Jesus lived out his life in three relationships: Up—with his

Love God
Love Others
3 Month Challenge
Love God
Love Others Love Others
What is God
telling you?
What are you
going to do?
Jesus lived out his life in three relationships: Up—with his Father; He calls us to the same kind of walk with
God; close and personal. In—with his chosen followers; He calls us to walk in sharpening relationships with
one another as his sons and daugthers. Out—with the hurting world around him. Jesus did not wait those who
needed him to come to him he went to them and so should we.
These three dimensions line up perfectly with our LIVE statements Live Worthy and Generously point UP. Live
Together and Openly point IN. Live for Others points OUT. “If we do not live in all three dimensions—the up,
the in, and the out—we are out of balance, and we will wobble through life.1
Three simple steps - Step 1) Spend some time with God and then complete the chart above. Step 2) Ask
someone to help you tackle this 3 month challenge by checking in with you and you do the same for them.
Step 3) Share your stories, successes and struggles, on the Crossroads Facebook page.
I can’t wait to see what God is going to do in and through Crossroads as we approach this challenge together.
This concept of the 3 dimensional life was developed by Mike Breen in his book Building a Discipling Culture