College English Unit 9 The Death of Hitler ENTER Pre-reading Activities Text Analysis Background Information Main idea and Structure Expressions & Patterns How to applying to our real life the typical expressions and patterns Exercises All the exercises for the text I. Pre-reading Activities: Warm-up Questions Acquaint yourself with some relevant information 1. Adolf Hitler: before World War Ⅱ Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, at Braunau, Austria. Young Hitler received poor grades in school and left at 16 without graduating. During World War Ⅰhe served four years in the Germany Army as a dispatch runner. He was twice wounded and twice decorated for bravery with the Iron Cross. Between 1933 and 1935, Hitler began secretly to return Germany in violation of the Versailles Treaty. In 1936, German troops reoccupied the demilitarized Rhineland zone, and in 1938, Hitler annexed Austria to Germany. In the same year, representatives of other European nations yielded to Hitler’s back I. Pre-reading Activities: Warm-up Questions Acquaint yourself with some relevant information threats at Munich, enabling Hitler to take over much of Czechoslvakia. On August 24, 1939, the German-Soviet Pact was signed, enabling Hitler to invade Poland without opposition from the Soviet Union. The invasion took place on September 1, 1939 and the Second World War in Europe started. back I. Pre-reading Activities: Warm-up Questions Acquaint yourself with some relevant information 2. World War Ⅱ Europe: By the order of Adolf Hitler, the German armies poured across the Polish frontier on the morning of Sep. 1, 1939-without a declaration of war. Two days later Great Britain and France declared war against Germany. But Poland was defeated within four weeks by the Germans who had developed a new kind of warfare called lighting warfare. By June, 1941, the German and Italian armies had swept over most of Europe. Mussolini had seized Albania. Hitler had invaded Yugoslavia and Greece. German and Italian troops had meanwhile occupied most of north Africa. back I. Pre-reading Activities: Warm-up Questions Acquaint yourself with some relevant information On June 6, 1944, “D-day”, American, British and Canadian forces landed in Normandy, France, and opened the second front in Europe (the Soviet Union being the first front). In March 1945, the Allied forces began pouring into Germany from both the west and the east. The Soviet army took Berlin on May 2, 1945. Two days earlier, Hitler had killed himself. On May 7, Germany surrendered. back I. Pre-reading Activities: Warm-up Questions Acquaint yourself with some relevant information 3. The Third Reich The Third Reich: a name for Germany under the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler, 1934-1945. By calling his government the Third Reich Hitler indicated that he considered it the successor of the Holy Roman Empire and the German Empire. The term was taken from the title of a book, Das Dritte Reich (The Third Reich), written by Authur Moeller van den Bruck in 1923. back II. Words and Expressions execute sting up dump call in spectacle interpret as appreciation build up instruct in charge of assemble round up break have/ be done with request to the/a day seek doom back II. Words and Expressions execute:kill (sb.) by law; punish (sb.) by death 将……处死,执行死刑 Eg. –The electric chair is still used to execute criminals in America. --The death penalty was passed on the drugpusher and he was execute by a firing squad. back II. Words and Expressions dump: drop or throw down in a heap or mass 倾倒,倒垃圾 Eg. –You can’t dump the garbage here. --The truck backed up to the hole and dumped the dirt in it. --No dumping! back II. Words and Expressions spectacle: an object of laughing or disrespect 引人羡慕或嫉妒的人或事物 Eg. –Mary was greatly embarrassed when her partner made a spectacle of himself on the dance floor. -Tom got very drunk and made a spectacle of himself at his wedding party. back II. Words and Expressions appreciation: grateful feelings 感激,感谢; 鉴赏,赏识 Eg. –I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for your help. -To show his appreciation for my hard work, Mr. Hobbs gave me a bonus of $200. back II. Words and Expressions instruct: give orders or instructions to 指示,命令,吩咐 Eg. –Employers are instructed not to hire child laborers, or they will be troubled by the law. -The general manager instructed his chauffeur to take his secretary to the airport. back II. Words and Expressions assemble: gather or collect together; put together 集合,召集,聚集 Eg. –Wait until all the gests are assembled. -Every Sunday morning people assembled / are assembled in the church for religious services. back II. Words and Expressions break: come to an end, disappear 打破,折断,使碎裂 Eg. –The cold weather at last broke at the end of March. -The clouds broke and the sun came out. -After an hour of heavy rain the storm broke. back II. Words and Expressions request: demand politely 要求,请求 Eg. –Visitors to this museum are requested to keep their hands off the exhibits. --Mr. Wang requests this English song be played for his sister who’s celebrating her 18th birthday. back II. Words and Expressions seek: search for, try to obtain or find 寻找,探索,追求 Eg. –He often seeks advice/help from experienced teachers. -They seek neither fame or fortune. back II. Words and Expressions doom: destined to sth. Unavoidable and unpleasant such as death, failure or destruction 注定,命定 Eg. –From the start, he project seemed doomed to failure /to fail. -He seemed doomed to (live ) a life of poverty. back II. Words and Expressions sting up: hang (sth.) high with strings 引提,吊起 Eg. –Four red palace lanterns were strung up above the gate. –The traitor was strung up after the war. back II. Words and Expressions call in: ask to come or go in 叫进来,来访 Eg. –The father called in the family doctor when he found his son was running a fever. --The servant called in the police when he found the host dead in the bed. back II. Words and Expressions interpret … as: understand…as; regard… as 当作…,看作…,理解为… Eg. –Am I right to interpret your silence as a refusal? - His presence at the party was interpret ed as showing that wished to make up the quarrel. back II. Words and Expressions build up: strengthen, increase 增进,使增大 Eg.-The noise built up until I could not bear it any longer. -Tension is building up between the police and the worker on strike. back II. Words and Expressions in charge of: responsible for 负责,主管 Eg. –It is reported that a deputy mayor is in charge of the investigation. --Professor Smith was placed in charge of the department when the department head fell sick last week. back II. Words and Expressions round up: gather or collect together 集拢,集中 Eg. –The guide rounded up the tourist and took them back to the coach. --It took the young couple a few years to round up enough money for a trip to China. back II. Words and Expressions have/be done with: have /be finished with 作完,结束 Eg. –Have/ Are you done with the book I lent you. --Let’s start early and have done with it. back II. Words and Expressions to the/a day: exactly 一天也不差,刚好 Eg. –It is 50 years to a/the day since they got married and they are going to have a big golden wedding party this evening. --He went to Australia five years ago to the day. back Main Idea of Each Part Part Ⅰ Part Ⅱ Main Idea & Structure Main Idea Structure back Ⅲ. Text Analysis: Main Idea and Structure What is the text mainly about? In the last days of World War Ⅱ, Adolf Hitler and his closest associates had sought shelter in a command bunker before the fall of Berlin. He knew that defeat was close at hand and that he must prepare for his own death. Here is a detailed description of how he ended his life. back Ⅲ. Text Analysis: Main Idea and Structure How is the text organized? The passage is divided into two parts. In the first part, the author states that Mussolini, Hitler’s fellow fascist dictator and partner in aggression, had met his end. The second part serves as a explanation part, talking about the details that Hitler prepared his last day in the world. back Ⅲ. Text Analysis: Main Idea and Structure Part 1 (Paras. 1-3) The news came out that Mussolini had met his end. Part 2 (Para. 4-11) It lists the details that Hitler prepared his last day in the world. back Ⅲ. Text Analysis: Main Idea and Structure Main idea? Part I (Paras. 1-3) During the afternoon of April 29, news arrived that Mussolini, Hitler’s fellow fascist dictator and partner in aggression, had met his end. Part II Devices for developing it? Flashback (倒叙法) back Ⅲ. Text Analysis: Main Idea and Structure Main idea? Part I Part II Shortly after receiving the news of Mussolini’s death, Hitler began to make the final preparations for his. (Para. 4-11) Devices for developing it? Narration (记叙法) back Ⅳ. Exercises Comprehension 《大学英语3》 P. 195 Vocabulary 《大学英语3》 P. 197 Collocation 《大学英语3》 P. 198 Summary 《大学英语3》 P. 200 Translation 《大学英语3》 P.201 back Ⅳ. Exercises----Translation Translate the following into English 1. 她行医至今已有三年零四个月了。 It has been three years and four months to the day since she began to practice medicine. back Ⅳ. Exercises----Translation Translate the following into English 2. 孩子们在到处奔跑,老师正吃力的把他们集中起来 带回教师。 The children were running all over the place, and the teacher was having a hard time rounding them up and bringing them back to class. back Ⅳ. Exercises----Translation Translate the following into English 3. 这一发现进一步坚定了我的观点:这座火山在不久的 将来会爆发。 The discovery further strengthened my belief that the volcano would erupt in the near future. back Ⅳ. Exercises----Translation Translate the following into English 4. 既然亨德森教授答应出席会议,我们想请他演讲。 Now that Professor Henderson has promised to attend the meeting, we would like to request him To deliver a speech. back Ⅳ. Exercises----Translation Translate the following into English 5. 玛丽最终会离开家自己生活的,不过在这期间他仍需 要你们的支持。 Eventually Mary will live home to lead her own life, but in he meantime she still needs you support. back Ⅳ. Exercises----Translation Translate the following into English 6. 令我们宽慰的是,观众对我们对演出十分欣赏,他们 中大多数都是学生。 Much to our relief, our performance was fully appreciated by the audience, mostly college students. back Ⅳ. Exercises----Comprehension Choose the best answer for each of the following. 1. The relationship between Hitler and Mussolini was one of b . a. personal friends b. war collaborators c. bitter rivals d. business associates back Ⅳ. Exercises----Comprehension 2.Mussolini was caught and executed by c . a. Allied troops b. Hitler’s secret police c. Italian guerrillas d. Swiss police back Ⅳ. Exercises----Comprehension 3. The body of Mussolini and his mistress were put on a display and became object of . a. public scorn b. great curiosity c. amazement d. pity back Ⅳ. Exercises----Comprehension 4. According to the author, Hitler decided to commit suicide because d . a. he was afraid of trials b. he thought he was doomed anyway c. He wanted to set an example for his associates to follow d. he did not wanted himself to be disgraced in public back Ⅳ. Exercises-----Comprehension 5. When Hitler appeared from his private quarters to bid farewell to his closest associates, he seemed to be d . a. in a rage b. as hopeful as ever c. horror-struck d. much in pain back Ⅳ. Exercises----Comprehension 6.The weird dance party that took place after the farewell shows that . d a. these people were happy that Hitler was to die b. these people felt greatly relieved at last c. these people never lost interest in life d. both b and c back Ⅳ. Exercises-----Comprehension 7.When they heard the revolver shot, Dr. Goebbels and a few others . c a. went into Hitler’s quarters immediately b. kept waiting for a long time before entering Hitler’s quarters c. kept waiting just long enough before entering Hitler’s quarters d. rush into Hitler’s room back Ⅳ. Exercises----Comprehension 8. The Third Reich fell b . a. on April 30, 1945 b. on May 7, 1945 c. on April 29, 1945 d. on May 8, 1945 back Ⅳ. Exercises----Vocabulary Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. swallow decent drip break in resolve relief institute in charge o doom 1. Owing to lack of funds, the project seems to be the outset. doomed from 2. Mr. Greene is going on vacation next week. Miss Bennet will be in charge of the personal department while he was away. back Ⅳ. Exercises----Vocabulary 3. Many people suggest that the government institute a consumer protection agency. 4. It is his firm resolve never to lose his temper. 5. She was so scared by what had just happened that she could not 6. “What a swallow decent her food. young man,” said the old woman, when he gave her his seat on the bus. 7. Obviously, Peter was in acute pain. As he came into the clinic, swe was dripping from his forehead. back Ⅳ. Exercises----Vocabulary break in 8. The police had to to save the child before the fire got out control. relief 9. Much to the students’ , the mid-term exam was cancelled . 10. To show his appreciation for their efforts to help solve the problem, he gave each a gift check of $500. back Ⅳ. Exercises----Collocation Use the verb in brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb and complete the sentence with it. 1. The Californian Democrats carried out a vigorous campaign to round up votes. (round) 2. “ Have you done with the newspaper? “ Tom asked impatiently. 3. Colorful banners and lights were strung up along both sides of the streets to celebrate the festival. (string) back Ⅳ. Exercises----Collocation 4. When I returned to my childhood home, I was distressed to find that all the pear trees had been cut down. (cut) 5. It is obvious that enemy forces have built up greatly in the area in the few days. (build) 6. To expand its business, the household appliances company (has) sent out ad leaflets to all its potential customers. (send) 7. No light have been visible in the hose for two evenings , one of the neighbours broke in old lady dead in her chair. (break) back Ⅳ. Exercises----Collocation 8. They decided to call in the doctor again because the child was no better after taking so many doses of the medicine. (call) back Ⅳ. Summary----Cloze Fill in the missing words or phrases. When the advancing Russians were approaching, Hitler knew he was d doomed (1) , so he began to make preparation p (2) to meet his Eva Braun’s e (3) . He was resolved not to end allowed themselves not to be captured and executed (4) by the round up Russians. He instructed (5) his men to (6) enough gasoline so as to burn up his and Eva bodies after they committed suicide. inIthe meantime (7) , he, having had his last meal, a assembled (8) his staff and mostintimate i (9) associates and said a p private (10) farewell to each person back Ⅳ. Summary----Cloze Fill in the missing words or phrases. fro the last time. Then he and Eva r retired (11) to their quarters. A few people waited outside the door. After hearing interval a gun shot, they waited a short i (12) , entered the room and found their Fuehrer who once had s strict (13) control over their lives now lying dead on the coach. It was April 30, 1945, exactly 12 years and 3 months to the day since Hitler had initiated the eenormous (14) Reich. power of the Third back