
12:30-1:30 Classes
ACT Prep
Instructor: Jessica Fields
Grade: High School
2 Semester Course
Fees: $30 monthly tuition plus a one time copy fee of $20
Text: Baron’s 6 Practice Tests and Chad Cargill’s ACT Prep Book
Course Description:
This course prepares students to be comfortable taking the ACT test. This class reviews
the science, English, reading, and math concepts on the ACT test.
Instructor: Roshea Reininger
2 Semester Course
Fees: $30 monthly tuition fee
Course Description:
Instructor: Paula Hill
Grade: Upper elementary and middle school
2 Semester Course
Fees: $30 monthly tuition fee plus $20 material fee. This fee will cover the costs of
experiments and handouts.
Text: Exploring Creation with Astronomy published by Apologia
Course Description:
This course is for older elementary and middle school students who wish to explore our
solar system from a creationist viewpoint.
Elementary Geography: Legends & Leagues
Instructor: Shellie Johnson
Grade: Upper Elementary-Middle School
2 Semester Course (Student may enroll in one or both semesters)
Fees: $30 monthly tuition fee plus a $15 class fee
Text: Legends and Leagues
Fall Semester: Textbook needed: Legends and Leagues North book and workbook
Spring Semester: Textbook Needed: Legends and Leagues South book and workbook
These can be found at Mardel, Amazon, Rainbow Resource and other curriculum sites.
Both books can also be downloaded and then the workbook pages printed if desired. If
the student has the downloaded book they will need a way to access it in class.
Course Descriptions:
Legends and Leagues is a wonderful elementary curriculum that uses a storybook style
textbook full of adventure showcasing the beautiful stories told in the different regions of
the world. The North, South, East and West books each contain a different engaging and
educational story to teach the facts about the various regions of the globe. The
workbooks include comprehension worksheets with vocabulary for each chapter of the
storybook, along with maps and study questions of each region. This course covers one
region each semester for 4 semesters. We will start with the North in the fall semester
followed by the East next spring.
Note: If interested I do plan to teach the 3rd and 4th books in the following year.
Excellence in Writing
Instructor: Jeana Little
Grade: 6th, 7th, 8th Grade
2 Semester Course
Fees: $30 monthly tuition fee plus a $20 book fee
Text: N/A
Course Description:
Students will learn how to utilize a wide range of structural models and stylistic
techniques in their compositions as they write on a variety of enjoyable fiction and nonfiction.
Instructor: Wendy Siegfried
Grade: 2nd-5th grade
2 Semester Course
Fees: $30 monthly fee plus per child plus a $5 copy fee per semester
Text: N/A
Course Description:
Children will be learning about basic grammar and science concepts. Students will also
be learning about story analysis, oral presentations and geography.
Math Facts, Functions, and Fun
Instructor: Cara Grant
Grade: Pre K-1st
2 Semester Course
Fees: $30 monthly tuition fee
Course Description:
Math Tutoring
Instructor: Bonnie Hagan
Performing Arts
Instructor: Sonya Brunner
Grade: 6th-12th grade
2 Semester Course
Fees: $30 monthly tuition fee
Text: N/A
Course Description:
This class is open to all middle/high school students who are interested in singing, acting,
dancing, writing, instruments, and drawing. This class has a little bit of everything for
those kids that like multiple things. You don’t have to be great at any of these—just a
willing heart to try!
Instructor: Freda Sidle
Grade: 8th and up
2 Semester Course
Fees: $30 monthly tuition fee
Text: Abeka Pre-Algebra (code 147095) quiz and test book (code 147125)
Course Description:
This class is for students that have completed a basic math class or one that needs to build
more strength in the math concepts before moving on to Algebra.
Spanish I
Instructor: MacKenzie Unale
Grade: High School
2 Semester Course
Fees: $30 monthly tuition fee
Text: Realidades Level 1 - 2004 Student Edition (textbook) Instructor will provide a
supply list
Course Description:
This is a beginning Spanish class designed to teach grammar and communication skills
needed to speak the Spanish language. In this class we will focus on pronunciation,
conjugation and vocabulary. My hope is that each child will leave this class with the
confidence needed to be able to attempt conversations with native speakers.
Speech & Debate I
Instructor: Liz Phillips
Grade: High School
2 Semester Course
Fees: $30 monthly tuition fee plus $20 semester fee
Texts: Blue Book: Team-Policy and Red Book: Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Books can be found at ($30)
Course Description:
**Highly recommended that students who are enrolled in Debate I should also be
enrolled in Tournament Competition class**
The first semester, students will be learning team policy debate using their Blue book.
Students will learn how to write and research a case. They will then take the remaining
part of the semester perfecting cases and debating rounds.
The second semester, students will be using their Red book on Lincoln-Douglas debate.
They will spend time researching current resolutions and writing cases to prepare for
debate rounds. This is a serious course designed for determined debaters.
Story of the World II
Instructor: Kristy Gamez
Grade: 4th-8th grade
2 Semester Course
Fees: $30 monthly tuition fee plus a $25 materials fee
Text: Story of the World vol. 2 The Middle Ages: From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of
the Renaissance
Course Description:
This course will replace The Mystery of History part 2. In this class, students will learn
about the Middle Ages from Rome until the time of the Renaissance.
United States History
Instructor: Lori Williams
Grade: High School
2 Semester Course
Fees: $30 monthly tuition
Text: Instructor has several used books to rent. Book may also be found through Abeka
and Amazon
Course Description:
This class will study the history of our great country. Material will cover from the time
this land was discovered by outsiders through its inception. Students will study the wars
our country fought to gain independence from other countries, as well as the growth the
US has seen physically, numerically, and fiscally up to the present time. Homework
consists of questions answered at the end of each chapter, a current event brought in
every week, at least three papers written during the year, and a test every third chapter.
Grades are based on these things, plus participation in class discussion.
Writing Process I
Instructor: CJ Powell
Grade: 9th-10th or by instructor permission
2 Semester Course
Fees: $30 monthly tuition fee plus a one time $20 materials fee
Text: Handouts for Student Notebook
Course Description:
At the close of the year, the student will be able to use the writing process steps to
complete a five paragraph essay using five writing modes.
CAT (Commons Area Time)
Instructor: CAT TEAM
Grade: 7th-12th
Fees: $10 monthly fee
Students will use this time for studying, as well as for discussion/on task time for the
Study Smart-Work Skills concept. Students will have opportunities to listen to guest
speakers discussing a profession, college or employer. This time also includes
opportunities for the students to socialize with each other.