Tarnsforming professional identity in a collegial online community

Presentation Three
Transforming professional identity in a collegial online
Karen Sinclair, School of Education
Transforming professional identity in a collegial online
The Innovative Teaching Seminar Series session on “Developing Learning Communities”
Friday 18th September 12-1.45 pm
Casuarina Blue 2A 1.01
Convenors: Associate Professor Greg Shaw and Dr David McConnell
Achievement trends and student satisfaction among two large groups of the 400-level, GDTL cohorts markedly improved over previous
semesters through replacing one systems pedagogy with another. Framing the social organisation of the intensive study block as a
heterarchy rather than as either a network or a hierarchy became a turning point where achievement trends markedly improved.
Karen Sinclair,
School of Education
What is involved for the lecturer?
What is involved for lecturer-student collaboration?
A high stakes challenge- the joint project - develop teacher expertise
Sources: Ceci, 1996; Bronfenbrenner, 1979; Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006)
Heterarchy defined
“Complex digital ecologies”, “extended connectivity” … “organizational diversity and a
distributed intelligence negotiated across multiple evaluative criteria” featuring “opportunities
to radically redefine the mission and [to] redesign operations”
Center for Organisational Innovation, Columbia University Accessed 14/9/15 via
Connection by technology without trust is merely traffic.
Trusted connection without technology is an opportunity lost.
To survive as a species we need both, but not at the expense of the other.
Stephenson, 2009; Neither Hierarchy nor Network: An Argument for Heterarchy, page 7
Multiple hubs as sites for education diplomacy where inviting, exchanging and critiquing
knowledge becomes par for the course among interested parties…
Senior CDU Staff
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3
Live Tutorial 4
Learnline Support
Employers, Family
Joint activity, mutual trust, staying power,
regularity, “can do”, collegiality, feedback = trusted collaborations
What creates collegial, productive hub cultures?
 Multiple study hubs, not all visible, and that’s [tentatively] okay
 “Mutual, developmental profit” (Bronfenbrenner, 1979; Ceci, 1996)
 Capable students strategically disposed to self-monitor the terms of their own success
(also, when visible, models are assets)
 A “community” co-constructed as visibly cooperative in producing evidence of progress
and achievement for individuals and their colleagues
 A code or ethic based on informed choice and trust, not altruism, force, or faith
 Joint evaluations of a goodness-of-fit between what unit requirements mean and what
range of productive assessment responses are possible
Documenting and storing group dialogues extends flexibility and “on demand” access to the
moderated success strategies (ecological validity)
Learning Resources
Information Access
• Static resources
• Dynamic
New Roles / Identities
Differentiated Roles
Over Time
Leaders, Guides, Critics,
Personal Resources= Group Assets
Expertise = communal
Collegiality -> Trust
Mutual Attraction
criteria & standards
Regular Collaboration
Negotiable Study Modes
Coordinate personal
Efficacy- “Can Do”
Monitor progress
Formative feedback
- Moderation
- Triangulation
= Ecological Validity
Assessment- How well?
AITSL Teaching Standards
“Workplace Ready”
Evidence-based Portfolio
Joint Goals
The Project
Acquire Expertise
“Developmental Profit”
Practise- Novelty- Safety- Support
Co-create feedback loops
Hub formation and regular activity improves
quality of exchanges (i.e. proximal processes)
Curriculum & Assessment
New knowledge
New to familiar; Familiar
to new = Metalogue
Thanks for listening!
Related literature
AccessEd. (2010). Rich Tasks. Brisbane: The State of Queensland Retrieved from http://education.qld.gov.au/corporate/newbasics/pdfs/richtasksbklet.pdf.
Albertsen, N., & Diken, B. (2009). Mobility, Justification, and the City. Mobility, Justification, and the City, vvv. Retrieved from www.lancs.ac.uk/fass/sociology/papers/albertsen-diken-mobilityjustification.pd
Bandura, A. (2001). Social Cognitive Theory: An Agentic Perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 52(1), 1-26.
Bateson, G. (1987). Steps To An Ecology of Mind (First published 1972. Second reprint 1987. ed.). USA: Jason Aronson Inc.
Ceci, S. (1996). On Intelligence: A Bio-Ecological Treatise on Intellectual Development (Expanded Edition). Cambridge, USA: Harvard University Press.
Crowther, F., Kaagan, S., Ferguson, M., & Hahn, L. (2002). Developing Teacher Leaders: How Teacher Leadership Enhances School Success. California, London and New Delhi: Corwin Press, Inc.
DETE(Qld). (2004). Productive Pedagogies. DETE Queensland Retrieved from http://education.qld.gov.au/corporate/newbasics/html/pedagogies/intellect/int.html.
Elmore, R. (2002). Beyond instructional leadership - Hard questions about practice. Educational Leadership 59(8), 22-25.
Evans, C. (1990). Teaching the Humanities: Seminars as Metalogues. Studies in Higher Education, 15(3), 287-297.
Gale, T. (2011). Social Justice in Australian Education: rethinking what we know for contemporary times. Paper presented at the Equity in Education- Connecting for Change, University of Technology,
Gardner, B., Whittington, C., McAteer, J., Eccles, M., & Michie, S. (2010). Using theory to synthesise evidence from behavior change interventions: the example of audit and feedback. Soc Sci Med, 70(10),
1618 - 1625.
Lerner, R. M. (2005). Promoting positive youth development: theoretical and empirical bases. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Science of Adolescent Health and Development, Washington, DC.
QldDET. (2005). Researching the New Basics: New Basics - The Why, What, How and When of Rich Tasks Queensland: The New Basics Project, Education Queensland, Queensland State Government
Retrieved from <http://www.education.qld.gov.au/corporate/newbasics>.
Roth, W.-M. (1999). The Evolution of Umwelt and Communication. 1-20. Retrieved from http://web.uvic.ca/~mroth/PREPRINTS/Umwelt.pdf
Staller, K. (2007). Metalogue as Methodology : Inquiries into Conversations among Authors, Editors and Referees. Qualitative Social Work, 6(2). doi: 10.1177/1473325007077236
Stone, W. (2003). Bonding, Bridging and Linking with social capital. Stronger Families Learning Exchange Bulletin, 4 (Spring/Summer ), 1-16.
Tosey, P. (2006). Bateson’s Levels Of Learning: a Framework For Transformative Learning? . Paper presented at the Universities’ Forum for Human Resource Development University of Tilburg.
Van Eigen, A., & Sinclair, K. M. (2012). The ‘I Don’t Know’ Monster: Metalogues on Educational Success. Teacher Education Dialogues 2-3 August 2012, Coffs Harbour NSW Duration: 60 mins Presentation
Slides 1- 22 were last edited in 2013. Paper presented at the International Teacher Education Dialogues.
Wirkala, C., & Kuhn, D. (2011). Problem-Based Learning in K–12 Education- Is it Effective and How Does it Achieve its Effects? American Education Research Journal 48 (5), 1157=1186.
AccessEd. (2010). Rich Tasks. Brisbane: The State of Queensland Retrieved from http://education.qld.gov.au/corporate/newbasics/pdfs/richtasksbklet.pdf.
Albertsen, N., & Diken, B. (2009). Mobility, Justification, and the City. Mobility, Justification, and the City, vvv. Retrieved from www.lancs.ac.uk/fass/sociology/papers/albertsen-dikenmobility-justification.pd
Bandura, A. (2001). Social Cognitive Theory: An Agentic Perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 52(1), 1-26.
Bateson, G. (1987). Steps To An Ecology of Mind (First published 1972. Second reprint 1987. ed.). USA: Jason Aronson Inc.
Ceci, S. (1996). On Intelligence: A Bio-Ecological Treatise on Intellectual Development (Expanded Edition). Cambridge, USA: Harvard University Press.
Crowther, F., Kaagan, S., Ferguson, M., & Hahn, L. (2002). Developing Teacher Leaders: How Teacher Leadership Enhances School Success. California, London and New Delhi: Corwin Press,
DETE(Qld). (2004). Productive Pedagogies. DETE Queensland Retrieved from http://education.qld.gov.au/corporate/newbasics/html/pedagogies/intellect/int.html.
Elmore, R. (2002). Beyond instructional leadership - Hard questions about practice. Educational Leadership 59(8), 22-25.
Evans, C. (1990). Teaching the Humanities: Seminars as Metalogues. Studies in Higher Education, 15(3), 287-297.
Gale, T. (2011). Social Justice in Australian Education: rethinking what we know for contemporary times. Paper presented at the Equity in Education- Connecting for Change, University of
Technology, Sydney.
Gardner, B., Whittington, C., McAteer, J., Eccles, M., & Michie, S. (2010). Using theory to synthesise evidence from behavior change interventions: the example of audit and feedback. Soc
Sci Med, 70(10), 1618 - 1625.
Latour, B. (Writer). (2012). Prof. Bruno Latour 'From Critique to Composition' [You Tube]. Ireland: Dublin City University
Lerner, R. M. (2005). Promoting positive youth development: theoretical and empirical bases. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Science of Adolescent Health and Development,
Washington, DC.
Linstead, S. A. (2010). Postmodernism. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
QldDET. (2005). Researching the New Basics: New Basics - The Why, What, How and When of Rich Tasks
Queensland: The New Basics Project, Education Queensland, Queensland State Government Retrieved from
Roth, W.-M. (1999). The Evolution of Umwelt and Communication. 1-20. Retrieved from
Staller, K. (2007). Metalogue as Methodology : Inquiries into Conversations among Authors, Editors and
Referees. Qualitative Social Work, 6(2). doi: 10.1177/1473325007077236
Stone, W. (2003). Bonding, Bridging and Linking with social capital. Stronger Families Learning Exchange
Bulletin, 4 (Spring/Summer ), 1-16.
Tosey, P. (2006). Bateson’s Levels Of Learning: a Framework For Transformative Learning? . Paper presented
at the Universities’ Forum for Human Resource Development University of Tilburg.
Van Eigen, A., & Sinclair, K. M. (2012). The ‘I Don’t Know’ Monster: Metalogue on Educational Success.
Teacher Education Dialogues 2-3 August 2012, Coffs Harbour NSW Duration: 60 mins Presentation Slides 122 were last edited in 2013. Paper presented at the International Teacher Education Dialogues.
Wirkala, C., & Kuhn, D. (2011). Problem-Based Learning in K–12 Education- Is it Effective and How Does it
Achieve its Effects? American Education Research Journal 48 (5), 1157=1186.