PSY 101 01 SCHMITT SU 12

Heartland Community College
Social and Business Sciences
Course Syllabus for Students
Course Prefix and Number: PSY 101-01
Course Title: Introduction to Psychology
Credit Hours: 3
Lecture Hours: 3
Laboratory Hours: 0
Semester: Summer 2012
Days and times the course meets: MW 8:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.
The purpose of this course is to provide the opportunity to acquire comprehensive knowledge of human behavior. As a
behavioral science, psychology utilizes a multidisciplinary approach drawing on many avenues of research. Although
there are no absolute answers in this discipline, psychology is a science which uses both empirical research and
statistics to support the merits of each theory. On the surface much of psychology may appear to be “common sense”,
because it is subject matter that everyone can relate to; however, psychology is a complex and difficult field made up of
a wide range of theories, philosophies, and convictions about human nature.
The study of human behavior is essential to understanding not only ourselves, but also the social context in which we
exist. As students examine topics such as interpersonal relations, mental illness, parenting, and sexuality, they should
challenge themselves to widen their perspectives and apply their growing understanding of human behavior to the real
Catalog Description:
This course provides an introduction to psychology as a science and the determinants of human personality and
functioning. This course also focuses on how we may use the principles of physical and emotional/cognitive growth,
learning, personality functioning and coping, and social interactions in our everyday lives.
Instructor Information:
Instructor name:
Phone number:
Office location:
Office hours:
Nick Schmitt, Professor of Psychology
(309) 268-8588
ICB 2107 (located in ICB 2100 suite)
Monday and Tuesday 11:00-12:00
Required: Myers, D. G. (2012). Psychology in everyday life (2nd ed). New York, NY: Worth.
Supplemental Materials (Blackboard):
Supplemental materials for this course are available in Blackboard. Materials include psychology websites, study tips,
course PowerPoint presentations, video clips, and study guides. Each unit that we cover this semester has a set of
specific resources and its own study guide. I strongly encourage students to print the PowerPoint presentations and
bring them to class. It is also extremely important for students to print the study guide for each unit because it contains a
list of specific sections in each chapter of the textbook that you will have to study to prepare for each exam. To access
the course resources, login to myHeartland, click the tab for Blackboard, click the link for this course.
Relationship to Academic Development Programs and Transfer:
This course fulfills 3 of the 9 semester hours of credit in Social Sciences required for the A.A. or A.S. degree. This
course should transfer as part of the General Education Core Curriculum described in the Illinois Articulation Initiative to
other Illinois colleges and universities participating in the IAI. However, students should consult an academic advisor for
transfer information regarding particular institutions. Refer to the IAI web page at for more information.
General Education:
Do students have the required skills to live and learn in contemporary society? Typically, the first two years of a four-year
degree are devoted to the general education curriculum. At Heartland Community College the general education
program is designed to ensure that students have experiences which help develop the abilities to communicate, problem
solve, think critically and value the diversity which abounds in the world. The general education program is designed to
help students make connections between academic courses & real life, between prior knowledge & new knowledge, and
between prior experiences and different ways of knowing. To help students make these connections in Psychology 101,
we have embedded the general education curriculum into the learning outcomes of this course.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will develop an increased proficiency in the following areas:
Course Outcomes
Demonstrate awareness and appreciation of the
history of science and research methods that
have developed in psychology.
Apply and communicate the major theoretical
perspectives of psychology including biological,
psychodynamic, social, behavioral, and cognitive
Describe the importance of neurobiology and
physiology and its impact on human behavior
and development.
Identify and appraise various abilities, functions,
failures, and pathology of human behavior and
mental processes.
Demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of
various theories and factors related to
developmental processes throughout the
lifespan, and the role of testing to assess those
Identify and appraise how psychology research
and theory can improve human functioning at all
stages of life.
Apply the many concepts and theories of
psychology to personal and public events.
General Education
Throughout the semester,
students will achieve the
following Gen Ed outcomes:
Problem Solving 1
Critical Thinking 1
Critical Thinking 2
Diversity 3
Communication 2
Range of Assessment
Throughout the semester,
the following assessment
methods may be used to
measure the course and
Gen Ed learning outcomes:
Exams, quizzes, projects,
writing assignments, and
Course/Lab Outline:
This outline is a brief representation of what each instructor will include while teaching this class. There may be
additional material that is included; each instructor may vary the presentation of the topics as well as how much time is
spent on each topic.
Psychology's Roots
Research Methods
Human Development Through The Lifespan
Gender and Sexuality
Sensation and Perception
Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
Motivation and Emotion
Stress and Coping
Psychological Disorders
Social Psychology
Student Learning: Learning is not a measure of how much information a person can memorize. I believe that
learning involves a combination of higher-order mental processes, such as evaluating, analyzing, synthesizing,
judging, and application, which are all forms of thinking referred to as critical thinking. The classroom is the
perfect place to foster this kind of learning. You will benefit from attending class, participating in discussions,
and thinking about how the topics and issues presented relate to your own personal life. This is also a time in
your life, as adults, in which you are expected to learn some things on your own. Therefore, you can expect
there to be course material on the exams that we did not cover during class.
Instructor’s Role: My role is not simply to tell you what information I want you to remember, but rather to
provide opportunities for you to use those higher-order mental processes listed above. I can’t possibly assess
your learning of everything we cover in this class, but I can provide opportunities for you to think critically about
the topics and issues covered in this class. My exams and assignments are not designed just to test your ability
to recall information, but to assess your ability to think critically as well.
Methods of Instruction:
Methods of instruction for this course include lecture, group discussions, small group activities, individual activities
completed in class, demonstrations, and the use of video.
Course Policies:
Method of Evaluation (Tests/Exams, Grading System):
All grades in this course are assigned based on a percentage system: A= 100% - 90%, B= 89% - 80%, C= 79% 70%, D= 69%-60%, F= less than 60%. Your final grade for this course will be based on the percentage of total points
possible that you have earned from exams, assignments, and quizzes.
We will cover four units this summer. There will be one exam for each of the four units. All exams will be worth 100
points. Each exam will be comprised of one or more of the following: multiple-choice, matching, T or F, diagram
identification, and short-answer/essay. Exam questions will come from all topics discussed in class, the textbook
chapters and other selected readings and assignments. Follow the study guide that is posted in Blackboard for each
unit to ensure that you study all of the material necessary for exams. Following the study guide will also prevent you
from studying material that is not going to be on the exam.
A missed exam must be completed in the Testing Center (second floor in the Student Commons Building). You will
need a photo ID to complete the exam. You will have 24 hours from the end of the class period to complete the exam
with no point penalty. Completing an exam beyond the one-day grace period will result in a 10 point deduction for
each day it is late. For example, an exam completed three days after the scheduled exam date will receive a 20
point reduction - a score of 80 out of 100 would then be reduced to a score of 60 out of 100.
Preparing for Exams
Each exam will cover 3 or 4 chapters, but not all information in each chapter. When preparing for an exam, read all
sections in the textbook that are listed in each unit study guide (located in Blackboard). Read those sections at least
two times, and preferably more. Also review any quizzes, worksheets, handouts, etc. you received during the unit,
and of course study your notes. Everything we do in class serves the purpose of preparing you for exam content
and the thinking skills you will need to answer questions correctly on the exam. About 40% of the exam questions
will assess factual information and about 60% of the questions will assess your ability to apply information to
scenarios. You can’t apply information very well if you don’t understand it. So, study to understand the information
really well and read the textbook sections thoroughly (more than once) to get the factual information.
There will be occasional quizzes. Quizzes are usually announced ahead of time, but I reserve the right to give
unannounced quizzes as well. A missed quiz can only be completed at the start of the next class period. If you miss
class, be sure to check for announcements in Blackboard to find out if there will be a quiz on the day that you return.
If you don’t have a computer at home, you can use HCC’s computer lab (1st floor Student Commons Building) or call
my office to find out if there is something due for the next class period.
For each unit, there will be at least one assignment that you will complete. These assignments are typically worth 15
to 35 points. There will also be short assignments from time to time that you can only complete if you are in class
when they are assigned. These assignments will vary in point value from approximately 5 to 15 points. I will NOT
accept late assignments or assignments that are not stapled. If you don’t have a stapler, the HCC Library has several
of them available at the library reference desk.
If You Miss Class
If you miss class, it is your responsibility to find out if there was an assignment or quiz announced for the next class.
Check Blackboard on the evening of the day you missed class to find out if there is an assignment or quiz. It is
highly recommended that you not take a vacation during a semester. Taking trips, even when required by your
parents(?) will not excuse you from deadlines or late penalties.
Assignment Deadlines
This is an eight week course - be on task and manage your time well. See Deadlines section below for more
information. All assignments will have a clearly stated deadline. Assignments are due by 5:00 p.m. on the due date.
I will not accept assignments that are turned in after 4 p.m. on the due date. Late assignments will not be
accepted for any reason, and you will receive a score of zero for that assignment. Corrupt electronic files, printer
malfunctions, vacations, weddings, empty ink cartridges, car accidents, illness, etc. are NOT exceptions for this rule.
If you miss class on the day that an assignment is due, you can drop off a hard copy at my office or with our division
secretary in ICB 2100 by 4 pm.
If you can’t make it to campus on the due date, you can email it to me. However, I will deduct 20% from your grade
for having to print the document for you.
Grading System (approximation)
Exams: 4 exams worth 100 points each = 400 points possible (66% of your final grade)
Quizzes: Five quizzes worth an average of 16 points each = 80 points possible (13 % of your final grade)
Assignments: Five assignments worth about 25 points each = 125 points possible (21% of your final grade)
Total Points Possible: 605
Grading Scale
A = 100 – 90% of possible points earned
B = 89 – 80% of possible points earned
C = 79 – 70% of possible points earned
D = 69 – 60% of possible points earned
F = below 60% of possible points earned
Participation and Attendance:
Students are expected to attend all classes and participate meaningfully in the activities each class day. Because late
assignments are not accepted, in-class assignments cannot be made up, and exam questions can come from class
activities, it is in your best interest to attend every class and be involved in your own learning by participating in
discussions and asking questions. Attendance may be tracked, but there are no points awarded based on attendance.
However, I may withdraw a student from the course at midterm if his/her grade is poor and they have poor attendance.
Incompletes: See the policy on Incompletes in the Heartland Community College Catalogue.
Extra Credit: There is no extra credit available in this course.
Required Writing and Reading:
Every instructor will require a minimum of 10 pages of writing from each student. This may be accomplished through a
combination of various writing requirements such as: term papers, essay questions on exams, journals, or other written
Student Conduct:
All students are expected to behave in an acceptable manner in the classroom. Aside from asking questions and
participating in class activities, there will be no talking in the classroom. Cell phones, pagers, etc. must be turned off
during class. There will be no text messaging or reading of text messages during class. I reserve the right to drop you
from this course if your behavior is such that it interferes with the learning environment or is otherwise disruptive to me or
your classmates in any way.
Syllabi disclaimer:
Some changes might occur during the course of this semester with regard to deadlines, material covered, and the nature
of assignments. However, changes will not be made to the number of exams given, the point totals of the exams or the
date of the final exam.
PSY 101 Summer 2012 Schedule for Mon/Wed 8:00 a.m. class (subject to changes)
Material Covered During the Range of Dates on the Left
Mon 4
Wed 6
Mon 11
Ch. 1: Psychology’s Roots, Big Ideas, and Critical Thinking Tools
Ch. 2: Neuroscience and Consciousness
Ch. 5: Sensation and Perception
Wed 13
Exam 1, then begin unit 2
Mon 18
Wed 20
Mon 25
Ch. 6: Learning
Ch. 7: Memory
Ch. 8: Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
Wed 27
Mon 2
Mon 9
Wed 11
Exam 2, then begin unit 3
Mon 16
Exam 3, then begin unit 4
Wed 18
Mon 23
Wed 25
Ch. 9:
Ch. 10:
Ch. 12:
Ch. 13:
Mon 30
Exam 4, then go home!
Ch. 14:
Ch. 11:
Ch. 4:
Ch. 3:
Social Psychology
Gender and Sexuality
Developing Through the Lifespan
Motivation and Emotion
Stress, Health, and Human Flourishing
Psychological Disorders
Important Dates
Friday, June 8th: Last day to withdraw from course and receive a refund.
Friday, July 13th: Last day to withdraw from course and receive a W (withdrawal) grade.