September 22, 2015
Board Members:
Heather Asbury, Dwight Carlson, Thang Chau, Corey Collins, Chris Condie, Rick Cornejo,
Max Ellis, Mike Finkelstein, Robin Fortney, Marcus Genzlinger, Natasha Greiling,
Samantha Igo, Paul Pashibin, Jacob Sheehan, Judy Shields, Ted Stephany, Lucas Wilson
Maude Lovelle, Jill Osiecki
Chanelle Crosby (Fjallraven), Mattthew Crockett (Ward 10) , Reid Sellgren (Parella),
Council Member Bender (Ward 10)
Not in attendance
Tuesday, September 22, 2015 from 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Lund’s Market, 1450 W. Lake Street, 2nd Floor Community Room
Call to Order
Discussion Leader
Marcus Genzlinger
-July and August2015 minutes approved
1st Dwight Carlson
2nd Ted Stephany
Ward 10 Update
Council Member Lisa Bender
-Bender reviewed City of Minneapolis proposal for Working Families Agenda regarding earned
sick time and fair scheduling and how this proposal can affect local businesses.
-All employees would be covered until there is a collective bargaining agreement
-Affects any business with one or more employees
-Employee will earn one hour of sick time for every 30 hours worked starting on first day
-Sick time can be used for mental or physical illness, to seek medical care, domestic abuse, care
of a family members, school closures due to weather
-Proposal would prevent employee worker coming to work sick
-Fair scheduling proposal calls for employee schedules to be posted 28 days in advance and
employee must be notified 24 hours in advance of a change. It has been determined that not
knowing work schedule causes disruption to life to those with multiple jobs and in need of
child care. Usually present with lower wage jobs.
-Questions were brought up concerning enforcement, fines and predictability pay
-Comments for both proposals are due by October 16
Parella Update
Reid Sellgren
-Parella had great success during the Uptown Art Fair. Management is looking at how to
capitalize on that more in 2016.
-Going to be offering new bar menu
-Encouraging to use restaurant for meetings or events
-Parella wants to be active in the community
Uptown Art Fair Update
Maude Lovelle
-Maude reviewed the analysis paperwork for the 2016 Uptown Art Fair provided to
all board members
-Budget to actual spreadsheet breaks down each revenue and expense item per 2015 budget
Total revenues = $624,689
Total expenses = $398,857
-Narrative budget explains what is included in each line item and how that dollar amount is
accounted for
-In-kind spreadsheet breaks down products and services donated or traded by category
Total = $303,115
Line items based on 2015 budget approved in December 2014
No in-kind dollars in budget unless indicated in 2015 approved narrative budget
Discrepancies noted below if + or – 20% from budgeted item
*Beer sales- Increased price to $7/cup and offered souvenir cup at $9/cup
* Misc Revenue- Increase due to tip jar buckets at all pop and beer booths
*Food vendor fees- Had more participants than in 2014. Did not use food vendors for
food at VIP and therefore did not waive their fee for trade
* Merchandise sales- Offered less variety of clothing which resulted in fewer choices and more
focused sales. Commemorative print shirt was very popular
* Beer garden- Only had one sponsor Summit
*Youth Art Fair- Did not secure a sponsor
*Wine Garden- Did not secure a sponsor
*Legal- Used UA attorney to negotiate dispute with EventNext and for contract negotiations with Heineken
*Supplies- Purchased orange mesh fencing and metal poles for Mall security
*Credit card fees- Had more sponsors, food vendors and businesses purchasing ad space processing their fees with a
credit card than budgeted
*Sponsor/Production Related- Proposed a final settlement with EventNext of $1,000. Will be voiding check in
September because they did not sign final agreement
*Sponsorship Sales Paid Nomad Marketing for their assistance in securing and working with several new clients
*Performance Stage- Did not include sponsor sales fee in budget, cost of sound/light production
*Artist equipment rental – Budget included one speaker and we needed two
*Misc. supplies food and beverage- Did not budget enough for pop and beer tent rentals; did not
budget enough for the expanded food court rentals at the bottom of the Mall
*Conference/Education- ED not attending September conference
*Personnel- Did not have a Marketing Coordination or Digital Content position as per budget
*Parking/Transportation- Sons of Norway waived their parking lot fee in trade for being the recycling
*Community Partnership- Did not offer space to a charitable cause in 2015
*Misc. artist exhibitor- Cut back on cost of artist solicitation because used UA lists to solicit locally
*Supplies artist exhibitor- Had supplies left over from 2014
*Pop and water- Cost of product was down because more beer was sold, also budgeted for a higher increase in
product from Pepsi than was actually needed
*Signage food and beverage- Better sign pricing and did not need as many banners
*Beer managers- Famous Dave’s did not provide as many employees as budgeted for
*Donations to non-profits- Workers in pop booths sold less pop and water and therefore received less of the profits
Board and Art Fair committee Survey Results (noted if 3 or more people had similar observations)
- 50% said signage good; 50% said needed better signage
- Event programs looked good
- More social media
- Artists were overall satisfied and had positive comments
- Commemorative artist was great; compelling story, liked print
- HQ location in Calhoun Square worked well
- Items needs to be looked at in event layout- culinary stage, food court areas , congestion
on the Mall
- 50% liked the food; 50% didn’t
- Performance stage- mostly positive comments
- Youth Art Fair- good layout and diversity
- Culinary competition- good crowds
- UA Booth- good energy from the volunteers
- VIP area- good food, liked menu variety
- Volunteer- short on many shifts, many cancellations, undependable people
Artist Survey Results (1 to 5 ratting, 5 being Very Satisfied from those reporting artists)
-Ease of registration
-Ease of set up
-Ease of tear down
-Helpfulness from staff
-2015 sales
-Plan to apply in 2016
Public Survey Results
Not compiled yet. Will distribute when completed.
President’s Report
Marcus Genzlinger
Discussion ensued as to how Uptown Association would look in 2016
Some confusion as to what we will be doing and what was agreed not to do earlier
Need to confirm what projects will align with new focus
Need to define an art fair mission
What about business support and connection
Need to create the value- new value
Need to define expectations
Explanation on new board structure – many questions on what that looks like and who
How does the current committee structure fit in with changes
How does the project structure look
*It was decided that this discussion need to be continued. All board members invited to attend
October 13 Executive Committee at 8am at Central Bank
Community Update
Did not have time to discuss.
Marcus Genzlinger
Financial Update
No report was provided
Mike Finkelstein
Meeting adjourned at 9:50am
Marcus Genzlinger
Marcus Genzlinger, President
Max Ellis, Secretary