Academic Language and Learning Success Program: How to revise and prepare for exams Aims Uncover attitudes to writing exams. Develop skills to: • prepare for exams • prepare to write essays in exams • cope on exam day Academic Language and Learning Success Program 2014 Reading test You have two minutes! Academic Language and Learning Success Program 2014 1. Read everything before doing anything. 2. Put your name in the upper right hand corner. 3. Write down at least one feeling you had when the test was announced. 4. Circle the word “name” in sentence 8. 5. Write the date in all capital letters in the upper left corner of this page. 6. Draw five small squares under your name. 7. Put an X in each square you drew. 8. Put a circle around all of sentence 7. 9. Put an X under your last name. 10. On the bottom of this paper multiply 71 by 4 11. Draw a rectangle around the larger of the two numbers in sentence 10. 12. On the bottom of this page, add 103, 184 and 2. Put a circle around your answer, then a square. 13. Punch three small holes in the top of this page with your pencil point. 14. Write the numbers from 1 to 10 at the bottom of this paper. Underline all even numbers. 15. Say out loud (or if online, write in the chat box) “I am almost finished”. 16. Now that you have finished reading carefully, do only sentences 1, 2 and 3. Warm up discussion 1. How do you feel during exam preparation time? 1. What do you do during that time? 2. How do you feel during the exam period? 3. How do you feel sitting an exam? Academic Language and Learning Success Program 2014 5 How do exams affect me Rate how each of the following aspects affects you on a scale of 0-5 where 5 is the highest level of positivity and 0 is the lowest. Cottrell, S 2007, Palgrave Study Skills: The exam skills handbook, Palgrave McMillan, New York 6 How do exams affect me Aspect Positivity score 1. Fear of exams No fear …………………………………….Terrified 5 4 3 2 1 0 2. Dislike of exams Enjoy exams …………………………Hate exams 5 4 3 2 1 0 3. Motivation to do well on the course Highly motivated ……………………Don’t care 5 4 3 2 1 0 4. Value given to getting Degree Very high value ……………Don’t value at all 5 4 3 2 1 0 5. Recognition of benefit of taking exams See benefit ………….Don’t see benefit at all 5 4 3 2 1 0 6. Finding enjoyment in preparing for exams Enjoy a lot ………………..No enjoyment at all 5 4 3 2 1 0 7. Value the learning that comes from preparing for exams Determined to do well in next exams Value highly ………………….Don’t value at all 5 4 3 2 1 0 I can become engaged in revision, finding interest in it. I am energised by wanting to do better in each set of exams Total scoreAcademic Language and Learning Success Program Very much so ……………………Not at all true 5 4 3 2 1 0 8. 9. 10. Very determined……… Little determination 5 4 3 2 1 0 Very energised …………Not energised at all 5 4 3 2 1 0 2014 40-50 This score suggests you take an extremely positive approach to your exams, which is a real asset. If your score is accurate, you have strong reserves to carry you through even difficult times. 30-40 This score suggests you have a high degree of positive thinking: this should help you with your revision and exams. You are well placed to consider those areas where your scores are lower. How could you apply positive thinking to further improve your attitude? 20-30 This score suggests you have an average level of positive thinking. It is likely to benefit you on good days, but you may find it harder to persevere when you need to study but feel bored, demotivated, tired or distracted. It is worth spending time considering ways of raising your level of commitment and motivation. 10-20 This score suggests a low level of positive thinking. Your current attitude may make it harder for you to settle down to study or main your attention when revising. Take action. Develop strategies to improve your attitude and work on them. Cottrell, S 2007, Palgrave Study Skills: The exam skills handbook, Palgrave McMillan, New York 8 Self assessment checklist How well are you prepared for the exam Put a cross next to the statements if it applies to you. 9 Academic Language and Learning Success Program 2014 Yes 1. I have a separate folder for each unit. 2. I spend at least one hour per week revising each unit. 3. I use a highlighter pen to highlight main points. That way, I can locate them easily when I revise a text. 4. I summarize the main points of new information (readings etc.) and make notes of any links I can find to other points I have covered in the unit. In other words, I try to build up the big picture. No 5. I am aware of the thoughts and influences that provoke negative feelings in me toward revising and sitting for exams, and replace them with positivity. 6. I am familiar with the standard essay structure. 7. I write model essay questions for myself, based on past assignment questions, and practice doing the task within a time limit. 8. I write the essay in the exam that I have rehearsed, regardless of the question. * *(If you wrote ‘yes’ to this question, you are in danger of failing essay based exams!) 11 12 Get ready for exams • Create a study count-down – Know how many days to exams • Create urgency • prioritise – Be strategic • What is in exam • Learnline • Past exams 2013 13 Preparation and planning Preparation and Planning 1. Look at the ‘Learning Outcomes’ for your units. These will help you to understand what you could be tested on in examinations 2. Check that you know the assessment criteria for your unit. This helps you to understand what is needed to get the best grades and marks. 4. Start a system for organising your lecture and seminar notes at the beginning of the unit. For example: (a) use different coloured folders for different course notes and information. (b) Use file dividers and have a numbering system for each section of lectures on a specific unit or topic. 3. Make photocopies of past papers for the relevant examinations. Make sure that your exam will be in the same format. Past papers are a useful source of information about what is expected in examinations and can help you to prepare more effectively. 14 Academic Language and Learning Success Program| 2014| Slide 15 Web-address 2014 16 Get ready for exams • Studying exam content • • • • • Do practice questions Ask questions Explain ideas to friends Mindmap topic Write on index cards • Break down the content • • • • Break into manageable topics Tackle something everyday Take regular breaks Create a plan 2013 Reduce down and organise 2014 18 Make notes 2014 19 Make a study timetable • Being organised and managing your time is crucial. • A timetable is particularly important as exams approach. • Although revision should start early in the semester, it is never too late to start. • Plan more hours for the subjects you are finding more difficult. 2014 20 Weekly timetable Monday 6 – 7am Swim 7 – 8am Phys101 Tuesday 8 – 9am Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday chores Get chores done swim shopping 9 – 10am 10 – 11am Nur111 11 – 12pm 12 – 1pm lunch lunch lunch 1 – 2pm 2 – 3pm lunch lunch Nur111 Nur111 3 – 4pm 4 – 5pm lunch work work 5 – 6pm 6 – 7pm work 7 – 8pm Get ready Friends 8 – 9pm 9 – 10pm 10 – 11pm 2014 21 Make a study timetable • Write in your exam dates. • Include personal events in your life that could impact your studies. Include work, sleep and family commitments. • Allow for hobbies/recreational activities. • For each study session, ask yourself what you want to achieve and write that in your planner. 2014 22 Developing memory strategies What sort of memory strategies do you use? Step 1: Think about how you remember. Step 2: Answer the following questions: • • • • • What was your first day at school like? (episode) What is your home postal code? (fact) Where did you have your last lecture? (episode) How do you open a document on the computer? (procedure) A key concept in your favourite topic (knowledge) 2014 23 Memory • Long term memory organised to remember: – facts, episodes, knowledge & procedures – All use different aspect of our memory – how remembered (written text, diagram, mindmap etc.) could reflect ability to recall information. – Some subjects - drawing and labelling diagrams, e.g. the intricacies of the blood system, – not suitable for learning, for example, the causes of poverty in the last century where a flow chart may be better. 2014 24 Memory • • • • We remember better if we: Revise material Sleep Review the next day http:// 2014 List two topics you will be studying (select quite different types of topics) TOPIC A _______________________________________ TOPIC B _______________________________________ Memory strategies TOPIC A TOPIC B Mind-maps, diagrams and flow charts Associations – making links with the information (topic map) Writing out information Remembering information in lists – re-arrange the order of the list so that the first letters of each word on the list make up something silly or amusing – a memorable mnemonic. Using shapes and colour Saying the information – to yourself or out aloud Any other method you have found helpful 26 Writing an essay in the exam • Practice writing brief essays before the exam • Follow the structure to : – Answer question without additional information – Make your main points stand out – Support your points 2014 27 Structure of an essay • Introduction Background Scope Thesis outline • Body Decide main points Write topic sentences 2/3 supporting sentences • conclusion Summarise Relate back to thesis 2013 28 Six steps to essay exam writing • • • • • • Step1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Understand the task Formulate a clear thesis Brainstorm support for your thesis Create a detailed outline Write the essay – follow the structure Proofread carefully 29 Exam strategies Exams don’t just test you on knowledge. You have to know how exams work. In an exam: • Answer only exactly what you’ve been asked. • Present your knowledge in the way you’ve been asked, e.g. short answer or essays. • Do it fast. You have little time to think, plan and select during an exam. • Do it from memory. Remember to look after yourself • • • • • Get enough sleep Eat healthy food Exercise Think positively Learn to cope with stress 31 On the day of the exam • Have a good breakfast • Wear comfortable clothes • Check that you have several pens and everything else you are allowed to bring with you into the exam • Re-read your summaries but don't try to cram new information 2014 32 On the day of the exam • Leave home in plenty of time so that you will arrive early and avoid last minute panic. • Expect to feel a little nervous. Some adrenalin can be useful if you use it to lift your energy. • Outside the exam room, stand apart from the crowd. Don’t be a part of other people’s nervous chatter. Visualize yourself in a peaceful place. 2014 33 34 Apply what you have learnt today to your exams. Good Luck! Academic Language and Learning Success Program| 2014 | Slide 35 We need your feedback 1. Go to 2. Click Feedback on the menu 3. Click the link for workshops 4. Choose a workshop 5. Choose the semester: Semester 1 6. Choose: How to revise and prepare for exams Academic Language and Learning Success Program| 2014 | Slide 36