Course Selection Menu

Upcoming NASA Endeavor
Life with Earth Science:
Real-time Animal Migration
Action Research in the
STEM Classroom**
Prerequisite: Methods of
STEM Education
Target Grade(s): K-12
All Endeavor Educators earning
graduate credit are required to take
this course or the Leadership
Seminar course.
Target Grade(s): 6-High
Using Earth Imagery to
Explain the Movement of
Development sponsored by:
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
(NASA Award: NCC5433)
Track the movement of birds and land
animals all over the world, using NASA
remote-sensing satellite imagery. Explain
All sessions are EASTERN time.
LIVE, Online Courses
Math Connections to STEM Education
9PM Session starting 2/6/14:
2/6/14, 9:00-10:00 PM ET
2/13/14, 9:00-10:00 PM ET
2/27/14, 9:00-10:00 PM ET
3/6/14, 9:00-10:00 PM ET
3/27/14, 9:00-10:00 PM ET
Conduct research in your
educational setting to examine some
aspect of STEM teaching and
learning. Design and enact action
research by reviewing background
literature, formulating research
questions, designing a study,
collecting data, completing a
thorough analysis, and reporting
findings. You may be encouraged to
prepare to present your research at
an appropriate education conference
and/or to submit work to research
their movement through the study of
landforms, weather features, seasonal
changes, natural resources, and other
factors that influence the movements of
animals. Meet Next Generation Science
Standards performance expectations and
infuse data into your teaching as you
become adept at interpreting many
different data sets, from satellite imagery
including vegetation cover, topographical
maps, meteorological images, and more.
Math Connections to STEM
Methods of STEM
Target Grade(s): K-12
All Endeavor Educators in are
required to take this course.
Learn the importance of infusing
STEM in your education context and
develop a foundation for success
through this introduction to theory
and practice for teaching, learning,
and assessing integrated STEM
education. Visit the history of science
and STEM education reforms, and
Target Grade(s): K-12
The course introduces a wealth of applied
mathematics exercises and activities
relevant to integrated STEM assets and
science activities. Some are in the realm
of topics seen in Earth and Space
science and physics. Live presenters
break down authentic examples and
projects, and demonstrate to educators
how problems incorporate Common Core
State Standards-based mathematics with
applications that meet Next Generation
Science Standards performance
expectations. Educators survey math and
science examples and tools as the
Course titles and offerings are tentative.
* All Endeavor educators are required
to take this course.
** All Endeavor educators are required
to take Action Research in the STEM
Classroom or STEM Leadership Seminar
as the culminating course.
engage in a variety of activities to
gain experiences with STEM content
and practices in unique contexts.
Explore connections between Next
Generation Science Standards and
Common Core State Standards with
data-driven investigations and tools
such as engineering design in K-12
learning environments. Learn to use
instructional technologies and
technology education, as tools for
promoting best-practices of "STEM
pedagogical strategies" and student
understanding in STEM disciplines.
course promotes the use of applied
mathematics in science, or science in
mathematics, to meet content goals in the
omy and Space Science
Target Grade(s): K-12
Climate Change with
Target Grade(s): 6-12
Sponsored by:
National Science
(NSF Award
Award-winning curriculum and
eloquent, online student
investigations help students study
science concepts emphasized in the
Next Generation Science Standards,
in the context Earth's Polar Regions
Harness your students' enthusiasm for
space and astronomy by using
astronomical images to enrich your
physical, Earth, and life science courses.
Measure the speed of an asteroid, learn
about erosion on Mars, and see the
tracers of life that are visible from space.
In this course, we explore the many ways
in which real data from NASA's space
science and astronomy missions can be
used to teach math and science content
in your classroom, meeting science and
math standards in Next Generation
Science Standards and Common Core
State Standards. Through the use of
cutting-edge technology tools, and with a
NASA scientist visiting our class, you
won't only learn more about the universe,
you will learn how to bring the universe
into your education context.
to better understand the complexity
of Earth's climate and how it is
changing. View the Earth using real
scientific data from satellites and
western researchers. Then, consider
the lens of indigenous peoples of the
Arctic. Examine tons of data and
changes in ice, permafrost, weather
patterns, biological change, and
more as you conduct research with
simple-to-use, web-based
instructional tools, using authentic
data sets and models to study our
planet's past, present, and future
climate. Interdisciplinary
investigations address many
Common Core State Standards in
reading, writing, science, and
technical subjects as well as
mathematics in the context of climate
A New
Science (or Math)
NASA Physics for Real
Beginners: Earth, Moon,
and Space
Target Grade(s): 5-12
Gain an introduction to physics
in this conceptual course that
uses NASA’s space initiatives
as the context for content.
Learn about gravitation between celestial
bodies, how to get a satellite into orbit,
what it takes to blast off into space, and
more. This course will discuss these and
related topics while exploring NASA
content related to space and the Hubble
Space Telescope and Kepler Missions.
Bring cutting-edge examples to your
classroom while addressing Next
Generation Science Standards
performance expectations.
Target Grade(s): 5-9, or
High School
Exploring Mars to
Understand Earth
Use a wealth of data sets
and technological tools to
explore and understand
features of Earth’s
neighbor, the Red Planet. Look for
and study the physical and chemical
evidence of water and ice; compare
erosion patterns on Mars and Earth;
and make inferences about the
planet's history as you study both its
geologic features, including
volcanoes and craters, and the
physics of the atmosphere. Teach
Next Generation Science Standards
topics in Earth, physical, and
chemical science integrating
mathematics, in the context of Mars
using recent data from Curiosity
Rover and other missions.
Target Grade(s): 5-8
sponsored by:
National Aeronautics
and Space
Astro-Venture with
Target Grade(s): 5-9
Searching for Life in the
Is there life out there?
Searching for life in the
universe requires a deep
understanding of the
characteristics and attributes of Earth that
make our planet habitable (e.g., our Sun,
tectonic plate movements). Learn how
scientists use physics concepts such as
Kepler's Laws, the Doppler Effect, phase
changes, and properties of matter to
search for planets in faraway galaxies
that just might support life forms. Bring
exciting astrobiology content into your
classroom to excite students about
learning in meaningful contexts and
address Next Generation Science
ng a
: The Science of the Sun
Target Grade(s): 5-High
(NASA Award:
This comprehensive, award-winning,
research-based, science classroom
curriculum, including our
commissioned authors’ development
of 5 non-fiction readers that serve
the Common Core, serves grades 56, up to 7-8. The curriculum formally
studies each of Earth's spheres: the
atmosphere, biosphere,
hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Utilize
3D animations, stereophotographs,
and other simple instructional
technology tools to improve student
understandings of Next Generation
Science Standards topics including
weathering, erosion and deposition;
weather; plate tectonics; renewable
and nonrenewable resources and
dozens more. You and your students
will learn how Earth's spheres
interact through both the material
cycles and energy flow.
e in
Motion: Classroom
Target Grade(s): 5-High
Making Sun-Earth
Make Sun-Earth connections as you
monitor abrupt changes on the Sun when
it creates solar flares and coronal mass
ejections, blasting powerful "solar storms"
into space. NASA satellites predict these
storms in order to protect astronauts, the
International Space Station, and power
grids. Learn about Sun-Earth
relationships and content using online
NASA resources. Virtually meet NASA
guest solar scientists and educators.
Bring years of NASA's observations and
authentic data with the story of the Sun
into your classroom as an engaging
context for teaching Next Generation
Science Standards topics.
Reading and Writing in the
Science Classroom
Target Grade(s): 2-9
Discuss and analyze the ways that
literacy and science connect in the
science classroom, and highlight how
reading and writing can be used to
increase students' understanding of
Physical science, when
applied, makes toughto-understand
concepts easy and fun.
Participants learn to solve
problems relating to onedimensional motion;
become acquainted with
and apply Newton's Laws of motion
and equilibrium of forces; learn about
constant acceleration and
gravitational acceleration; investigate
concepts in aerodynamics; and learn
about two-dimensional motion.
Participants will use free, simple-touse, software simulations from NASA
Glenn Research Center, which help
to present these concepts for you,
and, then, your students, in the
context of aeronautics, including
airplane design, rocketry, sports, and
more. A carefully developed
resource page provides access to
excellent resources and engaging
activities for implementing course
content in your classroom with
important connections to Next
Generation Science Standards and
Common Core mathematics.
e: Preparing for Moon,
science content. Focus on how to
integrate important literacy skills from
Common Core State Standards in your
science and STEM classroom to address
content standards from Next Generation
Science Standards. Cutting-edge
strategies and well-founded principles
pave the way to success with non-fiction
reading material. The manner in which
information and scientific content is
presented shapes student success, not
just for reading, but student writing,
organization, and presentation.
Target Grade(s):
A special two-session course guides
Endeavor Educators to perform shortterm STEM episodic professional
development of their choosing. The goal
is to help to infuse systemic change and
STEM pedagogy to peers in the building,
school district, or region. Collaboration
and online feedback offers guidance
necessary to achieve outcomes and
Supervised Internship in
Mars and Beyond
Target Grade(s): K-12
Target Grade(s): K-12
Use the Unique
Context of Human
Space Flight to Teach
Standards-based NASA
Content in Earth and
Space, Life, and
Physical Science.
What will it take to send
humans to Mars and
beyond? Explore how
astronauts meet their
needs on extended spaceflights.
Examine how space travel changes
human physiology, the challenges of
growing food in space, and much
more. Explore the history and future
of NASA missions and how these
missions have led to breakthroughs
in pharmacology, genetics, and
health sciences. Integrate science
and math in the engaging context of
space flight as you meet Next
Generation Science Standards and
Common Core State Standards.
"E" in
nt for Engineering
Target Grade(s): K-12
Learn how to use engineering to make
your classroom come alive. Bridge and
teach math and science concepts through
exciting applications in the Engineering
Design Process where you and your
students design, test, and evaluate
models and real-life applications.
Activities are hands-on and emphasize
the reciprocities between science,
technology, engineering, and
mathematics in formal design challenges.
Educators enrich classroom curriculum
with elements of design in science,
mathematics, or technology activities,
addressing important Next Generation
Science Standards' engineering design
): K-12
Eligible Endeavor Educators embark
on Endeavor Summer Internships at
NASA Centers across the Nation or
with special assignments designed
to promote leadership and systemic
changes in school districts.
WDLC - Weather Data
Learning Center
Target Grade(s): 4th grade
math content; range of
Grade 2-6 for integrated
math & science
Lessons from the Ocean:
Science on the Water
Target Grade(s): 2-High
Bring the ocean into
your classroom by
using Earth's waters as
a context for
standards-based STEM
The ocean is critical to the
functioning of the Earth system, and
is an authentically integrated context
for learning about topics such as
density, weather and climate, heat
transport, environmental issues,
biogeochemical cycles,
Use Weather Data to
Teach and Learn Math
Delivery to NES sponsored
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
(NASA Award:
The course teaches content in a math
curriculum that uses weather data. WDLC
demonstrates increases in student
performance in grade 4 mathematics.
Collect, access, and interpret current
real-time imagery, maps and data. Make
connections from weather to learn
Common Core-based mathematics using
various STEM pedagogical strategies.
Learn the basics of clouds, air masses,
humidity, fronts, pressure, jet stream, and
climatic patterns as you apply these ideas
to math concepts such as measurement,
fractions, number sense, data collection,
and analysis.
mathematics, and much more.
Access a myriad of data sets to
apply science concepts and make
connections between the ocean and
atmosphere, living and nonliving
parameters, and life on land, as well
as in the deep sea. Use the context
of the ocean to teach Next
Generation Science Standards
topics with deep understanding and
meaning for learners.
Life and Marine Science:
Tracking Live Marine
Target Grade(s): 7-8, or
high school
Tracking Marine
Animals Using Earth
sponsored by:
National Aeronautics
and Space
(NASA Award:
Follow marine animals (e.g., polar
bears, sea turtles, sharks, and
whales) in real-time, and apply life
and Earth science topics to the
ocean. Study topics such as
ecosystems, biodiversity, cell
structures, food webs, and
conservation, as you make
connections to ocean currents,
seafloor features, density and more.
Discover the importance of the
ocean to humans, as well as our
impacts, both positive and negative,
on marine environments. The indepth use of data lends itself to Next
Generation Science Standards by
integrating instructional technology
with life, Earth and physical science.