Psych 200: Quiz Two Topics Newborn readiness for life Breathing

Psych 200: Quiz Two Topics
Newborn readiness for life
Breathing reflex
Eye-blink reflex
Pupillary reflex
Rooting reflex
Sucking reflex
Swallowing reflex
Babinski reflex
Palmar grasping reflex
Moro reflex
Swimming reflex
Stepping reflex
Infant states of arousal
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Functions of crying
Research methods used for infants
Preference method
Habituation method
High Amplitude Sucking method
Infant senses—hearing, taste, smell, touch, temperature, pain, vision
Visual perception
Depth perception
“Visual cliff”
Intermodal perception
Learning processes in infancy
Hearing Loss in Infants
Maturation and growth
Cephalocaudal direction
Proximodistal direction
Brain development
Sequence of motor skill development
Adolescent growth spurt
Secular trend
Psychological impacts of puberty
Adolescent pregnancy as a social problem
Hormones regulate development
Adequate nutrition for development is essential
 Marasmus
 Kwashiorkor
 Iron deficiency anemia
 Obesity
Nonorganic failure to thrive
Deprivation dwarfism
Chapter 7—Cognitive Development: Piaget’s Theory & Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Viewpoint
Cognitive development
Piaget’s background
Genetic epistemology
Cognitive equilibrium
How we gain knowledge
Scheme, organization, adaptation, assimilation, accommodation
Stages of cognitive development
Sensorimotor stage
Problem solving, imitation, object permanence
Preoperational stage
Symbolism, animism, egocentrism, appearance/reality distinction, centration, conservation,
decentration, reversibility
Concrete operational stage
Compare preoperational and concrete operational thinking
Formal operational stage
Hypothetical thinking
Inductive reasoning
Piaget’s contributions and criticisms of his theories
Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
Interaction with children’s environment
Ontogenetic, microgenetic, phylogenetic, & sociohistorical development
Tools of intellectual adaptation
Zone of proximal development
Egocentric speech
Private speech
Chapter 8—Cognitive Development: Information –Processing Perspectives
Compare computer operations to human mind
Fuzzy trace theory
Development of attention
Attention span, selective attention, ADHD, meta attention
Memory development
Event memory, autobiographical memory, strategic memory, mnemonics
Infantile amnesia
Scripted memory
Children as eyewitnesses
Analogical reasoning
Development of arithmetic skills