Modes of Radioactive Decay GE-PP-22502 Author: Ken Jenkins Approved: Michael J. Kurtzman Date: 06/14/2003 Revision: 00 Nuclear Stability Forces Acting Within the Nucleus FORCE INTERACTION RANGE Gravitational Very weak attractive Relatively long between nucleons Electrostatic Strong repulsive between protons Relatively long Nuclear Strong attractive between nucleons Extremely short GE-PP-22502-00 2 Nuclear Stability The repulsive electrostatic forces between the protons have an impact on nuclear stability The number of neutrons must increase more rapidly than the number of protons to provide ‘dilution’ and to add additional nuclear forces If the nuclear (attractive) and electrostatic (repulsive) forces do not balance, the atom will not be stable GE-PP-22502-00 3 Nuclear Stability An unstable nucleus will eventually achieve stability by changing its nuclear configuration This includes changing neutrons to protons, or vice versa, and then ejecting the surplus mass or energy from the nucleus This emitted mass or energy is called radiation GE-PP-22502-00 4 Nuclear Stability When an atom transforms to become more stable it is said to disintegrate or decay The time required for half of a sample of atoms to decay is known as the half-life The property of certain nuclides to spontaneously disintegrate and emit radiation is called radioactivity The atom before the decay is the parent and the resulting atom is called the daughter GE-PP-22502-00 5 Neutron / Proton Ratio NUMBER OF PROTONS (Z) 100 N 1 Z 80 60 LINE OF STABILITY 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 NUMBER OF NEUTRONS (N=A-Z) GE-PP-22502-00 120 140 6 Beta Decay Betas are physically the same as electrons, but may be positively or negatively charged Negative beta is a beta minus or negatron Positive beta is a beta plus or positron Betas are ejected from the nucleus, not from the electron orbitals In all beta decays the atomic number changes by one while the atomic mass is 7 GE-PP-22502-00 unchanged Beta (β-) Minus Decay Occurs in neutron-rich nuclides The nucleus converts a neutron into a proton and a beta minus (which is ejected from the nucleus with an anti-neutrino) Mass and charge are conserved 1 0 n p e 1 1 0 1 GE-PP-22502-00 8 Beta (β-) Minus Decay For beta minus decays, A Z X 90 38 Y A Z 1 0 1 Sr Y 90 39 0 1 GE-PP-22502-00 9 Beta (β-) Minus Decay Anti-neutrino Daughter Ca-40 Parent K-40 0 1 Beta Particle GE-PP-22502-00 10 Beta (β-) Minus Decay During radioactive decay energy is released Source of this energy is from the conversion of mass Since energy is conserved, energy equivalent of the parent must equal energy equivalent of daughter, particles, and any energy released Energy is released as kinetic energy of beta 11 GE-PP-22502-00 minus particle and an anti-neutrino Beta (β-) Minus Decay For beta minus, energy of decay reaction (Q) is, Q (M A X Z MeV M AY )(931.5 ) Z 1 amu Mass of beta minus particle is not included since an additional electron is gained due to increase of Z GE-PP-22502-00 12 Beta (β-) Minus Decay Calculate Q for β- decay of Co60. 60 60 0 27 Co28 Ni 1 Mass of Co-60 is 59.933813 amu Mass of Ni-60 is 59.930787 amu MeV Q (59.933813amu - 59.930787amu)(931.5 ) amu Q 2.819 MeV GE-PP-22502-00 13 Beta (β-) Minus Decay The Q value for beta minus decay of Co-60, for example, is always the same However, negatrons rarely are emitted with the same energies Their energies can range from 0 MeV to the calculated maximum, Emax The anti-neutrino carries energy difference between actual and calculated values GE-PP-22502-00 14 Beta (β-) Minus Decay 1 E Max 3 EMax Energy GE-PP-22502-00 15 Co 99+% 0.83 60 27 1.173 1.332 0.013% 0.12% Q Co-60 Decay Scheme GE-PP-22502-00 60 28 Ni 16 Beta (β+) Plus Decay Occurs in proton-rich nuclides The nucleus converts a proton into a neutron and a beta plus (which is ejected from the nucleus with a neutrino) As with negatrons, the positron can have a range of energies from 0 to EMax MeV Positron is the negatron’s anti-particle A positron and a negatron will annihilate one another and release two 0.511 MeV photons GE-PP-22502-00 17 Beta (β+) Plus Decay For beta plus decays, 1 1 p n e A Z X Y 1 0 13 7 0 1 A Z 1 0 1 N C 13 6 0 1 GE-PP-22502-00 18 Beta (β+) Plus Decay Neutrino Daughter O-18 Parent F-18 0 1 Beta Particle GE-PP-22502-00 19 Beta (β+) Plus Decay For beta plus, energy of decay reaction (Q) is, MeV Q [( M A X ) ( M Z A Z 1Y 2M 0 1 e )](931.5 ) amu Since the energy equivalent of two electron masses is 1.022 MeV, the equation can be rewritten as, MeV Q [( M A X M AY )(931.5 )] 1.022 MeV Z Z 1 amu GE-PP-22502-00 20 Beta + (β ) Plus Decay e- • • • • • • • • 13 7 • • • • • • 13 6 C N • GE-PP-22502-00 + 21 Beta (β+) Plus Decay Calculate Q for β+ decay of F18. 18 18 0 9 F 8 O 1 Mass of F-18 is 18.000937 amu Mass of O-18 is 17.999160 amu MeV Q [(18.000937amu - 17.999160amu)(931.5 )] 1.022MeV amu Q 0.633 MeV GE-PP-22502-00 22 Electron Capture Proton-rich nuclides may also decay via orbital electron capture (EC) Usually an innermost K shell electron is captured and often referred to as K-capture The electron and a proton are converted into a neutron and a neutrino is emitted Electrons from higher orbitals will fill vacancy and usually emit characteristic x-rays GE-PP-22502-00 23 Electron Capture For electron capture decays, 1 1 p e n A Z X e Y 53 25 Mn Cr 0 1 0 1 1 0 A Z 1 EC 53 24 GE-PP-22502-00 24 Electron Capture For electron capture, energy of decay reaction (Q) is, Q (M A X Z MeV M AY )(931.5 ) Z 1 amu Since the electron was absorbed into the nucleus and not removed, there is no need to account for electron mass GE-PP-22502-00 25 Auger Electrons When electrons change shells, x-rays are usually emitted In some instances, the excess energy is transferred to another orbital electron, which is then ejected from the atom This ejected electron is known as an Auger electron Another orbital vacancy now exists and xrays may be emitted if they are filled GE-PP-22502-00 26 Auger Electrons • • • • • • • GE-PP-22502-00 27 Beta Interactions Excitation The beta, via coulombic interaction, transfers enough energy to an orbital electron to move it to a higher energy level, but not to remove it from the atom The atom remains electrically neutral The excited electron will then return to its ground state and emit the excess energy as x-rays GE-PP-22502-00 28 Excitation • - • • • • • • x-ray • GE-PP-22502-00 29 Beta Interactions Ionization The beta, via coulombic interaction, transfers enough energy to an orbital electron to overcome its binding energy and remove it from the atom With the loss of the negative electron, the remaining atom is now a positive ion If the vacancy is filled, an x-ray will be emitted The formation of each ion pair in air (gas) requires about 34 eV of energy from the beta GE-PP-22502-00 30 e- • Ionization • - • • • • • • GE-PP-22502-00 31 Beta Interactions Bremsstrahlung German for ‘braking radiation’ Occurs when beta is deflected by the positively charged nucleus The kinetic energy lost by the beta is emitted as a photon (x-ray) Bremsstrahlung increases with higher Z materials For example, a lead blanket may shield betas, but generate higherGE-PP-22502-00 levels of Bremsstrahlung (x- 32 Bremsstrahlung • • • • • • • x-ray - GE-PP-22502-00 • 33 Beta Interactions Betas travel in zig-zag or tortuous paths Collisions and deflections Coulombic interactions Not mono-energetic Because of this, betas have a definite, predictable range (given in mg/cm2) Basic thumb rule is that a 1.0 MeV beta will travel approximately 12 feet in air GE-PP-22502-00 34 Beta Interactions GE-PP-22502-00 35 Beta Interactions All betas can be stopped, but Bremsstrahlung photons can be produced Intensity is proportional to number of betas, their energy, and Z of the absorber Shielding is designed to minimize and/or shield Bremsstrahlung Low Z materials such as plastic (hydrocarbons) or aluminum are common GE-PP-22502-00 36 Beta Interactions The fraction of beta energy that appears as photon energy (Bremsstrahlung) can be estimated with the following equation: f = E x Z x 10-3 E = beta energy in MeV Z = atomic number of target (shield) material Average energy of the Bremsstrahlung photons is about 1/4 Emax GE-PP-22502-00 37 Alpha Decay Alphas are large particles ejected by the heavier nuclides Alpha decay is primarily limited to nuclides with Z > 82 Source is mainly from fuel-related materials Alpha contains two protons and two neutrons (no electrons) and is, in effect, a helium nucleus Thus, the atomic number decreases by two and the mass number decreases by four GE-PP-22502-00 38 Alpha Decay For alpha decays, A Z X 210 84 A 4 Z 2 Y He 4 2 2 Po Pb He 206 82 GE-PP-22502-00 4 2 2 39 Alpha Decay Daughter Th-231 Parent U-235 GE-PP-22502-00 4 2 He 2 40 Alpha Decay Since nothing else is emitted, all energy of decay goes to the alpha particle (except for a small amount towards recoil of nucleus) Alphas, therefore, are mono-energetic For alpha, energy of decay reaction (Q) is, Q [ M A X ( M A4Y Z Z 2 MeV M 4 He )](931.5 ) 2 amu GE-PP-22502-00 41 Alpha Decay Calculate Q for the decay of Rn222.222 218 4 2 86 Rn 84 Po 2 He Mass of Rn-222 is 222.017610 amu Mass of Po-218 is 218.009009 amu Q [222.017610amu - (218.009009amu 4.002603amu)](931.5 MeV ) amu Q 5.6 MeV GE-PP-22502-00 42 Alpha Interactions Alphas interact primarily through Coulombic interactions due to their +2 charge Energy transfer occurs through excitation and ionization Orbital electrons may receive enough energy to allow them to cause secondary ionizations of other atoms Bremsstrahlung does not occur since the large alphas are not easily deflected GE-PP-22502-00 43 Alpha Interactions Because of their mass and charge, alphas travel in relatively straight paths over short distances (higher Z of absorber, less distance) A 7 MeV alpha travels only about 0.0002 cm in lead Alphas are considered internal hazards only When an alpha slows enough, it captures two free electrons and converts to a helium atom 44 GE-PP-22502-00 Alpha Interactions GE-PP-22502-00 45 Nuclear De-excitation Daughter nuclei from radioactive decays are often ‘born’ with excess energy Occasionally the excited nucleus will emit additional alphas or betas Usually the excited nucleus reaches ground state via nuclear de-excitation The excited nucleus and the final ground state nucleus have the same Z and A and are called isomers GE-PP-22502-00 46 Nuclear De-excitation If the excited state has a half-life >1 sec, it is said to be a metastable state The metastable state is denoted by the use of a lowercase ‘m’, such as Ba-137m The longest known excited state is Bi-210m with a half-life of 3.5 x 106 years During de-excitation no nuclear transformation occurs, so no ‘new’ element is formed 47 GE-PP-22502-00 Nuclear De-excitation Internal Conversion The excess nuclear energy is transferred to an inner orbital (usually K or L) electron This electron is then ejected from the atom with a distinct energy X-ray emission may follow as electrons shift orbitals to fill vacancies GE-PP-22502-00 48 Nuclear De-excitation Gamma emission Most frequently the excess energy is relieved via the emission of one or more gamma rays Gammas have no mass or electric charge If gammas are emitted by an isomer in the metastable state, the emission is known as an isomeric transition (IT) Photon Energy (E) = hf where h is Planck’s Constant (4.14 x 10-15 eV-sec) f is frequency (sec-1) GE-PP-22502-00 49 Gamma Ray Radiation 0 1 Gamma Rays Parent Co-60 Daughter Ni-60 Anti-neutrino GE-PP-22502-00 50 Co 99+% 0.83 60 27 1.173 1.332 0.013% 0.12% Q Co-60 Decay Scheme GE-PP-22502-00 60 28 Ni 51 Gamma Interactions Alphas and betas (charged particles) interact multiple times along their paths Gammas usually have only one or two interactions and all of their energy is transferred Gammas interact with matter typically through three processes: photoelectric effect, Compton effect, and pair production GE-PP-22502-00 52 Photoelectric Effect The gamma ray photon transfers all of its energy to an orbital electron (usually K shell) The electron is then ejected from the atom (photoelectron) Probability of the photoelectric effect increases with increasing Z of the absorber Probability of the photoelectric effect increases with decreasing gamma energy (<1 MeV) 53 GE-PP-22502-00 e- • Photoelectric Effect • • • • • GE-PP-22502-00 • 54 Compton Effect (Scattering) The gamma ray photon transfers some of its energy to an orbital electron The electron is ejected (recoil electron) and the photon is scattered with a lower energy Probability of the Compton effect decreases with increasing gamma energy (200 keV 5 MeV) Compton effect is more common with 55 GE-PP-22502-00 absorbers of intermediate Z Compton Effect • e- • • • • • GE-PP-22502-00 • 56 Pair Production Photon travels in the vicinity of the nucleus Photon spontaneously converts into a pair of particles - an electron and a positron Since the rest mass energy of an electron is 0.511 MeV (from E = mc2), the photon must have an initial energy of at least 1.022 MeV All photon energy in excess of 1.022 MeV is shared as kinetic energy between the particles GE-PP-22502-00 57 Pair Production e- • • • • • • • e+ • GE-PP-22502-00 58 Pair Production The electron and positron will lose energy through excitation, ionization, and Bremsstrahlung interactions When the positron slows sufficiently it will be attracted to an electron and the two will annihilate one another (anti-particles) resulting in the formation of two 0.511 MeV photons GE-PP-22502-00 59 Pair Production Though pair production is possible at 1.022 MeV, the process rarely occurs until approximately 5 MeV photon energy The likelihood of pair production also increases proportionally with increasing Z of the absorber Few isotopes at Vogtle have sufficient energies for pair production to occur GE-PP-22502-00 60 Gamma Ray Attenuation Gammas interact within an absorber via photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, and pair production Compton scattering and pair production events result in the emission of photons The average probability of an event must be considered for shielding Theoretically no amount of shielding can reduce the gamma dose rate to zero GE-PP-22502-00 61 Gamma Ray Attenuation Gamma ray intensity is reduced exponentially with a linear increase in absorber thickness x I I 0e Where: I = emerging gamma intensity I0 = incident gamma intensity x = thickness of absorber (cm) = linear attenuation coefficient (cm-1) GE-PP-22502-00 62 Gamma Ray Attenuation Pair Production (annihilation photons) No Interaction Photoelectric Effect Compton Scatter GE-PP-22502-00 63 Gamma Ray Attenuation A more simplified shielding calculation uses the concepts of Half Value Layers (HVL) and Tenth Value Layers (TVL) HVL is the thickness of an absorber necessary to decrease the gamma radiation to one half of the incident value TVL is the thickness of an absorber necessary to decrease the gamma radiation to one tenth of the incident value GE-PP-22502-00 64 Gamma Ray Attenuation To perform calculations with these concepts use the following equations: 1 n I I0 ( ) 2 1 n I I0 ( ) 10 Where n = the number of HVLs or TVLs respectively GE-PP-22502-00 65 Decay Schemes Vertical lines represent energy Horizontal lines indicate atomic number (Z) Beta minus points down to the right Alpha and EC point down to the left Beta plus points down to the left with a 1.022 MeV offset Parent half-lives are shown GE-PP-22502-00 66 Decay Schemes Ground states are bold horizontal lines Excited states are light horizontal lines Isomeric states are medium horizontal lines Total amount of energy for the reaction is shown (Q) Abundances (probabilities) of transitions are shown GE-PP-22502-00 67 Decay Schemes What is the half-life of Ar-41? 1.83 hours What percentage of the Zr-95 beta minus decays result in an isomer of Nb-95? 2% Cr-51 decays by what method(s)? Electron capture (EC) GE-PP-22502-00 68 Decay Schemes For every 100 decays of Rb-86, about how many 1.078 MeV gammas will be produced? 9 (100 x 8.8%) For every 100 decays of Mn-56, about how many 1.811 MeV gammas will be produced? 29 (100 x 30% x 97.8%) What will be the most abundant gamma energy produced during the decay of Fe-59? 1.095 MeV 69 GE-PP-22502-00 Chart of the Nuclides Half-life (color indicates 1-10 days) I131 Isotope 8.040 d Beta decay with most prominent energy (MeV) - 0.606, . . . 364.5, . . . 0.7, 8 E 0.971 Thermal neutron Beta disintegration energy (MeV) cross-section (barns) GE-PP-22502-00 Most prominent gamma energy (keV) Fission product 70 Chart of the Nuclides White backgrounds are artificially radioactive Gray backgrounds are stable and include percent abundances Lower half colors represent neutron absorption properties Black bar across top of box indicates a naturally-occurring radioactive isotope Heavy black outlines indicate ‘magic’ numbers 71 GE-PP-22502-00