Transport in Cells Biology 30 ~ Cells Unit Mrs. S. Pipke-Painchaud Cell Membrane Cell Membrane Info: – tm Cell Membrane Fluid Mosaic Model Fluid: – Phospholipids move at 2 micrometres per second – Proteins move at a much slower rate Mosaic: - Cell membrane is made up of many different molecules - Carrier proteins - Phospholipids - Glycoproteins - Glycolipids - Cholesterol ** Animation: htm Fluid Mosaic – bell/111/memb-swf/membranes.swf – imat/lipids/membrane%20fluidity.swf Molecules Crossing the Membrane Can cross: – Hydrocarbons and oxygen because they can dissolve in the lipid bilayer – Small polar molecules Water Carbon dioxide Cannot Cross: – Large polar molecules (Sugar) – Ions (H+, Na+, Cl-) Animation: /celtrans3.htm Review Topics Cell Membrane – Fluid Mosaic – imat/lipids/membrane%20fluidity.swf General Info Concentration = [ ] = the number of molecules per volume. Brownian Motion: – Random movement (and collision of molecules) Think back to the collision theory of Science 10 – Molecules move in all directions with equal frequency and bounce off of each other – This causes molecules to spread out Concentration Gradient: – Is a regular concentration change over a distance in a particular direction. Wikipedia: http://en.wi wiki/Concen tration_grad ient Passive Transport Moving biochemicals and other particles across membranes without the use of energy. Diffusion Is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Diffusion is affected by: – Temperature – Pressure (because molecules are forced to be closer together) – Concentration ** Diffusion increases as these variables do Example . . . Consider perfume diffusing around a classroom. TMSS example: Foods Class cooking cinnamon buns sion/tutor2.html Example General Anatomy and Physiology – Diffusion Demo – Interactive Animation: – 790/animations/membrane_transport/membrane_tran sport.htm Diffusion: – nsport/diffusion.swf Diffusion . . . Occurs until everything is equally distributed – Equilibrium – a condition in which all acting forces are balanced = stable condition Example: – As oxygen travels along in the blood until it reaches a cell. In the bloodstream there is a high concentration of oxygen and in the cell there is a low concentration of oxygen so the molecule of oxygen diffuses from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. – Carbon dioxide does the reverse and catches a ride back to the lung to be exhaled. Demos Hot water and Cold water and red dye. Facilitated Diffusion Passive Transport Molecules diffuse across the cell membrane with the help of carrier proteins. – Protein carrier molecule speeds up the diffusion process of substances already moving across the membrane. – Ex// sugars (polar molecules) and ions – Movement is always down the concentration gradient Facilitated Diffusion Animation – s/diffusionanimation.html Animation: – htm Osmosis The movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration Occurs through a selectively permeable membrane. Water moves through the membrane to balance the concentration – Water follows the concentration gradient. Process continues until the system is equal. Osmosis Osmosis Demo – mosis.swf General Passive Transport Info – Introduces Hyper/hypo/isotonic solutions – tm Osmosis: – Osmosis: – Osmosis Demos Plastic bag and Iodine demo Egg and vinegar and syrup Active Transport The transport of biochemicals and other particles across a membrane. This process requires energy. Animation – plates/student_resources/shared_resources/a nimations/ion_pump/ionpump.html Active Transport + Carrier Proteins A molecule finds a specific carrier/transport protein The transport protein opens Molecule moves inside Transport protein opens to the inside Molecule moves into the cell. ** the molecule is moving against the concentration gradient so energy is required. Active Transport .html Active Transport (Carrier Proteins) – y1111/animations/active1.swf Reviews both passive and active transport. – y1111/animations/active1.swf Endocytosis Cells engulf large particles by extending cytoplasm around the particle As the membranes come together – ingested particles are trapped in a pouch (vesicle/ vacuole) Enzymes from the lysosomes are then used to digest large molecules. Endocytosis Websites Max Animations: – osis%20and%20Exocytosis/Endocytosis%20a nd%20Exocytosis.htm anisamples/molecularbiology/endocytosis. html Phagocytosis Cells engulf solid particles – Ex// white blood cells engulf bacteria Phagocytosis – als/eustruct/phagocyt.html Pinocytosis Cells engulf liquid droplets – Ex// fats in the small intestine Pinocytosis – uct/pinocyt.html Diagram of both – Exocytosis Process by which large molecules held within the cell are transported to the external environment Ex// release of waste products Small vesicles break off from the golgi apparatus and move to the cell membrane Here they fuse with the cell membrane and are released Exocytosis Exocytosis: – o4fv/page/exocy.htm Exocytosis: – exocyt.gif Endo/Exo Review – imat/cellstructures/phagocitosis.swf Review Access Excellence: http://www.a ccessexcellen /GG/ecb/com parison_activ e_passive_tr ansport.html Info from: Access Excellence – _active_passive_transport.html Solutes cross cell membranes by passive or active transport. If uncharged solutes are small enough, they can move down their concentration gradients directly across the lipid bilayer itself by simple diffusion. Examples of such solutes are ethanol, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. Most solutes, however, can cross the membrane only if there is a membrane transport protein (a carrier protein or a channel protein) to transfer them. As indicated, passive transport, in the same direction as a concentration gradient, occurs spontaneously, whereas transport against a concentration gradient (active transport) requires an input of energy. Only carrier proteins can carry out active transport, but both carrier proteins and channel proteins can carry out passive transport. Resources Chart of Movement across the membrane: – ptMap.html Listing of Bio Info – mations/active1.swf mations.html rane.html