ITU Regional Workshop on Bridging the Standardization Gap (Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013) Broadband Proliferation in Pakistan through Universal Service Fund Zeshan Haider Senior Manager (International Coordination) Ministry of Information Technology Government of Pakistan Contents of Presentation • • • • • • Case Study of Universal Service Fund USF Broadband Programmes Special Projects Challenges & Solutions ITU-Pakistan Collaboration ITU-Pakistan Collaboration on Broadband Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 2 Why Invest in Broadband Infrastructure? • Transformation of way of lives • Facilitation of e-services • Socio-economic benefits • Achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 3 Universal Service Fund Broadband Programme: A Case Study of successful Investment in Broadband Infrastructure Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 4 PAK USF MODEL • • • Public-Private-Partnership - rather than purely Public. Independent - rather than a part of Ministry or Regulator A Company – with a fully authorised Board of Directors PUBLIC USF Co. Board of Directors PRIVATE Minister of IT Nominee Cellular SPs Federal Secretary IT Nom. Fixed-Line SPs Member Telecom MoIT Nominee ISPs Chairman PTA Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 CEO USF Nom. Consumer Groups 6 How USF works in Pakistan? Government acts as a “Trustee”! All Licensed Telcos Ministry of Finance Cabinet Division 1 Rep. each “USF Policy Committee” USF Account After competitive Bidding & Tech. Audits Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 USF Co. Ministry of Information Technology ‘Company’ under Companies Act 1984 7 USF Rules & Principles Open, transparent bidding All docs on Website Retail Tariffs subject to PTA controls Technology Neutral No local monopolies: Obligatory infrastr. share Performance guarantees by subsidy winners Lien on Equipment Max 50% accumulation of subsidy Six-monthly Audits for USFCo. Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 8 USF Programs Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 9 USF Programs 4 TRACKS Rural Telecom Broadband Optic Fiber Networks SPECIAL PROJECTS Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 10 Broadband for un-served urban areas Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 11 USF Strategy to spread Broadband Target Rural 1. Start by targeting Unserved Urban Areas 2. Pay only when given targets are achieved 3. More than one subsidy winner 4. Special emphasis on Education Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 Areas through Community Telecenters ~470 cities & towns: no Broadband available Rural areas: No PCs, & No Computerliteracy 11 to 15 large cities: Broadband is available 12 Features of Broadband Program • Reverse Open auction by sealed bidding among USF contributors • Subsidy bid on “per-Broadband-connection” • More than 1 winner - subject to price-matching • 2/3rd or max 5 bidders can be winners, a fraction counted as 1 • Output Based Assistance – provide connections to get subsidy • Targets to be achieved within project time to be eligible for subsidy • Winners to install Educational/Community Broadband Centers (E/CBC) • Target achievement verification by Tech. Auditors Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 13 USF Broadband Program • Provision of Broadband Internet Services/Connectivity in 2nd/3rd tier cities & towns • Establishment (EBCs) of Educational Broadband Centers • Establishment (CBCs) of Community Broadband Centers • Investment of PKR 7,557,703,815/• Benefitting population of 21 Million Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 14 Impact of Subsidy on Broadband New infrastructure by BSP Decrease in costs due to “Economy of Scales” One-time USF subsidy Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 Measures to “sell" USF targetconnections Increase in No. of Connections 15 Broadband Program – Target Areas/Coverage • Total served population - 32M (18%) in major Cities. • Un-served urban Population ~ 26mil(15%) in 11 Telecom Regions, 126 Districts with 470 towns. • ~ 400 (85%) unserved Towns have Population less than 100,000. Their total Population ~ 50% of Target unserved population Number of Towns with given Population 180 153 160 Number of Towns 140 125 120 100 80 52 60 35 40 20 33 38 12 9 6 0 5,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 Population Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 16 Broadband Program – Achievements • So far 7 Projects Launched, • 284 Towns (70% Towns, 17mil population) covered. Number of Towns vs Population 90 85 80 73 Number of Towns 70 59 60 56 50 40 40 37 Unserved Served 30 25 25 19 17 20 10 6 19 17 8 7 2 5 5 0 5,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 Population Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 17 Broadband Achievements Contracts signed for 491,250 Broadband Subscribers 474,532 Broadband Subscribers achieved 1,036 Educational Broadband Centers Established 302 Community Broadband Centers Established Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 18 BROADBAND PROGRAM STATUS Region Name FTR MTR STR-I HTR GTR CTR STR-V Total BB Subs BB Subs Achieved Work Progress PTCL 72,500 66,497 92% Wateen 16,500 11,602 70% PTCL 63,000 48,313 77% Worldcall 38,500 43,723 114% PTCL 23,500 32,619 139% PTCL 7,500 25,372 338% Wateen 3,250 3,267 101% PTCL 41,000 96,367 235% Worldcall 46,250 50,845 110% Wateen 21,250 16,647 78% PTCL 48,000 37,208 78% Wateen 53,500 11,427 21% PTCL 56,500 30,645 54% 491,250 474,532 96% Operator Total Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 19 Advertised Broadband Projects S/N Telecom Regions 1 Rawalpindi Telecom Region-I 2 Province No. of No. of Unserved Dist. Towns Unserved Urban Population Approx Target Cons Punjab 4 26 1,452,000 55,000 Northern Telecom Region-I KPK 11 37 2,064,000 50,000 3 Northern Telecom Region-II-A KPK 7 18 902,000 22,500 4 Western Telecom Region-I-A Balochistan 15 36 1,889,000 37,000 37 117 6,307,000 164,500 Totals • Under these advertised projects a total of 668 EBCs and 145 CBCs will be established Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 20 Future Broadband projects S/N 1 2 3 Telecom Regions Western Telecom Region-IB Northern Telecom Region-IC Northern Telecom Region-IIB Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 Province Status Balochistan Under Study KPK KPK Broadband Projects will be launched after provision of Optical Fiber Connectivity Broadband Projects will be launched after provision of Optical Fiber Connectivity 21 Emphasis on Education + Community Computer Labs for Higher Sec. Schools, Colleges and Libraries in the area: • Free provision/installation • No Monthly charges for 1 year Educational Broadband Centers -> Operational : 1,036 -> In progress : 262 -> Advertised : 668 • 5 PCs Lab • Training of 2 Trainers Community Broadband Centers “Educational Broadband Centers” (EBCs) Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 -> Operational: 302 -> In progress : 98 -> Advertised : 145 22 Broadband Subscribers in Pakistan Year Number of Subscribers FY 2005-06 26,611 FY 2006-07 45,153 FY 2007-08 168,082 FY 2008-09 413,809 FY 2009-10 900,648 FY 2010-11 1,491,491 FY 2011-12 2,101,315 FY 2012 - 13 2,721,659 August 2013 2,889,155 Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 23 Special Projects - Scope Telemedicine ICT for Disabled Model ICT Labs Conversion of Computer Centers into Telecenters Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 24 Rural Areas Broadband - Telecenters ~ 56,000 small villages in Pakistan. Villages S.No Province above 10K 1 Balochistan 65 2 KPK 406 3 Sind 185 4 Punjab 896 5 Islamabad 10 6 FATA 18 Total 1,580 Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 25 Upcoming Special Projects Universal Telecenters • Providing access to telecom services for people in the unserved and under-served rural and semi-urban areas • Each UTC will have; - Connecting internet through a 2Mbps broadband - Powered through renewable energy, - 10 laptops and other essential network elements (printer/scanner/copier/fax, etc) • For the benefit of communities living in remote areas of Pakistan, a pilot project of establishing UTCs at 35 locations across Pakistan has been initiated Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 26 Challenges Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 27 Challenges/Hurdles • High taxes coupled with high capital/operational expenses • Security Situation • Natural Calamities • Power crisis; • Access problems • O&M • Inflation Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 28 Challenges/Hurdles • Reaching un-served and under-served areas • Lack of Demand - Affordability -Awareness • Low Revenues for investors • PC Penetration • Lack of Education • Content Development • Country-oriented policies Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 29 How to overcome challenges? • Extending Broadband to un-served areas • Improving affordability • Viewing Broadband as an eco-system • Creating Awareness • Up-gradation of network capability levels • Conducive public policies • Public-Private Partnerships Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 30 Telecenter Challenges... Sustainability Someone must take responsibility with stake in the venture– not govt! Connectivity High speed media (like Fiber) mostly unavailable, areas difficult to reach Computer Literacy Basic knowledge of how to operate computers is lacking Content What will the villagers do with these? Others PCs, Electricity, Repair & Maintenance Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 31 ITU – Pakistan Collaboration for Broadband Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 32 Technical Assistance by ITU • One of the strategic goals of Telecommunication Development Sector of ITU (ITU-D) is the – “To assist the membership in maximizing the utilization of appropriate new technologies, including broadband, – to develop their telecommunication / ICT infrastructure and services, and – to design and deploy resilient telecommunication / ICT network infrastructures”. • One of the key actions of ITU Operational Plan 2012 – 15 is – “to enhance the level of assistance and support to administrations and ITU-D customers, taking advantage of the high expertise of the BDT staff”. • ITU assistance under the ITU Asia-Pacific Actions and Initiatives – international best practices & research, – statistical data availability and – professional/consultant help 33 ITU-Pakistan Collaboration • Secretary General ITU and Regional Director ITU for A&P visited Pakistan in May 2012 • ITU CoE Node for Policy & Regulation in Pakistan • Consultancies secured from ITU on policy matters – Establishment of Multi-Purpose Telecommunity Centres in Rural Areas (2007-08). – Spectrum Management Policy (2010) – National Broadband Plan for Pakistan (2012) – Implementation of E-Government in Pakistan (2013) Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 34 ITU-Pakistan Collaboration for Broadband • Under the ITU Operational Plan 2012, ITU solicited proposal from Administration of Pakistan for assistance from ITU • MoIT submitted a proposal for the Development of a “National Broadband Master Plan” for Pakistan which was approved by ITU for implementation. • Following ITU mission visited Pakistan in September 2012: – Mr Jim Holmes, ITU Expert – Mr Sameer Sharma, Senior Advisor, ITU • ITU mission held interviews, surveys and meetings with top-level leadership of the ICTs related entities of Pakistan Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 35 ITU-Pakistan Collaboration for Broadband • A “Broadband Industry Workshop” was also organized in which the different stakeholders of the broadband industry of Pakistan had an opportunity to interact with the ITU delegation. • ITU Consultancy Team formulated and forwarded a draft of National Broadband Strategic Action Plan setting up Goals, specific Targets for each goal, Responsible Stakeholder against each target and Timelines against each target. • The plan is being consumed as a baseline document for the review process of Telecom Sector Policies, which are currently under review by the Ministry of IT, Pakistan. • Role of ITU is commendable for providing such free of cost consultancies to low income and least developed countries Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 36 Thank you Yangon, Myanmar, 28-29 November 2013 37