Cell City Project Introduction What comes to mind when you think of going to a pizza parlor? Can you smell the aroma of cheese, pepperoni, onions, or picture the employees making pizzas? Can you hear music playing in the background as well as sounds from people laughing and talking? People come in and go out, taking boxes of pizzas-to-go. What a flurry of activity! Cells, the basic units of life, can be compared to a pizza parlor, a factory, and even an entire city. These cells are busy building and breaking down macromolecules. They are at work releasing energy from foods, and then using that energy to make needed cell parts. Together, your cells function to make your body operate like a well-run business, factory or city. The Process 1. Before you can construct a cell city, you must research each cell organelle to determine its function and how it works with other cell parts to function correctly. Complete the “Cell Structure & Function Worksheet.” 2. Determine what you will compare your cell organelles to. )Suggestions include a city, a school, even a football team. If you can explain how each organelle compares to each structure/person then I will accept any analogy.) Complete the “Cell Analogy Worksheet.” 3. Create your book. Draw/color/create a picture of the organelle and a picture of the analogy. Below the pictures explain in a 2-3 sentences what the function of the organelle is, what your analogy is, and how the analogy fits the function. Label the page with a creative title, such as “Vacuole Lake.” Complete enough pages for each of the organelles in the list above along with a cover page of your city. Example Layout of Each Book Page: Creative Title Picture of Analogy Picture of Organelle Explanation of what the function of the organelle is, what your analogy is, and how the analogy fits the function Cell City Project The Cell City Project Rubric The assignment with ALL pieces (both worksheets and book) is due on ___________________. *Include all worksheets and this packet to your final project* THIS IS A MAJOR GRADE!!! Here are the points for the assignment. 71 points total, fill in Yes/No column before submitting this paper with your work. Criteria Includes analogy of cell membrane (and cell wall if plant). Includes analogy of cytoplasm Includes analogy of nucleus Includes analogy of nuclear membrane Includes analogy of golgi apparatus Includes analogy of nucleolus Includes analogy of endoplasmic reticulum Includes analogy of ribosomes Includes analogy of mitochondria Includes analogy of vacuole Includes analogy of lysosomes animal cell) or chloroplasts (if plant cell) Includes analogy of cytoplasm Analogy is creative Analogy is a visual tool to understand the parts of the cell. Analogy is artistic Answers to both Cell Structure & Function Worksheet AND Cell Analogy Worksheets are turned in on separate paper with all analogies written out. Total Score (possible 71 points) Comments: Yes No Poor Average Excellent 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 4 6 2 4 6 5 15 20