DRAFT: 3 JUNE, 2010 INCOMPLETE DRAFT--COMMENTS SOLICITED—DO NOT CITE MERGERS INCREASE OUTPUT: THE CASE OF A REVENUE-MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY ARTURS KALNINS# CORNELL SCHOOL OF HOTEL ADMINISTRATION LUKE M. FROEB*, STEVEN TSCHANTZ+ VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT From a sample of 898 hotel mergers, we find that mergers increase occupancy without reducing capacity. In some regressions, price also increases. These effects are small, but statistically and economically significant. And they only occur only in markets with the highest capacity utilization and highest uncertainty. These findings lead us to reject simple models of price or quantity competition in favor of models of “revenue management,” where firms price to fill available capacity in the face of uncertain demand. JEL classification: D21; L41; L83. Keywords: merger; hotel; antitrust; revenue management. ο£ School of Hotel Administration, Cornell University, atk23@cornell.edu οͺ William Oehmig Associate Professor of Management, Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, luke.froeb@owen.vanderbilt.edu ο« Department of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University, tschantz@math.vanderbilt.edu I. Introduction For mergers, the predictions of theory—anticompetitive mergers increase price and decrease output, while pro-competitive mergers do the opposite—are so well accepted that they are part of both law and policy.1 But the evidence on mergers remains thin, which has made calls for more and better empirical work a frequent mantra, especially from those who work at the enforcement agencies, e.g., Froeb et al. (2005), Carlton (2007), and Farrell et al. (2009). Ideally, we would like enough data on mergers, and enough variation across observed merger effects to help us determine which theoretical model should be used to predict whether a particular merger is going to have an effect on competition (FTC, 2005, p.174). But estimating the competitive effects of mergers presents two problems. The first is censoring. Most mergers must obtain regulatory clearance from competition agencies, which means that we observe only mergers that were thought not to be anticompetitive,2 or those which were allowed to proceed after court or regulatory challenges failed.3 The second problem is that mergers may have a variety of different effects, many of them unrelated to their effect on competition. For example, an acquisition may induce higher levels of effort among employees at an acquired firm as they try to impress the new boss. This could lead to an observed merger effect that has nothing to do with competition. To address these issues, we examine a large sample of mergers in the same industry—the U.S. lodging industry—but in different local markets. Our sample of 898 local mergers involving 2628 hotels nationwide is the largest in any study of merger effects that we are aware 1 See, for example, the US Dept. of Justice and Federal Trade Commission, Horizontal Merger Guidelines, See PautlerXX (2003) and ZonaXX (2009) for summaries of empirical work in the banking, and petroleum industries. 3 Werden et al. (199X) estimate the effects of the Northwest/Republic airline merger; and Farrell et al. (2009) report on hospital mergers. 2 of.4 The large size of the sample allows us to perform separate analyses in markets of different types. In particular, we separate markets by the level of uncertainty about future demand and by the level of capacity utilization, two dimensions that theory suggests are relevant for merger effects when firms compete my managing revenue. Most of these mergers are too small to raise anticompetitive concerns, so we do not expect to find big anticompetitive merger effects. However, due to our large sample, we believe we will find small effects, if they exist. In other words, our empirical strategy relies on being able to precisely estimate even small merger effects. To isolate the competitive effects of mergers, we measure the effects of mergers among firms in the same market relative to out-ofmarket mergers. If there are merger effects unrelated to competition, this differencing should remove them. We find that hotel mergers raise and occupancy, and sometimes price, without reducing capacity. These effects are small, but statistically and economically significant, and occur primarily in markets with the highest capacity utilization and the most uncertainty. These findings lead us to reject simple models of price or quantity competition in favor of models of “revenue management,” so named because firms maximize profit by maximizing revenue, i.e., by pricing to match demand to capacity (e.g., Anderson and Xie, 2010). Here we take the capacity of the hotel as fixed, at least in the short run, and define revenue management in this application as the setting of price to maximize expected profit subject to a capacity constraint. In this framework, we identify two theoretical mechanisms that could explain the empirical results. “Stochastic economies of scale” imply that the merged firm is better able to manage demand uncertainty, just as a large insurance company can be better manage risk than 4 The largest published study we are aware of is that by Dranove and Lindrooth (2003) who studied the cost effects of 122 hospital mergers. two smaller ones. In particular, a merged hotel faces less uncertainty (per room), and can set price so that demand is closer to available capacity. A second mechanism—that the merged hotel is better able to compete for group and convention business—could also account for price and/or quantity increases. If the merged hotels are large enough to host groups, but the premerger hotels are not, then the merger could increase convention demand for the merged hotels. However, the fact that the biggest price and quantity increases occur in areas with higher levels of capacity utilization lead us to prefer the former explanation. In what follows, we motivate the topic by reviewing three antitrust actions against firms in industries that manage revenue. We then review merger theories to develop testable hypotheses, and then present the data, estimation, and results. We conclude by discussing the implications of our results for oligopoly merger models. II. Motivation: Antitrust actions in industries where firms manage revenue In this section, we review three recent antitrust decisions in industries where firms manage revenue, paying particular attention to the role that uncertainty and capacity constraints play in the antitrust analyses. First, in March 1999, the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice approved Central Parking's $585 million acquisition of Allright after the companies agreed to divest seventy-four off-street parking facilities in eighteen cities (United States v. Central Parking Corp., 99-0652, D.D.C. filed Mar. 23, 1999). The Division's press release stated ``Without these divestitures, Central would have been given a dominant market share of off-street parking facilities in certain areas of each of the cities, and would have had the ability to control the prices and the type of services offered to motorists'' (U.S. Dept of Justice, 1999). Froeb et al. (2002) criticize the Justice Department's enforcement action by arguing that the merger would not have raised price because there is very little uncertainty about parking demand. Each day, each parking facility gets to “see” a realization of demand, so individual lots can price to fill capacity with very little error. A simple algorithm achieves this result: if the lot is full before 9:00 am, the parking lot increases price; otherwise, it reduces price. An optimal price is one that just fills the lot at 9:00 am. If the merging lots are still capacity constrained after the merger, then pricing has not changed, and there is no merger effect. This is an old result (Dowell, 1984), and the intuition behind it is the same as that behind a standard microeconomics exam question, “what is the difference between monopoly and competition for a vertical supply curve?” The answer is “none” if the monopolist is capacity constrained. Second, in February, 2003, the European Commission (EC) gave their approval to Carnival's $5.5 billion takeover of rival cruise operator P&O Princess. Carnival, the largest firm, and Royal Caribbean, the second-largest firm, had been bidding for P&O Princess Cruises, the industry's third-largest firm. The EC approval followed U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and British Competition Commission approvals. In the published decisions there were lengthy discussions of the “revenue management” problem, that prices for cruises had to be set long before demand for the cruise was realized. Coleman et al. (2003) summarized the empirical analysis done by the FTC, noting that there was no correlation between pre-merger prices and concentration, and no correlation between changes in capacity and changes in price. They also noted that behavior in the industry appeared inconsistent with collusion as all firms were adding capacity, increasing amenities, and competing on price. Third, in November, 2005, six luxury hotels in Paris, all ranked by the Michelin travel guides at the highest level of luxury (five red stars), were fined for running an illegal price-fixing cartel. According to a report by the French competition agency, the hotels shared many features: “a prestigious site in the center of Paris; a high proportion of suites, some of which are exceptional; a gastronomic restaurant; exceptional amenities such as swimming pools or gyms; and a large number of personnel at the disposal of guests.” According to the report, the six hotels exchanged information about occupancy, average room prices, and revenue (Crampton, 2005). An Associated Press newswire reported the Council's specific charge: "Although the six hotels did not explicitly fix prices, …, they operated as a cartel that exchanged confidential information which had the result of keeping prices artificially high" (Gecker, 2005). An obvious pro-competitive justification for this kind of behavior is that by sharing information, the hotels can better forecast demand. Better forecasts mean fewer pricing errors— and higher expected occupancy—as the hotels are better able to match demand to available capacity. Indeed, in response to the charges, industry executives insisted that their information sharing was to "to bring more people to the area and to maximize hotel utilization" (Hotels Magazine, 2006). Apparently, they were unable to convince the court of this merits of this practice. III. Merger theories and testable hypotheses In this section, we review models of competition, and their associated merger predictions. We call these “merger models” or “merger theories” but recognize that they are built on models of firm behavior, and how merger changes firm behavior. The purpose of this section is to develop testable hypotheses about the effects of mergers when firms compete by managing revenue. A. A simple model of revenue management Any model of the hotel industry must capture three significant features of competition: high fixed cost, low marginal cost, and uncertain demand. When demand is high, we postulate that the firms want to fill all available capacity because MR>>MC at capacity; but when demand is low, the firms price as if they are unconstrained. In addition, firms must set price before demand is realized. We work with a one-period model, where each hotel sets price, and then demand is realized. While this is a simplification of the way that hotels actually price, it captures the essential tradeoff faced by hotels: a price too high means unused capacity, and a price too low means that the hotel could have priced higher, without sacrificing occupancy. The hotel chooses an optimal price that maximizes expected profit, and which balances the expected costs of over- and under-pricing. To make this concrete, suppose that demand for hotels is characterized by a Poisson arrival process on top of a logit random utility choice model. We imagine that market demand is governed by the random arrival process, and then each customer chooses among the hotels within a given area or market according to a logit probability function. A Poisson process with mean π has distribution function πΉ(π) = π −π (π)π π! , for k=0, 1, … , and an n-choice logit choice model has a probability choice function, π π = πΌ −π½ππ π π πΌπ −π½ππ 1+∑π π=1 π , where each choice represents that probability π π that a customer will choose a given hotel, including a “no purchase” or “outside” option. Here the indirect utility of choosing hotel j is πΌπ − π½ππ where πΌπ represents the quality of hotel j and ππ represents the price charged by hotel j. The parameter π½ measures the sensitivity of choice to price. The demand curve ππ (ππ , π~π ) is the choice probability times the number of arrivals, and is downward sloping in own price. A higher quality results in a less elastic demand which allows a higher quality hotel to charge a higher price and capture a bigger market share, e.g., Werden and Froeb, 1994. Putting a Poisson process on top of a logit choice model (including an outside option) results in n independent Poisson processes {ππ } with means {ππ π }. The expected profit of each hotel is thus ππ (ππ , π~π ) = πΈ[min(ππ (ππ , π~π ), π π ) ∗ (ππ −πππ )] where π π is the capacity of each hotel and the expectation is taken over the arrival process facing each hotel. Note that the demand for each hotel depends on its own price, as well as on rival prices π~π . This demand model ignores the consumers who choose a hotel but are turned away because the hotel reaches capacity, i.e., the consumers ππ in excess of capacity π π are not allowed to move to their second choice. If hotels are pricing accurately, this excess should not be large, and so any added demand one hotel might expect from second-choice consumers when a rival’s demand exceeds its capacity should be small. It is possible to keep track of these extra terms, but aside from the added complexity, it is not clear that doing so would change the basic intuition of the results that follow. For ease of exposition, we are going to ignore the effect of rival capacity constraints on the demand for each hotel, and implicitly assume that a customer who does not receive her first choice drops out of the model. In what follows we are going to characterize competition using Nash equilibrium in prices under a variety of scenarios. B. No uncertainty, not constrained: unilateral merger effects Under this scenario, we assume that each hotel knows its demand with certainty. This assumption turns out not to matter when the firms are not capacity constrained because of a certainty equivalence result that we will establish below. When one firm i acquires a substitute product j, its concern changes from maximizing profit on a single product to maximizing profit on both products. Formally, we go from a premerger Nash equilibrium defined by a set of first-order conditions: Pre-merger: πππ πππ = 0, πππ πππ = 0, πππ πππ , π ≠ π, π to a post-merger Nash equilibrium defined by a different set of first-order conditions, in which the merged firm (i+j) internalizes the effects of price on its commonly owned products, Post-merger: πππ πππ ππ + πππ = 0, π πππ πππ ππ + πππ = 0, π πππ πππ , π ≠ π, π. Here we implicitly assume that the non-merging hotels are independently owned, but this is not essential. Assuming the hotels are not capacity constrained, these derivatives exist and are continuous, and the conditions can be solved for the unique pre- and post-merger Nash equilibria, e.g., Werden and Froeb (1994). Post merger prices are higher, and quantity lower, for the merged firms. Non-merging firms respond by raising price, provided that their demand curves become less elastic with increases in rival prices. The effect of the merger can be easily understood through its effect on marginal revenue. After the acquisition, an increase in sales on one product will “steal” some sales from the other. In other words, common ownership of two substitute products reduces the post-acquisition marginal revenue of each, and the size of the decline is determined by how “close” the two products are. If the acquisition does not also reduce marginal cost, the merger will increase price and reduce output (on both products) because post-merger marginal revenue falls below marginal cost. This is the “unilateral” anti-competitive merger effect, so named because the merged firm does not need the cooperation of non-merging firms in order to raise price (e.g., Werden and Froeb, 2007). Unilateral effects arise in models of price, quantity, auction, or bargaining competition (Werden and Froeb, 2008). If, however, merger synergies push marginal cost below post-merger marginal revenue, the merged firm decreases price and increases output (Werden, 1996; Froeb and Werden, 1998; and Goppelsroeder et al., 2006). In this case we say the merger is “pro-competitive.” In the pro-competitive scenario, price decreases and quantity increases; in the anticompetitive case, they do the opposite. This merger characterization can be tested by testing whether mergers move price and quantity in opposite directions. This result does not depend on certainty. To see this, note that the expected profit of each hotel in the unconstrained case can be expressed as a linear function of expected profit, provided marginal cost is constant. ππ (ππ , π~π ) = πΈ[ππ (ππ , π~π ) ∗ (ππ −πππ )] = πΈ[ππ (ππ , π~π )] ∗ (ππ −πππ ) This implies a “certainty equivalence” between the optimal price in the face of uncertainty, and optimal price in the case of no uncertainty. C. No uncertainty, constrained: pricing to fill capacity If hotel demand is as predictable as parking demand and the merged hotel is capacity constrained because MR>>MC at capacity, then we would expect no price or quantity changes following hotel mergers. Hotels will price to fill available capacity, πΈ[ππ (ππ , π~π )] = π π , π = 1, 2 , … , π , and this profit calculus will not change post merger. Here we are careful to limit our conclusion to the short run, the period of time during which the structure of the industry is fixed. This “pricing to fill capacity” characterization of mergers can be tested relative to the “unilateral” characterization of mergers above by comparing merger effects in environments where there is less uncertainty about demand and where firms are more likely to be capacity constrained, to mergers where firms are less likely to be capacity constrained. Together, the theories predict bigger merger effects in the unconstrained environment. D. Uncertainty, constrained: stochastic economies of scale In this section, we consider the effect of a merger that reduces uncertainty. This could occur in one of two ways. First, a merged firm may be better able to forecast demand than the pre-merger individual firms. For example, if the parameters of the arrival process are not known, then the merged firm might have a more informative prior than the individual pre-merger firms because it gets to “see” order flow at two hotels instead of one, i.e., a “coarser” partition of the information set, as in Mares and Shor (2008). The other way that this might occur is through the law of large numbers (Rothschild and Werden, 1979). If the arrival process facing the merged firm has lower variance than the processes facing the individual firm, and the merged firm can refer customers who “arrive” at a full hotel to commonly owned “sister” hotel, then the law of large numbers implies that it is easier to fill the capacity of merged hotels (less variance per room), than it is to fill separate individual hotels. When demand is uncertain, and the firm is operating near capacity, the non-linearity of the min() function (recall that the firm sells the minimum of demand and its capacity) implies that the price which maximizes expected profit is different than the price which sets expected demand to capacity. In other words, a firm may “shade” price higher or lower than the prices that matches expected demand to capacity depending on the relative costs of over-pricing or under-pricing. We illustrate this with a simple two-choice logit model: π(π) = 100 ∗ π −0.1(π−100) 1 + π −0.1(π−100) Marginal cost is a constant, mc=40. We compare a non-binding capacity constraint at π = 85, to a tightly binding capacity constraint at π = 50. Instead of a Poisson arrival process (to clearly illustrate this effect, we need a process with more variance than a Poisson), we take random demand to be log-normally distributed with mean π(π) and a standard deviation of 40%. In Figures 1-5, we plot the logit profit function (no uncertainty) and the expected profit function for the two different capacities. In Figure 1, we plot the deterministic profit function with a deterministic (non-random) logit demand. We see that the profit function is smooth, and that small errors in pricing have very small effects on profit. This is our benchmark case, to which the other cases will be compared. In Figure 2, we plot the deterministic profit function with the capacity constraint that does not bind. When demand is known, the non-binding capacity constraint does not affect the optimal price. However, when demand is unknown (Figure 4), the steep fall off in the deterministic profit function to the left implies that expected profit reaches a maximum at a optimal price above the unconstrained price. Intuitively, the hotel prices high to avoid the high cost of under-pricing errors. The difference between Figures 4 and 2 can be thought of as a metaphor for the effect of a merger that reduces uncertainty for the case of non-binding capacity constraints. The difference between the optimal price when demand is known (dotted line) and the difference between the optimal price under uncertainty (solid line) is plotted in Figure 4. The difference between the two is the effect of reducing uncertainty, i.e. a lower price. And with less uncertainty, expected occupancy increases due to fewer over-pricing errors. In this case, a merger that reduces uncertainty decreases price and increases output. In Figure 3, we plot the deterministic profit function with the capacity constraint that does bind. In this case, the firm prices at the point where demand equals capacity. In Figure 5, we plot the expected profit function (solid line) for the binding capacity constraint when demand is uncertain. We see that the steep fall off in the deterministic profit function to the right implies that the expected profit reaches a maximum at a price below the constrained (deterministic) price. Intuitively, the hotel prices low to avoid over-pricing errors. The difference between Figures 5 and 3 can be thought of as a metaphor for the effect of a merger that reduces uncertainty for the case of tightly binding capacity constraints. Pre-merger (Figure 5) the firm sets a low price to reduce the high cost of over-pricing. The difference between the optimal price when demand is known (dotted line) and the optimal price under uncertainty (solid line) is plotted in Figure 5. The difference between the two is the effect of reducing uncertainty, i.e. a higher price. And with less uncertainty, expected occupancy increases due to fewer over-pricing errors. In this case, a merger that reduces uncertainty increases price and output. This “stochastic economies of scale” characterization of mergers can be tested relative to the “pricing to fill capacity” characterization for firms that are likely to be capacity constrained, by comparing merger effects in uncertain environments to mergers where firms are facing less uncertainty. The two theories imply a bigger quantity effect in the more uncertain environment. For a tightly binding constraint, we would also expect price to increase (Figure 5). E. Demand externalities among the merging firms. Approximately 50% of U.S. hotel business is group and convention business. Large conventions are often booked years in advance. To be able to compete for this demand, a hotel must have both meeting space, and enough capacity to handle the size of the group or convention. If the merged hotels are large enough to host groups, but the pre-merger hotels are not, then the merger could increase demand for the merged hotels. Of course, it is possible that two hotels located near each other could “share” a group booking, or coordinate to host a convention, but this kind of joint effort is often subject to incentive conflicts. If merger allows the hotels to manage this incentive conflict, and to bid for previously unattainable business, then the merger could increase demand. How such an increase in demand would affect price or quantity depends on whether the hotels are currently operating at capacity or not. If they are, then it is likely that the increase in demand would be reflected by an increase in price, rather than occupancy. However, if the hotel is selling group space that would be otherwise unoccupied due to low or “off-peak” demand, then the increase in demand would likely be reflected by an increase in occupancy. Whether price would increase as well depends on how price elastic the demand is for group business. If group demand is more elastic than non-group demand, e.g., due to the bargaining power of groups (Kalnins, 2006), then price could go down. This “demand externalities” characterization of mergers can be tested relative to the “pricing to fill capacity” theory by comparing merger effects in environments where firms are more likely to be capacity constrained to mergers where firms are less likely to be constrained. The theories predict bigger quantity effects in the unconstrained environment. . Table 1: Testable hypotheses Merger Theory Demand Uncertainty Capacity Constraint Prediction for Comment price Not binding Prediction for occupancy Down, unless outweighed by efficiencies Unilateral effects: price or quantity competition Low Pricing to fill capacity: when demand is known Stochastic economies of scale: pricing to fill capacity when demand is uncertain Demand externalties: merged firm is able to bid for group business Low Binding No effect No effect High Binding Up Up, if tightly binding constraint Varies No effect if capacity constrained; Up if not. Up, if capacity constrained; no prediction if not. Up, unless P and Q outweighed by move in efficiencies opposite directions Price to fill capacity, both pre- and post-merger Jointly managed capacity is easier to fill Demand increases for merged hotel. profit 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 price 60 80 100 120 140 Figure 1: Deterministic unconstrained profit function profit 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 price 60 80 100 Figure 2: Deterministic profit function with a non-binding capacity constraint 120 140 profit 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 price 60 80 100 Figure 3: Deterministic profit function with a tightly binding capacity constraint. 120 140 profit 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 price 60 80 100 120 140 100 120 140 Figure 4: Expected profit function with a non-binding capacity constraint profit 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 price 60 80 Figure 5: Expected profit function with a tightly binding capacity constraint III. Data and Estimation A. Data The price and occupancy data was provided by Smith Travel Research (STR). Between 2001 and 2009, 32,314 U.S. hotels reported to STR the average room-night price actually received each day, as well as the total number of rooms available and the number of rooms sold. Hotels that provide data receive, for a fee, aggregated data from competing hotels in their vicinity. We have up to 97 monthly observations from December 2001 – December 2009 for each hotel for occupancy and price. These 32,314 hotels represent about 95% of chain-affiliated properties in the United States and about 20% of independent hotels and motels. Smith Travel Research has split the United States into 618 tracts within which they believe the hotels are to some degree substitutes. Large cities are typically split into five tracts or more. Atlanta is split into the maximum of twelve tracts; Houston, Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles are split into nine, Dallas into eight, Orlando into seven, Philadelphia and several other cities into six, and Detroit and Manhattan and many others into five. We define a “market” as a tract, and postulate that competitive effects occur within a tract. We have obtained from STR the management company/franchisee identity for 9,503 out of these 32,314 U.S. hotels from January 2004 through October 2009.5 STR was able to provide us the identity of these management companies because the companies are STR’s clients, that is, they purchase data and analysis. We have complete "portfolio" information for 752 management companies that operate and maintain these 9,503 properties. In July 2009, for example, the largest of these management companies operated 298 properties, and the next largest two 5 Management companies typically do not own the physical property while franchisees do. For the purpose of this study there is no need to distinguish between the two because these are the firms that set prices and make related strategic decisions. We refer to both simply as “management companies” from here on. operated 96 and 80 properties. The median size of these management companies in terms of properties managed was 5, while the 75th percentile was 10. The largest three management companies operated properties of 16, 5 and 11 brands respectively. The median management company operated hotels affiliated with 3 brands. We defined a local, or within-tract, merger as the case where a management company that has been operating one or more hotels in a tract takes over operations at an additional property in that same tract, which was previously operated by someone else. This definition yields 898 within-tract mergers involving 2,628 hotels that took place between January 2004 and October 2009 among the 9,503 STR-client hotels. At least one within-tract merger took place within 398 of the 618 market tracts. Because we have information about mergers only from January 2004 through October 2009, all our analyses below use panels that begin in December 2003, one month before our management company information begins, and that end in November 2009, one month after the management company information ends. B. Estimation and Variable definition In a policy application and with a panel data structure very similar to ours (many panels with a long time series, before and after a policy change) Bertrand et al. (2006) found that standard errors for DID estimators were biased downward, i.e., they rejected the null hypothesis of no effect too frequently. Because our estimation strategy depends on us being able to estimate small merger effects, we use a heteroskedasticity-consistant covariance estimator (White, 1980), clustering on each panel (hotel*brand combination) in addition to fixed effects, that allows for a flexible pattern of within-tract correlation. When the number of panels is large as is the case here, Bertrand et al. (2006) find that this estimator performs well. We defined a local, or within-tract, merger as the case where a management company that has been operating one or more hotels in a tract takes over operations at an additional property in the same tract, which was previously operated by someone else. The binary “withintract merger” is set to zero for all properties for the earliest observations from December 2003. The value of one is added to this variable for any hotel involved in a merger, for all its monthly observations from the date of the merger onwards. In a few cases the merger is undone, at which point the value of one is subtracted for all subsequent monthly observations for the involved hotels. A total of 331 hotels are involved in more than one merger so the “within-tract merger” variable can take on values greater than one. Five hotels are involved in nine mergers, the maximum. We note that our results are robust to the case where we count only the very first merger in which a hotel is involved, and to the case where we simply exclude all multiplemerger hotels. We created a variable for non-local mergers. The variable “Out-of-tract merger” is included to distinguish effects of local merger from more general effects associated with the types of management companies that are likely to be observed merging. By adding this variable, we can determine that any occupancy effects of merger hold only if the merger is a within-tract one; it is not just the result of better management companies doing the merging, for example. In the latter case, we should observe similar effects for both local within-tract and non-local out-oftract mergers. We create two sets of fixed effects. First, create a fixed effect for each of 11,462 hotel*brand combinations of our 9,503 hotels in the data set. Thus, almost all our analyses are “within-brand-at-hotel" in nature. That is, we are comparing pre- and post-merger occupancies and prices while holding the location AND brand constant. Hotels often change brand names as they get older and revenues may vary substantially as a result of these brand changes. Occasionally the management company changes when the brand changes so we do not want to confound effects from these two issues. We note that all our results remain similar when we use 9,503 hotel fixed effects and ignore brand changes. However, we feel that the estimates are more accurate using separate fixed effects for every hotel*brand combination. Second, we wish to include a precise set of fixed effects that isolates temporal effects by market. Thus we create fixed effects, one for each month for each of the 618 tracts in the data, as long as there are at least two STR-client hotels operating in that tract in that month. This yields 9,607 tract*month fixed effects. These are included because local macroeconomic conditions may substantially influence price and occupancy at hotels throughout each period. Including these fixed effects allows us to distinguish merger effects from macroeconomic effects that apply to all hotels in a given tract in a given month. Estimating large data sets with two large dimensions of fixed effects is quite difficult due to memory and computer processing limitations. We cannot simply add 9,607 fixed effects as dummy variables to our half million monthly observations after already incorporating the hotel*brand fixed effects using the standard mean-based approach. Therefore, we have used the memory-saving algorithm provided by Abowd, Creecy, and Kramarz (2002) as implemented by Cornelissen (2008), to estimate all our regressions. C. Measuring capacity constraints and uncertainty The theories that we wish to test make distinctions between markets where capacity constraints are likely to be binding and those where they are not, and between markets where uncertainty about future demand is high and those where it is low. To create these categories, we used the price and occupancy data from the period from December 2001 through November 2003. These data are not included in our main analyses because we do not have management company information from this time period. To estimate the likelihood that capacity constraints are binding we calculate total occupancy at the level of the tract for the year 2002. We then split tracts into upper and lower halves based on the 2002 occupancies. While even the upper half of 2002 occupancy has a median (50th percentile) occupancy of 0.68, seemingly far from binding capacity constraints, hotels often begin to consider themselves constrained at occupancies 75% or 80%. While hotels still have empty rooms at 80% they often do not have the workforce in place to service these rooms. To assess the level of uncertainty in a lodging market we calculated the correlation between daily occupancies from December 2001 through November 2002 with those exactly 364 days later, (not 365, so that the day of the week remains the same). A high correlation indicates that hotels can base their predictions about occupancy in a given year at least to some extent to predict occupancy for the next year. Hotel managers have confirmed to us that the previous year’s occupancy is an important baseline that they use to predict occupancies for a given day. D. Appropriate Comparison Groups An important question in any longitudinal analysis of merger effects is the group of nonmerging hotels to be included as a control group in the analysis. We have three obvious possibilities. First, given that the 898 mergers take place at different times, we could plausibly identify merger effects by including only the panels of the 2,628 hotels that have been involved in mergers. This approach eliminates the concern that merged hotels are somehow different than non-merging properties, and this unobservable difference, not the actual merger, is driving what appear to be merger effects. The disadvantage is that market tracts with only one merger must be eliminated because there will be no variation in the “within-tract merger” variable for all tract*months. Second, at the other extreme, we could include all 32,314 hotels for which price and occupancy data exist, even though we have no information about any merger activity from the 22,811 non-client hotels. The advantage to this approach is that the tract*month effects can be better identified without discarding information from tracts with only one merger. A middle ground would be to include only those 9,503 hotels that are managed by STR-client management companies. We calculated some descriptive statistics to help us make the decision. In particular, the average number of rooms offered per night in December 2003, before any of these mergers took place, was 135 for the merging hotels and 134 for the non-merging STR client hotels. But the non-client hotels were far smaller, offering only 87 rooms per night in December 2003. Similarly, prices and occupancies were $75.89 and 0.488, respectively, for the STR-client properties but only $63.87 and 0.454 for the non-client properties. In our most general analysis, we use all three possibilities of comparison group. For our more fine-grained analyses that separate market tracts by likelihood of capacity constraints and level of uncertainty, we restrict our analysis to the STR-client properties. We note, however, that including only merged hotels or including all properties in these analyses largely leads to the same conclusions. IV. Results A. Effects on price and occupancy In Table 2, we analyze the effects of merger throughout our entire sample, regardless of level of uncertainty or the likelihood of binding capacity constraints, using the three possible comparison groups discussed above: (1) all STR-client properties, (2) merged properties only, and (3) all data-reporting properties. When we analyze occupancy, we see quite similar results across all three possible comparison groups, namely, mergers appear to raise occupancy. This result is most statistically significant, and biggest in magnitude, when the comparison group is the set of merged hotels only (in column 3). The statistically significant coefficient of the withintract merger variable in the third column of 0.008 suggests that hotels gain just over four-fifths of a percentage point of occupancy when they merge under one management company. We conclude that the increases in occupancy are not simply an effect of economic conditions in the tracts where mergers took place because the tract*month fixed effects are included. Significant price effects appear only when all 32 thousand data-reporting hotels are included in the analysis. This suggests that an unobservable difference between the STR-client hotels and the non-clients may be the cause of this effect. Table 2: All tracts 9,305 STR client hotels 1.Within-tract Merger 2. Out-of-tract merger Observations FX: Hotel*brand FX: Tract*month DV = Occ. .0041+ (.0023) DV = price 0.53 (.34) 2,628 hotels involved in mergers DV = Occ. DV = price .0083* .55 (.0033) (.50) .0010 (.0010) .07 (.05) .0023* (.0011) 369,627 9,607 8,975 .07 (.12) 32,314 data-reporting hotels DV = Occ. DV = price .0044** 1.51** (.0017) (.23) .0005 (.0003) 93,368 2,285 1,868 Ho: (1) – (2) = 0 1.93 2.11 3.80+ 1.15 5.6* (F-test) Huber-White standard errors in parentheses, clustered by hotel*brand combination. ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05; + p < 0.10 as per two-tailed tests .48** (.04) 1,826,487 36,139 42,579 20.8** B. Effects in presence of uncertainty and capacity constraints These finding—that occupancy goes up post-merger—appears to reject the first two merger theories in Table 1, and are consistent with the latter two theories, stochastic economies of scale and demand externalities. To explicitly determine the role that capacity and uncertainty play in the estimation, we split the sample based on the 2002 occupancy levels and the 20032003 same-day correlations, as described above. For all regressions below we use only the STR client hotels as the comparison group, however all results below are very similar if we use only the actual merged hotels. We still use the tract*month fixed effects in all regressions because they isolate the merger effects from those of any tract-based unobservables. As we discussed above, we calculated total occupancy at the level of the market tract for the year 2002. We then split hotels into two halves based on the 2002 tract-level occupancies. Separate results from the upper and lower half are included in the first four columns of Table 3. Here we see that occupancy increases only for mergers in the capacity-constrained tracts. Hotels increase their occupancy by seven tenths of a percentage point post-merger in the capacityconstrained markets and insignificantly so in the lower half. Price, on the other hand, does not appear to increase regardless of the level of capacity constraints. Note that all STR-client hotels appear twice in the analyses of Table 3: once in the split by capacity constraints and once in the split by level of uncertainty. Table 3: Split by likelihood of capacity constraints and by level of uncertainty Likelihood of Capacity Constraints Lower Half Upper Half Occ. ADR Occ. ADR -.0002 0.81 .0070* 0.34 (.0032) (.53) (.0031) (.43) .0009 .15* .0010+ -.0001 .0005 (.06) (.0006) (.07) Uncertainty Lower Half Upper Half Occ. ADR Occ. ADR -.0003 -.273 .0074* 1.13* (.003) (.356) (.0032) (.51) .0004 -.018 .0015** .14* (.0006) (.058) (.0006) (.07) Observations FX: Hotel*brand FX: Tract*month Within-tract mgr Hotels in mergers Average of DV 184,296 4,912 4,583 400 1,123 0.60 $92.72 185,331 4,695 4,394 498 1,505 0.66 $102.98 181,569 4,701 4,390 415 1,217 0.62 $94.05 188,058 4,906 4,587 483 1,411 0.64 $101.48 Ho: (1) – (2) = 0 0.15 3.87* .07 3.57+ Within-tract Mgr Out-of-tract Mgr 1.65 0.69 .55 Huber-White standard errors in parentheses, clustered by hotel*brand combination. ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05; + p < 0.10 as per two-tailed tests 4.07* The last four columns of Table 3 split the population into a lower half and upper half of market-level uncertainty. Occupancy and price increase significantly due to merger only in the tracts in the upper half of uncertainty. Given the interesting results that mergers in high uncertainty tracts appear to cause significant price increases but that high capacity constraint market tracts do not, we intersect these two criteria. Below, in Table 4, we split market tracts into quadrants based on both likelihood of binding capacity constraints and level of uncertainty. Table 4 Market tracts where capacity constraints are likely to bind Market tracts where capacity constraints are unlikely to bind Low Uncertainty Markets High Uncertainty Markets Occ. ADR Occ. ADR .00018 (.0004) -.00001 (.0008) -0.65 (.53) -0.10 (.08) .0114** (.004) .0018* (.0008) 0.98+ (.60) 0.07 (.09) Observations FX: Hotels FX: Tract*month Within-tract mgr Hotels in mergers Average of DV 0.65 84,906 2,120 1,986 212 684 $98.91 0.67 100,425 2,575 2,410 286 871 $106.30 Ho: (1) – (2) = 0 0.001 1.23 5.20* 2.45 In-tract Merger -.0013 (.0045) -.0008 (.0008) 0.17 (.46) .06 (.08) .0006 (.0046) .0010 (.0008) 1.40 (.94) .24 (.09) 96,663 2,581 2,406 203 583 $89.79 0.615 87,633 2,331 2,179 197 540 $95.95 1.31 .01 1.70 In-tract Merger Out-of-tract merger Out-of-tract merger Observations FX: Hotels FX: Tract*month Within-tract mgr Hotels in mergers Average of DV Ho: (1) – (2) = 0 0.595 .24 Huber-White standard errors in parentheses, clustered by hotel*brand combination. ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05; + p < 0.10 as per two-tailed tests Table 4 splits all market tracts by both the likelihood of capacity constraints and by market-level uncertainty. Each hotel appears only in one quadrant. In the upper right quadrant, which includes hotels in tracts that have high uncertainty on average as well as a high likelihood of being capacity constrained, we observe a strong positive effect of merger on hotel occupancy, raising the occupancy more than one full point. And we observe an estimate of a room-night price increase due to within-tract merger of $0.98, which is marginally significant relative to zero, but significantly different from the coefficient for out-of-tract mergers. This increase in both occupancy and price due to a merger is consistent with the “stochastic economies of scale” theory for the case of capacity constrained firms with uncertain demand. In the upper left quadrant, which includes hotels in tracts that have the lowest uncertainty on average but are in tracts with the highest occupancies, we observe no statistically significant effects of either occupancy or price. This lack of any significant effect due to a merger is consistent with “pricing to fill capacity” for the case of capacity constrained firms with fairly certain demand. The lower half of the table displays results from hotels from tracts with a low likelihood of capacity constraints that are also in the lower half of tract-level uncertainty (lower left) and in the upper half in terms of uncertainty (lower right). In neither group do we observe any statistically significant occupancy or price effects. These results are not fully consistent with those predicted by the theory described above. The “stochastic economies of scale” model suggests that occupancies should increase in the tracts with high uncertainty and where capacity constraints do not likely bind for example. Yet we see no hint of that. For those tracts where occupancies are typically low and where there is little uncertainty, the theory does not make any clear predictions save the possibility of the basic pro- or anti-competitive models of merger. Perhaps the hotels merging in these “unconstrained but certain” tracts are simply too small to exert any market power post-merger. Alternatively the pro- and anti-competitive effects of merger may be cancelling each other out. V. Conclusions We have found evidence most consistent with the presence of “stochastic economies of scale”. Merged multi-hotel management companies appear to be able to improve occupancies because they have information about future demand coming from multiple hotels within a market tract. The fact that this improvement in occupancy occurs only in capacity constrained and uncertain markets leads us to conclude that models of revenue management can best capture competition in this industry. 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