Live Blog Andrew Fuller Herald Sun 2015 (docx

Hey everyone really enjoyed my time having a chat with you today. If you
want to test what you learned go to
and have a go at their online quiz. Thanks everyone, Andrew
Hey Andrew, if we want to follow up on the topics you've discussed today - are there any
websites we can visit to get more information?
Andrew Fuller
Heaps of place – Bully Stoppers website –
or and there are also free downloads on my website and my Facebook pages: Andrew Fuller's Bully Stoppers, and
The Learning Brain.
Hey Andrew, Is Cyberbullying more hurtful than face-to-face bullying?
Andrew Fuller
Cyberbullying occurs less frequently than face to face bullying but can be more hurtful.
There is a tendency for people who have been cyberbullied to go back to the site over and
over again to check for updates and comments. This can amplify the hurt. Also it is hard to
know how many people have seen the bullying post and that also increase the level of
anxiety victims have.
Hey Andrew, I've heard about the "National Day of action against Bullying and Violence" - is
there any way I can get involved in that?
Andrew Fuller
National Day of Action is a great initiative for Friday 20th of March designed so that all
schools can say no to bullying. Schools can register at
Sometimes when I'm playing a multiplayer game, some people I'm playing with gang up on
me and swear at me. How can I not let it affect me? I don't want to talk to mum, because
she might stop me from using the internet
Grade 5/6 KPS
Andrew Fuller
Players say all sorts of things to one another on a multiplayer game that they don’t mean.
Try not to take it personally but you find it is affecting you, you might have to either change
the game you play or the group you play with.
Sometimes I get cyber bullied when I chat on Facebook or on online forums with others, but
I actually like taking on the trolls and voicing my opinion and what I know, and a lot of the
time that shuts them up?
Is that bad? lol
Andrew Fuller
Nothing wrong with a bit of a spat if you like that sort of thing but don't take the comments
personally and try to keep your fighting spirit for the issues and ideas not for the person. Be
careful not to cyber bully yourself.
If you know someone is being cyber bullied and they don't want an adult to know, what can
you do to help them without breaking their trust?
Bayles Regional Primary School
Andrew Fuller
The more that you can keep talking to them the better. If they are unwilling to chat to an
adult you can get advice and pass that on as well as letting them know you are happy to
talk to them about what’s going on.
To follow on from the question you answered earlier:
But if we find out we've been judged on our social media presence and we think that's
unfair, are there steps we can take?
Andrew Fuller
Erase what you can and start re-building the reputation you want. Know that if one person
makes a negative judgment based on what you have posted there will be others.
Hi, I’m 16 and I go to high school in East Melbourne. When I try to post articles about news I
read online, my friends don’t like to comment, or tell me that's boring and to 'stop
spamming us'. I’m just trying to have a conversation with them, but it’s not very nice when
they keep shooting down the stuff I like to talk about :(
Any help?
Andrew Fuller
Trying to raise the level of conversation between people can be a disappointing
undertaking. Maybe look around for chat groups who are interested in discussing the sorts
of topics you are interested in. LinkedIn and TED discussion groups or a private Facebook
group for those discussions.
I'm a father of 3, and my wife has a Facebook page (I don’t) but I notice her friends are
quite gossipy and bit nasty to each other on their accounts - and I worry about my children,
who will be teens soon, who may eventually be active on Facebook.
Do I need to warn them about anything?
Or maybe chat to my wife about setting a better example?
Andrew Fuller
On the positive side, young people for a long time have shown a reluctance to emulate
their parents. Probably though it would be an idea to talk about how to treat people in your
life. The idea of treating others as you would like to be treated yourself is not a bad place to
begin. In my book Tricky Teens I outline the essential conversations parents should have
with their teens - could be worth a look.
What is the best way to deal with cyber bullying and what is the best way to stop it from
happening again and again?
Bayles Regional Primary School
Andrew Fuller
Develop a team of cyber doctors. Get them to create a statement of netiquette. Use the
STAND method on Bully Stoppers to develop skills as well as the activities and then use the
Cyber doctors to help other students. It really works well.
How can we make our Facebook, twitter and Instagram profiles safer? ie non-public
Peta Sandhurst
Andrew Fuller
Check the privacy settings for all of your social media sites- makes sure people can't track
your location, school and determine who should be able to view your postings.
Andrew Fuller
Look at the help centre on
It’s not just young kids being cyber bullies, there is a cyberbully in our town and no one will
do anything about it. The police say it’s too hard as it is Facebook so how do you name a
shame a bully that hides behind fake profiles cause hell for people and wrecks people’s lives
with the lies and false accusations, they have hurt so many peoples families it’s not funny.
They need their computer their phone searched as they say everything is traceable. Yeah
right do something about it then.
over it
Andrew Fuller
One of the strategies we have used with the cyber doctors is to have groups of people reply
to cyberbullying comments and defend the victim. This is not bullying the bully; it is just
clearly sticking up for the victim. In extreme situations Brodie's Law can be applied and
make it a criminal offence. The Australian Federal Police can help and they have expertise in
this area.
How much of the social media bullying should I let me child try and deal with on their own
as a way to build character? Like if it’s just small teasing/joking back and forth should I let
her fight her own battles? Or step in?
Andrew Fuller
Stay involved. Work out strategies together. Look on it as an opportunity to strengthen
your relationship.
I'm almost 15 years old, and I am on Facebook - but my parents won’t let me get an iPhone
until I’m 16 - so i can’t use Instagram, which all my other friends at school use.
It feels like I’m getting left out and sometimes my friends tease me about my parents not
letting me have a smartphone and are like "ohh it’s an Instagram joke, you wouldn’t
What could I say to my parents to convince them that having an iPhone and using
Instagram is okay?
Andrew Fuller
You don’t need to have an iPhone to use Instagram. On the Bully Stoppers website there is
a parent’s guide to Instagram. Could be time to try to educate your parents- good luck!
How do you know if a website is safe to use or not?
Bayles Regional Primary School
Andrew Fuller
Usually websites has a prefix https:// the s refers to secure. Compare the site with other
sites and see what they tell you. Generally if the information feels dodgy assume that it is
until you find out otherwise.
I'm quite concerned about the next generation of children and what school life will be like
for them. How can I protect my son, almost two, from an early age? What age do I really
need to start worrying?
Sarah Summers
Andrew Fuller
There is more cause for optimism than concern. Kids are getting brighter. Schools are taking
on the latest brain research. The best thing parents can do is to expand their child's positive
experiences and learning - not accelerate, expand.
My eight year is asking to have an Instagram account because all her friends have one. I
think that she is too young. What do I need to put in place to keep her safe from online
Andrew Fuller
I agree with you- too young!
Andrew Fuller
Many social networking sites have age restrictions. You don’t pick and choose which laws
you obey in the real world so you shouldn't do it online.
So how do I best prepare her for what lies ahead? I guess I'd prefer her to be street/social
media savvy than ignorant, especially when her peers are already using it and talking about
it at school.
Andrew Fuller
On the Bully Stoppers website there are some interactive learning activities you might like
to do with your daughter - they should help her to understand how to use technology in a
safe, smart and responsible way. There is also a quiz for primary school students that she
might like to try.
Thanks Andrew, I'll have a look at the website. The quiz sounds like a great idea!
If we are seeing people being bullied online what are some tips we could use?
Coolaroo South Primary School
Andrew Fuller
Take a stand against bullying. STAND:
Silence- don't reply
Take a copy of abusive messages
Accept bullies don’t think like you do
Never deal with cyber bullying alone- get support
Don’t be provoked
Crib Point Primary
Thanks for the advice Andrew. Crib Point are going to make a 'STAND' poster against cyber
Hi Andrew. Much is made of the responsibility people have to not put things online that an
employer might frown upon, but what advice do you have to people who've been
overlooked for jobs because of their social media in terms of privacy and what's
relevant/irrelevant in the context of job interviews? Isn't being judged based on your social
media activity (particularly activity that reflects what you get up to in your private life) a
form of discrimination?
Andrew Fuller
I guess we all need to be mindful of the impressions we create. Anything we put out into
the public is accessible to anyone forever. What happens on Facebook stays on Facebook so
take care to present yourself well and try to convince employers that you are more than
your digital past.
How can you stop cyber bullying?
Crib Point Primary
Andrew Fuller
Heaps of suggestions and ways of doing this on
Crib Point Primary
Thanks Andrew!
Andrew Fuller
I go to school in Ballarat and I don't even have a friendship circle, what do I do? Everyone
seems to hate me :(
avishek das
Andrew Fuller
There are different times in everyone's life when we all feel isolated and a bit friendless.
Think about slowly getting to know a broader range of people either face to face or online.
It can also be useful to think about why people may not want to spend time with us. If there
are a few people around with lots of friends notice what they do. Study them. Generally
people like people who are interested in them, ask them questions and be pleased to see
them. Whether doing this will make new friends, we don’t know, but it will certainly build
your skills for making new friends in the future- hang in there!
Hi Andrew, what ways can schools help to combat cyber bullying?
Andrew Fuller
It is great for schools to have a group of students meet with an interested teacher over time
- we often call them the "cyber doctors". Their role is to investigate and help other students
learn about cyber safety, cyber learning. Initially they work to develop a code of netiquette
and develop that in discussion with other classes. Eventually the cyber doctors can be used
to help people to develop strategies to deal with online or cyber issues.
If we see online bullying what tips could you give us to help?
Coolaroo South Primary School
Andrew Fuller
Generally it is best not to respond. Instead talk to an adult, save and store the content. You
could block or delete the bully from your contact list. Use the report abuse button on social
network sites and talk about this is class and get ideas about appropriate use of social
media as a group. The Bully Stoppers website has heaps of tips.
Hello, have we seen suicide numbers increase in adolescents since the internet/social
media platforms have become more prevalent and accessible?
Andrew Fuller
Any loss of a person is one loss too many. Stats around this fluctuate from state to state
and across year levels. Generally the answer to your question is no but that doesn't mean
we should be complacent. Helping everyone to develop positive ways of using social media
as well as what to do when people make nasty comments is a skill we all need.
Thank you very much for your response.
My daughter is 15 and won't accept my Facebook friend request. I want to ensure what she
and her friends are posting is appropriate. What should I do?
Andrew Fuller
The ideal is to be a fbf (Facebook friend) with your daughter but if she won’t accept your
request tread carefully. Some kids will accept your request then set up a new Facebook
page. At the very least talk to her about the NANA rule- don’t put anything online you
wouldn't want your Nana to see. Your digital footprint leaves a history that can be tracked
by future employers, partners and friends.
I suspect my son may be being cyberbullied - because when he comes out of the computer
room for dinner he seems quite down and bit depressed. How should I approach this
subject with him without making it look like I’m prying into his personal life?
Andrew Fuller
This is always tricky to judge. People can appear a bit flat and exhausted after playing
computer games for a time. I think the best first thing to do is to share your observations
with him and ask if he is ok. Do this each time he appears flat or depressed. If you don’t feel
convinced about the answers you get, you might want to check how he seems at school by
asking the school welfare staff.
Hi Andrew, we'd like to know what exactly cyber bullying is?
Bayles Regional Primary...
Andrew Fuller
Cyberbullying is bullying using digital technologies including mobile phones, email and
social media tools.
Bayles Regional Primary...
Thanks Mr Fuller.
What do I do when someone at school is contacting me online and I don't like it?
Andrew Fuller
Either ignore it or politely ask them to stop contacting you. If you are really worried you
could take a screen shot of the messages and talk it over with a school counsellor, your
parent or a teacher
I've tried to tell my children when this kind of thing happens to just take a 2-day break from
social media, because it won’t be the end of the world. But they seem to take this like I’m
punishing them for them being bullied.
Is this the wrong message? What should I tell them to do instead?
Andrew Fuller
Generally parents shouldn't threaten or ban use of technology as it often makes them
reluctant to seek help in the future. It is usually better to use this as an opportunity to work
through hurt feelings and develop strategies for the future.
Andrew Fuller
It's useful to help children learn not to respond to abusive messages. The number one rule
for dealing with cyberbullying is don't respond, don't interact and don't engage.
I suspect my children are using social media under the age of 13. What can I do to assist
them? I don't know how to approach it to ensure they stay safe and don't begin continuing
in secret.
Miss Lee
Andrew Fuller
I think parents should trust their gut feelings on these and most other matters.
Andrew Fuller
Have a chat with them about netiquette - what should or shouldn’t be shared and ways to
act. It’s always about relationships and how people behave rather than about technology.
There's a woman I know from the gym who has decided to bully me on most of the forums I
was on. I'm pretty sure it’s her, but when I see her in my spin class she doesn't even
acknowledge me.
Any advice what I should do?
Andrew Fuller
Behind most cyber bullying lurks cowardice. Knowing this can help you to either: disregard
her comments; or you could share your experiences and your sense of hurt with her and
ask her for suggestions; a direct confrontation is likely to get a denial but letting her know
that she is suspected may be helpful.