Lesson 8 - UC Davis Center for Nutrition in Schools

Lesson 8:
Working Toward
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
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Opening Questions
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
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Explain what the term
“wellness” means to
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 3
Explain what you know
about how a school can
help support the
“wellness” of students,
parents, teachers, staff,
and others involved in a
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 4
Explain what you know
about local school
wellness policies.
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 5
Learning Activity
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 6
On the sticky notes write all
of the ways a school and the
people involved in the school
can help support wellness.
Write one idea per sticky
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 7
Organize your sticky notes
into each section listed on
the District Wellness Policy
Requirements handout.
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 8
Use the new sheet of flip
chart paper to design the
kind of wellness policy you
would like to see in a school.
This policy should meet the
requirements on the District
Wellness Policy
Requirements handout.
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 9
Activity Wrap-Up
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
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Expanding Knowledge
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 11
Local School Wellness Policy
• Schools play an important role in
improving student’s health, well being,
and academic performance.
• Local School Wellness Policies are
required by the United States
Department of Agriculture.
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 12
District Wellness Policy
• There are specific wellness policy
requirements at the district level.
• It is up to each school site to
implement the district wellness
policies at their school.
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 13
District Wellness Policy Requirements
Physical Activity
Other Areas of
Student Wellness
Checking That
It’s Working
Sharing With
The Public
Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern
Slide 14
District Wellness Policy Requirements
Nutrition Promotion
Wellness policies should include goals that promote
good nutrition in schools.
Policy Examples:
 “School lunchrooms should advertise healthy
 “Teachers use non-food items to reward students
for good behavior”
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 15
District Wellness Policy Requirements
Nutrition Education
Wellness policies should include goals for teaching
nutrition in the classroom, coordinating with the
school lunchroom.
Policy Examples:
 “Students of all grade levels learn about nutrition
in the classroom”
 “School lunchrooms feature foods that students
are learning about in class”
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
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District Wellness Policy Requirements
Physical Activity
Wellness policies should include goals for student’s
physical activity.
Policy Example:
 “In addition to recess, students are given the
opportunity to be physically active at least 200
minutes a week”
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 17
District Wellness Policy Requirements
Other Areas of
Student Wellness
Wellness policies should include goals to support
other areas of student wellness.
These might include policies about staff wellness,
providing student health clinics, supporting mental
Policy Example:
 “Schools will provide services that emphasize
student support, advocacy, and resiliency
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 18
District Wellness Policy Requirements
Nutrition Guidelines
Wellness policies should include nutrition guidelines
for all foods available on the school campus, with
the goal of promoting student health.
Policy Example:
 “Schools abide by the USDA meal patterns and
food safety guidelines”
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 19
District Wellness Policy Requirements
Community Participation
Involvement of the school community in designing
and carrying out the policy, including parents,
students, teachers, school health and nutrition
professionals, the school board, school
administrators, and the general public.
Policy Example:
 “All schools have a wellness committee with
diverse members to design and carry out policy”
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 20
District Wellness Policy Requirements
Checking That’s It’s Working
The district checks that schools are following the
wellness policy. This is a chance to find out if the
district is making progress in reaching nutrition and
health goals. The results are made available to the
Policy Example:
 “The wellness committee assesses each school’s
progress with wellness policy implementation once
a year. Results are posted on the district website.”
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 21
District Wellness Policy Requirements
Sharing With The Public
The district lets the public know about what is in the
local wellness policy and what actions are taking
place as a result of the policy.
Policy Example:
 “Each school provides a public newsletter that
highlights new wellness policies being
implemented in each school”
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 22
District Wellness Policy Requirements
Physical Activity
Other Areas of
Student Wellness
Checking That
It’s Working
Sharing With
The Public
Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern
Slide 23
The Role of Nutrition Services
Nutrition services personnel play an important role
in helping to implement school wellness policies
that support the health, well being, and academic
performance of each student.
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 24
Goal Setting
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 25
1. What does school wellness mean to
2. How can you help with your school
district’s local wellness policy?
Lesson 8: Working Toward Wellness
Slide 26
Thank you for
participating in Lesson 8!
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