BRUCE ELEMENTARY School-Wide PBIS Plan 2014 – 2015 581 S. Bellevue Memphis, Tennessee Guiding Principles Beliefs • Academic success is our primary focus. • Every student should learn to respect themselves, peers, faculty, staff, administrators, and community members. • Reading and writing are essential elements of the learning process. • Instruction should take place through a variety of approaches. Guiding Principles Building Unique Leaders and Learners that Develop into Opportunistic Global Scholars Guiding Principles Values • Each student is a unique person with dignity and worth, and has the ability and right to learn. • Parents and community members provide a variety of opportunities for students to develop a positive self-concept and possibilities for academic success. Previous Results Our school wide discipline goals, for the 2013-2014 school year were: ∙ To decrease the number of misconduct referrals by 10%, ∙ To decrease the number of fights by 10%, ∙ To decrease the number of disruptive referrals by 10% ∙ And increase attendance by at least 1%. In working towards reaching our first goal we took several steps. The team asked teachers to become more aware and to provide more supervision in places such as the cafeteria and restrooms. Teachers were asked to follow procedures for dealing with problem behaviors (i.e. warning, conference, call parent, etc.). Teachers also were provided professional development using the book, The First Six Weeks of School. The counselor assisted in problem solving, delivering classroom guidance, and peer mediation. Assembly programs and resource persons were used to encourage positive behavior. In making progress towards our second goal the school made various changes. The school wide discipline team made changes to the incentives for students to remain Fight Free. The team reported monthly to the faculty, data that included the number of fights for that month compared to the previous month, when and where the fights were taking place, and which grade level(s) and teachers had the most fights. Teachers were encouraged to increase supervision, promote Fight Free, and refer students for counseling. The counselor used classroom guidance to talk with students about being Fight Free, bullying prevention, and conflict resolution. Small group counseling sessions dealing with anger management and social skills were instituted by the counselor. 8 In working towards achieving our fourth goal of increasing attendance by at least 10%, Bruce instituted the following steps. Morning announcements are made to recognize the attendance percentage for the previous day and to highlight those individual classes that had perfect attendance. The school also instituted classroom celebrations for classes having five consecutive days (Monday through Friday) of perfect attendance as well as school wide celebrations. Individual students are recognized during nine weeks honor programs with certificates and at the end of the year with trophies. To achieve our third goal of decreasing the number of disruptive incidents by 10%, the school took the following actions. The school wide discipline team worked to help teachers understand the definition of disruptive behavior. Teachers were also encouraged to maintain a classroom record of inappropriate behaviors, call parents and refer students to the school counselor before students are referred to the office. 9 Previous Results 2012-2013 vs. 2013-2014 Number of Office Referrals 180 160 155 140 120 103 100 Number of Office Referrals 80 60 40 20 0 2012-2013 2013-2014 Previous Results 2012-2013 vs. 2013-2014 80 70 69 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 20 24 18 16 14 3 6 0 7 2012-2013 2013-2014 Results 2013-2014 Number of Referrals 25 20 Number of Referrals 20 16 14 15 10 6 5 0 6 6 2 Goals and Objectives • To reduce office referrals concerning misconduct by 10% • To reduce the number of fights by 10% • To reduce disruptive behavior referrals by 10% • To increase attendance by 1% SCS School-wide PBIS (Discipline) Team Worksheet 2014-15 Name of School: Bruce Elem.___ PBIS Team is representative of the school faculty and includes an administrator. Principal* Mrs. Martha West Assistant Principal (recommended) N/A Professional School Counselor* Mr. Robert Dow, Jr. School Psychologist Ms. Laura Mitchell General Education Teacher(s) Ms. Tenina Holman and MEA Representative* Mrs. Myra Terry Elected Teachers (2)* Fill in the names of team members and designate counselor who will serve as Team Leader (TL) / Internal Coach Mrs. Joy Gibson and Ms. Lisa Waddell Special Education Teacher(s)* Ms. Marilyn James Related Arts Teacher(s): Ms. Amy McSpadden Students: Elaine Nguyen and Cartier Beverly Educational Assistant(s)/ Non-Certified Staff: Ms. Karen Lanier Community Member: Mr. Ray Dockery Parents (2)*: Ms. Regina Williams and Mrs. Sonja Latting ISS Assistant (recommended): N/A Cafeteria/Custodial Staff: Ms. Phyllis Taylor *Indicates members mandated by MEA contract; others may be invited as needed Bus Driver N/A 14 See next slide for further instructions Meeting Schedule Reporting Period Approximate Dates of Reporting Periods All data for period entered into system (A) PBIS Committee meeting dates (B) Faculty meeting dates to report interpretation of 20 day data (C) 1 8/04/14-8/29/14 09/4/14 9/17/14 9/24/14 2 9/2/14-9/30/14 9/29/14 10/1/14 10/15/14 3 10/3/14-12/8/14 12/5/15 1/9/15 1/14/15 4 12/9/14-3/12/15 3/11/15 3/13/15 3/18/15 5 3/13/12-5/14/15 5/13/13 5/15/15 5/20/15 Please insert names of Team members below: (A) Data should be entered promptly to enable review of accurate data. Deadline for data entry is the Friday following the end of the reporting period. Principal should identify person responsible for entering behavior data. Name and title of data entry designee: Mrs. Mary Saulsberry (GOS) (B) Committee should meet within one week of final data entry for reporting period. Enter projected meeting dates in this column. Identify team member responsible for data summary to report to SW PBIS Team. Name and title: Mr. Robert Dow, Jr., School Counselor Determine how you wish to examine your data: by location, by student, by infraction, by time of day, number of referrals per day per reporting period. Also consider office referral procedures and data integrity. (C) Faculty meeting to discuss behavior should be held within a week of the SW PBIS Team’s Meeting. Enter projected dates in this column. Identify persons responsible for sharing data trends for previous reporting period with the faculty. Name and title: Mr. Dow, School, Counselor, Ms. Holman, 2nd Grade Teacher, Team may wish to lead faculty in brainstorming intervention strategies based on data. Share successes and areas of continued efforts. 16 Monitoring Process • Attendance and conduct data will be reviewed each 20 day attendance period. • The School-Wide Discipline team monitors and makes adjustments to problems areas. • Report the updated information to the faculty the first Wednesday of the month at Faculty Meeting. • Report updated information to parents at monthly parent meetings conducted by the school counselor. Celebration Communication of successes are communicated during Morning/Afternoon Announcements, newsletters sent home with student folders, during parent meetings, submissions to the SCS Insider, and faculty meetings. 18 Celebration Fight free days will be celebrated. School wide celebrations will occur when 20 fight free days have occurred. The following are planned celebrations for the 2014-2015 school year: Fight Free Days Reward/Incentive 20 Days Hat Day 40 Days Jersey Day (with uniform pants) 60 Days Jeans Day (with uniform shirt) 80 Days Out of uniform 100 Days Movie Day (SCS approved) 120 Days Backwards Day 140 Days Shades Day 160 Days Dance 180 Days School-Wide Field Day 19 Celebrations Cafeteria • “Golden Tray Award” for the class with the best behavior and cleanest area for the day. • The class with the most recognitions by the end the week will receive the “Grand Champions” trophy and Lunch with the Principal. Attendance Celebrations Incentives will be given in the classroom for every 5 days and school wide on a 10 day basis for students who have been present. Perfect Attendance Classroom School-Wide Pleasure Reading Day T-Shirt Day Twins Day Crazy Sock Day Extended Recess (10 min.) Day Favorite Toy Day (KK only) Tacky Day Sports Day (wear apparel from favorite sport or sports team) Movie Day (SCS Approved) No Homework Pass Dance (Grade Level / School Wide) Favorite Color Day The principal reserves the right to change celebrations as needed. Teachers must give prior notification before implementing classroom celebrations. Teachers will call on a daily basis parents of students who are absent. Teachers will monitor students’ absences. Incentives will also be provided for those classes that reach 95% or higher for each 20-day attendance period (Ex. Announcements, certificates, or treats) 21 School Rules 1. Be Respectful. 2. Be Responsible. 3. Be Safe. 4. Be Prepared. 5. Strive to be Excellent! 22 Behavioral Expectation Matrix Rules Morning Entry Cafeteria Restroom Hallway Bus Afternoon Exit Be respectful. Greet others respectfully. Use good table manners. Respect privacy. Keep hallways neat and clean. Enter and exit bus quietly. Exit building calmly and quietly using appropriate voices. Be responsible. Remain in designated area until bell rings. Raise your hand if you need assistance. Follow the monitor’s directions. Follow directions first time given. Follow directions and accept consequences without arguing. Remain in designated area until dismissed. Be safe. Enter building quietly and walk to the right of the hallway. Walk, stay seated, and eat your own food. Walk, flush, wash hands, and report problems to the teacher. Walk to the right of the hallway. Stay in your seat and keep hands and feet inside the bus. Cross at crosswalk and walk in the direction you live. Be prepared. Have necessary materials before entering the classroom. Have lunch number and get all items before sitting down. Bring only necessary materials into the bathroom. Face forward and keep your eyes on the line leader. Place books or backpack on your lap. Gather all necessary belongings. Strive to be excellent. Have a positive attitude. Make healthy choices. Use good hygiene. Look intelligently. Look, listen, and obey. Show selfcontrol. Classroom vs. Office Managed Behaviors Classroom Managed Behaviors Office Managed Behaviors 1. Talking without permission 2. Not completing classroom assignments 3. Leaving seat without permission 4. Not having needed materials (pencil, paper, homework, etc.) 5. Running in the hallway 6. Playing in the restroom 7. Sleeping during class 8. Pushing/minor exchange of blows 9. Minor Dress Code 1. Fighting 2. Weapon possession 3. Drug, alcohol, tobacco possession 4. Insubordination 5. Sexual misconduct/harassment (gestures, language, actions) 6. Bullying 7. Threats against students and school personnel 8. Gang related behavior 9. Profanity towards school personnel 24 Staff & Office Managed Behavior Chart Teacher Managed • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Inappropriate language Lateness Not having materials/Preparedness Calling out , Teasing/Put Down Refusal to work Non-compliance Running Minor dishonesty Inappropriate clothing/Dress Code Minor disruption Minor aggression Unsafe or rough play Disrespectful (Tone, Attitude, Body) language Disrespect towards property Pattern of not completing homework Electronic Devices Cursing aimed at students Minor Dress Code Infraction Office Managed - Aggressive physical contact - Fighting - Property destruction - Weapons - Pattern of aggressive profane language - Credible threats - Harassment of students and teachers - Refusal to follow school rules repeatedly - Continuous dishonesty - Minor infractions - Theft - Cheating - Bullying - Leaving school property - Inappropriate touching - Truancy - Alcohol/Drugs - Cursing aimed at teacher or other staff members General Procedure for Dealing with Problem Behaviors Observe Problem Behavior Classroom Use Classroom consequences Is the behavior office or classroom managed? Office Write referral & Escort student to office Document behavior. Keep in classroom file Determine consequence Behavior Continues Contact Parent and document Use alternative strategies Refer to office Refer to counselor if necessary Ensure safety Classroom Managed •Language •Not prepared •Calling out •Put downs •Throwing paper •Refusing to work •Dishonesty •Talking in class •Tone/Attitude •Checking/Teasing •Electronic devices •Dress code •Pushing •Profanity directed at other student Office Managed •Weapons •Fighting •Chronic minor infractions •Threats •Harassment •Bullying •Truancy •Vandalism •Drugs/Alcohol •Gang activities •Leaving class/ school without permission •Profanity directed at staff Problem solve Determine consequence Follow documented procedure Follow through with consequences File necessary documentation How we teach the rules and procedures? • School-wide – at the beginning of the year – – – – – – • Review Responsive Classroom Strategies during In-service - First Six Weeks of School by Paula Denton. Orientation assemblies- “What it means to be a Bruce Bulldog.” Conduct parent rallies/meetings. Teach and model rules, expectations, routines, and procedures during the first six weeks of school (School Handbook & Code of Conduct) Establish individual goals and dreams for the school year; create a hopes and dreams display to be posted outside classroom for the first display of the school year. Involve students in defining details about class rules and devising logical consequences for both appropriate and inappropriate behaviors. School-wide – ongoing – – – – – Post Bruce School-Wide Rules throughout the school. Daily announcement reminders. Conduct morning meetings to set the tone for each day. Distribute grade level weekly newsletters Distribute school-wide monthly newsletters. 27 Behavioral Expectations Lesson Plan Location: Classroom Grade: ____________________ Positive Behavioral Expectations: BRUCE ELMENTARY’S SCHOOL-WIDE RULES 1. Be Respectful 2. Be Responsible 3. Be Safe 4. Be Prepared 5. Strive to be Excellent INTRODUCTION Ask students to give School-wide Rules. Introduce vocabulary (respectful, responsible, safe, prepare, excellent, and consequence). Use classroom dictionaries to find the meaning of the vocabulary words. ACTIVITIES Be respectful. Use students to role play both respectful and disrespectful behavior. Ask students what were the differences between the two behaviors. Be responsible. Discuss with students the importance of following directions the first time given and accepting consequences for inappropriate behavior. Be Safe. Encourage positive interactions among students and promote the school’s pledge to be Fight Free! Discuss reporting unsafe behavior to a responsible adult. Be Prepared. Ask students ways they can prepare for class, each lesson, and classroom transition. Strive to be Excellent. Motivate students to always try their best and to not give up when things get hard. CONCLUSION Review School-wide Rules. Check for understanding by asking questions. MATERIALS Students, School-wide Rules, classroom dictionaries, teacher workstation, smart boards 28 School Procedures Arrival • Line up at the cafeteria door by 7:45 a.m. – All students will transition inside the cafeteria – Students will be separated according to grade level with Pre-K through 1st grade sitting in the cafeteria area and 2nd through 5th grades sitting near the stage. Students will read a book or review reading, math, or science skills. – During this time, students aren’t allowed to talk. – Student will be dismissed at 8:00 am to report to their classrooms. – Teachers are to be at their doors monitoring students in the hallway as well as greeting their homeroom students. – Parents are not allowed to go to teachers’ classrooms. – Kindergarten and PreK will have their breakfast in the cafeteria School Procedures Cafeteria • • • • • • • • Enter through the “IN” door Stand in line quietly Proceed to assigned table DO NOT leave assigned table unless you have permission Use inside voices for conversation Silent lunch will be activated after three warnings. Individual students will be placed in time out areas away from their classmates Line up quietly in designated area (Zero Zone) Exit quietly through “OUT” doors School Procedures Assemblies • Teachers will escort class to assemblies and monitor students while in the assembly. • Enter the multi-purpose room quietly • Transition to silently to seats • Students will remain seated and listen politely while others are speaking. • Teachers will escort students back to rooms in an orderly manner when assembly is over. School Procedures Transitioning throughout the building • Students will walk, not run, on the right side of the hallway. • The hallway is a Zero Tolerance Zone so there is no talking allowed. • Teachers will monitor students as they transition in the hallway. • Students must have a hall pass or restroom pass when in the hallway unless they are reporting to Instructional Resource or ESL. School Procedures Dismissal • Prepare for dismissal at 3:00 Principal or designee will make announcements • Daycare/Bus Riders (3:05) • Walkers/After Care (3:15) • Teachers are assigned designated areas for dismissal in order to assure safety • Walkers will cross Carr Street at the designated crossing • Teachers on afternoon duty will monitor on a daily basis students who are being picked up late and record their names in the Dismissal Notebook (housed in the office). Parents of students who are late being picked up will receive a warning letter the second offense and a conference will be scheduled the third offensive. Early dismissals will be recorded and dismissed from office. No dismissals after 2:45p.m School Procedures Referrals • All office referrals must be accompanied by a completed referral form. Ensure student explanation is included. • Proper discipline protocol must be followed in the classroom before referring to the office. • Students are referred to the administrator in cases of severe behavioral infractions. Classroom Procedures • • • • • • • • • Use kind words and actions. Enter classroom quietly, unpack book bag, place coats/clothing and other materials in proper area. Follow classroom morning routine to prepare for class. Follow directions given by teacher. Listen for morning announcements. Keep all areas of your classroom neat and clean. Students must have a hall pass when in the hallway without the teacher Students are to be given one day for each day absent to make up class work. Communication with parents is to be done through phone calls, notes, daily reports, and conferences. Parent conferences are to be scheduled. No walk-ins allowed. School-Wide Incentives • The daily school-wide attendance percentage is posted daily on a calendar posted near the entrance of the school. The calendar lists the attendance percentage for each school day for that designated month. Students will be rewarded through a list of progressive incentives. • A Fight Free! counter is also posted near the entrance of the school. The poster displays the number of days since the beginning of school accrued each day as well as the total number of days were fight free. Students will be rewarded through a list of progressive incentives. 36 Incentive Ticket for School Paw of Praise Presented to _______________________ Date _________ For ___________________________________________ Presented by _______________________________ 37 Teacher Incentives Teachers will be recognized and rewarded for the following: – The class with the highest 20 day attendance record will be announced over the intercom. – Teachers with perfect attendance each nine weeks will have their names placed in a raffle to win a donated item. – Teachers with 20 fight free days and/or the fewest office referrals will have their names placed in a raffle and receive a certificate. Certificate of Appreciation This certificate is awarded to at Bruce Elementary School in recognition of 20 Fight Free Days Principal Date PBIS Team Leader Date 39 Teacher Name ____________________________________________ Date __________________________ The Lesson I Observed was “DOGGONE” Good!!! Comments: ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Martha West, Principal Bruce Elementary School 40 We are bragging on…. BRAG TAG Teacher: ________________________ For: _____________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Date: ____________ 41 Resources for Incentives • St. John’s United Methodist Church • Burger King (Union Avenue) • Tabernacle of Praise Missionary Baptist Church • Memphis Civitan Club • Bruce Elementary Parent Teacher Association Communication with Parents & Community • NCLB/Title I/Parent Training/PTA Meeting on September 10, 2014. • Site-Based Decision Making Council meets monthly. • Communications and activities with parents and community members are done through the following: – Letter Home & Tuesday Folders – Website – Parent Newsletter – Parent Meetings – E-mail – Phone Calls 43 Character Education • Each week, one character word will be introduced to the students using the intercom by the principal during morning announcements. A schedule has been put into place so that each class can participate in the morning announcement of the character word of the week. • Students will complete one “Home-School Connection” concerning the character word of the month (examples include: creating a acrostic poem, creating a fight free poster, creating a cowboy vest, etc. ) • Teachers will read one book each nine weeks associated with the “Character Word” during Shared Reading Time ATOD PREVENTION • We support Drug Prevention by utilizing “Red Ribbon Week” (during a week in October). Activities are created by the School Counselor and Dare Officer. • We will utilize our community leaders to also come in to educate our children on drug awareness. • Morning Meetings are used to discuss Character Education and other pertinent factors • The Physical Education Teacher also works with character education and drug prevention programs. Bullying Prevention • The teacher training on “Bullying” to be completed by October 3, 2014. • The school counselor will continue provide strategies to the teachers for “Bullying”. • The counselor will completed classroom guidance sessions with students with follow up presentations throughout the school year. • The school counselor will conduct trainings with parents during Parent Meetings. • The Counselor will conduct small groups with students having problems with bullying. Violence Prevention Programs Program: Responsive Classrooms Behavior Interventions Conflict Resolution Character Education Bullying Peer Mediation Taught by: Teachers School Counselor School Counselor Teachers & School Counselor School Counselor School Counselor 47 Violence Prevention Programs • Teachers, the school counselor, and other school personnel will use the Bruce Catching Scholarly Interactions (CSI) to “catch” and highlight those students exhibiting positive behavior, Golden Tray Award for outstanding cafeteria behavior, and PAWSitive Behavior Paws. • Teachers and community volunteers will provide support for activities such as Strings, Beta Club, Chorus, Art Club, Bulldogs N Bowties, and Drum Team. • The school counselor will provide parent training for gang awareness and prevention, bullying, and Bruce behavior expectations. 48 Prevention Programs Students showing positive behavior Bruce Catching Scholarly Interactions 49 Prevention Programs Golden Tray Champion Award Bicycles donated by Tabernacle of Praise M.B. Church Cafeteria behavior tracker Prevention Programs ___________________________ for PAWS-itive Behavior Tier 2 Intervention Plan Students who have been referred to the office more than three times will participate in the following intervention plan: • Check- In and Check-Out Process- Students will check-in and check-out daily with the school counselor. • Small Group sessions will be conducted by the school counselor. • Behavior plans for repeated minor infractions and over 5 days out of school suspensions Intervention Strategies • Students who have been referred to the office 2 - 5 times, will receive: – Small group counseling based on the infraction (given by the school counselor) – Check In, Check Out system with counselor – Mentoring from community leaders – Behavior plans for repeated minor infractions and over 5 days out of school suspension (using BIM and other resources) 53 Behavior Education Program (Check-In, Check-Out) • • • • Clearly defined expectations. Increased positive reinforcement. Consequences for problem behavior. Increased positive contact with an adult in the school. • Opportunities for self-management. • Increased home-school collaboration. 54 Bulldog P.A.W.S. Check-In and Check-Out Record BEP Coordinator: ________________________________________ Date ____________ Check-In Student Name Paper Pencil Notebook Check-Out BEP Parent Copy Time BEP School Copy Time 55 BULLDOG P.A.W.S. - Bruce Elementary Daily Report Grades KK-2 Name ________________________________________________ Points Earned ___________ Date ________________________ Points Goal = 2 points Goals Reading/LA Math = 1 points Support / 40 Goal Reached? Yes No = 0 points Cafeteria Centers Dismissal Be Respectful Does not cry out Be Responsible Follows directions the first time given Be Safe Does not throw tantrums Be Prepared Strive to be Excellent Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Comment: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________________ 56 BULLDOG P.A.W.S. - Bruce Elementary Daily Report Grades 3-5 Name ________________________________________________ Points Earned ___________ Date ________________________ Points Goal 2 = Great 1 = Good / 70 Goal Reached? Yes No 0 = Not So Good Sci./Soc. Stud. Goals Reading/LA Math Cafeteria Support Centers Dismissal Be Respectful 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 Be Safe 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 Be Prepared 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 Strive to be Excellent 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 Be Responsible Teacher’s Comment: ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Comment:___________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________ 57 Additional Tier 2 Interventions – Self monitoring programs – Think sheets – Increased academic/behavioral supports & practices – Parent Training & collaboration – Self management training and support – Social skills instruction – Behavioral Contract 58 Secondary Intervention (Tier 2) Evaluation We will use the following for evaluation: • Comparison rate of Disciplinary Referrals to the office before and after intervention • Conduct grades before and after intervention • Small Group Evaluations • Anecdotal reports and student surveys Indicators of Success include: • Improved Conduct Grades • No referral to the office over a two week period of time Tertiary Interventions (Tier 3) • Teachers will refer students to the School Support Team after three level 3 or 4 office referrals. School Support Team will determine if students need small group counseling or a Functional Behavior Assessment. Behavior Intervention Plans will be developed as needed or recommended by the School Support Team. Tertiary Interventions (Tier 3) How will we monitor the success of interventions? • Compare the disciplinary referrals each 20 day period (causes of referrals) • Evaluate the number of home suspensions • Chart the number of fight free days • Teachers/Counselor’s comments about the interventions utilized • Check-in and check-out system Green zone 0 – 1, yellow zone 2 – 5, red zone 6+ office referrals CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT 1% 5% Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Primary Prevention: School-/ClassroomWide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings 94% of Students Comparing Data 100% 2% 5% 1% 5% 80% 6+ Referrals 2-5 Referrals 0-1 Referrals 60% 40% 93% 94% 2012-2013 2013-2014 20% 0% Conclusion The PBIS School-wide Behavior Plan is an ongoing process. It was developed to create a conducive learning environment by a select group of individuals and ratified by the entire faculty, staff and school administration at Bruce Elementary. All stakeholders will share the responsibility of providing a safe and nurturing learning environment that promotes academic achievement and empowers students to become caring, responsible and successful. Safe Schools Staff –Charlotte Baucom, 416-4219 –Carolyn Matthews, 416-4220 –Robert Williams, 416-9965 –Janice Johnson, 416-4224 –Brenda Harper, 416-4213 –Shandeikka Beechem-Akibulan, 416-8112 –Adrian Stitt, 416-6333 65 Resources • MCS PBIS Data Website – – User Name: • Principal is prinloca (no space, insert your location number), • Assistant Principal is aprloca (no space, insert your location number and a, b or c depending on the number of AP’s), • Team Leader is tlloc (no space, insert your location number) • Password can be reset by calling Help Desk at 416-2700 • MCS Website – Forms will be under PBIS site (Go to Student Heading on MCS home page and School-wide Discipline Plans) • TN PBIS links & • Maryland PBIS • PBIS 66