Reading - Video Communications Center

SysEng 411, Systems Engineering Capstone – Spring 2014
Missouri University of Science & Technology, School of Engineering
1. Administrative Information
Dr. Ron Carson
NOTE: Residence in Pacific Time Zone
Primary (evening):
Secondary (class-day emergency only):
Phones 206-962-0397 Cell
253-657-0574-Work; 425-271-7793 Home
Fax Use Blackboard or e-mail
E-mail or
Blackboard mail
I will not respond to any e-mail sent to my
Boeing address
 Systems Engineering Handbook v3.2.2 (2011). International Council on
Systems Engineering (INCOSE). (Discount for INCOSE members)
 Munro, Roderick A. et al., “The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt
Handbook” (2008), ISBN 978-0-87389-698-6.
Other References that may be useful
 H. William Dettmer, “The Logical Thinking Process”, ASQ Quality
Press: Milwaukee, WI (2007) ISBN 978-0-87389-723-5
 Dr. Benjamin S. Blanchard, “System Engineering Management,” 4th
Edition (2008), ISBN 978-0-470-16735-9.
 SE Fundamentals, Defense Acquisition University, January 2001,
n%202001.pdf (download)
 Library 00316
 WebEx:; Meeting TBD (confirm on website);
password 123456
 Archived lectures are at
Monday, 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. Pacific Time (7-9:30 Central)
3 credit hours
Class participation
Midterm Project
Final Project
“A” – Exemplary – goes beyond minimum and
demonstrates depth of discussion, analysis, or insight
“B” – Minimally satisfies all criteria
“C” – Fails to satisfy some criteria
“F” – Unacceptably deficient
Dr. Ron Carson
% of Grade
> 90 to 100%
≥ 80 to ≤ 90
≥ 70 to < 80
< 70
March 22, 2016
SysEng 411, Systems Engineering Capstone – Spring 2014
Missouri University of Science & Technology, School of Engineering
2. Course Description and Objectives
The topics covered are Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP), Systems Engineering
processes, process re-engineering, standards, and systems engineering case studies. Students
will apply the skills and theory that they mastered in previous five core courses to the analysis
of assigned cases. Prerequisites: Sys Eng 469, 412, 4131.
This capstone course requires each student to synthesize their learning from prior core courses
into two major deliverables: a project systems engineering management plan related to their prior
course work, and a case study analysis and improvement activity for a complex system
development activity.
This course assumes knowledge of the basic Systems Engineering technical processes. The
course will cover SE management processes not previously addressed in core courses, process
reengineering, and analysis and discussion of complex development projects using case studies.
COURSE OBJECTIVES (Learner Outcomes)
At the completion of the course the student will be able to:
1. Create a Systems Engineering Management Plan for a project.
2. Describe methods for continuous organizational process improvement.
3. Analyze a complex system development activity and define and implement an
improvement activity using good systems engineering and process improvement
3. Course Overview
This course will use weekly readings, lecture, and homework to aid student learning. The course
will operate as a virtual community, with the instructor and many students connecting to the
classroom electronically. Other student-instructor contact is expected to be via electronic mail or
telephone (see above). The instructor’s location is near Seattle, WA.
Class: The class meeting is intended to amplify and extend the reading material, demonstrate
concepts using sample problems, and discuss specific issues as a group. Students are responsible
for the assigned material whether or not covered explicitly in class. Likewise, students are
responsible for all material covered in class, whether or not in the assigned readings, including
any guest lecture or student project materials. Students are expected to take initiative to contact
the instructor for assistance outside of class rather than losing valuable time by waiting until
class. Please advise the instructor if you must miss class due to work or illness. Missing class
causes you to miss important discussions!
Projects: Two major projects will be required during the semester. A midterm project requires
the student to complete a systems engineering management plan for their own project begun in
prior core courses. A final project requires analyzing a complex system development program
From the course catalog
Dr. Ron Carson
March 22, 2016
SysEng 411, Systems Engineering Capstone – Spring 2014
Missouri University of Science & Technology, School of Engineering
and simulating a related improvement activity. Weekly homework for the first 7 weeks will be
drafts of sections of the SEMP. Weekly homework for the final 5 weeks will be drafts of the
sections of the improvement project.
Safety: Students in the on-campus class are asked to familiarize themselves with the classroom
egress maps posted on-line at: .
Operations: We will use the MS&T “Blackboard” Internet capability to communicate2. Check
regularly for assignments and any changes. Assistance is available on the same website. Students
are responsible to be web-enabled, gain access to Blackboard, and check regularly for
assignments and course announcements. All students are included in the “1DIS” section in
All homework and project submittals must be made to the Assignment link within Blackboard.
Acceptable formats are Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), or *.RTF for other text
documents. *.PDF files are also acceptable but not preferred. Instructor comments are embedded
in returned papers on the same Assignment link. Do NOT use special characters in file names
(e.g., #, $, %) as these cause problems in Blackboard. If you have problems with a submittal,
promptly send the instructor an e-mail.
Weekly Discussion grades are based on class participation. Posting to the Blackboard Discussion
Board is evaluated only when (a) class is not held for any reason or (b) arrangements are made
for student absence. All other submittals are ignored. Discussion Board postings are due at the
beginning of the normal class time unless other arrangements are approved by the instructor.
Grading for each student will be kept in Blackboard and updated each week. Please bring any
questions or perceived discrepancies to the attention of the instructor as soon as noted. The
University Academic Alert System ( ) may be used to ensure
students understand any significant deficiencies.
Americans with Disabilities Act – If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing
accommodations in this course, you are strongly encouraged to contact me early in the semester.
You will need to request that the Disability /Services staff (204 Norwood Hall; phone number:
341-4211; ) send a letter to me verifying your disability and specifying the
accommodation you will need before I can arrange your accommodation.
Collaboration and Plagiarism: Students may collaborate on homework as a means of
improving learning. However, all submitted work must be your own. Students are expected to
understand and comply with the University policy on plagiarism.3 Assignments failing to
adhere to this policy will receive no credit. This also applies to the midterm and the final
Course number: SYS_ENG 411: SYS ENG CAPSTONE; all students are included in the “1DIS” section.
See “Collected Rules and Regulations”, 200.010, Standard of Conduct, B.1.b,
Dr. Ron Carson
March 22, 2016
SysEng 411, Systems Engineering Capstone – Spring 2014
Missouri University of Science & Technology, School of Engineering
4. Schedule and Assignments
Each meeting day has a (1) reading assignment to be read in preparation, and (2) assigned
homework based on the prior lecture. Homework and discussion postings are due at the
beginning of class; late work will not be given credit. Classroom discussion is valued and
participation contributes to the course grade. “Discussion” in written homework requires stating
and supporting a thesis, not merely asserting a position.
The following schedule will be observed as closely as possible, but is subject to modification.
20 January
1 - Introduction to the
Systems Engineering
Management Plan –
SEMP 1 & 2 No Class –
Watch the Video
Homework Due
Handbook (ISEH)
Ch. 1, 2, 8,
2 – SEMP 3 – Program
3 – SEMP 4 – Technical
4 – SEMP 5a – Project
Management Processes 1 –
Technical Planning and
5 – SEMP 5b – Project
Management Processes 2 –
Cost/Schedule, Decision
Analysis, Risk, Issue,
Opportunity Management
6 – SEMP 5c – Project
Management Processes 3 –
Configuration, Interface, and
Information Management
ISEH 3, 6.1, 6.2, 9, 9.12.2
3 March
7 – SEMP 6 – Organizational
10 March
8 –Project Reengineering Value Methodology
9 – Enterprise Considerations
– Introduction to Process
[Grades due 3/18]
No class or homework –
Spring Break
10 – Process Reengineering:
27 January
3 February
10 February
17 February
24 February
17 March
24 March
31 March
Dr. Ron Carson
1- See Blackboard –
Discussion and
Prerequisites Status is
Due 23 January
2 - See Blackboard –
SEMP sections 1 & 2
3 - See Blackboard –
SEMP section 3
ISEH 5.1, 5.2, 5.7
4 - See Blackboard –
SEMP section 4
ISEH 5.3, 5.4, 9.6
5 - See Blackboard –
SEMP section 5.1-5.2
ISEH 5.5, 5.6
6 - See Blackboard –
SEMP 5.3-5.6
Repenning & Sterman
7 - See Blackboard –
SEMP 5.7, 5.8
ISEH 9.13
Midterm SEMP Due
1900 Central Time
Certified Six Sigma
Green Belt Handbook
(C6GBH) Ch. 1, 2, 3
9 – See Blackboard
C6GBH, Ch. 4-7, 9
10 - See Blackboard
March 22, 2016
SysEng 411, Systems Engineering Capstone – Spring 2014
Missouri University of Science & Technology, School of Engineering
7 April 2014
14 April
21 April
28 April
5 May 2014
12 May 2014
11 – Process Reengineering:
12 – Process Reengineering:
13 – Process Reengineering:
14 - Process Reengineering:
15 – Organizational Learning
and Leadership
No class
[Final Grades Due 5/20]
Homework Due
C6GBH, Ch. 10-15
11 – See Blackboard
C6GBH, Ch. 16-17
12 - See Blackboard
C6GBH, Ch. 18-20
13 - See Blackboard
C6GBH, Ch. 21
14 - See Blackboard
C6GBH, Ch. 8
15 – See Blackboard
Projects Due 1900
Central Time
5. Midterm Project: Systems Engineering Management Plan
Students are expected to prepare a Systems Engineering Management Plan for the 2007 DARPA
Urban Challenge (materials are provided in Blackboard), or any equivalent project from
SysEng368, 468, 469. The Systems Engineering Management Plan is intended to address
relevant life-cycle phases for the project. A standard outline will be provided into which students
will populate project-specific information to address such topics as technical objectives,
development processes, organization and allocation of systems engineering tasks, continuous
improvement, and life-cycle support.
 40% of course grade for the SEMP (Midterm). The SEMP will be graded based on
completeness of each of the outline topics (or justification for exclusion), and the
relationship of the content to the project. The SEMP must address what will be done
(goals, objectives, major deliverables, tasks, subtasks), why it is relevant to the project,
how it will be done (processes and tools), who will do it (organizations and allocation of
work), to what standards work will be done (measures of quality and completeness),
and when it will be done (event-based plan). Coherence of the plan is essential, both in
its relationship to the project and in its internal integration. A detailed outline for the
complete SEMP is provided in the Midterm assignment for week 8. The plan should be
approximately 50-60 pages.
 Proper citation of sources is expected and normal rules regarding plagiarism apply (see for proper formats)
6. Final Project – Process Improvement Activity
Grading: 40% of course grade. Select one of the following cases (posted in Blackboard):
A-10 Attack Aircraft
F-111 Fighter/Bomber
Global Positioning System
International Space Station
Dr. Ron Carson
C-5A Galaxy
Global Hawk
Hubble Space Telescope
Theater Battle Management Core
March 22, 2016
SysEng 411, Systems Engineering Capstone – Spring 2014
Missouri University of Science & Technology, School of Engineering
Read the case study to identify a problem to be analyzed, and as a source of data. Collect more
information as required from other sources regarding the system described in the case and the
problem you identify. Execute a simulated process improvement activity using the Six-Sigma
structure of Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC). Attention should be
paid to the realism, effectiveness, and feasibility of your proposed improvements. Analysis is
expected to justify your recommendations. Grading will consider the depth of analysis and
demonstrated use of tools and techniques discussed in class and in the text.
You may use any graphics that you like to convey your concepts better. I am expecting
approximately 3-6 pages for each section. Your final paper should be 20-30 pages long, singlespaced. The majority of the content should be your writing, not quotations from the case study.
Please adhere to common citation practices described for the midterm.
Papers should be organized as follows:
Title: Identification of the case study, Student Name.
1. Introduction and Summary
2. Define the Problem
 Define the project purpose and scope – the problem to be solved or improved. Include
a project charter.
 Define the existing processes using appropriate tools and representations
3. Measure the Problem
 Determine appropriate measures to validate the problem and any solutions
 Collect baseline data on the selected problem
 Validate the problem based on the data
4. Analyze the Problem
 Identify and document potential causes; explain the causal relationships. Every arrow
on the diagram should have an explanation.
 Gather data, build, and execute process models to determine root causes
 Use statistical methods to quantify the effects
5. Improve the Problem
 Conduct a trade study on possible solutions and select a preferred solution which
solves the problem or improves the situation
 Show, based on the analysis, modeling and data, why the solution is feasible,
effective, and preferred
 Identify challenges and strategies for implementing the improvements
 Define implementation plans, including tasks, timelines, budget, resources, and
stakeholders, to ensure feasibility and effectiveness of the improvement plans
6. Control the System
 Define a control plan for implementing and monitoring the improvement. Identify
control mechanisms for implementing the improvement and monitoring effectiveness.
 Define the required or expected progress of specific measures that will be used to
determine success and control implementation (e.g., TPMs or process measures and
their associated plans)
Dr. Ron Carson
March 22, 2016
SysEng 411, Systems Engineering Capstone – Spring 2014
Missouri University of Science & Technology, School of Engineering
Identify any additional organizational improvements to ensure success (e.g., process
definition or changes, training, additional computer-based tools, additional
7. External Links – Resources
Robert Lucky, “Unsystematic Engineering”, (IEEE Spectrum September 2006)
“Who Killed the [FBI] Virtual Case File?” (IEEE Spectrum September 2005):
“Why Software Fails” (IEEE Spectrum September 2005),
DARPA Urban Challenge
Information on US Military systems for further research
o Federation of American Scientists
o Global Security
US Department of Defense (DOD)
o Systems Engineering Technical Reviews
o Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Ch. 4, “Systems Engineering”
GAO Reports
o GAO 13-294SP, “Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs”
o Systems Engineering Handbook, NASA/SP-2007-6105 Rev1, [9MB]
o Space Systems Engineering training materials
o “Lewis Spacecraft Mission Failure Investigation Board Final Report”, 12
February 1998,
o NASA Space-to-Space Communications System” 1994,
US Federal Aviation Administration (2006)
o National Airspace System, System Engineering Manual (Version 3.1).
Washington, DC: ATO Next Gen and Operations Planning.
Standards (standards are available for purchase)
o EIA-632, “Processes for Engineering a System”, cf.,
o ISO 15288 – 2008, “Systems and Software Engineering – System Life Cycle
o IEEE 1220 – 2005 –
o ISO 9000 Series
Dr. Ron Carson
March 22, 2016
SysEng 411, Systems Engineering Capstone – Spring 2014
Missouri University of Science & Technology, School of Engineering
International Council on Systems Engineering
Value Methodology or Value Engineering (Society of American Value Engineers,
Example SEMPs
o Gamma Ray Large-Area Space Telescope: See Blackboard -
o Landsat (USGS) – See Blackboard
Dr. Ron Carson
March 22, 2016