Syllabus -

Honors Geometry 1 Course Syllabus
Teacher: Julie Pittman
Phone: 979-732-5746
Conference: 8th Period - 2:04 to 2:56
Required Material:
 3-ring Binder with pockets
 Loose leaf notebook paper in binder
 Pencils
 Colored Pen for grading (not blue or black)
 Scientific calculator will be needed for homework sometimes – TI 83 Plus
(We will be using graphing calculators in class; it is not required, but highly suggested)
 One of the following supplies: 2 Triple A Batteries or Kleenex
Holt Geometry. This book will be checked out to each student in the beginning and will be returned in May. It
is yours to use at home during the year for supplementary information. DO NOT leave this textbook at school.
You will have one available for you to use in the classroom.
Classroom rules:
1. Be Respectful
• To Peers
• To the teacher
• To guests in the classroom
• With your language and actions
2. Be Prepared
• Be on time
• Have materials
• Participate in class - give 100% of what you have each day
• Be ready to learn
3. Be a hard worker
• Do your assigned work
• Participate in class
• Turn in work on time
• If you need help, ask
• Follow directions
Classroom Procedures
• Must be in the classroom when the tardy bell rings
• Missing supplies will result in points off
• Always use a pencil, work done in pen will not be accepted
• No Food or drinks allowed in class except capped water bottles
• Only use the calculator assigned to you and it must be returned at the end of the period
• You MUST do your work every day!
• Must be completed on time
• Name must be on the top of assignment
• All work and answers must be clearly written (No Work, No Credit)
Grading Policy
 Minor Grades – 50%
 Major grades – 40%
 6 Week Test/Progress (Homework) – 10%
Minor Grades
Minor grades consist of assignments and quizzes. These assignments are generally done during the class period
but at times they may be started in class and finished at home. Quizzes are done in class only. They may or
may not be announced ahead of time. These assignments and quizzes will be graded for correct responses.
Major Grades
Major grades consist of unit test and projects. Since this is an honors course, re-takes will not be available for
tests and late projects will have points deducted.
Progress/Participation/ Homework
Homework grades are based on completion and will be checked at the start of the class period. No late
homework assignments will be accepted. One participation grade will be given per six weeks.
Grades are updated frequently and posted on the bulletin board in the classroom by the student’s id number and
on the internet. Do not wait until the final week of the six week grading period to attempt to bring up an
My scheduled tutorials are in the morning from 7:40 to 7:52 and in the afternoon from 3:00 to 3:27. If you
receive mandatory tutorials because your grade was below 70 at either progress report or report card times, then
you must attend mandatory tutorial on Tuesdays from 3:00-3:27.
You do not want to be absent if you can avoid it. If you are absent the day before a test or quiz, you will be
expected to take the test or quiz the day that you return. Test days are announced far in advance so that you
may plan accordingly. Missed assignments will be posted daily in the designated folder. The student is allotted
one day for every absence to turn in missed work. Make-up tests or quizzes must be taken during tutorials
ONLY, not class time. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with missed work. Any student absence for a
school related activity must get the assignment before the missed day.
Electronic usage will not be tolerated. Students are not allowed to use their phone in class for any reason unless
specified by the teacher. The electronic device will be taken up by the teacher and disciplinary action(s) will be
followed according to the school’s policy.
Discpline Policy/Tardies
See student handbook.
Looking forward to a great year!!
I have read/understand and agree to all information and rules that are presented in this course
Student printed name:__________________________________
Student signature:_____________________________________
Parent / Guardian Name:_________________________________
Parent Signature:______________________________________
Parent Email:__________________________________________
Parent Phone:__________________________________________
**This must be signed and returned by the end of the first week**