UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH GRANT APPLICATION PACKET STUDENTS OF ALL DISCIPLINES ARE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY During the 2015-2016 academic year, Undergraduate Research Grant applications will be reviewed after two deadlines: NOVEMBER 2 and FEBRUARY 15. Applications must be emailed from your @cwu.edu email account to our@cwu.edu (Office of Undergraduate Research) by 5 p.m. on those dates. All Central Washington University undergraduate students who are admitted to degree programs may apply for a grant to offset expenses associated with mentored research, scholarship, or creative activity. Only complete applications will be considered. The maximum amount available per individual project is $500.00 and per group project with three or more students is $1,200. Students should develop proposals in collaboration with their faculty mentor(s). All awardees are required to present at SOURCE. All funds must be consumed by June 15, 2016, or the funds will revert back to the Office of Undergraduate Research, unless otherwise specified. All grants are pending available university funding. Research funds can be used for travel to conduct research, but Travel Authorization forms must be completed online prior to the travel (see additional directions in this packet). Research funds CANNOT be used for xeroxing/copying of documents on campus, financial incentives/reimbursement of human research participants, or projects required as part of standard coursework. If you have any questions, please contact Anne Egger, the Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research, annegger@geology.cwu.edu or by phone at 509-963-2870. Last Updated 10/6/2015 Undergraduate Research Grant Application Directions Individual student projects are eligible for a maximum amount of $500. Projects involving three or more students are eligible for a maximum amount of $1,200. Faculty or instructor mentors are limited to a maximum of $1500 in research funding for their students through the Office of Undergraduate Research per academic year. Grammatical or spelling errors will negatively impact the likelihood of full funding. The application packet MUST include the following materials in a single, electronic document: 1) COVER SHEET (included in packet) and a list of additional students involved in the project for group applications (included in packet) 2) Typed abstract or creative artistic statement of the project (150 words maximum). 3) Typed project description of three pages or less (double spaced, 12-point font) that includes the following labeled sections: - Project goals and objectives - Relationship to previous research/knowledge in the field (literature review) - Clear statement of methodology/research design. For group projects, each student’s anticipated contribution(s) or focus should be clearly communicated in this section. - Timeline of research/creative activity for successful completion of the project - Anticipated results - Plans for dissemination. For group projects, indicate anticipated co-authorship on presentations or publications. - Cited literature or References (not included in 3-page limit). 4) Detailed budget and budget justification, including costs of supplies and materials, equipment, and other relevant costs. For each item, include actual cost, amount requested, and amount requested or received from other sources. - A sample budget and justification is included in this packet. Funds CANNOT be used for xeroxing/copying of documents on campus, financial incentives/reimbursement for human research participants, or projects required as part of standard coursework. - If you are requesting travel funds to conduct research, include the travel budget form from the Undergraduate Travel Grant Application Packet and, prior to your travel, complete an online Travel Authorization form with the help of the SURC Accounting/Club office. 5) A signed endorsement from your sponsoring faculty or instructor mentor that includes: - A statement of the mentor's willingness to work with the student(s) and help the student(s) prepare results for submission of presentations, posters, and/or manuscripts. - A justification of this willingness based on: (a) the prior work and abilities of the student(s); (b) the benefits of the research to educational experience of the student(s); and (c) how well the proposed work will contribute to the mentor's on-going research. - An explanation of why funds are needed if the faculty or instructor mentor is funded from other sources or a statement of lack of funding from other sources. - A list of any other of the mentor’s students funded through OUR in the current academic year 6) If applicable, include relevant documents for human/animal subjects clearance and for standard operating procedures involving the handling of dangerous animals, equipment, or materials. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that the application has all the required elements. Last Updated 10/6/2015 UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH GRANT: ADDITIONAL DIRECTIONS For research projects involving live, vertebrate animals: Research proposals involving live, vertebrate animals must be approved in advance by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). For more information and forms, go to http://www.cwu.edu/iacuc/. For research projects involving human participants: The federal government regulates strict guidelines when human subjects are involved in research projects, including studies that use (a) data collected through interventions, interactions, or observations with human participants (e.g., surveys, interviews, testing, or observational procedures); and/or (b) existing data sets containing any personal information (e.g., medical records, educational records, voting records). For more information, go to http://www.cwu.edu/hsrc/. To receive funding for projects involving human participants, students must follow the guidelines of the Human Subjects Review Committee (HSRC). HSRC review and approval must be obtained prior to initiating your research; studies cannot be approved retroactively Student MUST have submitted their project to the HSRC (i.e., pending) in order to apply for funding. No grants will be released until approval from the HSRC is received. For research projects involving travel: If you are requesting travel funds to conduct research, you must include a travel budget as outlined in the Undergraduate Travel Grant Application Packet. Details regarding per diem and mileage costs may be accessed at http://www.cwu.edu/financial-affairs/travel An online Travel Authorization form MUST be completed PRIOR to your travel. SURC Accounting, SURC Room 263, 509-963-1328, will help you complete your Travel Authorization. International travel must be approved in advance by Steve Cook (cookse@cwu.edu) in the Office of International Studies and Programs. All reimbursable travel expense receipts must be turned into SURC Accounting within two weeks of your award or the end of your travel (whichever is later). For research involving hazardous or dangerous animals, equipment, or supplies: Standard operating procedures (SOPs) should be appended to the proposal for any procedures or substances that would be classified as hazardous in the field of study. Examples can include hazardous chemicals, working with lasers, working with venomous or aggressive animals, or working with infections microbes. These are merely examples and the student should consult with their mentor about those procedures and substances that would be defined as hazardous. These SOPs may be as long as necessary and do not count towards the page limits of the proposal. Last Updated 10/6/2015 UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH GRANT: BUDGET INFORMATION Prioritize and explain each expense. Consider, if you are not fully funded, which aspects of your budget would be the most important to be funded. Include the relevance of all budget items in your justification. Limit your requests to essential supplies. If you are requesting equipment: o Indicate the estimated unit cost for each item to be purchased, and briefly justify the need for each item. o Indicate where the equipment will reside after the end of your project (all equipment purchased remains the property of the university). If you require materials and supplies, o Itemize them by nature of expense. o Provide the basis for cost estimates or computations (e.g., vendor quotes, photocopies of catalog pages, internet URL of catalog, prior purchase of similar or like items, etc.). o If you request chemicals, include the name of the chemical, the amount needed, and the unit price. For example, if your project requires acetic acid, state the chemical (Acetic Acid 0.3%), amount needed (16 oz.) and price ($23.50), and the basis of your price (PolyScientific: http://www.polyrnd.com/acetic-acid-3-aqueous-10185.html) General expense categories that are not justified may not be funded. For example, listing “miscellaneous office supplies -- $75” would need to be further detailed, reasonable, and essential. All funds must be consumed by June 15, 2016, or the funds will revert back to the Office of Undergraduate Research. If students receive a grant after they have expended funds for a project, they may be reimbursed for those expenses for which they have kept receipts but those reimbursable receipts must be turned into SURC Accounting within two weeks of the award notification. Expenditures are limited to those items detailed in the original proposal. Any significant changes to the proposed budget must be approved in advance by the Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research, Anne Egger, at annegger@geology.cwu.edu . Last Updated 10/6/2015 UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH GRANT: SAMPLE BUDGET Budget Justification The most important chemicals needed will be ethanol because it will be used to extract chlorophyll-a, which will be a main predictor variable in the study. The weighing pans will also be required to measure the mass of the sponges to determine mass lost due to microbial/heterotrophic consumption. Agar will be important if we have to redeploy the NDSs due to an uncontrolled experimental mishap (for example, unanticipated high stream flow or theft of materials in the stream). Ammonium chloride will be used to add the nitrogen source into the agar, and potassium monobasic phosphate will be used to put phosphorous into the agar. The ammonium chloride and potassium monobasic phosphate are currently in stock in the biology lab, as are the other chemicals listed in priority order. All cost estimates came from Fisher Chemicals. The Web site to find the costs listed is http://www.fishersci.com/wps/portal/HOME. Budget Itemization http://www.fishersci.com/wps/portal/HOME Description Amount Priority *1 *2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ethanol Fisher Chemicals A406P-4 8L Aluminum weighing pans Case of 10 VWR 12177-305 Packs of 50 Agar Fisher Chemicals S70213 500 g Ammonium Chloride Fischer Chemicals A661-500 500 g Potassium Monobasic Phosphate Fischer Chemicals P284-500 500 g Sulfuric Acid Fishcher Chemical A298-212 2.5 L Potassium Antimonyl Tartrate AC22380-5000 Thermo Sci Acros Organics No.:223805000 500 g Ascorbic Acid A61-25 25 g Ammonium Molybdate AC19352-0050 Thermo Sci Acros Organics No.:AC193520050 5g Totals: Actual cost Amount pending / received from other sources Amount requested from Undergraduate Research Advisory Committee $294.66 $294.66 $186.03 $186.03 $54.50 $35.19 $69.58 $69.58 $55.11 $55.11 $55.95 $55.95 $63.50 $63.50 $27.20 $27.20 $50.50 $857.03 $50.50 $357.03 $19.31 $500.00 Last Updated 10/6/2015 Undergraduate Research Grant -- Application Cover Page Type of application (select one): Application date (select one): Individual Application: November 2 Group Application: February 15 Total amount requested from the Undergraduate Research Advisory Committee: Student’s Name: Student’s Major: $ Student’s CWU Email: Year in School: (For Group Applications, please provide additional student presenters’ information on the following page) Faculty Mentor Name: Faculty Department: Project Title: Faculty Email: Faculty Phone: By checking this box, I assume responsibility for the activities outlined in this packet. I have read and understand the current guidelines regarding expenditures related to the proposed work. I agree to participate in the Symposium On University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE). Date: NO Will you be using animal subjects in any part of this research project? If yes, attach the approval or confirmation of pending approval from the IACUC. YES NO Will you be using human subjects in any part of this research project? If yes, attach the approval or confirmation of pending approval from the HSRC. YES Will you be handling dangerous animals, equipment, or materials? If yes, attach a standard operating procedure. NO YES Faculty mentor has read and reviewed this proposal and has been informed of what to submit to OUR by email NO YES NO YES Have the student(s) involved in this application previously applied for an Undergraduate Research or Travel Grant? If yes, list the student name, type of grant, application date, and amount received: Last Updated 10/6/2015 COVER SHEET PAGE 2 (Only Required for Group Research Grant Applications) Please list all additional students requesting funds through this application Student Name (Last, First) Major Year in School CWU E-mail 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Last Updated 10/6/2015