MA 151 MVCC Calculus Syllabus

MA 151 Calculus Course Syllabus
Mrs. Savoy
Fall 2015
Classroom procedures (a more specific list is posted in the classroom):
 Enter room quietly and check folder, get calculator and pencil
 Be in your seat working on the Warm Up when the bell rings (if not, you are tardy)
 Raise your hand to speak or ask a question
 The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell
All expectations/rules found in the Student Handbook also apply, such as no electronics,
etc. Absolutely NO cell phone use in my classes – not even to check a text from your
parents. If you use your cell phone during my class you will be sent to the Principal.
A severe disruption will result in the student being sent directly to the Main Office.
There will be no warnings given for our classroom procedures or school policy violations as
they are expected to be common knowledge.
Grading and Work:
 Formative (25%) and Summative (75%)
Practice problems will be assigned for every section that we cover. These will be
checked but they will not be graded. I will post complete solutions to these
practice problems on my web page and it is your responsibility to check your own
work. Quizzes (and ultimately tests) will be directly based on these problems so it is
in your best interest to make sure you complete and check these problems. See me
if you do not understand the solutions.
Portfolio Problems will be completed in a notebook separate from your notes and
will be a formative grade. These will be more complicated problems that will
require you to use what you have learned in class and from completing the practice
problems. The portfolio will be collected and graded.
Board Problems will be taken from the portfolio problems and are a formative
grade. You will choose one problem from your portfolio for each section and
present the problem to the class on the board. You have the choice of which
problem you want to present and no two students will present the same problem.
Quizzes will be given every week and are a summative grade. There are no
corrections available for quizzes.
Tests will be given at the end of each chapter and are a summative grade. There
will be a retest option available to you but it is your responsibility to make
arrangements with me to do so. You will only retest on any sections that you did
poorly on, meaning you will not retake the entire test. The retest will not be the
same questions but will be the same topic.
Course content: See MVCC Course Outline and Objectives on my web page.
 Calculus by Stewart 7th edition (these will be new and must be covered)
 Mrs. Savoy’s web page
Class Materials:
 Pencils! No work accepted in pen – no exceptions. There are extra pencils available
to borrow in the Student Center area of the classroom.
 2 Notebooks (one for notes/one for portfolio)
 Calculators are available in the classroom
If you choose to use a binder for notes you are more than welcome to do so. I am trying to
keep things as simple as possible for you. Pencils are non-negotiable!
Extra Help:
I am available every day after school until 3pm for extra help unless I have a meeting or
other obligation. Please, do not hesitate to come and see me for help!! If you are having
trouble do not wait until it is too late for us to make things right. We will learn a lot this
year and if you get behind it will be very difficult to catch up.