Department of Information Engineering University of Padova, Italy Handover procedures in a Bluetooth network Roberto Corvaja , Andrea Zanella {corvaja, zanella} COST273 Sep. 19-20, 2002 Lisboa TD (02)-146 Outline of the contents Bluetooth basic Handover algorithms Table-based handover (TBH) On-demand handover (ODH) Simulation model Experimental results Conclusions and future work Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 2 Bluetooth Technology What is Bluetooth? A wireless technology Proposed as cable replacement for portable electronic devices, BT provides short-range low-power point-to-(multi)point wireless connectivity A global industry standard in the making Initially developed by Ericsson, now BT is promoted by an industry alliance called Special Interest Group (SIG) Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 3 Bluetooth piconet Two up to eight Bluetooth units sharing the same channel form a piconet In each piconet, a unit acts as master, the others act as slaves Channel access is based on a centralized polling scheme Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 slave2 slave3 master slave1 master active slave parked slave standby 4 FH & TDD f(2k) f(2k+1) f(2k+2) master t slave t 625 s Each piconet is associated to frequency hopping (FH) channel The pseudo-random FH sequence is imposed by the master Time is divided into consecutive time-slots of 625 s Each slot corresponds to a different hop frequency Full-duplex is supported by Time-division-duplex (TDD) Master-to-slave (downlink) transmissions start on odd slots Slave-to-Master (uplink) transmissions start on even slots Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 5 Bluetooth scatternets Piconets can be interconnected by Inter-piconet Units (IPUs) IPUs may act as gateways, forwarding traffic among adjacent piconets IPUs must time-division their presence among the piconets Time division can be realized by using SNIFF mode Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 6 Next in the line… Bluetooth basic Handover algorithms Table based handover (TBH) On-demand handover (ODH) Simulation model Experimental results Conclusions and future work Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 7 Pure-Bluetooth Handover Scope: Hybrid networks (wired/wireless) Seamless transfer of slave connection from the origin master to the target master Make use of the wired connection between masters Pure-Bluetooth network Make use of standard Inquiry/Page/Scan modes Handover-time can be of the order of seconds Make use of accurate Page/Scan modes Devices are acquainted with slave’s clock & BT address The accurate paging reduces the time to the order of milliseconds Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 8 Table-based handover The slave issues an handover-request to its origin master and enters the page-scan mode The origin master forwards the request to the other masters and acquaints them with the slave’s parameters The masters start paging on the basis of a paging-table Only one master at a time is allowed to page the slave The slave just listens but DOES NOT reply to any page Once the paging-table has been scanned, the slave can choose the best master and synchronize to it The sequence of masters (table) has to be repeated once more to allow the synchronization between the slave and the chosen master The new master that takes the slave in its piconet, finally, signals the end of the procedure to the origin master Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 9 On-demand handover The slave issues an handover-request to its origin master and enters the page-scan mode The origin master forwards the request to the other masters and acquaints them with the slave’s parameters The target masters begin an accurate page of the slave The slave replies to the first page packet it gets The corresponding master connects the slave The new master issues an handover-complete message The other masters stop paging Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 10 Pros and Cons On-demand (ODH) Table-based (TBH) PROS Allows the slave to choose the best Fast and simple master after receiving several Does not require any coordination Does not require the knowledge of paging from different masters PROS Paging is collision-free CONS Needs coordination among masters Can take a long time for scanning the paging table Sep. 19-20, 2002 the network topology CONS No control on the choice of the new master (the first paging) Failure in case of paging collisions COST273 TD (02)-146 11 Next in the line… Bluetooth basic Handover algorithms Table-based handover (TBH) On-demand handover (ODH) Simulation model Experimental results Conclusions and future work Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 12 Simulation platform Simulator Tool: OPNET Modeler Ver. 8.0 The simulator does support Baseband protocols Link manager (LM) protocol Link layer control and adaptation protocol (L2CAP) Frequency Hopping, Paging, Inquiry, Scan Connection setup/release, Sniff Mode Handover for Bluetooth slaves The simulator does not support Multi-slot data packets Handover for master and gateway units Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 13 Model assumptions Pre-formed Scatternet Pure Round Robin polling strategy Roles of master/slave/gateway are pre-assigned Nodes have the same priority and get polled in cyclic order 2 piconets per gateway A gateway spends equal time in each one of its piconet Sniff mechanism is used to support inter-piconet switching Gateways are not coordinated Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 14 Next in the line… Bluetooth basic Handover algorithms Table-based handover (TBH) On-demand handover (ODH) Simulation model Experimental results Conclusions and future work Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 15 TBH-time statistic Sep. 19-20, 2002 Simulation parameters Scatternet with 3 masters 3 and 5 devices per piconet Sniff time N=10 slots 2 table-scanning repetitions 12 paging slots per master Results Handover time less than 100 slots Small dispersion Limited impact of the # of slaves COST273 TD (02)-146 16 ODH-time statistic Sep. 19-20, 2002 Simulation parameters Scatternet with 3 masters 3 and 5 devices per piconet Sniff time N=10 slots Results Handover time less than 25 slots Limited impact of the # of slaves Handover time better than TBH COST273 TD (02)-146 17 Sniff-time Simulation parameters Scatternet with 3 masters 3 devices per piconet Variable Sniff time Results Handover-time grows linearly with the Sniff-time Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 18 Number of devices Simulation parameters Scatternet with 3 masters Sniff time N=100 slots Variable number of devices Results Handover-time is only marginally dependent on the number of devices per piconet Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 19 Next in the line… Bluetooth basic Handover algorithms Table-based handover (TBH) On-demand handover (ODH) Simulation model Experimental results Conclusions and future work Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 20 Final Remarks Handover can be supported by an accurate paging Impact on the handover time Table-based handover Sniff time: strong impact Number of devices per piconet: weak impact Handover takes less than 100 slots Choice of optimum master is possible Exchange of information and coordination is required On-demand handover Handover takes less than 25 slots Choice of optimum master is NOT possible No coordination is required Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 21 Future work Next in the line… Simulator enhancements Multi-slot packets Physical channel characterization Implementation of dynamic scatternet formation algorithms Integration of handover and routing procedures Mathematical analysis of the scatternet capacity Sep. 19-20, 2002 COST273 TD (02)-146 22