Welcome To Child Development! - Sheffield

Welcome To Child Development!
Mrs. Sweigart
Mission of Course:
Students will learn the basic elements of child development and
discover what it takes to be a parent.
Important Concepts:
Children and Parenting
Learning About Children (Chapter 1)
Responsibilities of Parenting (Chapter 2)
Building Strong Families (Chapter 3)
Healthy Families
Family Challenges (Chapter 21)
Children’s Health and Safety (Chapter 20)
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Prenatal Development (Chapter 4)
Preparing for Birth (Chapter 5)
The Baby’s Arrival (Chapter 6)
The Baby’s First Year
Physical Development of Infants (Chapter 7)
Emotional and Social Development of Infants (Chapter 8)
Intellectual Development of Infants (Chapter 9)
The Child from One to Three (Toddlerhood)
Physical Development from One to Three (Chapter 10)
Emotional and Social Development from One to Three
(Chapter 11)
Intellectual Development from One to Three (Chapter 12)
Childcare and Early Education (Chapter 22)
The Child from Four to Six (School Age)
Physical Development from Four to Six *Chapter 13)
Emotional and Social Development from Four to Six
(Chapter 14)
Intellectual Development from Four to Six (Chapter 15)
The Child from Seven to Twelve (Tweens)
Physical Development from Seven to Twelve (Chapter 16)
Emotional and Social Development from Seven to Twelve
(Chapter 17)
Intellectual Development from Seven to Twelve (Chapter
Daily Structure:
10 minute writing assignment
Practical Problems for the day
Reading or Activity
Students will be required to spend 5 hours volunteering for the
French Creek YMCA at either their facility or at one of the
afterschool programs in our district. They will have to write a 2
page summary of what they learned through this experience and
how what they observed relates to the Child Development class.
For this students must complete and pass a background check. An
alternative assignment will be given if a parent so chooses or if the
student would not pass the background check.
Expectations and Consequences
Students should…
have respect for themselves, others, and the teacher at all times.
not talk when others are talking.
be prepared for class each day- the teacher will NOT supply materials.
be engaged in class discussions, note taking, activities, etc.
keep track of their own grades by recording assignments on a grade sheet, and checking their Pinnacle
Verbal warning
Phone call home
Office Referral
If behavior continues and alternative assignment will be given and student will not be allowed to
participate in class s/he proves that they will cooperate.
* Failure to complete course requirements will result in
assignment to LTI until all late work is received.
“One thing is sure. We have to do something.
We have to do the best we know how at the
moment . . . ; If it doesn't turn out right, we
can modify it as we go along."
— Franklin D. Roosevelt
“Parents can really help, but they can also really
hinder the development of their youngsters.”
- Coach Mike Krzyzewski
•Explain the best way to learn about children.
•Identify three areas of childhood that researchers
have studied.
•Summarize how children learn and develop
important skills.
•List the stages of development after childhood.
•Determine why observation is important in the
study of child development.
•Compare and Contrast different methods of
observation and interpretation.
“The most interesting information comes from
children, for they tell all they know and then
-Mark Twain
•Explain the best way to learn about children.
•Identify three areas of childhood that researchers
have studied.
•Summarize how children learn and develop important
•List the stages of development after childhood.
•Determine why observation is important in the study
of child development.
•Compare and Contrast different methods of
observation and interpretation.
“We find delight in the beauty and happiness of
children that makes the heart too big for the
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
• Explain the best way to learn about children.
• Identify three areas of childhood that researchers
have studied.
• Summarize how children learn and develop
important skills.
• List the stages of development after childhood.
• Determine why observation is important in the
study of child development.
• Compare and Contrast different methods of
observation and interpretation.
“Children make your life important.”
-Erma Bombeck
• Explain the best way to learn about children.
• Identify three areas of childhood that researchers
have studied.
• Summarize how children learn and develop
important skills.
• List the stages of development after childhood.
• Determine why observation is important in the
study of child development.
• Compare and Contrast different methods of
observation and interpretation.
“If you want children to keep their feet on the
ground, put some responsibility on their
- Abigail Van Buren
• Explain who can benefit from knowing about child
development and parenting.
• Describe the five areas of responsibilities for parents.
• Identify pressures involved in sexual development.
• Summarize the benefits of abstinence.
• Describe the possible consequences of sexual activity.
• Compare and contrast the options available to teen
• Explain what it means to be sexually responsible.
“Making the decision to have a child is
momentous. It is to decide forever to have
your heart go walking around outside your
- Elizabeth Stone
• Explain who can benefit from knowing about child
development and parenting.
• Describe the five areas of responsibilities for parents.
• Identify pressures involved in sexual development.
• Summarize the benefits of abstinence.
• Describe the possible consequences of sexual activity.
• Compare and contrast the options available to teen
• Explain what it means to be sexually responsible.
“It's not only children who grow. Parents do too.
As much as we watch to see what our children
do with their lives, they are watching us to see
what we do with ours. I can't tell my children
to reach for the sun. All I can do is reach for it,
- Joyce Maynard
• Explain who can benefit from knowing about child
development and parenting.
• Describe the five areas of responsibilities for parents.
• Identify pressures involved in sexual development.
• Summarize the benefits of abstinence.
• Describe the possible consequences of sexual activity.
• Compare and contrast the options available to teen
• Explain what it means to be sexually responsible.
“If there is anything that we wish to change in
the child, we should first examine it and see
whether it is not something that could better
be changed in ourselves.”
- C.G. Jung
• Explain who can benefit from knowing about child
development and parenting.
• Describe the five areas of responsibilities for parents.
• Identify pressures involved in sexual development.
• Summarize the benefits of abstinence.
• Describe the possible consequences of sexual activity.
• Compare and contrast the options available to teen
• Explain what it means to be sexually responsible.
“The most important thing a father can do for
his children is to love their mother.”
- Theodore Hesburgh
• Summarize the qualities that contribute to
building a strong family.
• Describe the different family structures.
• Discuss the trends affecting families.
• List the basic categories of children’s needs.
• Identify the three parenting styles.
• Summarize effective ways to guide children’s
“If you as parents cut corners, your children will
too. If you lie, they will too. If you spend all your
money on yourselves and tithe no portion of it
for charities, colleges, churches, synagogues, and
civic causes, your children won't either. And if
parents snicker at racial and gender jokes,
another generation will pass on the poison adults
still have not had the courage to snuff out.”
- Marian Wright Edelman
• Summarize the qualities that contribute to
building a strong family.
• Describe the different family structures.
• Discuss the trends affecting families.
• List the basic categories of children’s needs.
• Identify the three parenting styles.
• Summarize effective ways to guide children’s
“A loving family provides the foundation children
need to succeed, and strong families with a man
and a woman* - bonded together for life - always
have been, and always will be, the key to such
- Jim Bunning
* Or parents who love each other.
• Summarize the qualities that contribute to
building a strong family.
• Describe the different family structures.
• Discuss the trends affecting families.
• List the basic categories of children’s needs.
• Identify the three parenting styles.
• Summarize effective ways to guide children’s
“The thing about family disasters is that you
never have to wait long before the next one
puts the previous one into perspective.”
-Robert Brault
• Describe how parents can help children cope with
• List eight possible causes of stress in children.
• Identify nine categories of disabilities.
• Describe some of the traits exhibited by gifted children.
• Identify four major types of maltreatment.
• Summarize common reasons behind abuse and
• Explain what can be done to prevent child abuse.
"Take ANY Problem In Life And It Will Fall Under
One Of Three Categories... Money... Health....
or Relationships."
-John Harricharan
• Describe how parents can help children cope with
• List eight possible causes of stress in children.
• Identify nine categories of disabilities.
• Describe some of the traits exhibited by gifted children.
• Identify four major types of maltreatment.
• Summarize common reasons behind abuse and
• Explain what can be done to prevent child abuse.
“Our family is a circle of strength and love. With
every birth and every union, the circle grows.
Every joy shared adds more love. every crisis
faced together makes the circle stronger.”
- Unknown
• Describe how parents can help children cope with
• List eight possible causes of stress in children.
• Identify nine categories of disabilities.
• Describe some of the traits exhibited by gifted children.
• Identify four major types of maltreatment.
• Summarize common reasons behind abuse and
• Explain what can be done to prevent child abuse.
“Good health is one of the most important
ingredients for a happy and productive life.
And yet, many people do not have access to
health care and live in conditions that spread
-Robert Alan
• Explain how regular checkups and immunizations
can help prevent illness.
• Summarize effective ways to care for a sick child.
• Outline the steps to follow in an emergency
• Describe appropriate first-aid procedures for
three types of bleeding.
• Compare and contrast rescue breathing and CPR.
"...we all have an obligation as citizens of this
earth to leave the world a healthier, cleaner,
and better place for our children and future
-Blythe Danner
• Explain how regular checkups and immunizations
can help prevent illness.
• Summarize effective ways to care for a sick child.
• Outline the steps to follow in an emergency
• Describe appropriate first-aid procedures for
three types of bleeding.
• Compare and contrast rescue breathing and CPR.
"Safety and security don't just happen, they are
the result of collective consensus and public
investment. We owe our children, the most
vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of
violence and fear."
- Nelson Mandela
• Explain how regular checkups and immunizations can
help prevent illness.
• Summarize effective ways to care for a sick child.
• Outline the steps to follow in an emergency situation.
• Describe appropriate first-aid procedures for three
types of bleeding.
• Compare and contrast rescue breathing and CPR.
“Safety doesn't happen by accident.”
- Author Unknown
• Explain how regular checkups and immunizations
can help prevent illness.
• Summarize effective ways to care for a sick child.
• Outline the steps to follow in an emergency
• Describe appropriate first-aid procedures for
three types of bleeding.
• Compare and contrast rescue breathing and CPR.
“In the pregnancy process I have come to realize
how much of the burden is on the female
partner. She's got a construction zone going
on in her belly.”
- Al Roker
• List the methods of family planning.
• Outline what occurs during each of the three stages of prenatal
• Contrast miscarriage and stillbirth.
• Identify how ten major birth defects can be diagnosed.
• Summarizes the hazards that alcohol and other drugs pose to prenatal
• Assess why environmental hazards must be avoided during pregnancy.
• Describe how a fetus can be affected by certain illnesses the mother may
“Life is always a rich and steady time when you
are waiting for something to happen or to
- E.B. White, Charlotte's Web
• List the methods of family planning.
• Outline what occurs during each of the three stages of prenatal
• Contrast miscarriage and stillbirth.
• Identify how ten major birth defects can be diagnosed.
• Summarizes the hazards that alcohol and other drugs pose to prenatal
• Assess why environmental hazards must be avoided during pregnancy.
• Describe how a fetus can be affected by certain illnesses the mother may
“A baby is something you carry inside you for
nine months, in your arms for three years and
in your heart till the day you die.”
- Mary Mason
• List the methods of family planning.
• Outline what occurs during each of the three stages of prenatal
• Contrast miscarriage and stillbirth.
• Identify how ten major birth defects can be diagnosed.
• Summarizes the hazards that alcohol and other drugs pose to prenatal
• Assess why environmental hazards must be avoided during pregnancy.
• Describe how a fetus can be affected by certain illnesses the mother may
“A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring
inside... when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the
very first time, and a playful kick reminds her
that she is never alone.”
--Author Unknown
• List the methods of family planning.
• Outline what occurs during each of the three stages of prenatal
• Contrast miscarriage and stillbirth.
• Identify how ten major birth defects can be diagnosed.
• Summarizes the hazards that alcohol and other drugs pose to prenatal
• Assess why environmental hazards must be avoided during pregnancy.
• Describe how a fetus can be affected by certain illnesses the mother may
“A grand adventure is about to begin.”
- Winnie the Pooh
• Identify the early signs of pregnancy.
• Explain the importance of proper nutrition during
• List six categories of basic baby supplies.
• Describe why parents need to develop a budget.
• Identify ways expectant parents can prepare for the
birth of a child.
• Compare and contrast the options for the delivery of a
“A great joy is coming.”
- Author Unknown
• Identify the early signs of pregnancy.
• Explain the importance of proper nutrition during
• List six categories of basic baby supplies.
• Describe why parents need to develop a budget.
• Identify ways expectant parents can prepare for the
birth of a child.
• Compare and contrast the options for the delivery of a
“Everything grows rounder and wider and
weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all
and wonder who in the world you will turn
out to be.”
- Carrie Fisher
• Identify the early signs of pregnancy.
• Explain the importance of proper nutrition during
• List six categories of basic baby supplies.
• Describe why parents need to develop a budget.
• Identify ways expectant parents can prepare for the
birth of a child.
• Compare and contrast the options for the delivery of a
“Think of stretch marks as pregnancy service
- Joyce Armor
• Identify the early signs of pregnancy.
• Explain the importance of proper nutrition during
• List six categories of basic baby supplies.
• Describe why parents need to develop a budget.
• Identify ways expectant parents can prepare for the
birth of a child.
• Compare and contrast the options for the delivery of a
“Women's bodies have near-perfect knowledge
of childbirth; it's when their brains get
involved that things can go wrong.”
Describe the progression of labor.
Explain what happens during a cesarean birth.
List the factors that can contribute to a premature birth.
Describe a newborn’s appearance immediately after birth.
Identify the exams and procedures given to a newborn in
the first few days.
• Review what occurs during the hospital stay after delivery.
• Summarize the physical and emotional needs of a new
“Childbirth is more admirable than conquest,
more amazing than self-defense, and as
courageous as either one.”
Describe the progression of labor.
Explain what happens during a cesarean birth.
List the factors that can contribute to a premature birth.
Describe a newborn’s appearance immediately after birth.
Identify the exams and procedures given to a newborn in
the first few days.
• Review what occurs during the hospital stay after delivery.
• Summarize the physical and emotional needs of a new
Describe the progression of labor.
Explain what happens during a cesarean birth.
List the factors that can contribute to a premature birth.
Describe a newborn’s appearance immediately after birth.
Identify the exams and procedures given to a newborn in
the first few days.
• Review what occurs during the hospital stay after delivery.
• Summarize the physical and emotional needs of a new
“Childbirth is a time when a woman's power and
strength emerge full force, but it is also a
vulnerable time, and a time of many changes
presenting opportunities for personal growth.”
Describe the progression of labor.
Explain what happens during a cesarean birth.
List the factors that can contribute to a premature birth.
Describe a newborn’s appearance immediately after birth.
Identify the exams and procedures given to a newborn in
the first few days.
• Review what occurs during the hospital stay after delivery.
• Summarize the physical and emotional needs of a new
“Just as a women's heart knows how and when
to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to
pull back from fire, so she knows when and
how to give birth."
- Virginia Di Orio
“We need others. We need others to love
and we need to be loved by them. There is
no doubt that without it, we too, like the
infant left alone, would cease to grow, cease
to develop, choose madness and even
- Leo F. Buscaglia
• Identify the four major influences on an infant’s growth
and development.
• Summarize how a baby typically grows in the first year.
• Explain how to safely hold a baby.
• Identify how to meet a baby’s nutritional needs.
• Describe the best type of clothing suitable for a baby.
• Describe how to bathe a baby.
• Explain why checkups and immunizations are
important for babies.
"A baby will make love stronger, days
shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home
happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten,
and the future worth living for“
- Anonymous
• Identify the four major influences on an infant’s growth
and development.
• Summarize how a baby typically grows in the first year.
• Explain how to safely hold a baby.
• Identify how to meet a baby’s nutritional needs.
• Describe the best type of clothing suitable for a baby.
• Describe how to bathe a baby.
• Explain why checkups and immunizations are
important for babies.
"People who say they sleep like a baby usually
don't have one.“
- Leo J. Burke
• Identify the four major influences on an infant’s growth
and development.
• Summarize how a baby typically grows in the first year.
• Explain how to safely hold a baby.
• Identify how to meet a baby’s nutritional needs.
• Describe the best type of clothing suitable for a baby.
• Describe how to bathe a baby.
• Explain why checkups and immunizations are
important for babies.
“Babies control and bring up their families as
much as they are controlled by them; in fact ...
the family brings up baby by being brought up
by him.”
- Erik H. Erikson
• Identify the four major influences on an infant’s growth
and development.
• Summarize how a baby typically grows in the first year.
• Explain how to safely hold a baby.
• Identify how to meet a baby’s nutritional needs.
• Describe the best type of clothing suitable for a baby.
• Describe how to bathe a baby.
• Explain why checkups and immunizations are
important for babies.
“Babies need social interactions with loving
adults who talk with them, listen to their
babblings, name objects for them, and give
them opportunities to explore their worlds.”
- Sandra Scarr
• List six basic emotions that babies experience.
• Explain the role of attachment in a baby’s emotional
• Describe how temperament affects a baby’s social
• Explain how the emotional climate of the home can affect a
baby’s development.
• Explain how a baby learns social behavior.
• Identify play and exploration help a baby develop socially.
“Child rearing myth #1: Labor ends when the
baby is born.”
- Anonymous
• List six basic emotions that babies experience.
• Explain the role of attachment in a baby’s emotional
• Describe how temperament affects a baby’s social
• Explain how the emotional climate of the home can affect a
baby’s development.
• Explain how a baby learns social behavior.
• Identify play and exploration help a baby develop socially.
“Children are a handful sometimes, A heartfull
all the time...”
- Author Unknown
• List six basic emotions that babies experience.
• Explain the role of attachment in a baby’s emotional
• Describe how temperament affects a baby’s social
• Explain how the emotional climate of the home can affect a
baby’s development.
• Explain how a baby learns social behavior.
• Identify play and exploration help a baby develop socially.
Describe how a baby’s experiences increase brain function.
Explain how the brain becomes organized.
List four abilities that show intellectual growth in infants.
Identify specific abilities and babies learn during Piaget’s
first period of learning
• Name five ways caregivers can encourage learning.
• Discuss how to choose toys appropriate for babies of
different ages.
“Loving a baby is a circular business, a kind of
feedback loop. The more you give the more
you get and the more you get the more you
feel like giving.”
- Penelope Leach
• List six basic emotions that babies experience.
• Explain the role of attachment in a baby’s emotional
• Describe how temperament affects a baby’s social
• Explain how the emotional climate of the home can affect a
baby’s development.
• Explain how a baby learns social behavior.
• Identify play and exploration help a baby develop socially.
“A baby changes your dinner party conversation
from politics to poops.”
- Maurice Johnstone
Describe how a baby’s experiences increase brain function.
Explain how the brain becomes organized.
List four abilities that show intellectual growth in infants.
Identify specific abilities and babies learn during Piaget’s
first period of learning
• Name five ways caregivers can encourage learning.
• Discuss how to choose toys appropriate for babies of
different ages.
“I know how sobering and exhausting
parenthood is. But the reality is that our
children's future depends on us as parents.
Because we know that the first years truly last
- Rob Reiner
Describe how a baby’s experiences increase brain function.
Explain how the brain becomes organized.
List four abilities that show intellectual growth in infants.
Identify specific abilities and babies learn during Piaget’s
first period of learning
• Name five ways caregivers can encourage learning.
• Discuss how to choose toys appropriate for babies of
different ages.
“But the hearts of small children are
delicate organs. A cruel beginning in this
world can twist them into curious shapes.”
-Carson McCullers
Describe how a baby’s experiences increase brain function.
Explain how the brain becomes organized.
List four abilities that show intellectual growth in infants.
Identify specific abilities and babies learn during Piaget’s
first period of learning
• Name five ways caregivers can encourage learning.
• Discuss how to choose toys appropriate for babies of
different ages.
“That most sensitive, most delicate of
instruments -- the mind of a little child!”
- Henry Handel Richardson
Describe how a baby’s experiences increase brain function.
Explain how the brain becomes organized.
List four abilities that show intellectual growth in infants.
Identify specific abilities and babies learn during Piaget’s
first period of learning
• Name five ways caregivers can encourage learning.
• Discuss how to choose toys appropriate for babies of
different ages.
“If evolution really works, how come mothers
only have two hands?”
- Milton Berle
“We worry about what a child will become
tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone
- Stacia Tauscher
“Children need love, especially when they do
not deserve it.”
- Harold Hulbert
“A child can ask questions that a wise man
cannot answer.”
- Author Unknown
“Children are unpredictable. You never know
what inconsistency they're going to catch you
in next.”
- Franklin P. Jones
“While we try to teach our children all about
life, Our children teach us what life is all
- Angela Schwindt
• Children Ages 1-3
“A child seldom needs a good talking to as a
good listening to.”
- Robert Brault
• Child Care and Education
A rose can say "I love you",
orchids can enthrall,
but a weed bouquet in a chubby fist,
yes, that says it all.
~Author Unknown
• Children Ages 4-6
“Our genes make us immortal.”
- The Secret of Life, PBS
• Children Ages 7-12
“It is easier to build strong children than to
repair broken men.”
- Frederick Douglass
“There are no seven wonders of the world in the
eyes of a child. There are seven million.”
- Walt Streightiff
“Little children, headache; big children,
- Italian Proverb
“Adolescence is perhaps nature's way of
preparing parents to welcome the empty
- Karen Savage and Patricia Adams
“Too many of today's children have straight
teeth and crooked morals.”
- Unknown high school principal