Taiwan Standards Committee FPD Liaison Report SEMI Taiwan April 2014 Venue, Location, Date SEMI Taiwan Standards Committee SEMI Taiwan I&C Committee Established in 2003 Mission: Focus on interface of manufacturing tools, factory automation computers, purpose of transferring commands and data used during the manufacturing process. Venue, Location, Date EHS Committee FPD Committee PV Committee 3DS-IC3DS-IC Committee Established in 2005 Established in 2008 Established in 2009 Established in 2011 Mission: Focus on Environmental, Health, and Safety standards fulfilling the technical needs. New TF to LED and PV, 2011 April Mission: Focus on standards for materials and equipment used in the manufacture and test methods of TFT-LCD Mission: Focus on standards for Cell Appearance and vibration Test Method in the manufacture and test methods of PV industry Mission: Focus on standards for Testing and Middle-end process in the manufacture and test methods of 3DS-IC industry FPD Metrology TC Venue, Location, Date Contents • • • • • • • Leadership Current Committee Structure Meeting Information New SNARFs & TFOFs Ballot Results Upcoming Ballots Task Force Update Venue, Location, Date Leadership of TC Co-Chair: Tzeng-Yow Lin-CMS/ITRI Co-Chair: Jia-Ming Liu-TDMDA Leadership Change of TF Leader: Fang Hui-Mei (Stepped Down) Leader: Jed Tai (E INK) New Venue, Location, Date <Month> <Year> <Region> <Committee> 5 FPD Committee Structure and Organization Chart Liaison L: YP Lan/ITRI L:DA Chang/Kingbird L:RJ Chuang/TDMDA L:Tony Chiu/CIPO TWN FPD TC C: Tzeng-Yow Lin-CMS/ITRI C: Jia-Ming Liu-TDMDA LCD Sub-Committee L:Kerson Wang-i-boson ACG TF (DISBANDED) Touch Screen Panel TF L: Garfield Pan-AUO L: Y.W. Fang-AUO L:S.P. Wang-DTC/ITRI L:S.Y. Chuo-CMS/ITRI Flexible Display TF <New> e-Paper Displays TF L: Fang Hui-Mei (Prime View, New leader) L: Bor-Jiunn Wen-CMS/ITRI L:WangWen-Tung-ITRI 3D Displays Metrology TF (DISBANDED) L: Wen-Chuan Tsai-AUO L: Bao-Jen Pong-CMS/ITRI <Month> <Year> Venue, Location, Date <Region> <Committee> L: Kuen Lee-EOL/ITRI 6 Committee Highlights : FPD Organization Chart (New) Liaison L: YP Lan/ITRI L:DA Chang/Kingbird L:RJ Chuang/TDMDA L:Tony Chiu/CIPO TWN FPD TC C: Tzeng-Yow Lin-CMS/ITRI C: Jia-Ming Liu-TDMDA LCD Sub-Committee L:Kerson Wang-i-boson Touch Screen Panel TF e-Paper Displays TF Flexible Display TF L: Y.W. Fang-AUO L: Fang Hui-Mei (Stepped Down) L:Wang Wen-Tung-ITRI L:S.Y. Chuo-CMS/ITRI L: Jed Tai (E INK) New L: Bor-Jiunn Wen-CMS/ITRI <Month> <Year> Venue, Location, Date <Region> <Committee> 7 FPD-Metrology Committee Meeting Information Committee Last Meeting Location Next Meeting Location FPD Committee Apr. 22, 2014 ITRI July 22, 2014 ITRI Venue, Location, Date <Month> <Year> <Region> <Committee> 8 New SNARFs and TFOFs None Venue, Location, Date <Month> <Year> <Region> <Committee> 9 Ballot Results Document Document Title # 5293B Test Method for Positional Accuracy of Touchscreen Panel 5533A Test Methods for Color Properties of Electronic Paper Displays Venue, Location, Date <Month> <Year> <Region> <Committee> Committee Action Failed, re-work Passed 10 Upcoming Ballots NA Venue, Location, Date <Month> <Year> <Region> <Committee> 11 FPD Metrology- TF Update • e-Paper TF : focus on reflectance measurements for Electronic Paper Displays: Terminology & Measuring methods, including Incident illumination and measurement geometry. The draft #5533A Passed for A&R. • Touch Screed TF: Re-work the draft #5293C for next Cycle, 2014 • Flexible TF: Working on the SNARF for: New Standard: Test Methods for Flexibility Properties of Flexible Displays, but team members still have different opinions on this SNARF. So, will re-work. • ACG TF: Disbanded on Jan. 21, 2014 • 3D Display Metrology TF: Disbanded on Jan. 21, 2014 <Month> <Year> Venue, Location, Date <Region> <Committee> 12 Regional Staff Contact Information Name Cher Wu E-mail cwu@semi.org Phone +886-3-560-1777 Fax +886-3-560-1555 Office Address 11F-2, No. 1, Taiyuan 1st Street, Zhubei, City, Hsinchu, County 30265, Taiwan Other Committees I&C / EHS / FPD / PV /3DS IC Committee In charge Venue, Location, Date