Status Report Presentation to the LISD Board of Trustees by the Facility Construction Department March 27, 2002 1 Projects Under Construction (as of March 18, 2002) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Campus Sta. Maria Elementary School Farias Elementary School Dovalina Elementary School Sanchez/Ochoa Elem. School J. W. Nixon High School Milton Elementary School Start Date Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001 Jan. 2002 2 Santa Maria Elementary School Architect: Contractor: Contract amount: Construction Start: Start of School: Completion Date: Change Order(s): Cavazos & Associates Architects Leyendecker Construction, Inc. $4,862,700.00 Oct. 31, 2001 Aug. 15, 2002 Aug. 31, 2002 Addition of Single Sex Restrooms at PK & K. 3 Financial Overview – Sta. Maria Leyendecker’s Contract Balance to Finish Including Retainage= $ 3,533,963.47 73% Amount Paid = $ 1,328,736.53 27% 4 Construction Time - Sta. Maria Leyendecker’s Contract Total Days Remaining in Contract = 166 55% Days Lapsed in Contract = 138 45% 5 Santa Maria Elementary School LISD: Sta. Maria: Foundation construction on going. Approximately 45,000 sq. Ft. Will be poured by 1-18-02. Additional 20,000 sf to be poured by 1-22-02. All excavations is complete, all reinforcing is on jobsite. Masonry construction projected to commence 1-23-02. Metal building delivery scheduled to commence 3-01-02. THIS IS A VIEW LOOKING NORTH FROM THE SOUTH WEST CORNER OF THE NEW CAMPUS 6 Santa Maria Elementary School THIS IS A VIEW OF THE AIR CONDITIONING DUCT BEING ASSEMBLED FOR INSTALLATION 7 Santa Maria Elementary School LISD: Sta. Maria: Foundation construction on going. Approximately 45,000 sq. Ft. Will be poured by 1-18-02. Additional 20,000 sf to be poured by 1-22-02. All excavations is complete, all reinforcing is on jobsite. Masonry construction projected to commence 1-23-02. Metal building delivery scheduled to commence 3-01-02. ZONE “A” AND “B” 8 Santa Maria Elementary School LISD: Sta. Maria: Foundation construction on going. Approximately 45,000 sq. Ft. Will be poured by 1-18-02. Additional 20,000 sf to be poured by 1-22-02. All excavations is complete, all reinforcing is on jobsite. Masonry construction projected to commence 1-23-02. Metal building delivery scheduled to commence 3-01-02. KINDER AND FIRST GRADE 9 Santa Maria Elementary School LISD: Sta. Maria: Foundation construction on going. Approximately 45,000 sq. Ft. Will be poured by 1-18-02. Additional 20,000 sf to be poured by 1-22-02. All excavations is complete, all reinforcing is on jobsite. Masonry construction projected to commence 1-23-02. Metal building delivery scheduled to commence 3-01-02. EAST SIDE ENTRANCE 10 Farias Elementary School Architect: Contractor: Contract amount: Construction Start: Days in Contract: Completion Date: Change Order(s): Ashley Humphries, & Sanchez Architects Leyendecker Construction, Inc. $4,926,997. Oct. 31, 2001 320 Calendar Days Aug. 31, 2002 Addition of Single Sex Restrooms at PK & K. 11 Financial Overview – Farias Leyendecker’s Contract Balance to Finish Including Retainage = $ 3,673,681.95 75% Amount Paid = $ 1,253,315.05 25% 12 Construction Time - Farias Leyendecker’s Contract Total Days Remaining in Contract = 182 57% Days Lapsed in Contract = 138 43% 13 Farias Elementary School FRONT VIEW OF BUILDING SECTION “E” 14 Farias Elementary School FRONT VIEW OF BUILDING SECTION “F” 15 Farias Elementary School INSIDE VIEW OF BUILDING SECTION “E” 16 Farias Elementary School VIEW LOOKING SOUTH AT HE FRONTS OF SECTIONS “B” AND “C” FFROM THE FLOOR PLAN 17 Farias Elementary School VIEW OF SECTION “A” LOOKING EAST FROM THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF THE SITE 18 Farias Elementary School VIEW OF THE REAR AREA OF SECTION B 19 Dovalina Elementary School Architect: Contractor: Contract amount: Construction Start: Number Contract Days: Completion Date: Change Order(s): Design Group International, Inc. Leyendecker Construction, Inc. $ 2,801,900. Oct. 31, 2001 304 Aug. 31, 2002 None 20 Financial Overview – Dovalina Leyendecker’s Contract Balance to Finish Including Retainage = $ 1,858,459.75 66% Amount Paid = $ 943,440.25 34% 21 Construction Time - Dovalina Leyendecker’s Contract Total Days Remaining in Contract = 166 55% Days Lapsed in Contract = 138 45% 22 Dovalina Elementary School LISD: Foundation has been poured for addition. CMU in progress and is approximately 50% complete. Metal building schedule for delivery on 1-18-02, with metal panels and insulation delivery scheduled for 1-25-02. THIS IS A VIEW LOOKING WEST AT THE HALF WALL THAT WILL DIVIDE THE GYMNASIUM AND THA CAFETERIA 23 Dovalina Elementary School LISD: Foundation has been poured for addition. CMU in progress and is approximately 50% complete. Metal building schedule for delivery on 1-18-02, with metal panels and insulation delivery scheduled for 1-25-02. THIS IS A VIEW OF THE MASON’S FINISHING THE BLOCK WORK AROUND A STEEL COLUMN ON THE GYM SIDE WHERE THE FOLDING PARTITION WILL END 24 Dovalina Elementary School LISD: Foundation has been poured for addition. CMU in progress and is approximately 50% complete. Metal building schedule for delivery on 1-18-02, with metal panels and insulation delivery scheduled for 1-25-02. THE A/C DUCT IS BEING PREPARED FOR INSTALLATION 25 Dovalina Elementary School LISD: Foundation has been poured for addition. CMU in progress and is approximately 50% complete. Metal building schedule for delivery on 1-18-02, with metal panels and insulation delivery scheduled for 1-25-02. HALL NUMBER “7” LOOKING EAST 26 Dovalina Elementary School LISD: Foundation has been poured for addition. CMU in progress and is approximately 50% complete. Metal building schedule for delivery on 1-18-02, with metal panels and insulation delivery scheduled for 1-25-02. ACCENTED CEILING INSIDE OF CLASSROOM #3, THE ART CLASSROOM 27 Dovalina Elementary School LISD: Foundation has been poured for addition. CMU in progress and is approximately 50% complete. Metal building schedule for delivery on 1-18-02, with metal panels and insulation delivery scheduled for 1-25-02. ACCENTED CEILING INSIDE OF CLASSROOM #4, THE MUSIC AND FINE ARTS CLASSROOM 28 Dovalina Elementary School LISD: Foundation has been poured for addition. CMU in progress and is approximately 50% complete. Metal building schedule for delivery on 1-18-02, with metal panels and insulation delivery scheduled for 1-25-02. VIEW LOOKING WEST AT THE EAST WALL OF THE NEW GYMNASIUM 29 Sanchez/Ochoa Elementary School Architect: Contractor: Contract amount: Construction Start: Number Contract Days: Completion Date: Change Order(s): Sepulveda & Assoc. Architects Leyendecker Construction, Inc. $ 5,132,719. Oct. 31, 2001 320 Sept. 16, 2002 None 30 Financial Overview – Sanchez/Ochoa Leyendecker’s Contract Balance to Finish Including Retainage= $ 3,813,900.50 74% Amount Paid = $ 1,318,818.50 26% 31 Construction Time – Sanchez/Ochoa Leyendecker’s Contract Total Days Remaining in Contract = 182 57% Days Lapsed in Contract = 138 43% 32 Sanchez/Ochoa Elementary School FRONT VIEW OF SECTIONS “C” AND “D” FROM THE 33 FLOOR PLAN Sanchez/Ochoa Elementary School VIEW LOOKING INTO SECTION “C” OF THE FLOOR PLAN 34 Sanchez/Ochoa Elementary School VIEW LOOKING 35 Sanchez/Ochoa Elementary School 36 Sanchez/Ochoa Elementary School 37 Sanchez/Ochoa Elementary School 38 J. W. Nixon High School Architect: Contractor: Contract amount: Construction Start: Number Contract Days: Completion Date: Change Order(s): Cavazos & Associates Architects Leyendecker Construction, Inc. $ 9,298,985. Jan. 30, 2002 551 August. 15, 2003 None 39 Financial Overview – Nixon High Leyendecker’s Contract Balance to Finish Including Retainage = $ 9,023,466 97% Amount Paid = $ 275,519 3% 40 Construction Time – Nixon High Leyendecker’s Contract Total Days Remaining in Contract = 504 91% Days Lapsed in Contract = 47 9% 41 J. W. Nixon High School 42 J. W. Nixon High School 43 J. W. Nixon High School 44 J. W. Nixon High School 45 46 47 PAD PREPARATION FOR NEW TWO STORY BUILDING 48 FOUNDATION TRENCHING FOR TWO STORY BUILDING 49 Milton Elementary School Architect: General Contractor: Asbestos/Demolition: Contract amount: Construction Start: Number Contract Days: Completion Date: Change Order(s): Turner Hickey & Assoc. Arch. To be determined M & M Contracting, Inc. $ 183,978. Jan. 27, 2002 47 Days March 15, 2002 None 50 Financial Overview – Milton M & M Contracting Contract Asbestos/Demolition Balance to Finish = $ 183,978. 100% Amount Paid = $ 0. 0% 51 Construction Time – Milton M & M Contracting Contract Asbestos/Demolition Days Lapsed in Contract = 50 100% Total Days Remaining in Contract = 0 0% 52 Milton Elementary School 53 Milton Elementary School 54 55 56 57 End of Presentation Question & Answer Session 58