Econ 445, Spring 2014 Industrial Organization

Econ 545, Spring 2016
Industrial Organization
Anticompetitive actions:
Cartels and collusion
Collusion and cartels
• We consider what circumstances and events allow cartels to remain
• We consider what policy actions are possible to prevent cartels from
forming or break them apart if they do form.
• We will consider how cartels stay together when their illegality prevents
explicit contracts.
Broader importance
• Cartels hurt consumers with artificially high prices.
• US and EU antitrust authorities actively pursue and prosecute collusive
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Collusion and cartels
What is a cartel?
• Cooperation among firms to increase their profit relative to noncooperative equilibrium.
• How is this implemented? Agreements to set:
- Prices
- Market shares or quantities
- Exclusive territories to serve
• These agreements sacrifice welfare to increase profits. Prices and
DWL increase
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Collusion and cartels
Cartels are illegal in U.S. but still occur. Examples:
• Garbage disposal in New York prosecuted in mid-1990s
• Bid-ask margins on NASDAQ in 1980s and early 1990s
• ADM in lysine (animal feed additive) in mid-1990s
• Samsung in DRAM (computer memory) in early 2000s
Cartels can operate in the open abroad:
• OPEC for oil
• De Beers for diamonds
US and EU governments search for and prosecute cartels. Total values of
fines have grown, with many billion dollars in fines assessed in last 10 years.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Collusion and cartels
Implications of illegality:
• Because collusion is illegal, groups of firms cannot write contracts to
enforce pricing arrangements.
• There are incentives to cheat on cartel agreements.
- Charge a low price when all others are charging high.
• To last, cartels members must believe it is in their own self interest to
continue collusive behavior.
Two types of collusive arrangement:
• Tacit: Unspoken agreement for coordinated action.
• Explicit: With communication among firms in cartel. Perhaps more precise,
but generates evidence.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Gains from collusion, example
A market with demand of 𝑃 = 150 − 𝑄 has:
• Two identical firms (A and B) with 𝐢 𝑄𝑖 = 30𝑄𝑖 .
• If competing, the firms choose 𝑄𝐴 and 𝑄𝐡 simultaneously.
When firms are not cooperating:
• Firms have response functions 𝑄𝑖 = 60 − 0.5𝑄−𝑖
• Equilibrium 𝑄𝑖 ’s are 40, so 𝑄 = 80 and 𝑃 = 70.
• Each firm has profit of $1,600.
When firms are cooperating:
• Monopoly (total) output is 𝑄𝑀 = 60 and 𝑃𝑀 = 90.
• Could have each firm produce 𝑄𝑖 = 30.
• If firms share profit evenly, each gets $1,800.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Gains from collusion, example
At the cooperative outcome, firms are not best-responding to each
• They still have 𝑄𝑖 = 60 − 0.5𝑄−𝑖 .
• If 𝑄𝐡 = 30, then A’s best response is 𝑄𝐴 = 45.
• When A cheats and B cooperates, 𝑄 = 75 and 𝑃 = 75.
• Profit when A “defects” on collusive agreement:
π‘ƒπ‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘“π‘–π‘‘π΄ = 75 − 30 × 45 = $2,025
π‘ƒπ‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘“π‘–π‘‘π΅ = 75 − 30 × 30 = $1,350
• Comparison of profit:
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Gains from collusion, example
In a payoff matrix, the payoffs from playing the cooperative or noncooperative strategies are:
Firm B
Don’t Cooperate
1800 , 1800
1350 , 2025
Don’t Cooperate
2025 , 1350
1600 , 1600
Firm A
• The simultaneous-move equilibrium is that each firm chooses the
non-cooperative action.
• Very similar to the Prisoner’s Dilemma
Econ 445: Anticompetitive Actions
Repeated interaction
• The one-shot game avoids the cartel outcome. Self-interested firms
cannot resist the non-cooperative profit.
• Cartels of (own-)profit maximizing firms do happen. How?
• Firms compete over time in a repeated game.
• This allows a change to reward cooperation and punish defection.
• We saw a repeated game in the chain-store paradox example, which
did not allow a long-term strategy different from one-shot
equilibrium. Will this be different?
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Finite interaction
• Suppose firms A and B compete with each other for a known and
finite number of time periods (T).
• The number of periods could be determined by:
- A production license held by A and B that expires.
- Management teams with finite contracts or careers.
• We will ask whether the following reward/punishment strategy is
possible in equilibrium:
- I will begin the game by cooperating.
- If you cooperate too, I will cooperate again next period.
- If you fail to cooperate, I will not cooperate next period and (possibly) never
cooperate again.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Finite interaction with T=2
Assume that game lasts for two periods with each period’s actions and
payoffs in the previous payoff matrix.
Firm B
Don’t Cooperate
1800 , 1800
1350 , 2025
Don’t Cooperate
2025 , 1350
1600 , 1600
Firm A
• In period 2 both firms should expect non-cooperative behavior. There is no
opportunity to punish afterwards.
• In period 1, the threat of future punishment is empty because A and B anticipate
what will happen next.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive Actions
Finite and infinite interaction
• If T=2, the firms take non-cooperative actions in both periods.
• What happens if the game is repeated three times (T=3)?
• In general, when T is finite and known, backward induction implies
that cooperation is not a subgame perfect equilibrium.
• What if the firms do not know when the game will end?
- Can think of this as a repeated game of infinite length.
- Could be because there is always a chance for “tomorrow”.
• When there is a great enough chance for later choices:
- “Good” behavior has an opportunity to be rewarded.
- “Bad” behavior has an opportunity to be punished.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Valuing indefinite profit streams
• Suppose that in each period net profit is πœ‹π‘‘
• Discount factor is R (= 1/(1+r))
• Probability of the game continuing to the next period is 𝜌.
- As of today, the probability of tomorrow existing is 𝜌.
- As of today, the probability of the day after tomorrow happening is 𝜌2
• The present value of a stream of profits is:
- 𝑃𝐷𝑉 = πœ‹0 + π‘…πœŒπœ‹1 + 𝑅2 𝜌2 πœ‹2 + 𝑅3 𝜌3 πœ‹3 + β‹―
- π‘…πœŒ is a probability-adjusted discount factor. The future is far away, plus it
might not even happen
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Trigger strategies
• In a trigger strategy, my current choice is triggered or determined by
my competitors’ previous choices.
• We will work with the “grim trigger” strategy:
- Cooperate now if no other firm has defected in a previous period. Note this
covers first period.
- Defect forever (play non-cooperative strategy) if any other firm has ever
defected in the past.
• Similar but less harsh: Tit for tat.
- Cooperate in first period.
- In all subsequent periods, do whatever competitor did in previous period.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Cartel stability
Back to the example of firms A and B considering cooperating (K) at the monopoly
output, so cartel profit is as large as possible.
• Each firm’s present value from choosing cooperation (K) now and forever while
the other also cooperates:
2 2
𝑃𝐷𝑉 = 1800 + π‘…πœŒ × 1800 + 𝑅 𝜌 × 1800 + β‹― =
1 − π‘…πœŒ
• Each firm’s present value from defecting now and taking the punishment
outcome forever, beginning next period:
𝑃𝐷𝑉 = 2025 + π‘…πœŒ × 1600 + 𝑅 𝜌 × 1600 + β‹― = 2025 +
1 − π‘…πœŒ
• It is better to remain in the cartel when 𝑃𝐷𝑉 𝐾 > 𝑃𝐷𝑉 𝐷 . When does this happen?
> 2025 +
2025 − 1800
π‘…πœŒ >
= 0.529
2025 − 1600
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Cartel stability
What does π‘…πœŒ > 0.529 mean?
• If we are sure tomorrow will happen (𝜌 = 1), then 𝑅 > 0.529
- Using 𝑅 =
, this happens if π‘Ÿ < 89%
- Interpret this as the effective interest rate for the time between moves. If a
period is one year, this is huge.
• If tomorrow happens only with 60% probability (𝜌 = 0.6), then:
- Need 𝑅 > .8817
- Equivalent to π‘Ÿ < 13.4%, still a high interest rate.
• In all, if players think that the future will happen (𝜌 not small) and
value what happens there (R not small) cooperation can happen (i.e.,
a cartel can be stable.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Cartel stability
Now take a more general look at the stability condition.
> πœ‹π· +
π‘…πœŒ >
π‘…πœŒ >
πœ‹π· −πœ‹πΎ
πœ‹π· −πœ‹πΆ
πœ‹π· −πœ‹πΎ
πœ‹π· −πœ‹πΎ + πœ‹πΎ −πœ‹πΆ
Benefit from cheating
Benefits from
cheating and stability
• Cartel stability is good for firms when the discount value (π‘…πœŒ) is large
relative to the proportional short-term benefit of cheating.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Cartel stability: twists
Now we consider a few features that affect cartel stability.
Timing and supervision:
• If we fix a discount rate of R or R𝜌 per period, but allow firms to
monitor each others’ behavior only every other period …
- Cheating becomes more beneficial (it takes longer to get caught), and R must
be larger to sustain collusion.
• If interaction or monitoring happens more frequently, this reduces
the benefits of cheating, which makes cartels more stable.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Cartel stability: twists
What can affect cartel stability?
• Number of firms
Illustrative example: Return to our Cournot example …
- Two symmetric firms: πœ‹ 𝐷 = 2025, πœ‹ 𝐾 = 1800, πœ‹ 𝐢 = 1600
πœ‹ 𝐷 − πœ‹ 𝐾 2025 − 1800
π‘…πœŒ > 𝐷
= 0.529
πœ‹ −πœ‹
2025 − 1600
- Three symmetric firms: πœ‹ = 1600, πœ‹ 𝐾 = 1200, πœ‹ 𝐢 = 900
πœ‹ 𝐷 − πœ‹ 𝐾 1600 − 1200
π‘…πœŒ > 𝐷
= 0.571
πœ‹ −πœ‹
1600 − 900
With N=3, a smaller range of discount values allow collusion.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Cartel stability: twists
What can affect cartel stability?
• Differences between firms
• Any successful agreement must make the cartel’s hardest-to-please member
happy to participate.
• Product and cost differences lead to challenges or complexity in …
- How to set prices or market shares to generate total and individual profit.
- How to monitor many distinct prices or shares across cartel members.
- Deciding who is hurt by cheating and who should punish
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Cartel possibilities
• Suppose that R𝜌 is not large enough to support collusion where cartel
members receive full monopoly profits.
• In our Cournot duopoly example, this is R𝜌 < 0.529.
Is a cartel impossible?
• No. The “folk theorem” says that for any R𝜌 it is possible to identify some
sustainable cartel that is better than πœ‹ 𝐢 .
Folk Theorem: Any distribution of profits that are preferred by all firms to the NE profits
of the one-period game can be supported as a subgame perfect equilibrium for an
infinite repeated game for some discount factor sufficient close to unity.
• The key is to adjust πœ‹ 𝐷 and πœ‹ 𝐾 so that cheating is no longer beneficial.
Example: If the duopoly cartel sets 𝑄𝑖 = 36, πœ‹ 𝐾 = 1728 but πœ‹ 𝐷 = 1764.
This allows R𝜌 as low as 0.220.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Cartel possibilities
• The folk theorem result signals that we can expand our ideas about
what a cartel can do.
• Another important possibility: Relaxing the grim trigger.
• Suppose that demand fluctuates randomly.
- You are a member of a cartel producing 𝑄𝑖 = 30.
- The mean expected price is 90, but what if you see P=75?
- Did your partner just cheat, or was there a demand shock?
• The grim trigger demands punishing forever, even if no one cheated.
• A better arrangement is to define a trigger price (e.g. 82) and if price
ever falls beneath it, begin a brief punishment.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Public Policy
In the US, the DOJ’s and FTC’s responsibilities include policing markets
for signs of cartel activity.
Why is this hard?
• Firms act to minimize evidence. Tacit collusion has no paper trail at
• Firms will not admit that prices are high due to collusion – many
alternative explanations can be offered.
• Investigations are not always successful.
Policy instruments:
• Enforcement effort: Let s be the change of getting caught.
• Penalty size: Let $F be the penalty from getting caught.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Public Policy
How do s and F affect the payoff from collusion?
• Suppose a cartel has existed until today, and a member weighs defecting vs.
continuing in the cartel. Assume 𝜌 = 1.
• If a firm defects, it is acting non-cooperatively and not in danger of
prosecution. Write 𝑃𝐷𝑉 𝐷 as 𝑉 𝐷 , 𝑃𝐷𝑉 𝐾 as 𝑉 𝐾 . Payoff is (still):
𝑉𝐷 = πœ‹π· +
• If the firm remains in the cartel, its 𝑉 𝐾 combines two parts:
𝑉 𝐾 = Pr π‘π‘Žπ‘’π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ × π‘‰π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘’ π‘π‘Žπ‘’π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ + Pr ~π‘π‘Žπ‘’π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ × π‘‰π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘’ ~π‘π‘Žπ‘’π‘”β„Žπ‘‘
• π‘‰π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘’ π‘π‘Žπ‘’π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ =
• π‘‰π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘’ ~π‘π‘Žπ‘’π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ =πœ‹ 𝐾 + R𝑉 𝐾
πœ‹πΆ 𝑅
Combine these to learn 𝑉 𝐾
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Public Policy
Value from being in a cartel:
𝑉 =𝑠 πœ‹ −𝐹+
+ 1 − 𝑠 πœ‹ 𝐾 + 𝑅𝑉 𝐾
Simplify to isolate 𝑉 𝐾 :
π‘ πœ‹
πœ‹ − 𝑠𝐹 +
𝑉𝐾 =
1− 1−𝑠 𝑅
This is lower than our previous 𝑃𝐷𝑉 𝐾 = πœ‹ 𝐾 /(1 − 𝑅). Antitrust enforcement
reduces the benefits from being in a cartel.
• Defection is now more attractive.
• Firms less likely to join cartels, cartels more likely to fail.
• Can reduce 𝑉 𝐾 through s or F. Can be cheaper for the gov’t to raise F rather
s, which takes more effort.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
Public Policy: amnesty
• Antitrust authorities use amnesty or leniency programs.
• How this works: If a cartel firm preemptively confesses to being in a
cartel, it gets little or no punishment (𝐹 ≈ 0).
• Intended effect: Additional incentive to defect from cartel.
• Unintended effect: Joining cartels can be more attractive.
- With a leniency program, joining a cartel can be less costly because now there
is a zero-punishments way out.
- Possible plan: I will join a cartel, take πœ‹ 𝐾 for a while, and then bail out (through
defection or amnesty) before I’m cheated upon or go to jail.
• US and EU leniency programs have been successful in generating
confessions, but absolute success is uncertain.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions
What we covered:
• The challenges of cooperation when doing so is illegal
• Discounting future payoffs from infinite interaction
• Firm’s decisions to remain in a cartel vs. break apart.
• Market factors that make cartels easier or harder to maintain.
• Public policy can make cartels harder to create and sustain
What is coming next:
• Legal cooperation between firms.
• Vertical relations between firms.
Econ 445: Anticompetitive actions