2 SI1 Cohort 5 (08-09) St Vrain Valley RE 1J Indian Peaks Elementary School E Improvement Plan SI1 CTAG PILOT (SPRING 06) St Vrain Valley RE 1J Loma Linda Elementary School E Improvement Plan SI1 RE-ALLOCATED (05-06) St Vrain Valley RE 1J Northridge Elementary School E Improvement Plan SI1 Cohort 7 (10-11) St Vrain Valley RE 1J Rocky Mountain Elementary School E Improvement Plan SI1 Cohort 1 (04-05) St Vrain Valley RE 1J Spangler Elementary School E Turnaround Plan SI2 RE-VISIT Summit RE-1 Dillon Valley Elementary School E Performance Plan SI2 Cohort 6 (09-10) Summit RE-1 Thompson R-2J Thompson R-2J Trinidad 1 Valley RE-1 Silverthorne Elementary School Monroe Elementary School Winona Elementary School Fisher's Peak Elementary School Campbell Elementary School E E E E E Performance Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan SI1 SI1 CA SI1 SI1 Cohort 6 (09-10) Weld County S/D RE-8 Leo William Butler Elementary School E Performance Plan SI1 Cohort 6 (09-10) Cohort 5 (08-09) 24 Attachment B District Name School Name EMH Level School Performance Framework Plan Type Title IA Improvement Overall SST Review and Status 10-11 SI Grant Weld County S/D RE-8 Westminster 50 Westminster 50 Westminster 50 Twombly Elementary School Clara E. Metz Elementary School Fairview Elementary School Francis M. Day Elementary School E E E E Performance Plan Improvement Plan Turnaround Plan Turnaround Plan RI1 SI1 SI2 RP Cohort 2 (05-06), RE-VISIT Cohort 6 (09-10) Cohort 5 (08-09) Cohort 4 (07-08) Westminster 50 Westminster 50 Westminster 50 Harris Park Elementary School Mesa Elementary School Sherrelwood Elementary School E E E Priority Improvement Plan Turnaround Plan Turnaround Plan SI2 SI2 SI1 Cohort 6 (09-10) Cohort 6 (09-10) Cohort 7 (10-11) RI1 Cohort 2 (05-06), RE-VISIT, Cohort 7 (10-11) Westminster 50 Skyline Vista Elementary School E Priority Improvement Plan Westminster 50 Tennyson Knolls Elementary School E Improvement Plan SI1 Westminster 50 Westminster Elementary School E Priority Improvement Plan SI2 Windsor RE-4 Mountain View Elementary School E Improvement Plan SI1 Cohort 6 (09-10) 25 Attachment C Potentially Eligible Schools* Schools must be identified for Improvement for the 2011-2012 school year to receive School Improvement grant funding. If a school that has been identified as ‘potentially’ on Title I Improvement and is not placed on Improvement after AYP determinations have been made (Fall 2011), the school will not be eligible to receive School Improvement grant funding. District Name Academy 20 Academy 20 Adams 12 Five Star Schools School Name Frontier Elementary School Pioneer Elementary School Hillcrest Elementary School EMH Level Title IA School Performance Improvement Framework Plan Overall Type Status 10-11 E E E Performance Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Adams 12 Five Star Schools Adams County 14 Adams-Arapahoe 28J Aguilar Reorganized 6 Stukey Elementary School Alsup Elementary School South Middle School Aguilar Elementary School E E M E Priority Improvement Plan Turnaround Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Aguilar Reorganized 6 Aguilar Junior-Senior High School M Priority Improvement Plan Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Aguilar Reorganized 6 Aguilar Junior-Senior High School H Priority Improvement Plan Boulder Valley RE 2 Brighton 27J Brighton 27J Brighton 27J Burlington RE-6J Centennial R-1 Centennial R-1 Creekside Elementary School at Martin Park Northeast Elementary School Overland Trail Middle School Vikan Middle School Burlington Elementary School Centennial Elementary School Centennial Junior High School E E M M E E M Performance Plan Turnaround Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan SST Review and SI Grant Cohort 3 (06-07) Cohort 3 (06-07) Cohort 3 (06-07) 26 Attachment C District Name Charter School Institute Charter School Institute School Name Goal Academy High Point Academy EMH Level Title IA School Performance Improvement Framework Plan Overall Type Status 10-11 H E Improvement Plan Performance Plan Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Charter School Institute Charter School Institute Charter School Institute Scholars To Leaders Academy The Pinnacle Charter School High The Pinnacle Charter School Middle E H M Priority Improvement Plan Performance Plan Performance Plan Colorado School For The Deaf and Blind Colorado Springs 11 Colorado School For The Deaf and Blind Jack Swigert Aerospace Academy H M Improvement Plan Turnaround Plan Potential Potential Colorado Springs 11 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Twain Elementary School Academy of Urban Learning Ashley Elementary School Bryant Webster K-8 School E H E E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Centennial K-8 School College View Elementary School M E Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Contemporary Learning Academy High School Force Elementary School Henry World School Grades 6-8 Holm Elementary School Howell K-8 School Life Skills Center of Denver P.S.1 Charter School P.S.1 Charter School Samuels Elementary School H E M E M H M H E Improvement Plan Performance Plan Turnaround Plan Performance Plan Performance Plan Turnaround Plan Turnaround Plan Turnaround Plan Performance Plan SST Review and SI Grant Cohort 6 (09-10) Cohort 3 (06-07) Cohort 5 (08-09) Cohort 4 (07-08) 27 Attachment C Title IA School Performance Improvement Framework Plan Overall Type Status 10-11 School Name EMH Level Denver County 1 Denver County 1 Denver County 1 South High School Southwest Early College Charter School Wyatt-Edison Charter Elementary School H H E Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Potential Potential Potential Durango 9-R Durango 9-R Elizabeth C-1 Ellicott 22 Florida Mesa Elementary School Needham Elementary School Running Creek Elementary School Ellicott Middle School E E E M Priority Improvement Plan Performance Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential District Name Englewood 1 Fountain 8 Greeley 6 Wm E Bishop Elementary School Aragon Elementary School Dos Rios Elementary School E E E Priority Improvement Plan Performance Plan Performance Plan Greeley 6 Greeley 6 Gunnison Watershed RE1J Franklin Middle School John Evans Middle School Marble Charter School M M E Priority Improvement Plan Turnaround Plan Performance Plan Potential Potential Potential Harrison 2 Harrison 2 Holyoke RE-1J Ignacio 11 JT Jefferson County R-1 Jefferson County R-1 Jefferson County R-1 Jefferson County R-1 Johnstown-Milliken RE-5J Lamar RE-2 Carmel Middle School Pikes Peak Elementary School Holyoke Junior High School Ignacio Elementary School Deane Elementary School Lawrence Elementary School Martensen Elementary School Stevens Elementary School Letford Elementary School Lamar High School M E M E E E E E E H Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Turnaround Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential SST Review and SI Grant 28 Attachment C District Name School Name EMH Level Title IA School Performance Improvement Framework Plan Overall Type Status 10-11 Lamar RE-2 Lincoln Elementary School E Improvement Plan Potential Las Animas RE-1 Lewis-Palmer 38 Littleton 6 Mapleton 1 Mesa County Valley 51 Mesa County Valley 51 Mesa County Valley 51 Moffat 2 Las Animas Middle School Palmer Lake Elementary School Field Elementary School Highland Montessori School Fruitvale Elementary School Nisley Elementary School Taylor Elementary School Moffat Senior High School M E E E E E E H Priority Improvement Plan Performance Plan Performance Plan Turnaround Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Moffat County RE:No 1 Montrose County RE-1J Park County RE-2 Poudre R-1 Poudre R-1 Sandrock Elementary Passage Charter School Lake George Charter School Laurel Elementary School Lincoln Middle School E H E E M Priority Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Turnaround Plan Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Pueblo City 60 Pueblo City 60 Pueblo City 60 Pueblo City 60 Bessemer Elementary School Bessemer Elementary School Irving Elementary School Somerlid Elementary School M E E E Priority Improvement Plan Turnaround Plan Turnaround Plan Improvement Plan Potential Potential Potential Potential M M H Priority Improvement Plan Turnaround Plan Improvement Plan Potential Potential Potential Pueblo City 60 Pueblo City 60 Salida R-32 W H Heaton Middle School Youth & Family Academy Charter Salida High School SST Review and SI Grant RE-ALLOCATED (05-06) 29 Attachment C District Name Sheridan 2 South Conejos RE-10 Thompson R-2J Westminster 50 Westminster 50 Widefield 3 Widefield 3 Woodlin R-104 Woodlin R-104 Yuma 1 School Name Sheridan High School Antonito Junior High School Truscott Elementary School Josephine Hodgkins Elementary School Sunset Ridge Elementary School Martin Luther King Jr Elementary School Venetucci Elementary School Woodlin Elementary School Woodlin Undivided High School Yuma High School EMH Level Title IA School Performance Improvement Framework Plan Overall Type Status 10-11 H M E E E E E Priority Improvement Plan Turnaround Plan Performance Plan Turnaround Plan Performance Plan Improvement Plan Performance Plan Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential E M H Priority Improvement Plan Performance Plan Performance Plan Potential Potential Potential SST Review and SI Grant 30 Attachment D Use of Funds Use of Funds Approximate Cost Breakdown Consultant fees for a School Support Team review by a CDE certified team or other CDE approved service provider. $40,000 Expenditures that build the school’s capacity for improvement, tied to the findings in the School Support Team review. $90,000 Consultant fees for a CDE certified implementation consultant or other CDE approved implementation support services provider. PERA costs (if applicable) Expenditures associated with the end-of-grant impact analysis. $5,750 $710 $3,000 31 Attachment E 2011 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GRANT END OF PHASE REPORT QUESTIONS Each school district or consortium must submit an End of Phase report to CDE on or before October 1, 2012 following completion of the program. Submit report via e-mail to Precious Broadnax at Provide feedback on the following five questions. In order to help CDE provide the best services, please be as specific and candid as possible with your answers. The response should not be more than 5 type-written pages. 1. Discuss how planned activities/strategies did or did not occur as planned. 2. Provide a description of your progress on each of your goals. Include a description of how the grant activities supported those goals. 3. Discuss how this grant led to successes and how the school will continue to build on these successes. 4. Discuss any pitfalls or lessons learned that you would share with another school doing the same work. 5. Provide advice to CDE on how it can continue to support schools in its school improvement efforts. Are there any other modifications that can be made to this grant to make it more effective? 32 Attachment F Methods to Collect Information Method Overall Purpose Advantages Questionnaires, Surveys, Checklists Interviews Documentation Review When need to quickly and/or easily get lots of information from people in a nonthreatening way When want to fully understand someone's impressions or experiences, or learn more about their answers to questionnaires When want impression of how program operates without interrupting the program; is from review of applications, finances, memos, minutes, etc. Can complete anonymously Inexpensive to administer Easy to compare and analyze Administer to many people Can get lots of data Many sample questionnaires already exist Get full range and depth of information Develops relationship with client Can be flexible with client Get comprehensive and historical information Doesn't interrupt program or client's routine in program Information already exists Few biases about information Challenges Observation To gather accurate information about how a program actually operates, particularly about processes View operations of a program as they are actually occurring Can adapt to events as they occur Focus Groups Case Studies Explore a topic in depth through group discussion, (e.g., about reactions to an experience or suggestion, understanding common complaints) useful in evaluation and marketing To fully understand or depict client's experiences in a program, and conduct comprehensive examination through cross comparison of cases Quickly and reliably get common impressions Can be efficient way to get much range and depth of information in short time Can convey key information about programs Fully depicts client's experience in program input, process and results Powerful means to portray program to outsiders Might not get careful feedback Wording can bias client's responses Are impersonal In surveys, may need sampling expert Doesn't get full story Can take much time Can be hard to analyze and compare Can be costly Interviewer can bias client's responses Often takes much time Info may be incomplete Need to be quite clear about what looking for Not flexible means to get data; data restricted to what already exists Can be difficult to interpret seen behaviors Can be complex to categorize observations Can influence behaviors of program participants Can be expensive Can be hard to analyze responses Need good facilitator for safety and closure Difficult to schedule 6-8 people together Usually quite time consuming to collect, organize and describe Represents depth of information, rather than breadth 33