BE PREPARED… o Grab papers from the table o Get 4 colors (pencils or highlighters) o Take out HW 1. Chapter 15-2 Notes 2. Cartoon HOMEWORK: 16.2 Notes #1-23 The classroom has been divided up. Suppose Mr. Berlanda and GR are allowing one of the groups today to earn candy. Both groups will have a chance to vote on which side should get the candy! The group that has more votes…wins! Group 1 – How would you feel if your fellow classmate joined your group? Why? Group 2 – How would you feel if your fellow classmate joined the other group? Why? 1) What did Thomas Jefferson know could eventually tear the country apart? The issue of slavery 2) By the year 1819, how many slave states were in the Union? 11 slave states were in the Union “Free” “Slave” 3) How many slave states were in the Union? 11 free states were in the Union “Free” “Slave” 4) Why were Northern states upset that Missouri wanted to become a “slave state”? If Missouri became a slave state, the south would have a majority in the Senate Your fellow classmate __________, go join group 1 5) Who created a compromise to uphold the balance of free and slave states? Henry Clay – “The Great Compromiser” 6) What were the THREE parts of the Missouri Compromise? 1) Maine became a free state 2) Missouri became a slave state 3) A line was drawn at 36⁰30’ (southern border of Missouri). Land above the line banned slavery. Land below the line allowed slavery. 7) Vocab. – Missouri Compromise Created by Henry Clay; kept the balance between slave and free equal; drew a line under Missouri, South is slave, North is free; Missouri is slave, Maine is free If Missouri entered the Union as a slave state, the south would have a majority in the Senate Missouri enters as a ___ state and ___ enters as a ___ state 36⁰, 30’ A line was drawn separating Louisiana Purchase land (future free and slave states) The year is 1850 and new states (free and slave have been added) according to the Missouri Compromise FREE SLAVE Michigan Wisconsin Iowa Maine Illinois Indiana Ohio Vermont Rhode Island New York New Hampshire Massachusetts Connecticut New Jersey Pennsylvania Florida Texas Arkansas Missouri Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Tennessee Kentucky Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Maryland Georgia Delaware What’s the problem with this? Copy these states onto the page in your packet John C. Calhoun of South Carolina threatens SECESSION (withdraw from the Union) #18 Parts of the Compromise South 3) Fugitive Slave Law required all citizens to help capture runaway slaves. North 1) California enters as a free 4) The people in the state New Mexico and Utah 2) Slave trade territories will decide banned in if their states become Washington slave or free – NOT D.C. CONGRESS Fill in the Compromise of 1850 map Indian Territory Popular sovereignty gave the people the right to decide issues (like slavery)