Endocrine System Lab Report: Glucose & Diabetes

Lab report 1 – endocrine system – Controlling glucose levels and diabetes mellitus
Use Physioex version 9.0 found on the Mastering AP: Exercise 4 – endocrine system; activity
2 – Plasma glucose, insulin and diabetes mellitus. Make sure that you do not skip any step and
that you save the experiments’ results.
Submit your report typed font size 12 with 1.5 spaces between lines
Submit your paper using the turnitin.com – paper without turnitin submission will not be
checked and will receive a grade of zero
Paper with over 30% similarity to other resources will be considered plagiarized and will
be turned to the dean of students.
Due date – 2/13/13 during class. No late submission will be accepted. Hard copy must be
submitted in addition to the electronic turnitin. No late submission and no e-mail
submission will be accepted unless approved by the instructor and with acceptable
If instructions will not be followed a grade of zero will be given
Points will be deducted for any of the following:
Unorganized lab report according to the following order – introduction, objectives,
material and methods, results, discussion – 5 points deduction
Title separate from paragraph - 5 points deduction
Table cut into 2 pages - 5 points deduction
Results without units (if needed) - 5 points deduction
Sentences that make no sense, irrelevant statements, spelling mistakes - 2 points for each
sentence or mistake.
Introduction (20 points)
When writing the introduction consider that it provides the background needed to understand the
experiment and to be able to explain the results.
In this section do not describe the experiment, do not explain results and don’t write your
objectives or hypothesis.
Do not write general statements that do not add to the understanding of the experiments (for
example: “the senses of smell and taste are extremely important and without them our life would
be tasteless.” OR “when you taste a delicious chocolate do you think on what happens in your
A scientific lab report is not a story – your writing should be informative, short and to the point.
Points will be deducted for any irrelevant statement!!
Instruction to writing the introduction
The introduction should include the following regarding glucose, insulin and glucagon:
What is the importance of glucose in the body?
Where are the hormones produced?
What is the function of each hormone and what is/are the target organ/s?
Describe the relationship between the 2 hormones
Describe briefly the 2 types of diabetes and their cause.
Absence of each of the above parts of the introduction will result in deduction of 3 points from
the introduction
Do not write the introduction as questions to answers
Objectives (5 points)
When writing the objective/s think what do you want to learn from the experiments, what is
your goal in performing the experiment/s. General statements or a sentence that state what
was done will result in a grade of zero for the objective. This is NOT hypothesis – you do not
need to predict the outcome of the experiments
Materials and methods (5 points)
- Give the details of the software you used – name, version, exercise #, activity #.
- DO NOT copy from the software all the steps of the experiment (points will be deducted if
steps will be copied)
Results (30 points)
Full and detailed presentation of the results is needed.
1. Submit a standard curve that you have created with the known samples (create a graph
from the results you recorded if you cannot copy it from the document)
2. Present the patients’ glucose levels in the blood in a table and add in the table for each
patient if was diagnosed with diabetes, pre-diabetes or healthy
Discussion (35 points)
Explain your results – do not describe the results again! Don’t repeat the introduction in the
discussion – doing that will result in a deduction of 10 points. Keep your discussion short and to
the point, don’t add “filler” irrelevant sentences (remember, each sentence like that will result in
a 5 points deduction from the grade).
Make your discussion clear by JUST EXPLANING YOUR RESULTS!
Do not write the discussion as a set of answers to questions.
In your discussion make sure that you address the following concepts:
Why does a person need to go through fasting before measuring the blood glucose
Why high blood glucose levels indicate that a person is suffering from diabetes?
Can you decide from the results if a patient has type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Explain.
What other tests need to be done to confirm the diabetes type?
What other symptoms will be present in a patient with diabetes?
A patient with untreated diabetes will suffer from metabolic acidosis (low blood pH).
Explain the cause for this disorder.
What treatment is given to type 1 and type 2 diabetes? Explain the difference in the
treatments’ approach to the 2 types.
Look at the tables below for the recommended daily carbohydrate consumption.
Should a person with diabetes stop eating carbohydrates completely? Explain your
What is the recommended daily carbohydrate consumption for people with diabetes?
References (5 points)
Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source! So are other websites. You can cite websites but ONLY
if you have other resources that can be your textbook or peer-reviewed papers
Write a list of references used in MLA FORMAT
Author. "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume number (Year): Page(s).
Monahan, Deborah J. "Teen Pregnancy Prevention Outcomes: Implication for Social Work
Practice." Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services 83 (2002): 431+.
DO NOT ADD name of database used, date and location of search
See more in the following link: