Week 1 Quick Writes July 12th – July 16th

Week 1 Quick Writes
July 11- July 15
The Quick Write Quota
5 for 5 = $5!
Every day you will be asked a thought-provoking question
called a Quick Write. It’s quick because it will only take 5
You don’t have to worry about spelling, punctuation, or
The length for each Quick Write is at least 5 sentences,
which shouldn’t be hard to do, because each Quick Write
asks several questions for you to answer!
When time is up and you’ve completed the Quick Write,
you will get a stamp, and by the end of the week if you
have 5 stamps, you will receive 5 Promise Dollars!
Quick Write #1
Monday, July 11, 2011
What made you decide to come to
Summer Dreamers?
 What are you most looking forward to
doing or learning during your time here?
 What else are you going to do this
summer? (play sports, go on family
vacation, etc.)
At least 5 sentences =
A Slice of Life
What’s as confusing as last week’s science lab?
Can be sweet as sugar?
Then sharp as a knife?
Come quickly
But with no instructions on how to handle it?
Can take you up to the stars
Or throw you sprawling against a rock?
Just when you think you’ve got it figured out,
It takes an unexpected turn.
Those who have lived it
Either warn you about the dangers it brings,
Or tell you to live it to the fullest.
Perhaps you know what I am talking about.
Don’t let it pass by without making a mark
Or saving a memory, because
It will only come once, and soon the opportunities,
The moments, the dreams
Will all just be a slice of your past
The piece of life that we call
Quick Write #2
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
•Take 2 minutes to write all
that this poem brings to mind
for you.
•Think about adolescence and
describe one memorable
moment from this past school
At least 5 sentences =
Time Somebody Told Me
Quick Write #3
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Time Somebody Told Me
That I am lovely, good and real
That I am beautiful inside
If they only knew
How that would make me feel.
Time Somebody Told Me
That my mind is quick, sharp
And full of wit
That I should keep on trying
And never quit.
Time Somebody Told Me
How they loved and needed me
How my smile is filled with hope
And my spirit sets them free
How my eyes shine, full of light
How good they feel when they hug me tight.
•For 2 minutes write as quickly
as you can about all that this
poem brings to mind for you.
•Write about all that you wish
someone would or did tell you.
Time Somebody Told me
So I had a talk with myself
Just me, nobody else
‘cause it was time
Somebody Told me
At least 5 sentences =
I asked you to dance,
But you were still crying.
I gave you a rose,
But you were still depressed.
I gave you a teddy bear,
But you never received it.
I gave you a porcelain unicorn,
But you were still broken up.
I tried to be nice,
I tried to comfort you,
I tried to help you,
But none of it worked
So I cried.
And you don’t know
How much it would me to me
Just to see you,
Quick Write #4
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Write for about 4 minutes as
quickly as you can about any
experience this brings to mind for
At least 5 sentences =
Moon Mission: To-Do List
Grow plant in zero-G
Fix satellite
Send probe to Venus
Study sleep rhythms in space
Grow crystals in space
Space walk
Take pictures of Earth
Launch satellite
Study how ants work in space
Land in Sea of Vapors on moon
Gather rock samples from Fra Mauro on Moon
Examine Autolycus crater on moon
Gather moon rocks and moon dust
Orbit moon
Return to Earth
Quick Write #5
Friday, July 15, 2011
Write a to-do list based on
something you know how to
do well. (Brush teeth, make
something, play a sport,
Honey, when you get back, don’t forget:
A gallon of milk
A loaf of bread
Cheddar cheese
At least 5 sentences =