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U.S. Involvement in Foreign Affairs Essay

Nikitha Mupparaju
English 10
Mr. Hill
U.S Involvement in Foreign Affairs
Wedged in the middle of two oceans, the United States of America has long been isolated
from other nations. As such, we adopted a foreign policy of isolationism and seclusion. In an
increasingly connected and globalized world, this kind of behavior should be a relic of the past.
The United States can no longer hide behind the veil of isolation to survive. It must evolve to
become interdependent with the countries around it. After all, humans all have to live on the
earth together. Financial and military involvement in foreign affairs will benefit the United States
innumerably. One of the many ways the United States can help is by allowing the government to
provide foreign aid and monetary assistance to the people and countries that need it. We have a
moral responsibility to help those who can’t help themselves. The basis of democracy in the
United States is equality, but this doesn’t mean equality just for U.S citizens. We need to spread
access to equal education for women and clean drinking water. Instead of being bystanders to
authoritarian and dictatorial governments, we should act! The United States of America should
be extremely involved in foreign affairs to stop human rights abuses by other countries.
A rich woman sees a man, pushing a stroller with a baby in it. As he walks by, a mugger
leaps out and stabs the man, steals his wallet, and runs away. Instead of running over to help, she
stares as he slowly bleeds to death in front of his child. She was a bystander to a horrible death
and chose to do nothing. Unfortunately, the United States has ended up taking the role of a
bystander to the countless number of atrocities committed by corrupted governments all over the
world. A lack of U.S intervention has led to the death of an immeasurable number of innocent
civilians. For instance, in El Salvador, hundreds of people were murdered by an oppressive
regime. One woman, Rufin Amaya, recounted the massacre to New York Times reporter,
Raymond Bonner, he wrote, “Somewhere amid the carnage were Mrs. Amaya's husband and
family. Mrs. Amaya said she heard her son scream: “Mama, they're killing me. They've killed
my sister. They're going to kill me.”” Instead of stopping this dictatorial regime, the United
States decided to arm it with weapons instead. Sadly, this isn’t the only instance of blatant
disregard for human rights violations. The Rwandan Genocide took the lives of thousands of
people and the United States didn’t step in to stop this atrocious incident. Ignoring the plight of
people can also have negative effects on the United States itself. The United States refused to
help Latin American countries in the 1950s. In the Latin American Complaint of Neglect, the
Latin American countries were offended by the lack of resources the U.S put towards helping
them. Afterwards, the Latin American countries threatened to ally with the Soviets unless the
U.S got involved. If those countries had actually allied with the Soviet Union, they could have
become a danger to the United States. The United States should be involved in the affairs of the
world because ultimately, we all live on the same planet and ignoring these abuses will be
unbeneficial for everyone.
A rich woman sees a man, pushing a stroller with a baby in it. As he walks by, a mugger
leaps out and stabs the man, steals his wallet, and runs away. Instead of running over to help, she
stares as he slowly bleeds to death in front of his child. After the incident, people ask her why she
didn’t do anything. She explains that she didn’t want to get her clothes bloody by helping him
because they were so expensive. Critics claim that spending money on other countries is a waste
of resources and that the United States should spend money on domestic issues. Nationalistic views
such as these have recently been on the rise. United States foreign policy is ineffective in dealing
with situations abroad. Stevie Sacks illustrated this in his political cartoon of Cuba. The image
shows a broken-down police car and a broken-down car, unmoving. This demonstrates the lack of
progression from the Cold War against Cuba. It illustrates that the foreign policy is useless and
that it isn’t helping or hurting anyone. They also claim that poverty and hunger in the United States
should be solved first. If we spend too much money on foreign countries, we won’t have enough
money for ourselves. Opponents of foreign and military aid also argue that helping other countries
doesn’t benefit the United States itself and assert that there should be a more global approach to
stopping human rights abuses.
A rich woman sees a man, pushing a stroller with a baby in it. As he walks by, a mugger
leaps out and stabs the man, steals his wallet, and runs away. The woman runs over to help and
calls and ambulance. The man is forever grateful for saving him and preventing his child from
being an orphan. They keep in touch and years later when the woman had fallen on hard times, the
man helps her and gives her money. What the critics seem to ignore is that the United States does
benefit from helping remove dictators and providing foreign aid. Helping stabilize foreign
countries opens them up to trade which is a good economic benefit. Assisting them also makes the
United States a more respected country in the eyes of the world. A global approach may be
necessary, but it should be led by the United States. The United Nations has long been ineffective
in stopping genocides and dictators. Trying to balance the needs of the 200 different countries in
the U.N means that creating resolutions is a strenuous and time-consuming process. The United
States can establish a precedent and show the world that human rights abuses will not be tolerated.
The United States has the most powerful military in the world, and it can afford to spend a little
extra on foreign aid. Helping other countries will also motivate them to help the United States if
we are ever in need. The United States could be in need of assistance in the future, and countries
that were helped by the U.S might be more likely to aid in a time of need. There is also a moral
responsibility for the United States to be active in the world. Tyrannical governments all over the
world treat the people in their countries terribly. One occurrence of this happened in In the Time
of the Butterflies. “Explosion after explosion ripped the air. The house shook to its very foundation.
Windows shattered, smoke poured in with a horrible smell... The shelling happened in a flash, but
it seemed the chaos went on for hours. I heard moans, but when I lowered my chair, I could make
out nothing in the smoke-filled room. My eyes stung, and I realized that in my fear I had wet my
pants.” In this instance, the government was bombing this church retreat. People died and it
mentally scarred Patria for life. The lack of United States intervention means that these kinds of
bombings happened all over the Dominican Republic. There is a moral responsibility that is not
being fulfilled by the United States in this situation. So, it should be more active in stopping these
kinds of human rights abuses.
A rich woman sees a man, pushing a stroller with a baby in it. That woman is respected
and admired by people she because of her active role in the community. She is a hard-worker and
never gives up on trying to make the world a better place. The United States is not just a country,
it’s a symbol of freedom and democracy. It’s the United States’ moral responsibility to stop human
rights abuses by other countries. We should be open to offering humanitarian and militaristic aid
to countries and people who need support. There are problems within the United States, but they
are nothing compared to the suffering of millions across the world, struggling to survive. World
leaders need to unite against these abuses. Allowing dictatorial regimes to exist is extremely
hypocritical of the United States’ own goals. First and foremost, we need to remember that we are
people, not Americans or Europeans or Latin Americans, we are people.
Bonner, Raymond Special to the New York Times. “MASSACRE OF HUNDREDS
REPORTED IN SALVADOR VILLAGE.” The New York Times, The New York Times,
27 Jan. 1982, www.nytimes.com/1982/01/27/world/massacre-of-hundreds-reported-insalvador-village.html?pagewanted=all.
“Summary Evaluation.” REPORT ON LATIN AMERICA. United States. Office of the Historian.
May 21, 1958.
Alvarez, Julia. In the Time of the Butterflies. Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Algonquin Books of
Chapel Hill, 1994.
Sack, Steve. Cuba Policy. Star Tribune, 2014.