August 11, 2014 Poche’s Pep Talk September 28, 2015 READING LOGS DUE FRIDAY! BIG BUCK STORE ON FRIDAY! IMPORTANT DATES: St. Tammany Parish Fair Holiday on Friday-no school! •This week fourth graders will continue their work on a research topic from Call It Courage. They will complete a Power Point in the computer lab. It would be very helpful to have a flash drive if you do not already have one. Fourth graders will also continue their work on a Figurative Language booklet. •Fifth graders will continue reading Maniac Magee. BOTH GROUPS: •Please study for Classical Roots. You should know the weekly roots AND the definitions for the test on Thursday. •Remember to RAP (Repeat ,Answer, Prove) all graded text response questions. A cowboy rides into town on Friday. He stays two days, then leaves on Saturday. How can this be? Name that idiom! 4thTheme: Nature of Courage Literature: Call It Courage5thTheme: Nature of Society and Culture: Myths, Legends, Tall Tales, and Such Literature: McDougal Littell Unit 6 Novel: Maniac Magee