MOCEP Executive Officers Call Minutes 2015-02-18


MOCEP Executive Officers Call

February 18, 2015


1) MSMA –MOCEP April 17-18 – education session (Sampson),reception, RR Hannas award (McMurry)

2) General membership meeting at MSMA April 18 – elections (Cecile)

3) TCD CME requirements

4) Identifying who is going to L&A in May 3-6

5) Status of membership letter (Barth)

6) Web ads (Schwarz)

Participants: Drs. Doug Char, Jonathan Heidt, Rob Poirier, Tim Koboldt and from the MOCEP office, Cecile Landrum.

MSMA/MOCEP Annual Meeting

Chris Sampson has confirmed that Dr. Mike Weaver will be a speaker

There is a 1-hour slot still to be filled

 The 2 LLSA presenters will be Kevin O’Rourke and Tim Koboldt

General Membership meeting will be held during lunch

Board Meeting will follow lunch

Jon Heidt will coordinate with Chris Sampson for the final session topic/speaker. An advocacy piece would be good if someone has a presentation.

A call for nominations for board members and notice of elections needs to be sent to the full membership as soon as possible to ensure we comply with the by-laws. Cecile will review the by-laws and email the notice. There are 3 board members whose term expires: Char, Poirier, and

Sheppard. Doug will contact Chuck Sheppard to see if he is running for re-election.

Doug and Cecile will coordinate the agenda for the general meeting and board meeting.

The students are planning the evening reception and submitting a proposal for an EMRA grant

(due March 1) to fund it. MU is doing a retreat in Kansas City on Friday night & part of

Saturday. Jonathan will check on their schedule to encourage them to attend our sessions on

Saturday morning. Invitations will go to the graduating senior students (who are going into emergency medicine) from the 3 KC-area med schools: KU, UMKC, and KCUMB. Invitations also will go to the EM residents and faculty at UMKC. David Reid, who sits on the EMRA board, is taking lead on the application. Doug is planning to leave location decisions up the residents submitting the grant application. They are requesting $1,000. Doug has offered up to

$500 to assist with costs.

TCD CME requirements

Jonathan Heidt gave a quick recap on the call held Monday with Brian Froelke. The root of the problem seems to be in the interpretation of the regulations as written and everyone is defaulting

to the stricter requirements. No one has formally challenged the interpretation. Jorgen is going to reach out to the other associations and see if we can partner on a formal inquiry/challenge to the state on this. Rob Poirier suggested that we may want to have Jorgen pursue adding language to one of the existing bills to address this. Doug asked Cecile to check with ACEP to see if any other states have dealt with this and if there are any CME policies we can mirror.

Legislative & Advocacy Conference

Doug asked Cecile to poll Board members to get a count on who will be attending. We also need to let residency directors know that MOCEP has funding to help residents attend (MOCEP will match $1-for-$1, up to $1,000 per program.) If the program does not have faculty going, the

MOCEP board members will help oversee them. Char, Heidt (arriving Monday), and Poirier are all currently planning to attend.

Membership Letter

The letters drafted by Brad Barth were reviewed. It was agreed that no vote is needed for the letters. Cecile and Margie will start using these letters.

Policy on Sharing MOCEP Mailing List

We will need to have the Board vote on this at the April meeting.

Web Advertising

The contract has been signed and we are waiting for implementation. Jonathan has notified

MayeCreate that we will be starting this.

R.R. Hannas Award

Doug sent the clerkship director contacts to Margie today to start the process for asking the schools to select the R.R. Hannas recipients. We would like to have them identified by April 1, so we can invite them to the Kansas City meeting and get some publicity. Cecile will check to see if there is any documentation of criteria for recipients. If there is not, we need to write something. Jonathan also would like us to amend the name to be the Missouri College of

Emergency Physicians R.R. Hannas Award. Cecile to check with Ted McMurry (Awards and

Grants Chair) and Margie to review letter before it goes out to med schools. Of note wanted to include some general criteria for award. Doug mentioned that SAEM also has award that goes to one graduating student at each medical school – its more research focused (reflecting society mission), thus the R.R. Hannas Award is often seen as the more clinical focused award.

Other Business

Jonathan suggested having a retreat-style meeting this summer to let the board delve a little deeper into issues. Doug would like each committee chair to do a segment. Cecile will poll for possible dates on a Thursday afternoon/Friday morning meeting.

Doug mentioned that SLU/WU are submitting a joint grant request to EMRA for an

EMIG/Residents reception in St. Louis.

February 25 there will be an ACEP All-Chapter conference call. Doug and Cecile both plan to participate.
