FINANCE 7311 CAPITAL BUDETING 1 Outline Projects Investment Criteria NPV v. IRR Sources of NPV Project Cash Flow Checklist 2 Projects A project is any potential real investment opportunity Distinguish real from financial Mutually Exclusive - can do only one Independent - decision about one does not affect decision w/r/t the others Replacement - special case 3 Investment Criteria Investment criteria are the rules by which we decide whether or not to accept a particular project; consider the following: Year Project A Project B 0 (10,000) (10,000) 1 6,500 3,500 2 3,000 3,500 3 3,000 3,500 4 1,000 3,500 4 Accounting Rate of Return ARR = Avg. Income / Avg. Investment Uses Income rather than Cash Flow Ignores Time Value of Money 5 Payback Years needed to recover initial investment To Find: Calculate where cumulative cash flows become positive Project A: Project B: 2 1/6 years 2 6/7 years 6 Problems with Payback Ignores Time Value of Money Can use Discounted Payback; Why? Ignores CF’s after payback To see: Assume Project B’s cash flow in year 4 is 1,000,000; how does this affect payback 7 Net Present Value This rule is always consistent with maximizing the value of the firm Economically, take all projects for which benefits > costs (in PV dollars) Mathematically, sum the present values of all the cash flows 8 Net Present Value CF NPV CF (1 R) n i i 1 i 0 9 NPV example Y ea r Proje ct A Proje ct B 0 (10,000 ) (10,000 ) 1 5, 804 3. 125 2 2, 392 2. 790 3 2, 135 2, 491 4 636 2, 224 967 630 10 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) IRR - That rate which causes NPV to = 0. CF 0 CF (1 IRR) n i i 1 i 0 11 IRR Independent Projects - select all projects for which IRR > Cost of Capital Mutually Exclusive - select project with highest IRR Use ‘well-designed’ spreadsheet 12 Comparison of NPV & IRR Business people are accustomed to thinking in rates of return, so does it matter which of NPV or IRR we use? Independent - the two rules are equivalent NPV > 0 <==> IRR > Cost of Capital 13 Comparison of NPV & IRR Mutually Exclusive Projects - can get different answers NPV Profile for Example Reinvestment Assumption 14 NPV v. IRR Example Project 1: Project 2: Project 1 Project 2 (100,000) 1,000 NPV 13,636 818 125,000 2,000 IRR 25% 100% 15 NPV v. IRR, cont. IRR ==> Do Project 2 NPV ==> Do Project 1 Problem: Reinvestment Assumption What are you going to do with the other $99,000? 16 Profitability Index PV Cash Inflows / PV Cash Outflows Independent: Choose all with PI > 1 Mutually Exclusive: Choose highest PI Project 1: Project 2: 1.136 1.818 May be useful for capital rationing 17 Other Real Options Option to Expand Option to Abandon Strategic Options Excluding biases NPV down Decision Tree: Capital Budgeting should be dynamic, not static 18 Source of NPV Market Opportunities - ‘deviations from equilibrium’ Economies of Scale Cost Advantages Product differentiation Distribution Advantage Regulatory Protection 19 Relevant Cash Flows We can always write: EBIT + Depreciation - Taxes (t x EBIT) = Operating Cash Flow - ∆ NWC - Capital Spending = FCF 20 Cash Flows 1. Focus on Cash Flows; not accounting #’s Depreciation Not a cash flow Affects Cash Flow through depreciation Capital spending Capitalized for accounting purposes Cash outflow for finance purposes 21 Project Cash Flows 2 Focus on Incremental Cash Flows “What is different if project is accepted?” Sunk Costs - those costs which have been incurred and are not affected by project decision Opportunity Cost - highest value use of an asset if not used in project 22 Project CF’s, cont. 3 Externalities - less obvious costs/benefits which should be included in analysis 4 Change in NWC - often a cash outflow initially and cash inflow at end Cash flows should be after tax ∆Rev/Exp x (1-t) Depreciation x t Do not include interest as a cash flow 5 6 23 Project CF’s, cont. Replacement problem - should you keep an existing asset, or replace it with a new one ∆ in Cash Flows Net of tax proceeds from disposal of existing asset 24