p. hd. mechanical/production engineering

Adisa, Ademola Bello
Computer Aided Modelling
and Simulation of a Wood
Burning Stove
A rectangular wood burning stove have been
modelled and simulated. Two computer
programs have been developed for the analysis
of a wood burning stove. These are for stress
analysis (FEMUIS) and wood simulation
(WOODSIM). The stress analysis program was
written in FORTRAN language and is based on
the Finite Element Method. The simulation
program was written in BASIC language and is a
product of the modification of the scanada
consultants' wood simulation program. They
have been implemented on a Pentium"
microcomputer configured with 4GB of core
memory, 32MB RAM size and a processor speed
of 266M Hz. The resolution of the system was
600 x 400 pixels. The programs have been made
interactive so that the user can easily put it to
use and the source codes are provided so that
he can rnodity, if required. A simple method of
finding good material (clay) properties was put
forward and the results obtained from tests
showed that making composites from different
clays can improve some properties. In this work,
thermal shock resistance at 1000oC, crushing
strength at 12000C and bulk density at 12000C
were improved, when compared with the
original clays. Desiqn criteria required for
efficient wood burning stove were also put
forward. Test results from the programs show
that high temperatures can be attained, which
will lead to faster cooking with smaller amount
As a design tool, it is
important for the
programs to be tried in
as many circumstances
as possible so that
overlooked in this
research can be taken
care of with time.
Experimental rigs can
also be built and all
parameters stated can
be taken when the
system is in operation.
This is one way in
which the results of
the design analysis can
be compared with
Baba, Alfa
Analysis of Solar Radiation
in Bauchi
Gerard, Ijeomah Egbo
Simulation and Validation
of wood when compared to the three stone
fireplaces. The actual time spent on the
computer in the simulation process ranged
between ten and fifteen minutes. The time that
will be spent on the real system as indicated by
the program ranged between one and three
hours depending on the conditions imposed.
In this work, analysis of solar radiation in Bauchi
a tropical location (10.33°N, 9.83°E, 400m ) is
carried out. Frequency distribution of hourly
diffuse fraction Kd and hourly clearness index Kt
is studied. The ~ and Kt were separated in the
range of solar elevation (α) within 10° interval
and arranged within fractional steps of 0.05.
There seem to be no seasonal dependence on
the way Kd is distributed for all ranges of solar
elevation. Yearly and seasonal correlations
between Kd , Kt and sine Q() were established
using piece wise correlation. The coefficient of
determination r2 for the correlations were
found to be greater than 0.9. Two models Ml
and M2 were developed. Ml is a one parameter
model involving and Kt.., while M2 is a two
parameter model involving Kt and sin(α).
Statistical test using Composite Residual Sum of
Square (CRSS) and Standard Deviation (SD) were
used to assess the models. The model M2 has
the least CRSS and SD for the entire data set. It
is therefore found to perform better than model
Ml and the existing models. Neural Network
technique using time series is also used in
predicting hourly solar radiation. The Mean
Square Error (MSE) is within the order of 10-20.
A solar parabolic-trough concentrating collector
of the Thermal
Performance of a Solar
Concentrating Collector in
has been modeled, simulated and validated.
The collector dimensions, the geometry of the
parabolic contour onto which the reflecting
surface is mounted, the thermal properties of
the materials of various components of the
collector, radiation and meteorological data are
incorporated in the model equations. The
modeling considered the ability of the absorbing
element to absorb the available insolation that
is incident on the element after being reflected
from or transmitted through other collector
components, the magnitude of thermal losses
due to convection to the ambient air and the
magnitude of thermal losses due to radiative
exchange with the surroundings. Model
equations were used to simulate the
performance of a solar parabolic-trough
concentrating collector (Model TE 38), using
MATLAB software package. The dimensions and
the materials of each component of the solar
governed the establishment of the thermal
properties of the materials used in
accomplishing the simulation model. An
experimental performance evaluation of the
solar parabolic-trough concentrating collector
(Model TE 38) was carried out. The energy
collector system was constructed using the
available and affordable local materials. The
absorber-tube material was made of copper
with an external diameter of 13mm and a
thickness of 1.5mm. Model equations were
validated since the simulation model results are
in agreement with the experimental results. The
Dan-Dakouta, Habou
Evaluation of the Thermal
Performance of CPC Solar
Water Heater and Solar
Cooker in the Presence of
Dust Particles in Bauchi,
developed program can be used for predicting
the performance of any specified dimension of a
solar parabolic-trough concentrating collector.
The tropical climates, south of the Sahara and
especially in the Sahel region, are characterized
by a short period locally known as harmattan
during which, the available insolation is
significantly low as a result of suspended dust
particles in the lower part of the atmosphere.
This seriously affects the performance of any
solar equipment. Investigation on solar
collectors' thermal performance, taking due
consideration of the effect of dust particles is a
prerequisite step in improving their adaptability
in this region. A compound parabolic
concentrating (Cl'C) solar water heater
operating on thermosyphonic process and a Cl'C
solar cooker were designed and constructed.
The performances of the two collectors were
studied theoretically using four different
techniques: Rayleigh scattering, Mie scattering,
geometric optics and radiative transfer. The
equations for heat exchanges between all the
components of the heater and cooker were
formulated and correlated with the absorbed
fractions of beam and diffuse solar radiations by
the respective component parts. A visual Basic
program was developed to provide numerical
solutions to the resulting systems of non-linear
equations. The theoretical results obtained
based on Rayleigh and Mie scatterings agreed
closely, while the geometric optics and radiative
transfer methods gave also close results. The
two collectors were tested during the period of
Sule, Samuel
Improvement of the
Performance of the U-Bolt
Incorporating Spring as
Stress Reducer for the
Steyr-Tractor Stabilizer
harmattan dust spell (Nov. 2003 to March 2004)
under very turbid atmospheric condition (0.202
s ~ s 0.53) and their performances evaluated.
The results indicated their performances as
similar with maximum thermal efficiencies of
44.9% and 39.6% respectively for the heater and
the cooker. The performances of the collectors
were predicted when the dust particles were
assumed to be isotropic (r" = 1) and anisotropic
(t" » 1) and comparison with the experimental
results showed that the dust particles tend to be
isotropic in nature. In addition, an empirical
correlation for the natural convection heat
transfer from the surface of the enveloping glass
tube to the air within the water heater was
determined to be Nu = 1.98 (Gr.Pr)0.35 for the
range of (Gr.Pr) values from 3.26x103 to
7.65x104. This correlation gave good
comparison with that ofMc Adams (1958) and
that of Holman (1997).
The sideways swings of the Steyr tractor lift
system has contributed to failures of some parts
of the lift system such as the stabilizer bracket
and the axle to which it is attached. It also
causes discomforts to the operators. This work
is aimed at improving the material properties of
the bracket; designing, constructing and testing
a unit that would absorb the stress on the
system. To accomplish this, chemical content,
heat treatments and strength properties
analyses of the bracket materials were carried
out with the aim of improving them. Some of
the strength properties like the impact and
tensile strength of the bracket were found to be
Ihom, Paul Aondona
Development of a Self
Curing Binder System for
Core making Using Plants
about two hundred percent (200%) higher than
the strength properties of ordinary carbon steel.
This strength property is considered adequate
for the purpose it is designed. This shows that
these bracket failures can not be due to use of
poor materials. The stresses acting on the
bracket during operation were then determined
using strain gauges. Analysis of results showed
that occasional high and low stresses of about
0.039kN/mm2 and 0.015kN/mm2 respectively
exist on the Steyr brackets bringing about these
bracket failures. The obtained values
0.015kN/mm2 and 0.039kN/mm2 were used in
the design and construction of the spring loaded
'U' bolts that can absorb the shocks. The spring
loaded 'U' bolts were fixed on the tractor and
tested on sandy loam and clay loam soils. It was
found to reduce the stress on the right bracket
from 0.039kN/mm2 to 0.003kN/mm2 on sandy
loam soil of 13.3% moisture content and on clay
0.0044kN/mm2 at 12.6% moisture content.
Further tests of the old and new units on a farm
road during transportation of a plough and then
a harrow at different speeds, ploughing and
harrowing at different speeds, at different soil moisture contents and at different depths on
sandy loam soils, showed that the spring loaded
'U' bolt reduced the stresses on the right
bracket by approximately ten times the stress
on the Steyr 'U' bolt.
The research work has covered the -Efforts should be
development of a binder system from extracts intensified on the
of plants, the testing of the core properties of search for other local
the developed binder, and sands used. The
properties were compared to those of urea
sulphonic acid (UFFA-BSA) binder system since
the developed binder is expected to be an
alternative to the UFF A-BSA binder system. The
characteristics of the developed binder system,
and its emission characteristics. The two
characteristics were again compared with those
ofUFFA-BSA binder system. The work resulted in
the development of a binder system with the
composition in core mixture of 5.0% manihot
esculenta, 2.0% water and 1.0% cement. This
composition gave a maximum compression
strength of 4200kPa after 10hours and the
strength continued to increase as the curing
progressed. This compared well with UFFA-BSA
binder system maximum strength of 4400kPa.
The newly developed binder system made cores
had a hygroscopy of 0.33%, this was better than
UFFA-BSA binder system hygroscopy of 0.38%.
The casting performance of the newly
developed binder system was also better than
that of UFFA-BSA binder system, when castings
produced by the two binders were assessed in
terms of veining defects, pin and blowholes, and
surface finish. The rating for the newly
developed binder system made castings was
between 1.5-2.5 exception of the step cone
casting from Rukuba stream sand, while the
rating for the UFFA-BSA binder system castings
was between 1.5-4.0. The cores from the newly
developed binder system also had better
raw materials for the
development of selfcuring binders for core
making in the foundry.
-Self-curing binders of
inorganic base should
be developed from
local deposits of rocks,
containing phosphorus
and sodium silicates.
-More research should
be done using glycine
max, the possibility
exists for developing a
high quality binder
using glycine max.
-Sheabutter resin is a
good binder therefore
more work can be
done on it.
should be tried with
core oils.
Elijah, Robinson
Performance, Emission and
Wear Characteristics of A
Single-Cylinder Gasoline
Engine Running on Seed
Oil-Blended Lubricants
collapsibility after casting notwithstanding that
the shakeout time was less than 45 seconds in
both cases. The emission characteristics of the
newly developed binder system, showed that it
had water vapour and carbonoxides as the chief
decomposition products. The emissions from
the newly developed binder were classified
under non-hazardous air pollutants (Non HAPS).
It had odorous dilution ratio of 6, particulates of
5xlO-4g/g sample, gas evolution of 4.0cc/g
sample, carbondioxide of 100mg/m3, and
sulphurdioxide of O.lmg/m3• Benzene and
formaldehyde were not present. When
compared to UFFABSA binder system, the newly
developed binder system was better, because
most emissions under UFF A-BSA binder system
are classified as hazardous air pollutants (HAPS).
Some of them are: formaldehyde with a value of
l.emg/nr', sulphurdioxide with a value of
120.0mg/m3, benzene with a value of
112.0mg/m3 and hydrogen sulphide with a
value of 12.0mg/m3• It also has an odour
detection threshold of less than O.2ppm, this
gives it a very strong odour. The newly
developed binder however has an odour
detection threshold of 1.2ppm giving it less
Concerns over the fast depleting fossil fuel
reserve, and the latest environmental
regulations has called tor renewable and
biodegradable alternative to mineral oil –based
lubricants. This study presents results of
performance; emission and wear characteristics
of single-cylinder gasoline engine ran on seed
oil-blended Lubricants, The Oil analyses were
carried out in accordance With standardized
analytical methods. A comparative analysis of
the brake power output, specific fuel
consumption and exhaust gas emission levels
were earned out on a single cylinder 5.4 hp
spark ignition engine test bed and an Ursat
apparatus for standard lubricants (i.e SAt; 4UW
and SAb lUW/5U), and seed oil blended
lubricants at different throttle speeds.
Furthermore, the engine wear behavior running
on seed oil blends were monitored over an
experimental period of 8 hours. 01! Samples
were collected on a 2 -hourly basis, and
analyzed for aluminum wear debris WIth the
atomic absorption spectrophotometer. I he
results showed that castor and palm oil WIth
viSCOSIty values 98.6cSt, J4.7cSt; iodine values
1S6.93ml/g, 54mllg; peroxide value U.75meq O2
kg", 0.86 meq O2 kg" ; and negligible linolenic
acid content are more VISCOUS, saturated, less
reactive and less susceptible to spoilage than
other seed oil employed in the tests. The higher
saponification values of palm oil (I 1J8.46mg
KUHlg), groundnut oil (190.54 mg KUHlg) and
cottonseed oil (l90.18 mg KOHJg) suggested
superior metallic soap formation and anti-wear
behavior. Seed Oils samples exhibited higher oil
densities, Viscosity indices, flash points, calorific
values, pour points and fewer residues than the
SAb 40 and SAE lUW/50 011 benchmarks. By
comparing seed oils (and their methyl ester)
with SAE 20W/50 showed a lower brake power
output than SAE 40W oil. Higher brake power
Adeyemi, Kafayat
Domestic Energy Use and
Its Implication in Bauchi
output was recorded for castor oil, palm oil,
cottonseed oil, soya oil, and groundnut oil; and
methyl ester of soya oil, cottonseed oil,
groundnut oil, palm oil, and castor oils samples
respectively. Castor 011, palm oil, soya 011 and
cottonseed 011 blends; and the methyl esters of
cottonseed oil, palm oil, castor oil, and soya oil
samples also enhanced the fuel economy
characteristics. In addition, the carbon dIOXIde
levels of tested seed 011 samples (except for
groundnut oil blends) are lower than the SAt;
lUW/50 and SAE 40W benchmarks, and
increased with engine speed and increasing
concentration of Viscosity modifier. While, the
carbon monoxide levels of seed oils (With
exception of soya oil and its methyl ester)
blended samples were found to be lower than
~_-\t 4UW and SAE 20W/50 oils. Unused oxygen
levels decreased sharply at maximum brake load
and throttle speed 01 3000rpm for tested oil
samples. It was observed that groundnut 011,
soya oil, cottonseed oil blends exhibited better
anti-wear behaviour than palm oil and castor oil
blends. The production costs of seed oil
lubricants are basically cheaper than mineral
based lubricants, and their methyl ester blends
are comparatively higher than mineral base
lubricants. Finally, seed 011 blended lubricants
are more biodegradable, emits less greenhouse
gases, exhibit better lubricity and less volatility,
generates higher brake power and fuel economy
than mineral oil- based lubricants.
This study carries out an analysis of domestic
energy use pattern in both rural and urban
State – A Case Study of
Bauchi Local Government
settlement of Yelwa, Makama, Dawaki, Haka
Yafi and Galambi in Bauchi Local Government
Area. The survey identified firewood, charcoal,
kerosene, LPG and electricity as the energy
sources in use. The study revealed that over
90% of households depend on fire wood as a
household fuel. All surveyed households use
kerosene for lighting. Liquefied Petroleum Gas
(LPG) was scarcely found in households as a
source of domestic energy, 0.7% of surveyed
urban household use it for cooking. Electricity is
used mainly for lighting by all households
connected to the grid. 86.4% of energy use by
households is from firewood and charcoal while
the contribution of kerosene, LPG and electricity
is less than 10%. About 17% of surveyed urban
household own generator sets as an alternative
power supply. Average energy consumption per
household per day is 0.31 07GJ in surveyed rural
household and 0.1931 GJ in surveyed urban
household. Efficiencies increase from values of
9.6% for traditional three stone stove (3R) using
firewood to 78.4% for LPG stove employing LPG.
The urban cooking is characterized mainly by
purchase of firewood at a cost of about 8 Naira
per kilogram of firewood while rural cooking is
done by firewood gathering from lands and
395kg/person/year and about 2x 109kg of
firewood is being consumed annually in Bauchi
State. It was found that the cost of cooking with
inefficient cooking devices can be 10 times
higher than the actual cost. Firewood
Yahaya,Dahiru Dasin
Development and Heat
Transfer Analysis of
Concentrating Solar
Cooker with Tracking
consumption presently is not sustainable
because the consumption exceeds the volume
of annual increment. This has brought about
reduction in the size of some existing forest
reserves namely Panshanu, Burra, etc by about
10% between 2000 and 2005 and complete
deforestation of others like Sakwa and Baushe
in Bauchi State.
Development and heat transfer analysis of
parabolic dish solar cooker with tracking
mechanism is presented. The tracking system
consists of three light dependent resistors (LDR).
Simulation model was introduced to predict the
absorber (cooking pot), pot cover, cooking fluid
and air gap temperatures. Maximum theoretical
temperature reached by the components after 3
hours at average beam radiation of 650 W/m2,
0.6m/s wind speed and 0.6kg cooking fluid was
found to be 718.0K, 378.7K, 452.6K and 461.2K,
respectively. Three experimental tests were
conducted: boiling water test, cooking test and
stagnation temperature test. 1 kg of water came
to boil in 1 hour under clear weather condition
at average beam radiation of 540W/m2. At an
average beam radiation of 623 W 1m2, 1 kg of
white rice and parboiled rice each were cooked
after 75 minutes. lkg of beans was cooked at
536.5W/m2 after 90 minutes, lkg of yam was
cooked in 75 minutes at low beam radiation of
430.1 W/m2• The highest temperature was
found to be 402K at average radiation of 584.1
W/m2 for stagnation temperature test. Three
empirical correlations for convection heat
transfer were derived to be of the form Nu =
1.24(Gr. Pr) 0.25 for convection over the
H −0.11
Pzigis, Idris Ibrahim
Design and Performance
Characteristics of a
Maiganga Lignite Coal and
Poultry Dropping CoCombustor in a Fluidized
Bed Steam Generator
absorber surface, Nu = 0.65 ( )
(Gr. Pro
)0.33 for air contained in the cooking pot and
Nu = 3.19(Gr. Pr)0.25 for convection over the
pot cover. The flow condition for the three
correlations is laminar with Rayleigh number in
the range of 7.01716 x 105 ≤Ra ≤1.010641 x
106. The predicted and experimental
temperatures obtained for the absorber at an
average beam radiation of 507.7 W/m2, cooking
fluid of 0.522kg were 414.6K and 369.0K
respectively, after 2hours testing. At an average
beam radiation of 623W/m2, the predicted and
experimental cooking fluid temperature were
329.5K and 369.0K respectively, in 60 minutes.
An average error of estimate for absorber,
cooking fluid, pot cover and air gap
temperatures were 10.31 %, 4.81 %,6.52% and
5.86% respectively. The overall efficiency of the
cooker was found to be 17.5% at an average
beam radiation of 540W/m2.
This work presents the design and performance
characteristics of a Maiganga lignite coal and
poultry dropping co-combustor in a fluidized
bed steam generator. The designed and
constructed co-combustor consists of a square
duct column of 46 em and 34 em outside and
inside diameters respectively, with 163 em in
height. It has heat exchanger tube of 40.3 m
long and the centrifugal fan that supply's air at
fluidization velocity of 0.681 m/s. The cofiring of
the fuels at mix ratios (lignite: poultry dropping)
of 100:0,90:10, 70:30, 50:50 and 0: 100 was
conducted to examine temperature changes in
the system. The energy balances in the steam
generator systems were modeled in order to
predict bed, tube surface, steam and combustor
wall temperatures. The developed model
equations were solved using the fourth order
Runge-Kutta method and run on a Matlab
program. Co-firing of fuel mix ratios at 100:0,
90: 1 0 and 70:30 (lignite: poultry dropping)
sustained thermal power at 73 kW with steam
temperature of 455 K than fuel mix ratios of
50:50 and 0: 1 00. Hence, at fuel mix ratios from
100:0 to 70:30, co-firing replaced lignite with
low cost poultry dropping fuel for generation of
steam in thermal power plant. The heat transfer
rate on tube surface was 25 kW at 545 K tube
surface temperature when burning fuel mix at a
ratio of 90: 10. Burning 100% lignite resulted in
heat transfer rate of 45 kW through combustor
wall at bed temperature regulated to 1 145 K.
The simulation results showed that the bed
reached a temperature of 1 200 K in 60 minutes,
while tube surface, steam, and wall
temperatures were 630 K, 430 K and 373 K
respectively, when firing fuel mix at ratio of 70:
30. Regression analysis for simulated and
experimental bed temperature showed RSquare value of 0.998 and error of 0.8% for
lignite only, while the improved model resulted
in bed temperature of 1 168 K. The regression
analysis for simulated and experimental tube
surface temperature showed RSquare of 0.938
and error of 3.84% for fuel mix ratio of 70:30,
while the improved model resulted in tube
surface temperature of 665 K. Regression
Tokan, Aje
Characterization of Some
Wood Charcoals and
Development of Energy
Equations for Simulation of
Blacksmith Furnace
analysis for simulated and experimental steam
temperature showed R-Square of 0.886 and
error of 2.4% for fuel mix ratio of 90: 10, while
the improved model resulted in steam
temperature of 612 K. Similarly, for regression
analysis of simulated and experimental
combustor wall temperature showed RSquare of
0.978 and error of 1.02% for fuel mix ratio of
50:50, while the improved model resulted in
combustor wall temperature of 331 K. There
was no significant change in steam temperature
when fuel mix was fired at ratios from 100:0 to
70:30 (lignite: poultry dropping) in the fluidized
bed steam generator.
Wood and agricultural wastes are in abundance,
and have not been put into much use. Most Of
them are either left to rot away or are just burnt
off. These waste products from wood and
agricultural activities are sorted and sized for
suitable compaction into briquettes. The
particle sizes range between 600 11m to 2.60
mm. The briquettes produced were 55 mm in
diameter and 300 mm in length. Also this
project report provides step by step
investigation of the Prosopis Africana (Kirya),
Erythrophleum Suaveolens (Gwaska) charcoal
properties as an energy source and a
comparative analysis of the results, viz- a-viz
other coal properties as well as their effect on
the environment. Comparative analyses of
furnace fuels (Kirya, Baushe and Gwaska
charcoals) used for forging were carried out.
Combustion parameters were used to
determine the energy utilized juring the
processes of forging a metal stock. The quantity
of heat released from the fuels as found to be
47.25 kW, 23.04 kWand 28.264 kWat average
temperatures of 920K, 598K and 631K
respectively. Model equations were established
for the heat balance for the hearth, metal and
tong. A programme for the modeled equations
was written using MATLAB. Comparative
analyses in SPSS were employed for the
validation of the experimental and simulated
results. Regression analysis carried out for the
validation of the experimental and calculated
temperatures for the various charcoal types
used in the furnace with Hearth Temperature as
the dependent variable shows that, for Kirya
charcoal, R2 values reached 0.999 and 0.949 for
calculated and experimental models while the
standard error was 12.83 and 84.86%
respectively. For Baushe charcoal, the R2 values
reached 0.996 and 0.961 for calculated and
experimental models while the standard error
was 20.897 and 75.318% respectively. For
Gwaska charcoal, the k values reached 0.998
and 0.997 for calculated and experimental
models while the standard error was 15.962 and
20.757% respectively. These analyses showed
that the developed models are working. The
comparative analysis has helped in establishing
information that could be adopted for the
design of a blacksmith forge. The models will
assist designers and operators to monitor
component parts of blacksmith forge (furnace)
and other applications.
Muhammed Hamisu
Modelling the Force-Wear
Relationship with
Application in Tool
Condition Monitoring in
Milling Operations
Detection of tool failure is very important in
automated manufacturing. In this work, a
incorporates parasitic force factor and the effect
of flank wear is developed. In the model,
average force per tooth is predicted instead of
the instantaneous force values. This has the
advantage of eliminating the effect of cutter
run-out. To validate the model, milling
operations (end milling) experiments were
conducted to measure all the force
components, tool wear, tool life and surface
finish. Computer simulations were carried out.
Good agreement was obtained between the
simulated and measured average force values. It
was observed that when the parasitic force
factor was assumed zero, the correlation
between the simulated and measured force
values were decreased. Thus the effect of the
parasitic force factor cannot be ignored in the
model for predicting tool wear. However, as
wear values and depth of cut increase the
model over estimates the force values.
Furthermore, empirical force-wear models were
developed using the experimental data via the
SPSSPC+ Version 4 software. Both linear and
non-linear regression procedures were used to
obtain the models. It was found that the linear
models are applicable only within the initial and
constant wear rate region. The non-linear wearforce models predicted tool failure and
breakage more accurately.
The wear elements were separately measured
and correlated to force variation. The minor
Danshehu, Bagudu
Design, Development and
Performance Analysis of an
800 Liter Capacity Solar
Water Heater
flank wear, major flank wear, nose wear and the
average wear were found to correlate very well
with the force variation, especially the force
ratio. The use of the force ratio will eliminate
variation in work piece hardness so that the
proposed approach could be more universally
PG96/ATBU/ A solar water heating system consists of
basically two components, the solar collector
and the storage tank. The collector is a complex
thermal system that depends on a number of
variables while the storage is meant for heat
storage. A 9m2 series integrated of costeffective solar flat plate collectors for water
heating at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University
Teaching Hospital (UDUTH) has been developed.
This research work is able to identify that, a
temperature as high as 79oC can be realized and
after every three hours under average sunshine
condition a 800 litres tank coupled to the
collectors can deliver up to 65 oC hot water of
the same volume to maternity ward of the
hospital. It was equally discovered that
temperature of up to 55 oC can be realized in
the morning.
A computer model in FORTRAN 77 programme
is verified to yield results that closely matched
with the experimental performance data of the
solar water heaters.
System simulation on the model was carried out
for various collector area and tank sizing that
provides encouraging results which showed
trends that enable the reduction of optimum
system parameters. Comparisons between the
measured and the simulated results show a high
correlation coefficient (R) 01'0.94. A pay back
period time 0f 7.4 years of the projected 20
years life time of system would be realized. It is
deduced from this investigation that collector
area is leading design parameter while tank size
has less effect on the overall performance of the
Lastly, the system was optimized with
recommendations for further studies.
Idris, Mohammed Hassan
Construction and
Testing of a FlatPlate Gas Burner
The Design and Construction of a Flatplate gas Burner, was undertaken and
locally available materials were used for
construction. The project was aimed at
distribution through the flame height and
base, the mixture strength in percentages
(weak or rich) under various combustion
temperature achieved by the Bumer and
its percentage combustion efficiency.
During the test, the bumer was fueled,
ignited, and flame generated during the
combustion of butane in air gave
luminous flame. With the flame lit,
thermocouple traversing technique was
employed to determine the temperature
composition of butane-air
flame is important, this will
help give insight into chemical
kinetics in this type of flame
as well as alleviating problems
in the rate of heat release
distribution through the flame on the
minimum tuming position (i.e. at 1/4 of
the cycle) of the Nido-gas regulator and
on its maximum tuming position (i.e.at
3.25 of the cycles). In each case, the
thermocouple probe of 2.7mm diameter
and 90mm length was traversed
altemately in vertical and horizontal
directions. By so doing, the temperature
distributions through the entire flame
height and through the portion of its base
were determined consecutively. The final
temperature achieved by the bumer
during the rich combustion is 1158 K, and
this is quite adequate for boiler
applications in this country. The
combustion efficiency is 77% as against
78% for the stoichiometric value during
the combustion. Consequently, this
project has also provided the means to
exploit the gaseous fuels properly rather
than a solid or liquid fuel for boilers
operation. Flue - gas analysis technique
was also employed to compare the
performance of the burner and that of a
normal Bunsen burner.
Abubakar, Ali Fachway
Construction and
Testing of Solar
Drier for
Print Materials
A flat plate solar collector drier for
photographic print material with a
temporary thermal storage unit had been
designed, constructed using locally
available materials, and tested. A
computer program had been developed
for performance prediction of the drier.
improved upon by suing
regulating device
conducted on the optimum
size of storage units.
Ozigis, Idris Ibrahim
The Performance
of Okpara Coal
(Enugu State) in
Fluidized in
Fluidized Bed
Parameters for the best performance
were considered in the design. The drier
was put to drying test under relatively
comparison with free air drying set at the
same starting time. The drier attained
maximum fluid temperature of 83°C at 1
:OOpm on the 11/09/2003. The
experimental average drying time of
photographic print material in drying
chamber is 80 seconds while free air
drying has an average drying time of 180
seconds. The experimental drier heat
profile agrees closely with the predicted
This thesis presents the performances ot
Ukpara coal [Lnuqu state] in fluidized bed
combustor. The fluidized bed combustor
was designed, constructed with available
raw materials and commissioned. This
fluidized bed combustor was refractory
lined and was determined to have
37.42KW electricity generating capacity.
It had been employed in the present work
to generate steam. The experiment
involved two major areas of thermal
processes. The first concerned coal
combustion in fluidized bed. In these
experiments temperature measurements
for different coal sizes burnt were made.
It was found that coal sizes from 6mm14mm attain 9000( and flame stability
within 10-15 minutes of start up but 2050mm coal sizes requires lower feed rate
Ibrahim, Saidu Sintali
Effects of the
Composition and
Properties of
Mould Materials
on Solidification
Rate of Al-Cu
to achieve the same result. The second
part is to measure steam temperature
while the fluidized bed temperatures
were kept within 700-900 "C. The
maximum steam temperature obtained
was 153 O( at 2 bars employing coal sizes
of 6-14mm. It was concluded that with
higher pressure or super heaters, dry
steam for driving turbine could easily be
produced. The combustor in operation
could treat variety of materials and
minerals at temperatures up to 1200 "C.
The present combustor could easily be
scaled up for commercial generation of
electricity and other industrial processes.
Five different aluminium copper alloy
composition were prepared and cast in
five different moulds materials of
cylindrical shapes. The temperatures of
the cast and the moulds were measured
during the solidification process at
interval of time. The temperatures of the
metal moulds at the beginning of the
solidification were found to increase
rapidly, but as the process continues, the
temperature drops gradually. In the case
of synthetic sand moulds and fire clay,
the temperature increases gradually as
the solidification progresses. The heat
transfer rates across the moulds were
also computed and the results showed
that the lower the copper contents the
higher the heat transfer rate which could
be attributed to the liquidus to solidus
-The effect of changing the
percentage if Bentonite in dry
sand mould in order to find
the closest characteristics to
permanent metal mould.
range. The later also decreases as the
solidification process progresses. From
conducted, the mean grain size structure
recreases as the copper content
increases. This also depends on the
moulds' heat removal rate, the higher the
rate of heat removal the finer the mean
grain size. Also the tensile strength and
hardness results, the strength and the
hardness ased with increase in copper
content, however, metal mould produces
the - '1;1est values of these properties
respectively). This is due to the higher
conductivity of the metal mould. Alloys
produced in dry xr,j moulds with 12%
bentonite and green sand moulds with
12%, bentonite especially those with 8%
and 11% Cu produces appreciable Tensile
Strength and -iardness which range
between 163.8N/mm2 to 132N/mm2 and
68.00HRB to 59.00 HRB respectively. The
finer the grains the more the materials
elongate and the more the percentage of
reduction in area. Metal mould produces
the best casting. However, dry sand
moulds with 12% bentonite (DSM12B)
produces better casting :'1an the other
synthetic sand moulds. The sand from
Dindima River when used with there in
form of dry sand or green sand mould
with 12% bentonite can be used in ne
production of piston and cylinder heads
Mbaya, Emmanuel Ishaku
Development of
a DispersionStrenghtened
Composite for
use as a Material
for Plain Bearings
in air-cooled engines
Dispersion-strengthened composites are
being developed to meet the increasing
demand for materials that perform well in
severe environments. Some of them have
the ability to retain most of their
properties at elevated temperatures
much better than either strain-hardened,
precipitation (age) hardened alloys. In
view of these benefits, this work was
carried out to develop a dispersion
strengthened tin composite for use as a
material for plain bearings using
silica(Si02) as the dispersoid. Several
compositions (with 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and
5.0 wt % of Si02) were produced using
powder metallurgy techniques. Results
show that compositions prepared using
2.0 and 3.0 wt % of the dispersoid have
the highest compressive strengths
(depending on the sintering temperature,
soaking time and mode of cooling). Based
on ductility, however, the material with
3.0wt % of the dispersoid h,as the highest
values, while in terms of hardness, the
material with 2.0wt % of the dispersoid
characteristics. Thus, materials produced
using the 2.0 and 3.0 wt % of the
dispersoid can suitably be used to
produce oil-lubricated as well as porous,
self-lubricating plain bearings and
bushings. The compressive strength and
-Feasibility of using other nonmetallic and metallic oxides,
carbides and nitrides for the
production of other
dispersion-strengthened tin
-Comprehensive properties of
dispersion-strengthened tin
Usman, Maijamaá Kallamu
Development of
Biogas Burner
other mechanical properties of the
bearings can be improved upon when the
materials are applied to steel shell
backing. Good bonding is also achieved
when compacts are made at pressures in
excess of 240 MPa, and sintered at a
minimum temperature of 150°C, in a
reducing atmosphere.
Biogas Technology has been found to be
viable for application in many part of this
country, particularly to supplement
cooking energy needs from materials
considered to be wastes. Suitable biogas
appliances arc therefore necessary to
efficiently utilize the biogas generated.
The burners commonly and commercially
available for domestic cooking are not
designed for the burning of biogas
because they mostly operate on higher
pressures through the compressed gas
cylinders. Therefore, if biogas technology
is to gain acceptance, there is need to
develop low pressure efficient biogas
burner that can easily bc constructed
using locally available materials and skills.
In this project, therefore, a biogas burner
was designed, constructed and tested
based on low pressure and other
Performance of some conventional gas
burners was also investigated using
biogas. It is observed that the designed
biogas burner has the highest efficiency
of 58% at gas consumption of 0.44 m3
-Further studies on different
sizes and burning holes
configuration to determine
the most effective.
combustion of biogas varying
proportions and combustion
combustion engines.
Mbah, Ogbonnaya Collins
Construction and
Performance of a
Shallow Basin
Solar Still with
Heat Exchanger
per hour. While the conceptual design by
Sokoto Energy Research Centre has the
efficiency of 37% at gas consumption of
0.60m3 per hours And the easy cooker
burner for L.P.G has the
efficiency of 31 % at a gas consumption of
0.34m3 per hour, finally, L.P.G single
burner has the efficiency of 35% at gas
consumption of 0.7 I 1113 per hour.
The use of a double-glazed shallow Basin
Solar Still with heat exchanger for the
purification of surface water available in
Bauchi (Latitude 10.33oN, Longitude
9.27oE) is discussed. The solar insolation
in Bauchi is utilized by using the solar still
with heat exchanger designed and
constructed with high proportion of
locally available materials at a reasonable
cost. The system is operated as a coupled
solar still and as an active regenerative
solar still. The depth of water in the still
was varied between 20mm and 120mm.
The productivity of the regenerative solar
still is about 35% higher than that of a
coupled shallow basic still for depths of
water 20, 30, and 50mm. The average
distillate yield obtained is 1.1 liters per
day i.e. 24 hours. In the day, higher yields
are obtained for low depths of water
while in the night, higher yields are
obtained with increasing depths of water.
The results of the chemical analysis of the
distillated water produced showed that it
has high degree of purity in comparison
-The effects of the usage two
heat exchangers on the
regenerative and conventional
solar stills should be studied.
-Test conducted for the
system should be extended to
cover harmattan and dry
seasons in order to ascertain
the effect of weather on
distillate yield.
Abubakar, Sadiq Aliyu
Construction and
Testing of a
Solar Water
Anbua, Emmanuel Eric
Improving the
Properties of Clay
as a Filter
with the characteristics of the borehole,
well and tap water available in Bauchi.
The operating efficiencies of the system
varies from 45-70%.
A solar water heater system consists of
basically two components, the solar flat
plate collector and the storage tank. The
collector being a complex thermal system
depends on a number of variables while
the storage tank is meant for heat storage
at adequate temperature. A 34-liter
capacity booster assisted solar water
heating system was developed. A
temperature as high as 69°C was realized
at an average sunshine condition of
436W/m2 using booster assisted solar
heating system. This is due mainly to the
effect of concentration. Comparison
between the existing design without
booster and the present work (booster
assisted) provides a clear testimony that
the booster assisted system can deliver
hot water requirement at shortest
possible time under cloudy weather
condition which is adequate for use in
students' hostel as against 59°C observed
with unassisted solar water heater during
the clear weather condition. The system
can be optimized and tracking
concentration system is recommended
for further studies.
Filtration is a viable mode of obtaining
good quality water for domestic
applications. In this work a filter with
The system can be optimized
and tracking concentration
system is recommended for
further studies.
exchange resin in the filters to
handle contaminants like Iron
Medium for
Domestic Water
Nasiru, Shuaibu
Development of
Composite Using
Alkaleri Clay for
optimum composition of 60% clay, 40(10
sand, produced high quality filtrate at a
moderate filtration rate. It was obtained
by moulding clay of particle size not
exceeding 0.002111111 and sand of
maximum mesh of 0.61ll111 at a
thickness of 20111111. This filter was
fired to 800()e and soaked at that
temperature for t\VO hours in a Carbolite
Box type furnace of model GPC 12/81 +103, with digital control and of 12000C
maximum temperature with a sensitivity
of ±S()C. The filter has a flow rate of 2.06x
1 (r-'ml - sol at 1 atmosphere and a
system permeability of 3.21x I 0-6 1111
<.:m-15-'. It produced a filtrate with
turbidity of 8.()(Yo, total dissolved solids
(TOS) is 180mg/l, total hardness of water
of 23 .47mg/l, which compare favourably
with WHO standards( 1971) for domestic
quality water. Furthermore, the filter has
a compressive strength of 0.61KN/l112
and a high resistance to dissolution in
The possible use of Alkaleri clay
(Aluminosilicate) as a composite addition
to Aluminium was investigated in this
work. Injection molding procedure to
squeeze cast the pulverized clay and
molten aluminium into cylindrical shapes
that can be easily machined for
mechanical and microstructural tests was
finally adopted after trying sand mould
casting. The injection moulding machine
(II), Iron (III) and Lead
-The use of Activated Carbon
alongside clay as a compound
filter medium
-A different method of
producing metal – ceramic
composite through firing and
employed with the relevant
heat treatment
-Other deposits of the
kaolinite rich clays in Jagalwa
and Duguri both in Alkaleri
local government area should
Dan-Mallam, yakubu
Producing and
Testing of
Peugeot 504
Bumper Using
Sheep Wool as
Material in a
compositions used were 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%
and 6% clay. Two other samples: pure
aluminium and AI- 4.5% Cu were also
produced and a comparative analysis of
their mechanical properties (hardness
and tensile) and microstructures was
carried out. The results of the tests
showed that the hardness increased as
the clay content was increased to the fifth
sample (AI - 4% clay) and subsequently
dropped after further increment. In the
same way the tensile strength was
increased to the fourth sample (Al-3%
clay) before it dropped after further
increment of the clay content. There was
a remarkable improvement in the
mechanical properties of all the samples
and compared very well with sample two
(AI- 4.5% Cu) which is a standard alloy
used as a guide.
A car bumper is an impact protection
system designed to reduce damage in low
speed collision. In the design of the
bumper, Wool fiber (sheep hair) was used
as a reinforcing agent because it has good
mechanical properties and readily
available. Hand lay-up technique was the
best possible available manufacturing
process used. An established Peugeot 504
rear bumper mould from Styer Nigeria
Limited with precision and tolerance of ±
0.3 to 0.6 was used. After the production,
the bumper was observed to have some
be worked on to investigate
their contribution
-The processing of the
reinforcement material (Wool
fiber) into woven or mat form
-The use of polyvinyl alcohol
or other locally available
releasing agent instead of
neutral shoe polish
-The use of rollers during
instead of flat hair brush
other than hand lay-up
Kademi, Garba Muhammad
Construction and
Testing of a
Bending Jig
casting defects such a') porosity,
blowholes and star cracks. The result of
hardness test gave a hrincll hardness
number of 12. The ultimate composite
strength in tension was found to be
5.26MPA with clastic modulus of
574.18MPA. 10 metallurgarphic test, the
fibers were seen to be randomly oriented
instead of been unidirectional. The
impact energy per unit area that the
bumper can withstand for the as cast
composite was computed us 602.8J/m2
at impact velocity or 19kmlh (S.28m/s).
The impact energy absorbed per unit area
at I krn/h was found to be higher than the
recommended value not Skm/h (I
ORJ/rn). The percentage of water
absorbed when the bumper was soaked
for 24 hours was found to he 1 ().58%.
The porosity was found to he 0.127 and a
void ratio of 0.147 was obtained. A void
content of 8.9% was obtained which is
higher than the recommended value of 1
%. The density was found to be l g/c', The
total cost of production was calculated to
be W 16, 9400. These results clearly
showed that the bumper can withstand
impact strength at km/h without damage
as stipulated by federal standard
regulation for bumpers.
This project is on design, construction and
testing of a portable manually operated
bending jig. It was initiated as a result of
the need to produce a bending machine
-Determination of volume
fraction of fiber and matrix to
improve composite strength
-Physical road test on the
bumper to see whether it will
withstand impact strength at
-The size of the jig can be
improved upon and aligned
for industrial use
Kyauta, Ezekiel Elisha
Production and
of Pellets from
Maize Cobs and
Groundnut Shell
as Fuels for
Domestic Use
(i.e. jig) that will be used in fabrication
workshops to bend a steel strap of about
2.5mm to 3mm thick and rod that is not
more than 8mm radius based on lever
principle. The device is made of three
parts, the body, the handle (radial
bender) and the bending (peen) anvil. It
also included pins and collars to assist in
bending to various diameters, apart from
bending shapes such as Land U, a
complete round will give an eye while half
or one-quarter will give various curves of
different designed radii. This jig is
operational when lightened on a bench
vice hence it is provided with square base
for firm grip. The cost of production is
about Ni, 303.00 which seems to be
cheaper than all imported of such kind.
The machine was tested in tile workshop
and found to perform satisfactorily. Thus,
only about 10 seconds was spent to
produce L shape, 20 seconds for U and 30
second for an eye.
This work involved the production of solid
fuels from Agricultural waste (maize Cobs
and groundnut shell) that can serve as
alternative energy sources for domestic
use, using the densification process. The
materials were ground and sieved to
particle sizes of 0.425mm and below and
compressed into pellets of 12.5mm
diameter and 13mm length at a minimum
pressure of 275 bars. The characteristics
of the pellet fuels determined were
Kinetic analysis of the flame,
complete chemical analysis of
the pellets, design of a pellet
machine and pellet stove are
some areas that further
research work.
Aboje, Edache john
Construction and
Testing of a
Poultry Feed Mill
combustion rate and calorific value.
Water boiling test was also conducted.
Results show that groundnut shell pellets
can attain a higher temperature than
maize cobs and both of them can give
high temperature with a higher quantity
of fuel. The temperatures attained by
100g of each type of fuel were 7560 C
and 6000 C for ground nut and maize cob
pellets respectively. The results of the net
calorific value test for maize cobs was
found to be 13.8 MJ/kg while that of
groundnut shell pellets was 13.9MJ/kg.
These results show that the pellets are
capable of generating heat that is
sufficient for domestic use if appropriate
appliances are used.
This project work entails design, The wear rate of the hammer
construction and testing of micro-cottage components
poultry feed mill 0 assist low-income investigated.
poultry farmers to produce nutritionally
balanced ration. The design of this feed
mill was based on the minor diameter of
the soybean to obtain the designed
milling chamber capacity and the length
of blade. This was determined by
calculation based on recommendation
given by (Williams 1999). The project was
carried out by designing all the
Iabricatable components which were
constructed and later coupled to
procured electric motor, 0.75hp(0.55kW)
to function as a unit. The machine with 16
Datau, Nicodemus
Application of
Nitriding Process
for Surface
Improvement of
Lead Alloy
number blades of 100mm long rotates at
an approximate speed of 2900 rpm. It
processed 0.5kg of feed ingredients in 60
seconds. Tests were carried out with 16
number hammer blades, 12 number
blades and 8 number blades all of 100mm
length. Tests were also conducted with 16
number blades of 80mm length and
16number blades of 60mm length. Sieve
analysis using British Standard (BS) 410
sieves of the samples produced showed
particle size distribution concentrating in
1.18mm aperture which amounted to
55% (milling efficiency) of the initial mass
input to the feed mill. This particle size is
suitable to be applied to poultry as feed.
Sound level test with GA 102/204 meter
recorded 80dB which is within the
recommended safety Industrial noise
level. The ratio of input to output of the
feed ingredient puts the machine
efficiency at 88%. The cost summary of
the various components of the machine is
thirty one thousand naira only
(N31,000.00) which can be afforded by
the low income group.
The effect of varying nitriding time,
temperature and quenching medium on
the surface hardness of lead alloy was
investigated. The temperature range of
90°C to 180oC, time of 30 to 120 minutes,
and also the quenching media: water, air
and oil were considered. Nitrogen gas
used was produced by heating a mixture
For further work, percentage
concentration of elements
such as tin, antimony,
manganese, aluminium and
chromium contained in the
lead allow can be varied and
the effect studied on the
surface hardness of the nitride
Taktak, Gideon Bello
Investigation on
Leakages on
Soldered Joint of
Kerosene Metal
of sodium dioxonitrate III and ammonium lead alloy.
chloride and it was directed into an oven
of temperature 200°C where the
specimens were placed. The results
obtained showed that the surface
hardness of the lead alloy increased with
increase in ntriding time and decreased
with increase in nitriding temperature.
The nitridng temperature and time to
achieve the improved surface hardness of
31HRB of the lead alloy quenched in
water are at 90°C and 90 minutes
respectively. This shows that this process
can be used to improve the surface
hardness of lead alloy commonly used ~;r the production of roofing sheets,
bearings and pipes.
Metal containers for safe distribution and
storage of kerosene play a vital role for
the welfare of the Nigerians. These
containers experience leakages at
soldiered joints in due course of time.
This research work investigated the
causes of leakages on the containers.
Four different tests were conducted with
reliable accuracy. A tensile force of 600 N
deformed container soldered with 75Pb25Sn, while a greater force of 1 kN
deformed the one soldered with 60Pb40Sn.Corrosion an the joints caused lost
of 2.8 grams (11 %) in weight on metal in
water and 0.8 grams(3%) in kerosene
within 36 days. The microstructure of
75Pb·25Sn solder was dark lead-rich solid
Musa, Salihu Baba
Design and
Construction of a
Press Tool for
Blank Keys
solution, while that of 60Pb-40Sn was
Containers with soldered joints of 75Pb25Sn dropped at 3 meters high burst,
while the one with 60Pb-40Sn remained
intact indicating It to be stronger.
Findings showed that impurities in
kerosene led to corrosion and solders
should be analyzed before application to
avoid producing weak joints that cause
leakages on the kerosene containers.
The project came up with a press tool
designed to be used on a press machine
for the mass production of blank Tokoztype keys which are widely used in
Nigeria today. The blank keys thus
produced can further be processed and
used as duplicate keys for any Tokoz-type
padlocks. Producing press tools generally
involves the construction of a punch and
a die shaped in such a way that they
neatly fit into one another in a
male/female pattern, such that the
material being blanked-out takes the
profile of both the punch and the die. To
do this successfully, the Shear Area of a
typical Tokoz key was measured to be
300.7mm2, and the required Blanking
Force was established to be 102 .145KN.
Hence the minimum capacity of the Press
machine required was determined to be
13 tonnes, and the Die Clearance was
calculated to be 0.28mm. The project
came out with a complete die-set which
-Further study to produce
more than one blank key per
-Development of other tools
that will produce other blank
key types that are widely in
use in Nigeria
-An improvement to minimize
the wastage from the blank
sheet material
Egwurube, Damien Attah
The Effects of
Sintering Time
and Temperature
on the
Strength and
Hardness of
comprised of the two sets of punches and
dies, the punch holder, and the bolster or
base. The total amount expended in the
construction was W18,350.00 only, and it
was established that the tool would last a
long life. Adequate sketches, which
include pictorial, orthographic and
sectional views of the press-tool, have
been provided. The cutting list, sequence
of operation, bill of materials and parts
lists have all been provided as well. The
die-set was fully tested by blanking out 16
well finished blank Tokoz-type keys in two
minutes. Photographs of some of the
punched out blank keys were presented
here as well as the photograph of the
finished press tool.
Tin ingot of 99 7% purity was used as the
matrix while igbokoda quartz with 92 54%
silica was used as the dispersion in the
composite In proportions of 1.5%, 2.0%,
2.5%, 3.0% and 3.5% by weight of silica.
These composites were smtered at
temperatures ranging from 130°C to
160°C in soaking time of half an hour to
two and half hours and cooled in the
furnace with a separate set cooled in air
The compressive strength increased with
increasing sintering temperature, the rate
differing depending on the amount of
silica used. The compressive strength also
generally Increased with increasing
-Further studies should be
carried out to ascertain the
influence of sintering time and
properties of dispersionstrengthened
composite such as density,
porosity, fatigue resistance,
impact, strength and its
rupture strength at elevated
-More work should be done
on tin composite using other
metallic and non-metallic
oxides, carbides and nitrides
as the dispersoids in a tin
Olorunnishola, Akim
Abayomi Gideon
Effects of
Failure and
Production Rates
on Electrical
Consumption of
Ashaka Cement
sintering time with the highest
compressive strength of 21 65MPa
obtained at temperature of 160°C, time
of two and half hours, 3.0% weight of
silica and air-cooled. The hardness
increased with increasing sintering
temperature up to 150°C and thereafter
reduced with further increase in
temperature. The hardness also Increased
with increasing sintering time up one and
half hours and decreased thereafter The
best result in terms of hardness was
obtained with 3 0% weight of silica,
sintering temperature of 160°C sintering
time of two and half hours and air-cooled.
This work presents formulation of
multiple linear regression models for the
effect of equipment failure rate (FR) and
production rate (PR) on electrical energy
consumption \EEC) in Cement Industries.
Model for EEC against FR and PR and
model that reflect the e-conomic
implication of investments in improving
energy related factors were formulated.
The model validation confirmed the
existence of statistical relationships
between EEC and energy control variables
(i.e. FR and PR). Applying data collected
from Ashaka Cement Industry to
regression models, R2 values of 50 % and
96 % were obtained for cement and
clinker production lines respectively. The
associated with Pi?, ble and b1c PR, lor
cement. production line were obtained as
6.703X 10.2 and _
Alhassan, Abdu Mohammed
Construction and
Investigation of
I.07X 10.3 respectively. The values of
regression coefficients associated with
FR, bid and PR, b2c1 for clinker
production line were obtained as 0.01 I
12 and 0.00103 respectively. The
intercepts of the models bo, and bod are
185.066 and 5.039 for cement and clinker
production line respectively. Models
formulated were employed to simulate
the effect of FR and PR on EEC. The
simulations were based on the models for
both cement and clinker production lines.
For cement production line, the result
establishes increase in EEC with increase
in Fk, while EEC decreases with increase
in PRo For clinker production line
however, EEC increases with increase in
PR and decreases with decrease in FR. By
improving both FR and P R by 90 %,
simulated results also show that EEC
improves from :.!.5 k Whit to 67 .07k
Whit for cement. This is close to the
world acceptable- EEC of -:-::" Whit for
cement industries. The R2 value of 100%
was obtained for the improved cement
and clinker production lines, indicating
that the PR and FR could account for all
tae variations in EEC.
This study deals with the design analysis Other forms of energy storage
and construction of a rock bed solar like salt ponds could be tried
energy storage device coupled to a flat in further research
Convection Solar
Drier with Energy
Storage Device
Shu-aibu, Stopmah Ibrahim
Estimation of
parameters for
Solar Furnace in
Bauchi and its
plate solar collector whose performance
has been simulated in order to enhance
design parameters and efficiency.
Parameters like fan speed, insulation
thickness and the number of glass cover
were considered and found to have
significant effect on the efficiency of the
collector. The simulated results showed
an optimum efficiency of 79.89% at a fan
speed of 2.Smls and insulation thickness
of O.07m with two (2) cover plates.
Maximum plate and fluid temperatures of
353 K and 343 K respectively were
obtained. The daily energy stored (DES)
by the rock bed was computed as
O.364Kwh. Validation results showed
maximum plate and drying temperatures
of340K and 329K respectively.
Focusing collectors of solar radiation are
those which utilize optical systems
(reflectors or refractors) to increase the
intensity of solar radiation on the energy absorbing surface. At the highest range of
highest precision of optics, focusing
collectors are called solar furnaces. Solar
furnaces are made up of the focusing
collectors (also known as concentrators)
and the receivers. When used with stirling
engines they have the highest solartoelectric conversion efficiency and
therefore have the potential to become
one of the least expensive sources of
Al-Mustapha, Kamil
Fabrication and
Testing of
Cassava Pelletizer
renewable energy. In this research work,
a model was adopted and simulated to
estimate the parameters of a solar
furnace using the daily solar insolation
obtainable in Bauchi metronolis (Latitude:
I0.330N. Longitude: 9.830E). Using the
receiver anerture method of nerformance
collector aperture irradiance attenuation,
a program that computes the optimal
values of the Solar Furnace parameters
was developed. The programming
language utilized was Visual Basic. The
concentrator dimensions obtained are:
9.93m diameter, 9.34m focal length, a
height of O.66m, and an arc length of
10m. A maximum temperature of 4,490K
was realized with a collector efficiency of
Cassava pelletizer that operates through
compaction pelleting was designed,
fabricated and tested. The pelleting rolls
with semi-circular pockets uniformly cut
along their circumferences and the gears
used were fabricated from Teflon (then
thesis material) to justify its performance
as replacement for mild and stainless
steel. Mini steamer was constructed to
serve as a unit for gelatilazation of the
raw material (cassava mash). The
products (pellets) were subjected to
some hardness resistance tests.
The machine consists of two tangentially
The pelletization level of the
machine is very low and there
is always a problem of caking
on using the steamed cassava
crystals (mash). To help in
evaluating these problems,
there is need to:
mechanism in the hopper to
aid mixing and set minor
vibration in the process, in
order to reduce caking.
(ii) Do further work on the
machine to improve its
revolving compaction (pelleting) rolls
driven by a low speed (30 r.p.m.) motor
through the set of pulleys. On testing, it
was observed that feeding / pelleting
mechanism function correctly as no
overflow occurred and the use of Teflon
to fabricate pelleting rolls and gears work
contamination, noise and corrosion were
The dimensions of the semi -circular
pockets on the rolls are 4cm length and 1
em diameter. these pockets join during
pelleting to produce the required pellets.
With pelleting roll of 12 pellets pockets
per circumference and 5 pockets per
length, 60 pieces of pellets were
produced per complete revolution. A
total of 900 pieces of pellets were
produced per hour on using pulley
arrangement that rotates at 15 r.p.m.
Improvement in hardness of pellets was
observed when cassava crystals were
steamed before pelleting. The production
rate and efficiency of the machine on
pelleting un-steamed and steamed
cassava crystals (mash) were computed
to be (31.9g Imin., -+-L 7%) and (18.7 g I
min, 46%) respectively. To improve on
this there is need to introduce a force
feed mechanism in the hopper and raise
the compaction level of the pelleting rolls.
T otal cost of producing a unit of this
pelletizer with minor steamer, test
(iii) Properly test and analyze
the product (pellets) to
ascertain its real value of
hardness to compare with
international standard.
Laudan, Kefas Jessu
Temperature and
Reactivity of
Some Nigerian
Coals: Onyeama,
Okpara, Daho
and Gamawa
materials and testing is approximated to
One hundred and Twenty thousand naira
(N=120,OOO.OO) only.
Coal samples from Enugu State (Okpara
West Area, Okpara West Dank and
Onyeama coals) and Gornbe State (Doho
and Gamawa coal) were collected and
analyzed to determine their physical
properties and to classify them by ranks
using proximate analysis. An electric
furnace fitted with a 3- kW heating
element which was capable of generating
heat to temperature of 900°C was
constructed and was used to determine
the auto - ignition temperatures,
reactivity and activation energies of the
various coal samples. Results obtained
showed that Onyeama coal could be
ranked the highest as sub brtuminous A
coal, followed by Okpara West Dank coal
and Doho coal both of which were sub
bituminous B coals. Okpara West Area
coal was found to be lignite B coal.
Employing particle sizes c:- 0 5-0.8mm,
1.0-1.6mm, 2-3.5mm and 4- 5mm, it was
temperatures of Okpara West Area coal
were 91°C and 10S°C, 272"C, 206"C and
319"C respectively. Okpara West Bank
coal auto-ignited at 130°C and 183°C,
364"C, 373°C and 256°C. Onyeama coal
auto-ignited at ~-T and 110°C, 379°C and
390"C, 236°C, 323"C and 382°C
respectively depending on the initial
Shitu, Sani Lawal
Design, and
Simulation of Roll
Passes for Hot
Rolling of Round
Steel Bars
temperature of the furnace hearth ..
However. Doha and Gamawa coals did
not go into name even at temperatures as
high as 40(tC to 5OO"c. Findings also
revealed that the reactivity and activation
energies of the , 3riOUS coal samples
depend on the coal type, source and
particle size. While for some coals, the
reactivity and the activation energies
increase with decrease in particle size
(Okpara West Bank .in some ,the
reactivity and activation energies
decrease with decrease in particle sizes
(Onyeama, Okpara West Area and Doha
coal). In all cases, the reactivity increase
with increase in temperature.
In roll pass design the first major task is
assigning reduction ratios among the
individual stands, therefore this design
has taken into account first pair 01 roll
stands (1 and 2) as a roughing mill, last
pair (17 and 18) as the finishing mill and
stand 3-to-16 as the stretching mill. The
reduction ratios are mathematically
distributed among the roll stands as it
may be seen in the modeling part of this
design. The simulation is based on the
obtained data from Katsina Steel Rolling
Mill, combined with other roll pass design
theories as indicated in the preliminary
part of this project. The result is such that
it affords flexibility in pass design within a
particular range of product sizes (12 20111111). It can also be observed in the
Depending 011 the degree or
modification of the system
model may be required for
implemented for production
demand prospects, which will
characteristics and peculiar
scheduling problem.
Salihu, Ibrahim Ige
The Mechanical
Properties of
Wastes for
Industrial Use (A
Case Study of
Simple Spur
simulated result that the mode of
distribution of reduction ratios (LD) is
such that it is equitable; this pass design
will go a long way in reducing the
repetitive task of pass design among roll
pass design engineers. This project has
achieved the development of roll pass
design soft ware for hot rolling of bars
which of course, will reduce cost and start
up times, enable wire rods and bars to be
produced quickly.
Some mechanical properties of cast and
extruded recycled thermoplastic wastes
required for the design of gears were
investigated. Plastic wastes from articles
like plastic gears, cams, pump impellers:
fan blades etc which were made from
thermoplastic materials were collected
and melted at a temperature of 21 ODC
to produce test specimens. Parts of the
specimens were produced by casting whi
Ie others by extrusion moulding. Tensile,
impact. brinell hardness and torsional
tests were carried out on the specimens.
Similarly specimens were made from a
standard thermoplastic material bought
from the market. and the results were
compared with the standard properties
used in the design of plastic gears. Cast
recycled thermoplastic was discovered 'to
have; Young modulus of 0.00071
kN/mm2, Ultimate strength of 0.029
kN/mm2 and Brinell hardness number of
0.0436 HB, while the extruded recycled
The prospect of recycling
thermoset plastics In Bauchi
town should also be explored
in future research endeavour
information on the suitability
of recycled plastic for reuse in
engineering contraptions.
Yakubu, Maxwell
Development of
a Dispersion –
Strengthened Tin
Composite for
Use as Oil and
Self Lubricated
Plain Bearings
and Bushings
plastic had Young modulus of 0.00048 kll/mm:', Ultimate strength of 0.023
k\l/mm2 and Brinell hardness number of
0.057 HB but the control (standard)
specimen had Young modulus of elasticity
of 0.00087 kN/mm2, Ultimate strength of
i),03 kN/mm2 and Brinell hardness
number of 0.0427 HB. The torsional
characteristics of the cast and extruded
were 1.14 N/mm and 1.17 N/mm
respectively while the control specimen,
1.02N/mm. The properties of cast
recycled thermoplastic was very close to
that of the standard thermo plastic gear
material bought from the market and can
therefore give a satisfactory tangential
strength, dynamic strength and wear
strength for application in the lathe
composite materials having 2.5% and
3.0% silica by weight were produced
using powder metallurgy technique at
compaction pressures of 250, 300, 350
and 400MPa with a view of testing for
some needful bearing properties as well
as producing sample bushings/bearings. A
total of forty test samples were
produced, sintered in a furnace at a
temperature of 120°C with a soaking time
of one hour and air-cooled. Physical and
mechanical tests were carried out on
these test samples. The results of the
tests generally revealed that densities of
-More work should be carried
out to determine other
strength, thermal conductivity
etc. The die compaction
should be stimulated in order
to predict relations between
compaction pressure and
these properties.
-The effect of the dispersed
particle size and shape on oil
absorption for self-lubricated
plain bearings and bushings
should be investigated.
-Dies and punches should be
the materials increased with increasing
compaction pressure with highest values
of 6342.72kg/m' for the 2.5wt% silica
material and 6-1- 16.30kg m for the
3.0·wt% silica material (green density),
6411kg/m3 for the 2.5\\1~/0 silica
material and 6740kg/m3 for the 3.0wt%
silica material (density of the sintered
strengths recorded at a compaction
pressure of 400\fPa are: 18.16MPa for
the 2.5wt% silica material and 12.00MPa
for the 3.0wt% silica material. The
maximum hardness values of 14.6HRB
and 13.2HRB were also recorded for the
2.5w1:% and 3.0wt% silica materials
respectively at a compaction pressure ,,;'
-1-00\lPa. The corrosion test result
revealed that the developed composite
materials having 2.5wt% and 3.0wt%
silica dispersed in tin metal matrix
withstood corrosion better than the
control piece (60/40 leaded brass). The
results of the percent oil absorption test
also revealed that greater volume of oil
was absorbed at lower compaction
pressures. At 250MPa, which is the
lowest compaction pressure in this case.
the :.5\\1":' ':' silica material recorded 4%
oil absorption by volume while the
3.0wl% silica material recorded 5% oil
absorption by volume. Sample bushings
were produced at the \ arious
compaction pressures. The samples
specifically for compaction
purposes in order to establish
the optimum compaction
accommodate between 5%
and 30°0 of lubricating. oil by
Volume for self lubricating
bearings and bushings.
 Bushings and bearings
for specific load and
should be designed,
produced and test-run
in order to determine
Kaku, Sunday James
Approach for
Productivity (A
Case Study of
Nigerian Bottling
Company, Jos)
however, show various signs of defects
but withstood handling pressures and can
therefore be sintered in order to increase
values of their mechanical
properties. It is evidenced from the
foregoing results that the 2.5\\1°0 and
3.0wt% silica dispersed in tin can be good
plain bearings and bushings materials.
A schedules model has been developed
for the production process of Nigerian
Bottling Company Jos plant. Two
computer outputs of the developed
model were considered for the analysis of
the result. Four factors that affect
scheduling, namely power failure,
personnel, breakdown of machines and –
obsolete nature of machines were
considered as simulation trial model and
were used in the two computer outputs
of the developed model. The time
obtained at each of the production stages
for the computer output I as in the case
of the developed model are 211, 342,
568, 966. and 532 minutes; and that of
computer output II as in the case of the
developed model are 249, 478, ':;89, 754
and 602 minutes respectively. The time
obtained from the two computer outputs
of the developed model, shows that
computer output I of the developed
model has a better production time than
computer output II of the developed
model. Similarly, the time obtained from
Opaluwa, Sanni Shaibu
Design and
Construction of
production, power failure and breakdown
of machines are 340, 437 and 759
minutes respectively. Comparing the two
computer outputs of the developed
model and the time obtained in the
organization, the two computer outputs
of the developed model have a better
finish time than what is obtainable in the
organization. Based on the analysis of the
time as stated above, it is clear that the
developed model has an improved
scheduled performance in the system and
hence improves the productivity of the
This work of multi-purpose wood working
machine designed to handle four
(sawing, drilling, turning and sanding) was
constructed to assist small and medium
scale wood workers. Literature 011
existing relevant machineries were
reviewed and need to design one that can
he affordable by small scale wood
workers was established. Design work
was done using design appropriate
theories. Construction was carried out
using prepared instruction procedures
and working drawings on non-standard
components like circular saw, wrench
shaft. headstock and tailstock casing c.t.c,
using available material and appropriate
c:--:ology in the University Centre for
Industrial Studies (CIS) workshops.
Standard r,onents like electric motor, saw
Further work can be done on
woodworking machine by
incorporating thicknesser
Okpoko, Edwin Unebuike
Investigation into
the Frequent
Failures of KRPC
Acid Measuring
blade. bearings were procured. The
constructer] machine ~ assembled and
tested on no-load (idle-run) and on-load
conditions. Tests carried out using ir--n
and 50mm thick hardwood of 3,600mm
length on saw bench show that a 25mm
and r-:":1 thick hardwood can be sawn in
periods of 2.03 minutes and 4.2 minutes
respectively for a "~I~ mm length which
translate to 72% machine efficiency. And
on the lathe unit, wood turning eration
was successfully conducted by shaping I
OOmm x 100mm square section
hardwood to 1-:"1 diameter round shape
and a horizontal boring operation was
carried out by boring a hole : .rnm
diameter and depth of 100mm using
20mm diameter bit fixed to lathe spindle.
An 1:5:jerable estimated project cost of
one hundred and seven thousand four
hundred and eighty ~ ~ 107,480.00) was
achieved compared to imported similar
machines which cost about Four Hundred
and ninety eight thousand, seven
hundred and fifty naira (W 498, 750.00)
for used a:~mes and nine hundred and
forty six thousand, five hundred naira (W
946, 500) for a new a:~:ne. In conclusion
the project objectives of local sourcing of
material and affordability were ~~ zed.
The investigation into the frequent
failures of the KRPC acid measuring drum
was carried out. The aim of the study was
to find the cause of failure and proffer
solution. Material composition test
confirmed the material of the drum to be
ASTM A283Gr.C (NS34LC) as specified.
The total acid test showed the feed
sulphuric acid to be 98% acid
concentration. Analysis of the deposit
taken from the acid drum indicated
products of corrosion. The metallographic
test of the drum sample indicated grain
enlargement which was a consequence of
corrosion. Test of the sulphuric acid taken
from the drum outlet showed 50%
concentration instead of 98% and
corrosion rate of 5.14mmpy instead of
0.32mmpy. A hydrostatic pressure test of
the system at 1176kN/m2 revealed three
gate valves through which water seeped
into the acid. These results confirmed
corrosion arising from dilution of acid as
the cause of failure. Three diaphragm
valves that passed the hydrostatic
pressure test atl176kN/m2 were chosen
to replace the gate valves. After installing
the diaphragm valves, test result of the
drum outlet acid improved to 98% acid
concentration and a corrosion rate of
0.32mmpy. This showed that the water
intrusion had stopped and the abnormal
corrosion checked, thereby achieving the
aims and objectives of the study. The
study concluded that the use of the
diaphragm valves would increase the
projected life of the drum from the
current one year to twenty years.
Balogun, Shuaibu Alani
Construction and
Testing of
Polythene Bag
Making Machine
A polythene bag making machine was
designed and constructed in which the
processes of sealing, cutting, punching
out the required hole for handles in the
production of shopping bags and
conveyance of the polythene material
during the production process are carried
out in a single cycle of operation. The
various units of the machine are linked up
to one another using a gear dwell
mechanism from a control unit. The
sealing, cutting and punching operations
are achieved using cam and follower
mechanisms. The conveyance of the
polythene material during the production
process is actuated by contacting pairs of
rollers whose circumference is a function
of the required length of polythene bag
to be produced. The theoretical and
practical efficiencies of the machine were
computed as 80% and 61 % respectively.
The average rate of production is
58bagsimin and the percentage good, fair
and bad polythene shopping bags
produced using the machine are: -1.70 o.
16.6% and 11.7% respectively, while, the
percentage good, fair and bad polythene
sacks produced using the machine are;
85.5%, 9% and 5.5% respectively. The
cost of production of the machine was
estimated as N30, 000:00.
A Compound Conical Solar Cooker using
segmented mirror of 2mm thickness as
Production and
Testing of a
Conical Solar
John, Christopher Tanko
Stress Corrosion
Studies on Locally
Ductile Iron for
Use in the
the reflecting surface was designed and
constructed. Computer Simulation was
carried out to predict the different
radiation and temperature variations.
Glazing glass was used as the cover of the
cooker while wood chips was used as
insulating material to reduce heat
transfer from the cooking chamber to the
surrounding, Chi-Square goodness of fit
test was used to compare the predicted
values to the experimental ones. The
values obtained are more than the critical
value. This shows a significant difference
between the predicted and experimental
values. The results showed that the
predicted values agreed with the
experimental values within a maximum
error limit of 16.6%. Three types of tests
were carried out: no-load, water boiling
and cooking test. During the water boiling
test, a temperature of 372K was attained.
205g of rice was successfully cooked in I
hour 25 minutes under an average
radiation of 699.0W/m2•
characteristics of two locally produced
grades of ADI exposed to a 3.5% sodium
chloride solution were studied using the
C- ring method. The time, N in hours for
the first crack to be observed in C-rings
prepared from the materials and stressed
in tension to 60% of their respective yield
strengths by tightening of a bolt that is
This study has revealed good
prospect for the use of locally
produced ADI in the nation’s
Further investigation in more
should be considered.
centered on the diameter of the ring, was
used as the criterion for failure. Result
obtained indicates that a high strength
Ni-Mn-Mo steel commonly used in the
petrochemical industry with a tensile
strength of 1752 MPa failed after 995.92
hrs while ADI (with molybdenum
addition), with a tensile strength of 1438
MPa failed after 1012.445 hrs and ADI
(with nickel addition), with a tensile
strength of 1079 MPa, failed after
1164.25 hrs.
Barau, Alhamdu Yohanna
The Effect of Tar,
Gum Arabic and
Polyester Resin
on the Properties
of DispersionStrengthened Tin
Tin-based composites were developed via
powder metallurgy and strengthened
through the dispersion of silica powder.
The primary materials used are:
commercially pure tin, ultra fine silica
(SiO:) powder, lubricating grease and
bonding agents. In this research work,
particular attention was given to the
investigation of Tar (binder I), Gum Arabic
(binder II) and polyester resin (binder III)
suitable for the production of the
dispersion-strengthened tin composites.
The different volumes tried are;
2.5,5.0,7.5 and 10.0 milliliters of binders I,
II and III. The control sample with no
binder addition has the lowest
compressive strength and hardness
values. The type of bonding agent that
contributed much to the mechanical
properties (strength and hardness) is
polyester resin. Adding 5.0 milliliters
Other solid bonding agents
should be investigated and
incorporated into the powder
mixture to see how well they
contribute to the mechanical
Abubakar, Usman Abubakar
Evaluation of
Burning Stove
Fuelled with
Some Tropical
Wood Species
produced sample with the highest
compressive strength of 21. 73 \ IPa while
7.5 milliliters produced sample with the
highest hardness value of 23.67 HRB.
From the result, it is well established that
addition of bonding agents. Results in
high superior mechanical properties.
Hence, the material produced can be
used for manufacturing babbit (bearing).
The study of the performance efficiency
of three different wood stoves fueled
with Cornbretum nigricans, Anogeissus
lcocarpus, Piliostigma reticulatum, Ficus
thononiugii, Balanities aegyptiaca, and
accordance with standard laboratory
procedures to determine the thermal and
combustion properties of the fuel 1\
oods, water boiling test and mean
combustion temperature of the fuel
woods in each respective wood stoves.
The calorific value of fuel woods show
that Adonsonia digitata exhibited the
highest heat content (i.e. 22.8 J/kg), and
followed closely by Combretum nigricans
(2 I J/kg), Balanit ies aegytiaca (17.4 J/kg),
Ficus thononiugii. (16J/kg), Anageissus
leicapus (IS .5J/kg) and Piliosigma
temperature results also revealed that
Adansonia digitata exhibited the highest
value of 510°C, while others such as
Mangai, Morgan Mohan
Development of
aegytiaca, Ficus thononiugii, Anageissus
leocarpus and Piliosigma reticulatum
presented 480"C, 470°C, 435°C, 430°C
and 310°C. It was also observed that the
oxygen index of Piliosigma reticulatum
wood specie exhibited the highest value
of 32%, while, Anageissus leocarpus, Ficus
Cotnbretum nigricans and Adonsonia
digitata exhibited relatively lower values
of 26%, 25%, 24%, 22%, and 21 %
respectively. However, sample stove No 2
proved to be most efficient by showing
consumption rate, and the higher mean
combustion temperature for all tested
fuel wood species under the same
ambient conditions, and for the three
stoves understudy. The improved
efficiency of sample stove No.2 could be
explained in terms of its unique design
owing to the incorporation of an air vent
chimney and the released of excess
primary and secondary air to recirculate
the flue gases to produce stoichoimetric
combustion to further the burning
efficiency of the fuel wood. The higher
burning or combustion rates of
Adonsonia digitata and COlli brei 11171
nigricans fuel woods could be attributed
to their higher calorific values, lower
oxygen index and size of the fuel wood
pieces and moisture content.
Metal matrix composites are being
an Al-Sn/SiO2
Metal Matrix
(MMC) for Use in
developed to meet the increasing
demand for materials that perform well
under severe environments. This demand
is especially large in the aerospace
industry where weight plays a crucial role
in materials selection. However. the
automobile and other industries could
also exploit improved aluminium
materials where weight reduction is an
advantage, generally for all rotating or
moving components. In view of these
benefits. this work was carried out to
develop a metal - matrix composite for
use in engineering applications especially
as a bearing material for an internal
combustion engine main bearing. An AISn alloy was used as the composite matrix
while silica (Si02) powder was used as the
reinforcing material. The choice of silica
as the reinforcing material was based on
its availabilitv. relative high melting point
1740oC, low coefficient of ~xpansion 5.4 x
10-7 rc: and ability to -withstand thermal
shock. Stir casting method was used to
address the issue of introducing the
reinforcing material into the matrix
reinforcement used were 0.5\\'1%.
1.0w1%, 2.0wt%, 2.5wt%, and 3.0\\1° 0 of
the reinforcing material. Results of test
carried out on samples showed that the
ductility and hardness c~· the m ?tal
matrix composite
increased with
increasing volume fraction of the
Wabida, Benjamin
Investigation of
the Causes of
Cracking in the
Hydraulic Master
Cylinder and Ram
Casing of Massey
Ferguson 375
reinforcement. Samples which where
quenched in boiling water at a
temperature of 100"C were observ ed to
have superior tensile strength, hardness
and impact strength compared to
samples quenched in cold water at 25°C.
Optimum Tensile Strength (122 Nzmm ')
and Hardness (41.5HRB I were obtained
at 2.5 weight percent of the reinforcing
material. These mechanical properties of
the metal matrix composite can be
improved upon when applied to steel
shell backing.
A breakdown of hydraulic master cylinder
and ram casing of eleven out of twenty
two newly acquired Massey Ferguson 375
tractors was a source of worry for the
Ministry of Agriculture, Gombe State,
manufactured in Pakistan by Millat
Tractors Ltd, under the license of Massey
Ferguson, UK. Since these tractors were
not made by the original manufacturer,
the ministry was worried and wanted to
know the possible cause(s) of failure of
these components. Sample of the
hydraulic master cylinder and the ram
casing materials were subjected to
hardness tests, a spectrometer analysis
and a micro structural analysis to
determine the cause(s) of the cracking.
The handling and working condition of
the tractors, the weight of the
implements used and adjustment of the
Abdulkadir, Lukman Niyi
Production and
hydraulic control systems as well as the
grade of engine oil used for the hydraulic
fluid were also examined in comparison
with the manufacturer's specifications.
The methods of production of these
components in relation to its mechanical
properties as well as the stress analysis
with regard to the design parameters
were analyzed. It was found out that the
failure of these components based on the
spectrometer analysis was not due to use
of inferior material, because the
composition compared with established
standards is adequate. According to the
micro structural analysis and the
hardness test, the failure of these
materials could be traced to incorrect
heat treatment carried out. The use of
heavier implements (2:700kg), carrying
extra load on implements and traveling
long distance with raised implements,
contributed to the failure of the hydraulic
master cylinder. Lack of routine checking
and reckless driving of the tractors
contributed to the failure of the ram
casing. C se of adulterated engine oil
affected the performance of the hydraulic
master cylinder by increasing its
Vegetable oils and their derivatives
(especially methyl esters), commonly
referred to as "biodiesel," are prominent
candidates as alternative diesel fuels.
Besides being a renewable and domestic
production of biodiesel should
be performed in the future to
promote biodiesel properties
and quality. In addition, the
Indica (L)
Moorich) Oil
Blends in
Ignition (CI)
resource, biodiesel reduces most
emissions while engine performance and
fuel economy are nearly identical
compared to conventional fuels. Several
problems, however, remain, which
include economics, combustion, some
properties. In this work, Neem oil was
extracted from its kernel, physicochemical properties of the oil were
determined and the combustion,
performance and emission characteristics
of a single cylinder, four stroke and aircooled diesel engine when fuelled with
diesel and Neemdiesel blends at various
loads were evaluated. The results showed
that the fuel properties of Neem biodiesel
were within the set standards for BIOO
and comparable with the conventional
diesel. The specific fuel consumption is
better with diesel than the blends. Blends
from B 1 0 to B20 showed higher torque,
brake power, brake thermal efficiency
and lower specific energy consumption
than diesel at all loads. The reverse is the
case for B25 and B30 blends. Air-fuel ratio
values of Neem oil biodiesel blends are
less than diesel, except for B25 and B30
NOME-Diesel fuel blends. Percentage
heat lost in exhaust and exhaust
temperature were lower in diesel than all
blends. However, there is an appreciable
decrease in HC, CO and CO2
additives, which improve
consumption of biodiesel, is
required to favor power
emissions especially NOx
emissions. CI engine should be
readjusted or redesigned for
biodiesel use, especially for
injection control, to achieve a
more efficient combustion
that meets the needs of
biodiesel engine.
Further studies on the low
temperature performance of
biodiesel engme should be
fulfilled because biodiesel
presents higher viscosity than
diesel, which could affect the
emissions due to the different
size of droplets without any
change in fuel nozzle. The
instrumentation used for
improved to fulfill the
expected requirements. The
development of biodiesel
should be encouraged to
create jobs opportunities and
increase earnings to the
Umaru, Mohammed
Production and
Testing of a Two
Cutting Force
for Drilling
emissions in all the blends than diesel
while the decrease in CO and C02 is least
for B20. ~Ox emission was found lower in
diesel than all blend samples. It was
characteristics of the blends of
transesterified Neem oil with diesel
followed closely with that of the base line
diesel and can conveniently be used in a
CI engine.
In this study, a two component cutting
force strain gauge dynamometer for
drilling has been designed by selecting
the parameters using the technique of
optimal design, produced and tested with
the help of a model to derive an empirical
equation for drill thrust and torque. Zinc
material was used for the production due
to its good combination of elastic
property, low cost, availability and high
corrosion resistance. The dynamometer
has been calibrated in vertical direction
for thrust forces and horizontal direction
for horizontal forces created by drill
moment. C sing test results from the
force measurement of drilling operations,
two empirical equations for drill torque
and thrust have been compared to the
results of previous work. The results of
the tests were interpreted graphically on
scatter diagrams since the data involves
only two variables. The points (X, Y) on
the scatter graphs tend to fall in a straight
path having a slope that is positive. All
communities where these raw
materials are available.
Further research should be
constructed dynamometer by
processing the numerical
values in a computer by data
acquisition system.
the graphs clearly show that a perfect
positive linear correlation has been
established. Thus, the usage of the
dynamometer to measure drill torque
and thrust was successful, The study
recommended that further research
should be undertaken on the constructed
dynamometer by processing the values in
a computer by data acquisition system.