“All Aboard the Energy Bus!” Welcome and Participation Statements (Tell story about seminary class) Brain-Compatible Checklist In what circumstances did George find himself at the beginning of the book? Everything happens for a reason. (Show video of bus driver hero.) Introduce “My Energy Affirmations.” I. “I’m the driver of my bus.” (thumb in chest and driving steering wheel) “If you don’t take responsibility for your life and control of your bus, then you can’t take it where you want to go.” P. 26 “You can take the wheel and choose to create your life, one thought, one belief, one action, one choice at a time.” P. 28 “It’s your bus and you’re the driver and you choose where you are going and the kind of ride it’s going to be.” P. 28 “No one can choose your attitude but you… No one else can choose your energy.” P. 28-29 P. 29 – Power of the smile ACTIVITY: Write vision. “There is an energy to thought and when you identify what you desire and write down your vision, you begin the process of mobilizing the energy to create the life you want. After all, you can’t go somewhere if you don’t have a vision of where you want to go.” Set expectations. “No talking while the music plays. When you finish, you may step out into the foyer to talk. I’ll be over here if you have a question or need help.” Put the TISD Mission Statement on the screen. Discuss and share. II. “I will allow desire, vision and focus to move my bus in the right direction.” (sign for desire, vision = 2 fingers eyes and outward, focus = telescope) GAME: Balloon focus “Every day… focus on your vision for 10 minutes and see yourself creating everything you wrote down on that paper.” The brain works to make what you think come true… power of affirmations. Also, law of attraction: “The more we focus on something, the more we think about something, the more it shows up in our lives.” (p. 42) “Telephone Telepathy) Also, self-fulfilling prophecy: a statement that alters actions and by doing so, actually causing the thing to come true. Synergistic accumulative effect: Two or more people’s expectations are more powerful than one person’s Importance of language: Saying things like “I’m surviving,” “I’m hanging in there,” or “I’ve been better,” creates those negative circumstances. Similarly, saying, “I’m fantastic,” or “Having a wonderful day,” creates those positive realities. The Law of Attraction says you’ll attract what you say and believe. “Nowhere is this more true than in education, where teachers’ expectations of students are crucial.” Rosenthal 1971 Harvard – “strain of super-intelligent rats” ½ got smart rats, ½ got “dull” rats - smart rats improved daily… dull rats refused to budge 29% of the time – bright rats only refused 11% of the time. Rosenthal and Jacobson – selected 20% and labeled them “intellectual bloomers” - - these kids showed average IQ gains of 2 points verbal, 7 pts in reasoning and 4 pts in overall IQ. Oedipus… Greek myth… Oedipus fulfills the oracle’s prophecy that he will kill his father and marry his mother, by striving to avoid the prophecy. Modern example in literature: Harry Potter series evolves around Lord Voldemort hearing a partial version of a prophecy that a child would be born on a certain day whose power would equal his own. In an attempt to prevent that from happening, he attacked the child in question (Harry). In the attack, which failed, Voldemort unwittingly imbued Harry with his own powers. Had he not acted in this way, Harry would have grown up just as any other wizard. Instead, Voldemort brought the prophecy to life. Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on learning to alter perception in treatment of various mental and physical illnesses such as reducing chronic pain. Also, visualization and Olympic athletes. (Ask for coach’s perspective.) “I don’t allow complaining on my bus because if you are complaining you can’t be thinking about or creating what you do want. Plus your complaining also ruins everyone else’s ride.” P. 43 III. “I will fuel my ride with positive energy.” (positive = pump hands up like wonderful, energy = bubbling feelings) “If you want to change your situation, you must first change your thoughts. Because if you keep on thinking what you have been thinking, you’ll keep on getting what you have been getting.” P. 45 E+P=O Events + Perceptions = Outcomes “We can’t control the events in our life but we can control how we perceive them and our perception and response to the events determine our response.” P. 46 Choose wisely. Give examples… cancer diagnosis, flat tire View Thrive Under Change video www.sharkandgoldfish.com “Desire, vision and focus help you turn the bus in the right direction, but positive energy is necessary to take you where you want to go.” P. 47 “Every day, when we look at the gas pump of life, we have a choice between positive energy and negative energy.” “Where there is a negative, there is a positive.” P. 49 Video DVD: The Power of Attitude Thought blocking: Thought-replacement: “Where there is a void, negativity will fill it so we must keep fueling up with positive energy so the negative energy doesn’t have room to expand.” P. 48 We must fuel up daily. You can’t share the positive energy if you don’t have it yourself. P. 49 ACTIVITY: Analogy of dogs… feed the positive dog. P. 49 Work in groups to brainstorm the list. Pass out newsletter article for groups to read. Discuss ideas in article as well as their ideas. Thank You Walk – physically impossible to be stressed and thankful at the same moment p. 52 Endorphins Change the “Have To’s” into “Get To’s” – Job Description Golf addiction p. 53 – Give example of focusing on negative - football coach re-living game – Tell story: example from Andrews Center… one negative review. Instead, go to bed thinking of the one great thing that happened that day…this will inspire them to get addicted to life. One great way to do this to huddle with your team/group at the end of the week and have each person share their accomplishments, victories, and great moments of the week. This will produce great feelings on Friday that inspire you and your team to come back to work and make a difference on Monday. New Year’s “Word of the Year” instead of Resolutions “One Word that Will Change Your Life” newsletter and photo example. Zoom Focus. Each day when you wake up in the morning ask: “What are the three most important things I need to do today that will help me create the success I desire?” Then tune out all the distractions and focus on these actions. Model yourself after success. Are there people in your industry succeeding today? Of course there are. Seek out those people in your industry and ask to meet with them. Learn from their advice and model their attitudes and actions. If they can succeed, so can you. Focus on Success. Start a success journal. Each night before you go to bed, write down the one great thing about your day. The one great conversation, accomplishment, or win that you are most proud of. Focus on your success, and you'll look forward to creating more success tomorrow. IV. Let Go. Focus on the things that you have the power to change, and let go of the things that are beyond your control. You’ll be amazed that when you stop trying to control everything, it all somehow works out. Surrender is the answer. “I will invite people on my bus and share my vision for the road ahead.” (hand calls someone over; vision and then sign for road) Keep asking people to get on… the worst they can say is no. If you don’t ask, they won’t know to get on. Plus, the more people you pick up along the way, the more energy you create during your ride. You must share your vision with them… tell them where you’re going and your expectations for the trip. “If you don’t clearly communicate your vision of the road ahead, no one will want to travel with you.” P. 58 V. “I won’t waste my energy on those who don’t get on my bus.” (give them the hand and turn the head away) The Enemy is Negativity… not the person! Don’t take the negativity personally. Forget the people have names. Every person and every team will be tested on their journey. It is part of the curriculum of life. “You haven’t failed until you stop trying.” Negativity kills productivity… kills teams… and kills people. Good to Great “The good-to-great leaders began the transformations by first getting the right people on the bus (and the wrong people off the bus) and then figured out where to drive it.” P. 63 “The old adage, ‘People are your most important asset’ is wrong. People are not your most important asset. The right people are.” P. 64 I won’t worry about the people who don’t get on my bus. I won’t waste my energy on them. I won’t try to make them get on. I can’t drive anyone else’s bus. I can only drive my bus. Sorting laundry – Don’t worry about people who won’t get on your bus. Don’t worry about people who aren’t right for your bus. “The more energy you spend worrying about the people who didn’t get on your bus, the less you will have for the people who are on your bus… and less energy to keep on asking new people to get on.” p. 71 VI. “I will not allow Energy Vampires to suck out my Energy.” (use fingers to make a cross) Football coaches – football team – Got to be a positive force and a team player or you get left behind Students working on project… negativity on a grade level or team… minimize the negative forced and surround yourself with positive people… don’t give the negativity fuel or environment to grow in your space P. 162 Phrased appropriately. “Your success and life are so important that you must surround yourself with a positive support team. No one creates success in a vacuum and the people we surround ourselves with have a big influence on the life and success we create. If you want to be successful, you have to be very careful about who is on your bus.” P. 73 Eliminate any negativity on your bus. “This is where we’re going and to get there we need a positive and supportive team and whoever is negative will be kicked off the bus or left at the station. P. 74 Give people a chance to change, and if they don’t get it then you have to kick them off the bus. Or else they will ruin your ride. “Your positive energy and vision must be greater than anyone’s and everyone’s negativity. Your certainty must be greater than everyone’s doubt.” P. 77 If you have an Energy Vampire on your bus like a boss or someone you can’t kick off, you have to deal with them by being more positive than they are negative… you have to neutralize their negativity. ACTIVITY: Read the article, “Beware of Energy Vampires” VII. “I will live with enthusiasm to attract more passengers and to energize them during the ride.” (sign for live and then rub hands together eagerly) Positive energy is like a muscle… you have to exercise it regularly to make it stronger. The more you do it, the more natural it becomes. As you think back over successes and mistakes and “should haves” and “could haves,” it is a critical time that one improves if they are willing to learn, grow from mistakes, and build upon their success. 91 The goal is not to be better than anyone else, but rather, to be better than you were yesterday. Emotions… They can lift you up or bring you down. E-motion stands for energy in motion. Your emotional state is how the energy is flowing through you. We can take control of our emotions, charge ourselves up, and let the positive energy flow. P. 95 When you feel good, (happiness, enthusiasm, gratitude, passion, and excitement) everyone around you feels good. The gift you bring to the world is your presence of feeling good and being happy and bringing this to others. Being around happy and positive people makes people feel happy and positive… it gives them power. Conversely, when you feel bad and try to feel good by pleasing others, you only give away your power and this makes you weaker. P. 96 Change is your heart. “The heart is your power center. It’s where contagious positive leadership comes from…” p. 100 www.heartmath.org Research p . 100 - free downloads, stress education programs for the classrooms for purchase “We are broadcasting our positive or negative energy every moment of the day via our heart and people are picking up and receiving this signal.” P. 101 “Energy is the currency of personal and professional success today.” P. 104 EI – emotional intelligence Responsible for 80% of adult success Anyone can become a Chief Energy Officer! Enthusiasm attracts more passengers and energizes them during the ride. Affirmation and motions Look at challenges as opportunities to learn, grow and succeed. Enthusiasm comes from Greek entheos, “inspired” or “filled with the divine” “Just as every cell in the body beats to the frequency of the heart, everyone around you will beat to your frequency and your energy.” P. 110 Record beat of drum… get participants to try and beat to a different rhythm while it plays. VIII. “I will love my passengers.” (sign for help and shine) “Enthusiasm gets them excited about being on your bus, but love is what keeps them on the bus.” P. 116 Need common to all people… need to be loved and accepted We’re not talking about mushy love… we’re talking about seeking someone’s else’s good. Love takes time. Loves is a process. Love has to be nurtured. Love is bringing out the best in each person on your team. Love wants the best for others… wants them to shine. Loves helps others discover the value inside themselves. “The value is on the inside.” P. 118 (rock analogy) Help your team members discover their strengths. Allow them to do what they do best. Let them utilize their strengths on a daily basis… their value and their team’s value will increase tenfold. Letting people share their gifts and strengths is real love. When you bring out the best in others you can’t help bringing out the best in yourself. Love Your Passengers: Make time for them. Listen to them. Recognize them. Serve them (serve their growth, their future, their career, and their spirits). Bring out the best in them. IX. I will drive with purpose. (steering wheel and right index fingertip to left index fingertip) “I’m not going to live with fear and let fear get in my way.” P. 128 Purpose keeps our job fresh. (Example of the custodian at NASA… helping to put a man on the moon.) “When you fuel up with purpose, you find the excitement in the mundane, the passion in the everyday, and the extraordinary in the ordinary.” P. 132 “Once you find your bigger purpose and vision, then share it with your team. Once they are a part of this bigger purpose and vision, they will work harder and longer for you.” P. 133 “SHARED PURPOSE KEEPS A TEAM ENERGIZED AND TOGETHER.” P. 133 …”contributing to something bigger than themselves.” P. 133 QUESTION: Consider the way George had the group work on a vision with the project deadline approaching… Was the time spent on building vision a wasteful use of time? X. I will have fun and enjoy the ride. (hand on saddle and cowboy lazzo) “The goal in life is to live young, have fun, and arrive at your final destination as late as possible, with a smile on your face.” P. 143 Don’t stress over meaningless things… focus on the important things in life. Live with no regrets. Live and work like you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t compare the success of your bus to other buses. Just enjoy your ride. Ask your team regularly how we can be more successful and have more fun in the process. Ask how we can bring more joy to the work we do. (examples?) “It’s not just about the destination, but about the team you become along the way.” P. 164 LIFE LESSONS Everything happens for a reason… what you think is bad may lead to good. Life is a test. Every adversity helps us grow. Negative events and people teach us what we don’t want so we can focus our energy on what we do want. During a challenge, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this challenge? What is it teaching me?” If you must fail, at least fail forward. (Learn from your failure). Don’t focus on the past… except to see what you can learn from your experiences. Don’t invest only in the future… the future only brings what the present gives it. Focus on the path in the present. ACTIVITY: P. 151-153 (Illustrate a lesson from these pages or quotes from anywhere in the book… on chart tablet.)