Year 8 ENDANGERED SPECIES DAY UK! This is a 6 lesson unit of work focussing on trying to raise awareness on endangered species in the UK and around the world and try to get the first Endangered Species Day in the UK. Students will: Lesson 1: Investigate what we mean by endangered species and conservation Lesson 2: Research from students on an animal of their choice & preparing a presentation Lesson 3: Presentations and Peer Assessment on who was most convincing Lesson 4 Investigate what we mean by lobbying, how it works and who does it affect Lesson 5 & 6: Take action by lobbying in teams different sectors to raise awareness on the issue and try to build up support Learning Outcomes – students will: Homework: Lesson 2 Formal assessment: Lesson 3 (Presentations), Lesson 5/6 (Letters & Contacting in Teams) Lesson 1: Endangered Species & Conservation – What Are They? Learning Questions: What do we mean by endangered species? Learning Activities Resources As students enter the room have slide 1 on PowerPoint up and some jungle/wildlife music playing to get students engaged and interested as they walk in: PowerPoint Introduction: What is Play the video of Jonathan and Lola at London Zoo introducing the learning journey and what we will conservation be doing in each lesson. Now introduce the learning questions and learning steps. After the video ? and learning questions allow pupils to write down questions (on post-its) in their groups for a minute and get them to stick it on the whiteboard. This will allow questions to be answered throughout the lesson as we discuss topics and can be referred to and any questions not answered can be done at Who is to the end of the lesson (see PowerPoint Slide 2). blame for putting Main: animals at Tell pupils that in the next 10 minutes they will know the answers to 5 questions. As you are saying risk? this have pupils hand out the question/answer cards resource. Give every pupil one and because there are 5 they should all have a different one automatically. Show the PowerPoint slide (Slide 3) that explains the task. In this pupils will have a card with a question and answer. The idea is to go around the room asking people what questions they have and then trying to give them the correct answer. If they are wrong the person with the answer must explain the CORRECT answer. Pupils will continue to circulate for 10 minutes which should give sufficient time for them to ask and answer. If you wanted to check after select 5 pupils and ask them a question each to see if they give you the correct response. On the answer side I have put key terms, sentences in bold. Pupils must know the answers in bold. For those who wish to try push themselves can also learn and then answer the writing which is not in bold also. A reward can be offered as an incentive to encourage pupils to do so. By doing this you are allowing the G&T to push themselves and AEN or SEN to still learn key the knowledge they will need for this task. Examples of this question with bold and normal writing is: what 3 things does conservation do to protect animals? Once completed make sure pupils return to their tables. You will have the tables in 5 sections. You now need to give out 'role play cards'. Each table will receive a card with a character they must become. These will be: Internet Role Play Cards Question and Answer cards (one per pupil) Blockbusters Just A Minute Youtube Scrap Paper for Radio Blackfen Conservationist Zoo Keeper (expert on endangered animals) Hunter Government Minister, Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Owner of a Logging Company These cards will have background knowledge on their character: where they are from, what they believe and do not believe in, quotes for them to say. Make sure this is clear to pupils. Tell pupils they will have 5 minutes to nominate one person from each group to speak in their role on live radio hit show, ‘Radio Blackfen – Big Talk Hour’ (see slide 4) but to also prepare any questions or statements they will want their representative to ask of the other guests. On this show the current Radio DJ of the Year (yourself as Teacher) is the host and will be speaking to the panel about (bring up PowerPoint slide 5 whilst pupils preparing): 1. Are animals really endangered? 2. What more could be done for Conservation? 3. Do we protect animals enough in the UK? However for those pupils not on the show they must have a list of questions or statements which they will call in with and ask or say (depending on whether it is question or statement) in their character to stir up the debate and to make sure this radio allows the voices of everyone to be heard. After research ask one pupil to be your radio producer. They will write down the order of who wants to ask questions and play the ringing sound when you give them a signal to make the applaud sound after a pupil has made a great argument or counter argument in your opinion. The teacher must control the pace of the radio debate as well as who speaks and for how long. Explain the team who does the best will get a reward as a bribe for them behaving well. This whole activity is up to you on how long it takes but I recommend between 20-30 minutes. To emphasise these points at the end of the lesson you may want to show pupils this video about Conservation of Orangutan’s in Indonesia which you could save for the start of lesson 2 instead. (5:52) Plenary: To wrap everything up you may wish to play Blockbusters (see slide 5) with the key terms, phrases, animals and project aims in it which should have been covered in lesson 1. Have the class in two teams with first team to raise hand gets the chance to answer. Teacher will decide each square as to make the game fair and also to ensure nearly every square is covered. Questions in notes section of slide 5. Or Play 'Just A Minute' but instead do this for 30 seconds. Using the questions provided on the PowerPoint in 'Lesson 1 Resources' folder. Use rewards as an incentive to get them started and possibly if you wish have pupils practice on any topic of their choice which they must agree for no longer than 2 minutes. As pupils challenge they must stand where they are and continue. The question for 3 rounds worth will be on the board and remind students you are being generous and only asking for 30 seconds! IMPORTANT: You should inform students of what will be happening over the next 2 lessons. Bring up the last PowerPoint Slide and remind students next lesson they will be researching the following 5 animals (on slide) with a research pack given to them based on which animal they choose. Allow them time to make sure they know their teams and to write down who is in their team and which animals they will be doing! However if they do not want to do any of the following 5 animals they are more than welcome to bring in their own research on another animal for next lesson but need to bring it all printed off and enough that they can do a 5 minute presentation on. Lesson 2: Research Your Animal! Learning Questions: What animals are endangered ? Why are they endangered ? How can we make a presentation ? Learning Activities Resources Starter: Once pupils are in whichever game you did not do at the end of lesson 1 do now. The games are Stepping Stones or Blockbusters (for Blockbusters see PowerPoint for Lesson 2 slide 1) so we can review the learning from lesson 1 as well as engage the class. Once done say that you did not mention but London Zoo heard about what we are doing and wanted to let you know about what Conservation is, how London Zoo helps Conservation and wanted to give a few words on their thoughts about the project we are doing. After the video emphasise London Zoo is a huge charity which does conservation work in 50 countries so to have their support is amazing! Animal Research Packs x 5 Afterwards remind students of what they looked at last lesson and then play video clip from Jonathan and Lola explaining what will happen in lesson 2. PowerPoint Main: Bring up Slide 2 on the PowerPoint so you have the “Success Criteria” up ready to refer to. Remind students that this lesson they have a choice of 5 animals, which was given at the end of lesson 1. Once you have finished speaking remind them they need to be in teams no bigger than 4 and using the research pack provided on the 5 animals or anything they brought in they must now come up with a presentation no longer than 5 minutes! In this presentation every pupil must speak at least once. They can use PowerPoint, although they would need to type this up at home or during lunch. They also need to design a poster and find a video which is relevant, i.e. helps support their argument. The reason they are doing this is so when we come to ask for support for Endangered Species Day UK we will have lots of information on 5 critically endangered animals so people believe that we know what we are talking about as we will have evidence. Bring up the next slide of the 5 questions pupils MUST answer in their presentation. This will provide a clear structure for what they need in their presentation. Let students know everyone will have a team cover sheet to fill out with these questions on them. The 5 questions are as follows: What animal have you chosen and why? Basic facts about the animal (where can you find it, what does it eat, picture of what it looks Stepping Stones Blockbusters Video – Endangered Species Day UK Paper/Sugar Paper Glue Scissors Internet Pens Coloured Pens like etc) Why is this animal endangered and how many are there left? What can be done / is being done to protect it? What can people in the UK do to help? Also tell students this presentation will be assessed by their peers and the team that gets the highest score from the criteria will have their animals ‘adopted’ by the class as the one they support. You can then say each winning team from every class will go against one another and present to important people with the winner from that being able to present to the local MP, James Brokenshire, on Friday 27th January 2011, to make sure we get his support and will also be in front of hopefully people from local and national media. Now for the rest of the lesson allow pupils time to research and start getting ready for their presentation. Plenary: Make sure pupils have put everything away the classroom it tidy. Remind them these presentations will be done NEXT LESSON! Homework: Finish off presentation for next lesson You may want to make this 2 lessons so students have plenty of time to prepare. If so remind them of public speaking skills, i.e. not using notes, making eye contact, vary tone and speed, use humour or props. Lesson 3: Presentation Day! Learning Questions: How persuasive was our presentation ? Which animal are we adopting? Learning Activities Resources Starter: Get pupils siting down and settled then play straight away video of Jonathan and Lola ‘Endangered Species Day UK’ which explains lesson 3. Once this is watched tell pupil they have 10 minutes maximum (if pupils look ready start earlier) to make sure they are all ready. Get students in that time to get video’s up on Youtube and have presentations, if done on PowerPoint saved onto desktop so it cuts out time. Also make sure every student’s get the ‘Peer Assessment’ hand out titled: ‘Peer Assessment: Which Animal Will We Adopt?” PowerPoint Main: Once pupils are settled and ready before presentations remind them of the success criteria (see PowerPoint “Lesson 3” slide 1) so they know what they can see. On the Peer Assessment are 3 boxes for ticking or crossing. These boxes will be headed: Did Everyone Talk? Was the Video Relevant? Did they have a Poster? The last box will ask for a mark out of 10 titled: How persuasive where they? The idea of the last box is so students write down how well the group presented, clarity and strength of their arguments and how well did they persuade you their animal needed saving. Make sure that after the group has done their presentation they do their self-evaluation boxes, which are the same as listed above, but at the bottom of the page. The teacher will also be doing this at the same time so when it comes to comparing it is easy to see If you wish you can say that pupils will have 3 questions maximum they can ask the group about what they saw but this will depend on time and is up to the teacher. Now start the presentations! Internet Youtube Peer Assessment Handout Folders (for class) Plenary: Hopefully all will be done with in time so students can put their peer assessment sheets in their folders with name on the sheet and all completed so teacher can compare their marks with students overall feelings. Tell students the winning team will be announced at the start of next lesson. Lesson 4: How To Campaign! Learning Questions: Learning Activities Resources How can we get support for our campaign? If you have presentations still to do straight away start off with those so you have plenty of time left to get through the main lesson today on lobbying/campaigning. Announce that the winning team! PowerPoint What different ways are there to persuade people? How effective are they? Internet Starter: This lesson as it says above lobbying or the word we want to use “campaigning”! Explain to pupils that now they have the knowledge but with that knowledge me must know who to speak too so our issue, Endangered Species Day UK, can be heard. Now play the video of Lola and Jonathan at London Zoo so they can see what lesson 4 is about but also play lesson 5/6 so pupils can see the link. Then remind students about the big picture and how the knowledge we have now got will be joined by the knowledge of how to get people who matters attention so they can give their support and backing to our aim, to establish only the second Endangered Species Day in the world and first in the UK EVER. Main: Bring up on the PowerPoint the 4 tasks the pupils will be doing today. Explain that if they are unsure of what these are not to worry because you will show some pictures and videos to illustrate what these involve before they begin. The 4 tasks are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Publicity Stunt – which must be acted out Placards A Press Release Speech Show pupils the slides on the PowerPoint of people doing publicity stunts and placards and tell students they need to see this as they will be doing this later on an endangered animal. The notes page under the slide explain what the publicity stunt is and who is involved. The placards are taken from the student protest on tuition fees. Explain what each picture is, what is taking place, why is it happening etc. Play this video of a T-Mobile advert in Liverpool Street Station doing a publicity stunt to use for their adverts: Youtube Cardboard, paper, pens, glue, scissors Press Release Help Sheet Pupils will use the necessary resources to get these prepared in around 10-15 minutes, depending on the time you have left, before showing them to the rest of the class. The reason they are doing this is so when we start talking to other MPs and for when our own, James Brokenshire comes, celebrities, staff, other students, parents, charities we can convince the, to believe in us. Once the time is up get each team to demonstrate each of the 4 tasks they had to prepare. There are 2 options on the press release help sheet. One is just filling in the gaps the other is more vague. It is up to you to considering your pupils ability. The main idea of this was to be PERSUASIVE and convince others in the classroom you knew more, had a stronger message and had original ideas. All pupils must now gather in the middle of the classroom and you explain that only one team can win. The way they win is by the team having the most people. Explain that pupils can either stay in their teams if they believe they gave the strongest arguments and were the most persuasive but if they thought another team where they can switch teams. Explain pupils will have 5 minutes in the middle of the room to go around others and try persuade them to join their team or allow themselves to be persuaded by others. The team with the most people win. Plenary: The last slide on the PowerPoint has the plenary of the learning triangle. Handout a sheet of A4 for pupils to do in pairs and get them to draw out the triangle: Then take pupils through the following steps: 1. Have we met our learning aims/questions today; tick or cross or thumbs up and thumbs down (get them to mark their choice on paper) 2. Write down 2 questions on this topic you would ask (questions with a yes or no answer not allowed) 3. Write down 3 things they have learned in today’s lesson, ideally about campaigning You can get some feedback at every phase or wait until the end and see how the results come back. If there are any hard questions which pupils ask you let them know you will find out the answers for next lesson. Lesson 5 & 6: Action Time! Learning Questions: Learning Activities Resources Starter: Once pupils are settled get the video of Jonathan and Lola at London Zoo explaining what is happening in lesson 5 and 6 (Blackfen Video Library Miscellaneous Conservation Big Picture). Once shown explain that today the action we will be taking in class is preparing letters to send to people whose support we need. However, the only way we can get their support is if we show we know what we are talking about, showing off our knowledge, and asking politicians, animal charities and celebrities to give us a letter or e-mail with their support for the setting up of the first ever Endangered Species Day UK! PowerPoint Main: Bring up the website designed by the Year 8 students who came up with the idea of an Endangered Species Day in the UK (link currently unavailable). Pen Explain that any support we get back from the people we are writing to today will be put up on the website. Therefore we need to make sure we are very persuasive if we can get their support. Play this video to make sure the kids really understand what we hope to achieve. The video is of Orangutan’s who have been killed, captured, caged but thanks to charities they have a chance to live free and it is this message we want to educate people about through our Endangered Species Day. (5:52) Show pupils the support letter they will have to use when writing their letter. They must first write a letter to one of the charities or politicians they choose. Let them know if they do that properly they can have the choice of 12 celebrities who they will write and send a letter to. Let students know this lesson they must finish these letters and hand them back in at the end of the lesson for checking because next lesson they will be in the IT Room typing them up. Internet Letter Support Sheet Paper Lesson 6: Action Day 2 – We Want To Be Heard! Learning Questions: Learning Activities Resources