Chart of Accounts Training - The University of Texas at San Antonio

University of Texas at
San Antonio
Chart of Accounts
Fund Groups Presentation
Account Number
Account number
– The account number is a 10-digit number used for
recording accounting transactions. The account
number is broken down into three parts, fund group,
budget group and budget category.
Account Structure
Budget Group
Budget Category
Fund Group
April 2008
Account Number
• Fund Group – The first two digits of the account number specifies
the source of funds.
• Budget Group – The first 8 digits of an account number represent
a Budget Group. Each department or academic entity may have
several budget groups.
• Budget Category – The last two digits of the account number
specifies the purpose of funds. A Budget Group could have
multiple categories.
• Unit Code – The unit code determines the department, division or
college an account belongs to. Typically the unit code is the same
across fund groups. The unit code was once embedded in the 10digit account number. This does not apply to the following fund
groups, 26, 32, 36 and 41.
April 2008
14 – Fund Groups
Education and General (E&G) Funds
– These funds are used to support the University’s
general educational operations. Functions and
activities typically funded from E&G include faculty
salaries, operating expenses of instructional
departments, general administration, student
services, campus security, operation and
maintenance of E&G facilities, special items and
research enhancement.
April 2008
14 – Fund Groups
Education and General (E&G) Funds
Source of Funds
– General Revenue
State Appropriations
– General Revenue-Dedicated =
Statutory Tuition & Certain
Lab Fees
– Facilities & Administrative
(F&A) prior to June 2007
Indirect Cost Recovery from
Sponsored Programs
– Designated Funds
~ $27M of the E&G
budget is funded by a
transfer in from designated
tuition & other fee income;
(this is why we are able to allow budget
transfers between E&G & designated
tuition funded accounts.)
April 2008
14 – Fund Groups
Education and General (E&G) Funds
1. UTSA and State of Texas purchasing
procedures must be followed.
2. No entertainment expenditures allowed.
3. Prepayments or advanced payments are rare
and generally not allowed. For exceptions such
as rental lease payments, periodical
subscriptions, if significant cost savings would
result contact Gary Lott, Director Financial
Services & Bursar,
April 2008
14 – Fund Groups
Education and General (E&G) Funds
4. Institutional memberships require pre-approval of
the Associate Vice President for Financial Affairs.
5. Travel subject to state rates. Visit the
Disbursements and Travel Services website for
more information.
6. Scholarships are not allowed except need based
and certain THECB grants.
April 2008
18 - Fund Groups
Service Centers
– Service Centers are ongoing operations that sell
products and provide specific technical or administrative
services to the University community.
– Such operations are not profit (or loss) centers; must
charge rates based on cost analysis and break-even or
operate within a +/- 10% margin at year-end pursuant to
campus policy.
– Examples are Facilities, Telephone Services, General
Stores, Animal Care.
April 2008
18 - Fund Groups
Service Centers
Source of Funds
– Service centers receive income from sales
and services charged to University
departments. All rates charged must be
cost justified and approved in advance by
the University Controller.
April 2008
18 - Fund Groups
Service Centers
1. All users or procurers of the goods and services
must be charged. No exceptions. The federal
government shall not be charged a higher rate.
2. UTSA purchasing procedures must be followed.
3. Gift income is not allowed.
4. No entertainment expenditures are allowed.
5. No scholarship expenditures are allowed.
April 2008
18 - Fund Groups
Service Centers
6. Rates must be based on historical costs or from a cost
analysis of reasonable, projected costs per policy.
7. Income and expenses must be matched.
8. All Service Centers should be reviewed periodically to
assure excess balances do not accumulate.
9. Must be in accordance with OMB Circular A-21.
April 2008
19 - Fund Groups
Designated Funds
– These funds are used to support miscellaneous
activities of the university or special purposes for
which the fee revenue has been authorized.
April 2008
19 - Fund Groups
Designated Funds
Source of Funds
Designated funds include the following revenue
– Designated Tuition
– Mandatory Fees (other than fees that are Auxiliary
– Incidental Fees (including college and course fees)
– Miscellaneous Other Income
– Facilities & Administrative (F&A) since June 2007
(Indirect Cost Recovery from Sponsored Programs)
April 2008
19 - Fund Groups
Designated Funds
1. UTSA purchasing procedures must be followed.
2. Entertainment expenditures are only allowed from Official
Occasions accounts or if the fee/revenue is specifically assessed
to cover the cost of meals or other related expenses. Requires
the approval of Dean/Vice President/Provost if ≥ $100. Authority
for approval of expenses < $100 may be delegated to
Associate/Assistant Vice President/Dean.
3. Gift income is not allowed. Exceptions need to be authorized by
University Controller.
4. Travel subject to maximum allowable rates. Visit the
Disbursements and Travel Services website for more information.
5. Individual memberships to professional organizations are allowed
if a benefit to UTSA can be demonstrated.
April 2008
26 - Fund Groups
Grants & Contracts
– Funds maintained in Grants and Contracts
fund groups have been provided by outside
sponsors and agencies to provide support for
specific research or educational programs.
The majority of these restricted funds are
federal dollars supporting either research or
financial aid to students.
April 2008
26 - Fund Groups
Grants & Contracts
Source of Funds
– Federal, state, local and private grants,
contracts, and agreements.
April 2008
26 - Fund Groups
Grants & Contracts
1. All expenditures from federal awards must be
in accordance with OMB Circular A-21 and
requirements of the award. Contact the
appropriate Grants and Contracts Financial
Services or Office of Sponsored Program staff
for additional information.
2. UTSA purchasing procedures must be
April 2008
29 - Fund Groups
Auxiliary Enterprise Funds
– Auxiliary Enterprises provide goods or services to
students, faculty, or staff and charge fees directly
related to, although not necessarily equal to, the
cost of the goods or services.
– They are managed essentially as self-supporting
activities outside of the basic instruction and
research functions of the university. Examples are
Student Housing, Food Services, Intercollegiate
Athletics, Book Store, Parking, and the University
April 2008
29 - Fund Groups
Auxiliary Enterprise Funds
Source of Funds
– Auxiliary Enterprises receive income from
sales and services. Other mandatory and
non-mandatory student fees which are
directly related to auxiliary operations are
additional sources of income.
April 2008
29 - Fund Groups
Auxiliary Enterprise Funds
1. UTSA purchasing procedures must be followed.
2. Travel subject to maximum allowable rates. Visit
the Disbursements and Travel Services website for
more information.
3. Individual memberships to professional organizations
are allowed if benefit to UTSA can be demonstrated.
April 2008
30 - Fund Groups
Gift Funds
– Gift accounts are used to record receipts and
expenditures related to funds received from a
donor or external agency. Expenditures are
generally restricted – meaning the donor has
stipulated specific instructions about how the
money may be used.
April 2008
30 - Fund Groups
Gift Funds
Source of Funds
– Proceeds from gifts and endowment distributions
for scholarships, salary supplements for endowed
chairs, constitute the majority of funds expended
from 30-accounts.
April 2008
30 - Fund Groups
Gift Funds
1. UTSA purchasing procedures must be followed.
2. Departments must insure that donor intent is followed.
3. Travel subject to maximum allowable rates. Visit the
Disbursements and Travel Services website for more information.
4. Entertainment expenditures ≥ $100 require the approval of the
Dean/Vice President/Provost. Authority for approval of expenses
< $100 may be delegated to Associate/Assistant Vice
President/Dean. Departmental parties, picnics, and similar social
events for employees require advance approval. (Official
Occasions Policy pending approval).
5. Individual memberships to professional organizations are allowed
if benefit to UTSA is shown.
April 2008
32 - Fund Groups
Loan Funds
– Loan funds are used to account for resources loaned to
students. Some of the loans are short-term “emergency”
loans for a limited amount and repayment time. Other
loans are long-term loans that may have repayment
periods of ten years or more (including possible
– Most loan fund accounts are revolving loan funds. The
principal as it is repaid with interest on the loan and any
other charges, including late charges, will be returned to
the individual loan account making the funds available
for additional future loans.
April 2008
32 - Fund Groups
Loan Funds
Source of Funds
– Gifts, grants, Texas Public Education Grants (TPEG),
contributions and institutional matching funds.
– Interest income on the principal loaned, investment
income and other amounts charged to the borrower for
late charges net of collection costs are also sources of
April 2008
32 - Fund Groups
Loan Funds
1. UTSA purchasing procedures must be followed.
2. Only collection costs, including litigation expenses, write-offs
and certain other expenditures are allowed.
3. Perkins/NDSL Federal Student Loan funds are governed by
specific Department of Education guidelines and Federal
April 2008
36 - Fund Groups
Unexpended Plant Funds
– These funds are for major capital improvement
projects for new construction, remodeling and
renovations to existing buildings and grounds.
– Major projects are primarily controlled by The Office
of Facility Planning and Construction (OFPC) at UT
System (36-9xxx-xx) and some are institutionally
controlled (36-6xxx-xx and 36-8xxx-xx).
April 2008
36 - Fund Groups
Unexpended Plant Funds
Source of Funds
– Funding for major projects come from
distributions from bond proceeds authorized by
The UT System: Permanent University Fund
(PUF- a public endowment that provides financial
support to The University of Texas and Texas
A & M University Systems) and Revenue
Financing System (RFS). PUF distributions
include LERR-STARS.
– Funds may also come from designated, gift and
auxiliary enterprises
April 2008
36 - Fund Groups
Unexpended Plant Funds
1. UTSA purchasing procedures must be followed.
2. Salaries cannot be directly charged to "36" accounts
but may be transferred in as distributed wages.
3. Travel is rarely used in connection with a project.
4. No entertainment expenditures are allowed.
April 2008
36 - Fund Groups
Unexpended Plant Funds
5. LERR (library, equipment, repair and rehabilitation)
including Faculty STARS:
A. Capital equipment is generally regarded as non expendable,
tangible personal property with useful life of more than 1
B. Faculty salaries cannot be paid.
C. The purchase of bundled software included as part of the
initial acquisition of computer hardware is capitalizable and
therefore eligible for LERR program funds.
D. Software maintenance costs are considered operating
expenses and therefore are not eligible for LERR program
funds unless the costs are part of the initial cost of the
E. Costs for software licenses that will be permanently owned
are eligible for LERR funds. Leased or licensed software that
requires the payment of an annual fee and that will not be
owned when the license expires is not eligible for LERR.
April 2008
39 – Fund Groups
Invested In Plant
– Fixed assets including land, buildings (new,
under construction, and additions to
existing, in progress), improvements other
than buildings, equipment, library books,
and art collections are carried in this fund
April 2008
39 – Fund Groups
Invested In Plant
Source of Funds
– These assets are purchased and expensed
in other fund groups.
April 2008
41 - Fund Groups
Agency Accounts
– Agency funds are those held in custody for
others. Funds from outside agencies or
organizations are temporarily under UTSA
control and are restricted for specific purposes.
(Examples are student organizations and faculty
accounts for external organizations).
– Residual funds should be returned to the
sponsor once the purpose for the agency
account is completed.
April 2008
41 - Fund Groups
Agency Accounts
– None.
April 2008
April 2008