Michael G. Morrow, P.E.
Data Processing Instructions
Shifter operands
Conditional execution and flags updates
Special cases with PC as destination
Memory Addressing Models and Modes
Memory Allocation
Allocation directives, alignment
ARM7TDMI Load/Store Instructions
Addressing modes
“Complexity is our friend.”
The data processing instructions all use a shifter operand
Mnemonic{cond}{S} Rd, Rn, <shifter_operand>
In general, Rd Rn operation shifter_operand
The non-destructive instructions will not use a destination register (Rd).
Some instructions reverse the operand order
MOV is a data processing instruction without Rn
Since shifts can be part of any data processing instruction, there are no dedicated shift instructions.
MOV{<cond>}{S} <Rd>, <shifter_operand>
if (cond is true)
Rd shifter_operand
if((S==1) AND (Rd==R15))
Flags (if S is appended and Rd is not R15)
N, Z, C (C is based on shifter operand)
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 cond 0 0 I 1 1 0 1 S SBZ Rd shifter operand
Immediate (I=1)
8-bit value, 4-bit rotate code
Signified by #<number>
No shift
Shifted Register
Shift count from immediate or register
Rotate Right with Extend
Rotates register right 1 bit through CARRY flag
If a
is used, the instruction will only be executed if the condition is true.
Flags are only updated if S is used
Some instructions (B, BL, CMP, CMN, TST,
TEQ, etc.) don’t use S
Using flags and conditions – what does this do?
R1, R1
R0, #1
R0, #0
R0, #-1
If R15 (PC) is the destination of a data processing instruction and S is appended
MOVS R15, R14 ;return from UNDEF mode
SUBS PC, LR, #4 ;return from IRQ/FIQ mode
In addition to the transfer into the PC, the
CPSR is loaded from the current mode’s SPSR.
Flags are not affected.
This behavior is intended to only be used to return from exception modes.
Do not do this in user or system mode – there is no SPSR and the results are unpredictable!
MVN – move negated
Shifter operand is complemented
Note that this is a 1’s-complement (NOT)
MRS – move CPSR/SPSR to GP register
MSR – move GP register to CPSR/SPSR
AND – bit-wise AND
BIC – bit clear (bit-wise AND with complement of shifter operand)
EOR – bit-wise exclusive-OR
ORR – bit-wise inclusive-OR
TEQ – test equivalence (non-destructive
TST – test (non-destructive AND)
ADC – add with carry
ADD – add
CMN – compare negative
CMP – compare
RSB – reverse subtract
RSC – reverse subtract with carry
SBC – subtract with carry
SUB - subtract
32x32 multiplies - 32-bit result
MLA – multiply-accumulate
MUL – multiply
32x32 multiplies - 64-bit result
SMLAL – signed long multiply-accumulate
SMULL – signed long multiply
UMLAL – unsigned long multiply-accumulate
UMULL – unsigned long multiply
*MLA* instructions do MAC operation:
Ry (Ra*Rb) + Rc
Linear Memory Addressing
Instructions/registers can specify the complete address
Segmented Memory Addressing
Instructions/registers do not contain the full address, just part of it (the offset )
The remainder of the address is furnished by a page register or a segment register
There may be multiple segment registers
The full physical address instruction/register is formed by combining the segment/page register and the offset from the
Advantages / disadvantages
Direct Addressing
The operand address is encoded into the instruction.
In variable length instructions, the full physical address can usually be encoded.
In fixed length instructions, usually only the least significant part of the address can be encoded
The remainder of the address can be set to 0 (base page addressing)
The remainder of the address can be obtained from a page register or segment register.
Register Indirect Addressing
The instruction specifies a register that contains the memory address to access
May also support updating the register as part of the instruction (auto-increment and
-decrement, pre- or post-, etc.)
Memory Indirect Addressing
A memory location (encoded in the instruction) contains the address to transfer to/from
Indexed Addressing
The physical address is calculated from a constant base address (encoded in the instruction) and the contents of a register
Typically used for accessing data in arrays
Base address = array starting address
Register holds (element index × element size)
If byte array, element size = 1
If halfword array, element size = 2
If word array, element size = 4
The processor may do the calculation automatically index * element size
Based Addressing
The physical address is calculated from a base address contained in a register, plus a constant offset encoded in the instruction
Typically used for accessing information in data structures.
Register holds starting address of structure.
Offset is distance from the start of the structure to the desired structure element.
Code can then access any instance of the structure just by changing register contents to point to it.
PC-Relative Addressing
The address is computed by adding an offset value encoded in the instruction to the current value of the program counter.
In many microprocessors, the PC is not part of the programmer’s model, so PC-relative addressing is considered distinct from indexed or based addressing.
The ARM will use PC-relative addressing to implement the appearance of direct addressing.
Distance from the instruction to the label must be known at assembly-time.
Memory operands
Stored in little-endian format
Data allocation directives
Identifiers and initializers
Constants vs. variables
Arrays and strings
Setting up a data area
Read-write AREAs are all linked into SRAM
All ARM memory addressing modes use a base register
Can also have a constant offset or use another register for the offset
The second register can also be shifted
The apparent ability to use direct addressing with the ARM will be obtained by using PC-relative addressing
Will look at how ARM accomplishes this later
The same idea will be used for the ADR pseudo-instruction
Load and store a 32-bit register
Does not matter if signed or unsigned
Address should be word-aligned, or rotated version of the next lower aligned word is loaded
Load and store an unsigned byte
On load, the value is sign-extended to 32-bits
Stores only access a single byte of memory
Base register +/- immediate offset
Address = (Rn) +/- offset_12
Syntax: [Rn, +/-#<offset>]
Base register +/- register offset
Address = (Rn) +/- (Rm)
Syntax: [Rn, +/-Rm]
Base register +/- shifted register offset
Address = (Rn) +/- (shifted Rm)
Shift modes with immediate shift count
Syntax: [Rn, +/-Rm, shift_mode #count]
Rn is unaffected by these addressing modes
Rn is updated with the calculated address
Syntax: [Rn, +/-#<offset>]!
Syntax: [Rn, +/-Rm]!
Syntax: [Rn, +/-Rm, shift_mode #count]!
Rn is used as the transfer address. Then, Rn is updated with the calculated address
Syntax: [Rn], +/-#<offset>
Syntax: [Rn], +/-Rm
Syntax: [Rn], +/-Rm, shift_mode #count
Load a signed byte/halfword from memory
Byte/halfword is sign-extended to 32-bits
Load and store an unsigned halfword
On load, the value is zero-padded to 32-bits
The addressing modes are similar to
LDR/STR, but are more restricted
Base +/- offset_8
Base +/- register
Pre-indexed and post-indexed
SWP – swap
SWPB – swap byte
Swap instructions exchange values between memory and registers in an atomic operation
These are used to implement semaphores, mutex’s, and similar inter-process synchronization structures
LDM/STM load and store multiple registers to memory in a single instruction
LDM{<cond>}<addressing_mode>, <Rn>{!}, <registers>
Addressing mode options
IA – Increment by 4 After transfer
IB – Increment by 4 Before transfer
DA – Decrement by 4 After transfer
DB – Decrement by 4 Before transfer
Register write-back controlled by “!”
Registers are always written/read from memory with lowest register number in the lowest address
Direct addressing (i.e. LDR R0, my_label)
Encoded as LDR R0, [PC, #±offset]
ADR (i.e. ADR R0, my_label)
Encoded as ADD/SUB R0, PC, #number
LDR – Load register
LDR R0, =(expression)
If expression is a legal immediate value, encodes as MOV/MVN
Otherwise, allocates a word to store expression in, then loads from that word using LDR with PC-relative addressing
LDR R0, =(label)
Allocates a word to store the label’s address in, then loads that word using LDR with PC-relative addressing
Create a source code template with a code area and a data area
Allocate a 100 byte array Bytes in the data area aBytes to the array in the code area Create a pointer
Declare a halfword variable initialize to 0xAA55
HwVar in the data area and aHwVar to HwVar in the code area Create a pointer
Use byte transfers to set HwVar to 0xCC33
Copy HwVar into R0 as unsigned and R1 as signed
Store the element’s index into the 1 st , 50 th , and 100 th elements of the array
If the 50 th element of the array is not zero, exchange the 1 st and 100 th elements of the array
References MOV instruction LDRB instruction SWAPB instruction Conditions
Reading for next week
Chapter 6, 8
Quiz #1 will be held Thursday, 3/1 at
7:15pm in room TBA.
Coverage will be over modules 1 and 2.
Calculators are not permitted. You may have a 3x5 card with handwritten notes.
The instruction set documentation will be provided.
If you have a conflict, please send me the details by email.
c signed character uc unsigned character i integer ui unsigned integer si short integer li long integer n an integer number where the actual size is irrelevant f float d double s string of characters sz string of characters, terminated by a null character b an integer or character used as a boolean value by single byte ct an integer being used as a counter or tally p pointer to a structure or general void pointer px pointer to a variable of class x, e.g. pi, pf, pli
Mnemonic extension
0000 EQ
0001 NE
0010 CS/HS
0011 CC/LO
0100 MI
0101 PL
0110 VS
0111 VC
1000 HI
1001 LS
1010 GE
1011 LT
1100 GT
1101 LE
1110 AL
1111 (NV)
Meaning Condition flag state
Not equal
Carry set / unsigned higher or same C==1
Carry clear / unsigned lower C==0
Minus / negative
Plus / positive or zero
No overflow
Unsigned higher
Unsigned lower or same
Signed greater than or equal
Signed less than
Signed greater than
Signed less than or equal
Always (unconditional)
(C==1) AND (Z==0)
(C==0) OR (Z==1)
N == V
N != V
(Z==0) AND (N==V)
(Z==1) OR (N!=V)
Not applicable
Obsolete, ARM7TDMI unpredictable
MOV{<cond>}{S} <Rd>, <shifter_operand>
if (cond is true)
Rd shifter_operand
if((S==1) AND (Rd==R15))
Flags (if S used and Rd is not R15)
N, Z, C (C is based on shifter operand)
LDRB{<cond>} <Rd>, <addressing_mode>
if (cond is true)
Rd[7:0] memory[memory_address]
Rd[31:8] 0
Rn end_address
SWP{<cond>}B <Rd>, <Rm>, [<Rn>]
if (cond is true)
temp (Rn)
(Rn) Rm
Rd temp
Flags are not affected
What are the primary functions of an assembler? What sorts of errors might it detect?
What are the primary functions of a linker?
What sorts of errors might it detect?