Semester I Final Review sheet – with Answers!

Histology is the study of
The frontal plane divides the body into
What are the major tissue types?
The system of the body that is used for movement is the…
What divides the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity?
What is an example of positive feedback?
What cavity is the heart found in?
Stratified squamous characteristics
Keratinized stratified squamous location
PSCC location
Function of DRCT
Function of DICT
Location of DICT
Location of hyaline cartilage
Function of adipose
Location of cardiac muscle
The bone-dissolving cells are called
The zygomatic process, styloid process, and mastoid process may all be found on what bone?
Males have one less rib than females.
The extreme ends of a long bone that contain spongy bone are called
What makes up bone matrix?
In the movie Dead Poets Society the students are told to “Suck the marrow from life.” Would
that be a reference to red or yellow marrow?
Differences in male and female pelvis
What is the fluid found in the knee cavity?
What act like ball bearings within joints?
What is the name given to the soft spots on the head of infants?
Shoulder joints and injuries
The pelvic girdle bones
Epiphyseal plate vs epiphyseal line
What are the organs of CNS?
What part of the PNS is responsible for conscious control of muscles?
Direction of action potential in cell parts?
What is a specific purpose of the mitochondria in synaptic end bulb?
What is the charge inside the cell during resting membrane potential?
What active transport mechanism is working to maintain the electrical gradient during RMP?
When the neuron is depolarized what ion channels open?
What is saltatory conduction?
What is a connection between nerve cells?
What is the space between nerve cells?
What is a common neurotransmitter in the brain?
What do nuclei do?
What is muscle tone?
What energy source is used for the first 20 seconds?
What ratio of motor neuron to muscle fibers is used for power (leg muscles)?
What two proteins form the cross bridges in contraction
Where are the Ca ions released from?
What is the latent period?
Identify a graph of a twitch contraction.
What are some characteristics of myosin isoform I?
What is an isotonic contraction?
Histology is the study of tissues
The frontal plane divides the body into – anterior/posterior
What are the major tissue types? – muscle, connective, epithelial, nervous
The system of the body that is used for movement is the… muscular
What divides the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity? – diaphragm,
What is an example of positive feedback? – child birth
What cavity is the heart found in? - pericardial
Stratified squamous characteristics – many layers with flattened cells on top
Keratinized stratified squamous location - skin
PSCC location - trachea
Function of DRCT – tendon – connects muscle to bone
Function of DICT – in the periosteum it wraps around the bone and is sustentacular
Location of DICT - dermis
Location of hyaline cartilage – costal cartilage
Function of adipose – insulation, protection, energy storage
Location of cardiac muscle – heart only
The bone-dissolving cells are called - osteoclasts
The zygomatic process, styloid process, and mastoid process may all be found on what bone? temporal
Males have one less rib than females. - false
The extreme ends of a long bone that contain spongy bone are called - epiphysis
What makes up bone matrix? – calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, collagen
In the movie Dead Poets Society the students are told to “Suck the marrow from life.” Would that be a
reference to red or yellow marrow? - yellow
Differences in male and female pelvis – female – wider pelvic inlet
What is the fluid found in the knee cavity? - synovial
What act like ball bearings within joints? - bursa
What is the name given to the soft spots on the head of infants? - fontanelles
Shoulder joints and injuries – a/c = separation, glenohumeral = dislocation
The pelvic girdle bones – ilium, ischium, pubis
Epiphyseal plate vs epiphyseal line – plate is location of interstitial growth – line is sign that growth is
What are the organs of CNS? – brain & spinal cord
What part of the PNS is responsible for conscious control of muscles? - somatic
Direction of action potential in cell parts? – dendrite, cell body, axon
What is a specific purpose of the mitochondria in synaptic end bulb? - ATP for exocytosis of
What is the charge inside the cell during resting membrane potential? - negative
What active transport mechanism is working to maintain the electrical gradient during RMP? – Na/K
When the neuron is depolarized what ion channels open? - Na
What is saltatory conduction? – the action potential moving from Node of Ranvier to Node of Ranvier
What is a connection between nerve cells? - synapse
What is the space between nerve cells? – synaptic cleft
What is a common neurotransmitter in the brain? - dopamine
What do nuclei do? – regulate the production of protein
What is muscle tone? – random sustained contractions in resting muscle
What energy source is used for the first 20 seconds? – creatine phosphate
What ratio of motor neuron to muscle fibers is used for power (leg muscles)? – 1:1000
What two proteins form the cross bridges in contraction – actin & myosin
Where are the Ca ions released from? – Sarcoplasmic reticulum
What is the latent period? – time from stimulation to movement (no movement)
Identify a graph of a twitch contraction.
What are some characteristics of myosin isoform I? slow twitch, endurance, hypertrophies poorly
What is an isotonic contraction? – contraction in which the tension stays the same, but the muscle
creates movement