The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury
Author: Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer
 Father of
the English language
 Middle class, well-educated (father
was wine merchant)
 Served at court
 Royal clerk
 Diplomatic missions to France,
Spain, Italy
Geoffrey Chaucer
 Wrote
The Canterbury Tales
later in life
 In his lifetime, he was
recognized as the greatest
English poet.
 Buried in Westminster Abbey
Canterbury Tales
“The Canterbury Tales… is actually a story about stories…”
Each pilgrim is telling a story
Different genres: romance, comedy, rhyme, prose, crude
humor, religious mysteries
Written in Middle English
Many translations are available
Our version is translated by Neville Coghill
Journey through medieval society
Shows deep insight into human character
Spans medieval middle class society
3 ideal figures of society portrayed: knight, parson, plowman
The Pilgrimage
29 pilgrims + 1 host
Traveling together on a pilgrimage to
 Pilgrimage—long journey to
a shrine or holy
site, undertaken by people who wish to
express their devotion
 Canterbury—religious center of England
 Canterbury Cathedral was
the focus of
devotion because Saint Thomas Becket was
murdered there in 1170
The Pilgrimage
 Each
person was supposed to tell 2
stories on the way to Canterbury &
2 on the way back.
 That
would make 120 stories total.
 Chaucer only completed the
General Prologue and 24 tales.
oArchbishop Thomas Becket struggled for church’s independence
with King Henry II. He was exiled to France for 6 years. He
returned and angered the King.
o King –: “Not one will deliver me from this low-born priest?”
o 4 knights murdered him December 29, 1170, in Cathedral.
o Canonized 3 years later. Shrine completed in 1220.
Canterbury Cathedral
Pilgrim’s Route
General Prologue
Lines 1-18 are the most famous
Introduces setting, characters, journey
Introduction of pilgrims
 Catholics (150 years before Henry VIII broke from
 Common to travel together; provided protection
 April in Southwark at Tabard Inn, owner Harry
 Bailey suggests they pass time by taking turns telling
stories. The best will win a prize.
Brief portraits of pilgrims
The Four Humors
The four humors is a psychological theory that was
popular during Chaucer’s time period. It suggests
that there are four fundamental personality types.
Sanguine (blood): optimistic, leader-like,
Choleric (yellow bile): bad-tempered, irritable
Phlegmatic (phlegm): relaxed and peaceful
Melancholic (black bile): analytical and quiet
Seven Deadly Sins
1. Gluttony—too much food or drink,
2. Lust—intense sexual desire or appetite
3. Sloth—laziness
4. Avarice—greed
5. Pride—conceited
6. Wrath—anger
7. Envy—jealousy (often leads to hate)