Telling Our Stories The Stories behind the Stance Colorado Water Workshop, Gunnison, Colorado, May 22, 2007 Aqua Engineering, Inc. Editor: MaryLou Smith Producer: Kendal Perez Jenny Russell Telluride, Colorado “I love the life of the river, and especially the desert river: wondering what’s around the bend and how I’ll handle the next rapid.” Attorney at Law Tom Iseman Denver, Colorado “It scared me that something as vital as water might disappear.” The Nature Conservancy Eric Hecox Denver, Colorado “As a child in East Africa, I learned to seek out the water holes. That’s where the animals were!” Department of Natural Resources Interbasin Compact Negotiations Rita Crumpton Grand Junction, Colorado “Colorado water was the best water we kids ever tasted.” Orchard Mesa Irrigation District John Fetcher Steamboat Springs, Colorado “We have more west slope surplus than we can ever use. Why send it on to California?” Upper Yampa Water Conservancy District Neil Grigg Fort Collins, Colorado “My father was a big river man.” Colorado State University, Civil Engineering Department Robert Drexel Gunnison, Colorado “Water was so precious to my grandfather that he refused to allow me to do the irrigating on the home ranch.” Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District Don Magnuson Eaton, Colorado “I never remember a family gathering where the conversation of the elders didn’t drift to telling stories about water.” Cache La Poudre Irrigating Company George Sibley Gunnison, Colorado “Trying to reach the Colorado River the next day under the scorching desert sun was brutal.” Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District Mary Stirling Denver, Colorado “I didn’t think there would be any place to sail in Colorado.” Colorado Water Congress Dennis Smith Leadville, Colorado “We raised worms in bathtubs and sold them all day to fishermen that lined the lakes thick.” Arkansas Basin Roundtable Jane Rawlings Pueblo, Colorado “During the 1950’s drought, there was no flushing for ‘number one.’” The Pueblo Chieftain Greg Hobbs Denver, Colorado “My favorite place was a creek… with crawdads scuttling in the water and blue-bellies flashing on and off the rocks.” Colorado Supreme Court David Freeman Fort Collins, Colorado “As I grew of size to help lug water pails, my job was to help my grandmother haul that water.” Colorado State University, Sociology Department Kathleen Curry Gunnison, Colorado “Fourth grade, cleaning trash out of the stream. In that moment I decided to work in the water field.” Colorado House of Representatives Jeff Crane Hotchkiss, Colorado “Although warned against it, I drank heartily from high mountain streams simply because I could.” Colorado Watershed Assembly Bill Brown Fort Collins, Colorado “I didn’t know a cfs from an acre foot, but I waded in (pun intended, I suppose.) And I was hooked.” Fischer, Brown & Gunn, P.C. Steve Glazer Crested Butte, Colorado “I was awakened by seeing a mountain stream being completely diverted for irrigation.” High Country Citizens’ Alliance Wayne Vanderschuere Colorado Springs, Colorado “I realized water had become a passion and not just a job.” Colorado Springs Utilities Ray Wright Alamosa, Colorado “I remember when the lawsuits came that began to restrict our water supply.” Rio Grande Water Conservancy District Daniel Tyler Steamboat Springs, Colorado “When you can wrap yourself in the oldest running case in the Southwest, why not take on a new mantra? “Waterman!” That’s me!” Author, Silver Fox of the Rockies Melinda Kassen Boulder, Colorado “It is not appropriate to treat water like a commodity; it is like air.” Trout Unlimited Ralph Curtis Alamosa, Colorado “Keeping cattle out of the riparian areas is an environmental idea that just makes sense.” Rio Grande Water Conservationcy District John Barthelow Fort Collins, Colorado “I’d rather talk about the physics of why removing water from rivers so often heats them up during the summer.” US Geological Survey John Wiener Boulder, Colorado “I feel compelled to at least witness well and contribute to showing alternatives and seeing better outcomes.” University of Colorado Ram Dhan Khalsa Grand Junction, Colorado “Arguing over who should get the water is like two fleas on a dog arguing about who owns the dog.” Bureau of Reclamation Doug Kenney Boulder, Colorado “Crossing the Missouri at age six, I was shocked and inspired by the scale and grandeur.” Natural Resources Law Center, University of Colorado School of Law Rio de la Vista Alamosa, Colorado “When, I wonder, does a drop of water enter the legal system? We have not yet adjudicated the cloud.” Rio Grande Land Trust Jack Flobeck Colorado Springs, Colorado “My core belief about water is simple. It’s a gift from heaven.” Aqua Prima Center