otba class vii english - Kendriya Vidyalaya No.2 AFS Halwara

Time: 30 Min
Subject: English
M.M. : 10
Uses and abuses of internet
Internet is the latest medium of communication. It is a computerized
network of information system. It is now regarded as a milestone of the
modern world of communication. Its uses and functions are easy and
rapid. A computer and a telephone connection are required to get an
internet connection. There are two types of internet such as broad band
and dial up. The use of internet in the world is still limited and costly.
One can also go to search engine like yahoo, Google for finding
particular information. By using internet, students can go through several
books from the far-off libraries without going there. Now the world of
commerce has been changed by it. Internet based E-commerce has
become most popular to many people/ customers as they can buy or sell
all kinds of goods, products, information, and software etc without going
to a market. It has some demerits also. The international criminals
commit many kinds of evil works through the internet. The students
waste their valuable time by enjoying western culture, cinema, current
news, pictures. Most of our countrymen are deprived of getting benefits
of internet service.
Internet is the name of a computer networking system that brings a
revolution in the application of science for the benefit of mankind. The
full name of internet is international network. It is the computer based
global information system. Day by day the use of internet is increasing.
Some dishonest people abuse it. Anyway internet is becoming the
necessity of every class of people.
Modern age is the period of wonderful development of science. Man has
brought the world into his fist by dint of his own effort. One of the unique
contributions of this period is “internet”. This combined w-process of
satellite technology and computer has brought an all pervading
possibilities of human welfare. Word internet is the abbreviated form of
international network. It can collect and send messages ,information
,picture very quickly from one corner of the world to another. More than
one person can procure information and pictures by joining a number of
terminals with a chief computer. Network after network joining together
has created a large dimension network throughout the world. There is a
symbolic meaning of internet. it is WWW by which we mean world wide
web and it is attributed properly because of its world wide activities of
Internet is the name of a computer networking system that brings a
revolution in the application of science for the benefit of mankind. The
full name of internet is international network. it is the computer based
global information system. Day by day the use of internet is increasing.
Some dishonest people abuse it. Anyway, internet is becoming the
necessity of every class of people.
The Internet is composed of many interconnected computer networks.
Each network may link tens, hundreds and even thousands of
computers, enabling them to share information with one another. Today
through internet people all over the world can communicate effectively
and cheaply with one another. Unlike traditional broadcasting media,
such as Radio and TV the internet does not have centralized distribution
system. Instead, an individual who has the internet access can
communicate directly with anyone else on the internet, make information
available to others, find information provided by others.
Internet has added speed to globalization and IT sectors. It has brought
about new opportunities to government, business and education.
Governments use the Internet for internal communication, distributions
of information and automated tax processing. In Bangladesh and India
the use of Internet has increased in the last few years. In additional,
offering any goods & services by online to customers, a businessman
can spread his businesses more easily. Today many individuals use the
Internet for shopping , paying utility bill, credit card bill, admission fees,
E-commerce, online banking facility. Educational institutes use the
Internet for research and to deliver courses to students online at remote
Internet is the most reliable and cheapest mode of communication. it has
productivity. In Bangladesh and India, also in the production of goods &
services, both in government and private sectors, it is paying a vital role.
It has some abuses too. Nowadays, especially the teenagers are very
keen to aboard the demerits of internet. They sometime keep chatting
and whiling away their time with friends or even unknown persons, when
they are supposed to be at their desk to study. They tend to enjoy
pornography, and do many immoral and hazardous tasks. Thus they are
going away from their study and becoming morally degraded. In
additional, sometimes criminals and terrorists take the advantage of
internet to materialize their goals. They exploit cyber café as their means
of fulfilling their tasks. It is called cyber bullying; even some heinous and
immoral persons
belittle and derogate others. We should use internet
sorting the best out of it so that we ourselves can be benefited and can
benefit others. To keep pace with the rest of the world in every sector,
we must be connected with internet.
Q1. Internet is a boon as well as a bane. Comment.
Q2. Your friend’s grades are not good. You found out that he spends
most of his time chatting and surfing internet. Write a letter to him
giving him valuable advice about it.
Q 3 . What do you mean by WWW ? How has it brought about a
revolution in the field of globalization and IT sectors?
Q 4 . Do you think Internet has shrunk the whole world into a small
family or has brought the entire world under one same roof ?
Q 5 . Internet has become a toy in the hands of anti –national elements.
Do you agree? If yes, how?
Q 6. Human has become a slave of Internet to such an extent that he
has no time for his family relations. Do you think that Internet has
taken that much place/importance in his life? Do you think it is
justified? If not, why?
Q 7 Manmade computers for making his life easier than before . But, in
reality, computer has made his life more complicated and complex.
Do you agree? How far the invention and usage of this man made
machine called COMPUTER is justified?