1/15 Best Practices Workshop Mirroring the Methods of the Master Investing in Disciples Equipping Disciple Makers BUILDING AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY 2 The outcome of our Discipleship Model is to create High Impact Christians with a Biblical worldview 3 Learn Your Partner for Spiritual Growth Getting Connected and Build Biblical Knowledge Live Apply Biblical Knowledge to Everyday Life Situations Lead Invest in the Spiritual Growth of Others More Info Additional Information about Our Approach to Discipleship “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of The Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19 4 DISCIPLING BEHAVIORS (draft) Inquiring Connecting Intentional Stewardship Small Group Accountability Personal Relationship w/Jesus Reproducing Disciples of Christ Event Participation (NACF, VBS, Men’s Cookout, Ladies Tea, etc.) Media Inquiries & Interactions Initial Worship Attendance 5 Keys of Discipleship Serving Others Engaging Transforming Multiplying METRICS Serving at Mt. Participation in Local Outreach or Leadership of Pisgah Local Outreach or Missions Christ-centered Missions Responsibilities Ministries and MP Committee MP Committee Missions Participation Leadership MP Council Stephen Ministry Leadership Broaden mission outreach to include anyone who serves in a given week local, domestic, abroad Financial Giving Approaching Tithing Would need to add an internal category of weekly giving units (not total collected) Bible Study Participation Bible Study Fellowships and/or Small Group Participation Prayer Regular Worship Attendance Baptism Church Membership Intercessory Prayer Regular and Regular and Statement of Faith Intentional Intentional Discipleship Personal Worship Personal Worship Events (Emmaus, Confirmation, etc.) Tithing At or Above Tithing Covenant Group Covenant Group Participation Leadership Bible Study / Small Group Leadership Missional Discipleship Mentoring Others Developing Discipleship Leaders Small Group Participation Number of Small Groups Worship Attendance Professions of Faith Baptism Nothing is on VC that is up to our standards on this. A new category would be needed to track this one. 5 5 THE GREAT COMMISSION And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 6 DISCIPLE DEFINED “Jesus said to them, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19 Follow Me – at the “head” level • Acceptance of Jesus’ authority and truth • To know Him and follow Him And I will make you – our “hearts” • Process of Jesus transforming our hearts to be like His • Primarily a “spiritual” response to the Holy Spirit Fishers of men – our “hands” • A disciple of Jesus is saved for a purpose • Action of being committed to the mission of Christ from Disciple Shift by Jim Putnam and Bobby Harrington 7 WHAT IS DISCIPLESHIP ? Christian Discipleship is a concentrated process that occurs when a more mature believer prayerfully enters into a committed relationship with a group of faithful and teachable believers for the purpose of building Godly character, imparting true knowledge, and developing ministry skills under the direction and power of the Holy Spirit, so that they will follow Christ without reservation and do what He tells them to do. by John Musselman Founder & President, The Jackson Institute 8 DISCIPLESHIP (page 1) The word discipleship • Ship when used as a suffix can be used in six different ways. 9 DISCIPLESHIP (page 2) First – signifies a state, condition, or quality such as in the word “friendship.” • Relationship both with Jesus and fellow disciples Second – refers to an office, dignity, profession • Disciple-Makers having the dignity of the office or profession of making disciples Third – an art or skill – “horsemanship” • Discipleship is an art and a skill. 10 DISCIPLESHIP (page 3) Fourth – Exhibiting or embodying a quality or state • Ultimate goal is for an incarnation of the qualities of the Master Fifth – one entitled to a rank – “lordship” • Every believer is entitled to the distinction of a disciple. Sixth – a body of persons participating in a specific activity • Participation in a corporate activity 11 DISCIPLESHIP (page 4) Summary: Discipleship involves disciples and disciple-makers in a relationship of corporative activity which requires an art or skill to yield an incarnation of the qualities of the King of Kings in the lives of those so committed. 12 PATHOLOGY OF GOD’S COVENANT (page 1) God always initiates the covenant • Adam – Genesis 2:17 “The Tree” • Noah – Genesis 9:13 “Flood and Rainbow” • Abraham – Genesis 17:4“Circumcision & the Descendants of Isaac” 13 PATHOLOGY OF GOD’S COVENANT (page 2) • Moses – Deuteronomy 9:9 “Tablets of Covenant” • David – II Samuel 23:5 “Bloodline of David” • Joshua – Joshua 23:16 “Fate of God’s People” • Jesus – Hebrews 9:15 “Remedy for Sin” (Jesus as mediator of the New Covenant) 14 PATHOLOGY OF GOD’S COVENANT (page 3) From Adam to the New Covenant – each one is dependent on the previous one. This requires living in Biblical community. “Given the chance, the culture will always bring us down.” by Steve Wood, Lead Pastor, Mount Pisgah UMC 15 PATHOLOGY OF GOD’S COVENANT (page 4) 4 Important Dynamics: 1. “Glory of God” Revealed in Man 2. “The Word” is Living, Eternal, Transforming 3. The work of “The Holy Spirit” must be cultivated. 4. Necessity of “Accountability” “Without these, the church atrophies!!!!” by Steve Wood, Lead Pastor, Mount Pisgah UMC 16 COVENANT GROUPS Covenant Group vs. Small Group – Distinguishing Characteristics • Application of Scripture • Intentionality • Multiplication of Disciples 17 COVENANT GROUPS Vital Signs of a Person’s “Covenant Relationship with God” • Willingness for Accountability • Personal Relationship with Jesus • Sacrificial Living • Spiritual Leader of Household • Purifying Love • Stewardship & Tithing by Steve Wood, Lead Pastor, Mount Pisgah UMC 18 COVENANT TOPICS What is Life to Life Discipleship? What is Spiritual Maturity? What is the Discipleship Process? What is the One Year Commitment? Your Expectations and Reservations - 8 Categories of the Covenant (initialed) 19 FORMING YOUR GROUP Step 1 Prayer list of potential candidates is accumulated Step 2 Covenant provided to candidates to be reviewed with spouses Step 3 Discipleship Leader to review the Covenant and answer questions Step 4 Signed Covenant is due each year at end of Week 2 20 JESUS CALLING (page 1) Come away with Me for a while. The world, with its nonstop demands, can be put on hold. Most people put Me on hold, rationalizing that someday they will find time to focus on Me. But the longer people push Me into the background of their lives, the harder is it for them to find Me. 21 JESUS CALLING (page 2) You live among people who glorify busyness; they have made time a tyrant that controls their lives. Even those who know Me as Savior tend to march to the tempo of the world. They have bought into the illusion that more is always better: more meetings, more programs, more activity. 22 JESUS CALLING ( page 3) I have called you to follow Me on a solitary path, making time alone with Me your highest priority and deepest Joy. It is a pathway largely unappreciated and often despised. However, you have chosen the better thing, which will never be taken away from you. Moreover, as you walk close to Me, I can bless others through you. Song of Songs 2:13, Luke 10:42 from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young 23 I THE CALLING OF A DISCIPLE Disciples Need To Know What They are Saying “Yes” to: Disciples Need To Know What They are Saying “Yes” to: F. I. T. T. H. H. F. A. A. I. Faithful – Loyal, Steadfast Trustworthy in the fulfillment of promises or obligations Available – Ready, Prepared Capable of being utilized and trained Intentional – Purposeful, Deliberate Disciplined to follow a plan Teachable – Acquiring knowledge or skill, trainable Ready and willing to learn Hungry – Desire, Longing Passion to go deeper in Spiritual Walk 24 MISSIONAL GUIDE Who is God Putting into My Life? Name & Relationship: Spiritual Assessment: Current Needs: Why I’m Concerned: What I’m Praying For: What I’ve Done So Far: What I Plan To Do: 25 MISSION ACTIVITY LOG d Date: Activities / Progress: 26 SPIRITUAL MULTIPLICATION II Timothy 2:2 27 SPIRITUAL MULTIPLICATION The Power of Spiritual Multiplication II Timothy 2:2 Paul Maker of Disciples Timothy Disciple Maker Faithful Men Discipler Others Disciple * Each one eventually takes the title of the one above. * Only reason I’m doing this is so you will do the same!! 28 CATCH THE VISION Keith Phillips’ chart compares the numeric difference between one person a day coming to Christ and one person a year being discipled to maturity. 1 Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evangelist 365 730 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190 2,555 2,920 3,285 3,650 4,015 4,380 4,745 5,110 5,475 5,840 Discipler 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1,,024 2,048 4,096 8,192 16,384 32,768 65,536 1 Keith Phillips, The Making of a Disciple 29 ACCOUNTABILITY Accountability to God * Having our character, motives, words, and behavior (i.e., our lives) weighed and measured by Christ in the light of His standards as preserved in His righteous Word. 30 ACCOUNTABILITY Accountability to Another Person * Openly and willingly submitting our character, motives, words, and behavior (i.e., our lives) to be weighed and measured by trusted friends in the light of God’s righteous Word for the purpose of preparing us for the final Day of Reckoning when we will give an account of our lives to Christ. by John Musselman The Jackson Institute 31 ACCOUNTABILITY One Appointment • “So then each one of us shall give account of himself to God” (Romans 14:12) 32 ACCOUNTABILITY Principle 1 • Giving An Accounting to God is Mandatory For All (Romans 14:10, Ecclesiastes 3:17) Principle 2 • All Secrets Will Be Exposed (Psalms 11:4, 139:1-6) Every Careless Word (Matthew 12:36) Things Hidden in the Darkness, Motives (I Corinthians 4:5, Ecclesiastes 12:14) 33 ACCOUNTABILITY Principle 3 • The Quantity and Quality of Our Work Will Be Measured - Steward (Luke 12:42, I Corinthians 4:1, Matthew 25:19) - Quantity of their work (Matthew 25:14) - Quality of the fruit (John 15:1) Principle 4 • Christ Will Judge Us Righteously and Fairly (Ezra 9:15, Romans 2:2) 34 ACCOUNTABILITY Principle 5 • Our Eternal Rewards Will Be Based Upon His Judgments (I Corinthians 3:14, Matthew 16:27) 35 ACCOUNTABILITY Why Be Accountable to Another Person? Prays, encourages, checks up Lifts you up, sees you restored Intrinsic value, committed to one another Unconditionally accepts you, taste of God’s grace, forgiveness, and unconditional love 36 ACCOUNTABILITY Principles Governing Our Accountability to Another • • • • • Voluntary Boundaries Character development Performance standards Evaluation time – when, how 37 21 QUESTIONS – JOHN WESLEY HANDOUT – 21 QUESTIONS THAT MEMBERS OF JOHN WESLEY’S HOLY CLUB ASKED THEMSELVES EACH DAY 38 “IRON SHARPENIING” ENCOUNTER (page 1) Proverbs 27:17, Hebrews 10:24, Proverbs 27:5-6 Whatever form the questions take, Accountability is the Key!! 39 “IRON SHARPENING” ENCOUNTER (page 2) • Personal Worship? • Biblical needs of Spouse? • How is your Thought Life? • Steward of Time, Talent, Resources, Relationships, Truth? 40 “IRON SHARPENING” ENCOUNTER (page 3) • Responded by Sharing Your Faith? • Work as though you are working for The Lord? • Spiritual Battlefields? Spiritual “Achilles Heel”? • Have you been Honest? 41 JESUS’ MODEL OF IMPARTATION He did it (Modeling) He did it while they watched (Association) They did it while He watched (Delegation) He sent them out, then debriefed (Reproduction) 42 Commitment to Daily PERSONAL WORSHIP (page 1) How do you have a relationship with Jesus? Biblical justification: Mark 1:35 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Joshua 1:8 Daniel 9:1-19 Psalm 55 Psalm 119 43 Commitment to Daily PERSONAL WORSHIP (page 2) “God’s relations will not be made by pop-calls” by E. M. Bounds “If you want to have a devotional, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” by Howard Hendricks “What are the consequences of not teaching personal Worship? by Dr. John Musselman 44 Commitment to Daily PERSONAL WORSHIP (page 3) Transitions of Personal Worship: Duty Pupil Partner Sonship “The one priority is time together with the eternal Father to receive His love and transformation. The bottom line is withdrawing and being fully present with Jesus.” by Pastor Steve Wood 45 Commitment to Daily PERSONAL WORSHIP (page 4) The glue of discipleship is deploying six spiritual disciplines on a daily basis through Personal Worship: Journaling Confession Scripture Reading Scripture Application Engaging the Holy Spirit Thoughtful Targeted Prayer 46 SPIRITUAL JOURNEY 47 60 SECOND TESTIMONY Time 1st “The Old Me” 25% 2nd “Surrendering to Jesus as Savior” 35% 3rd “The New Me” 40% 48 FOUR SPIRITUAL LAWS 1. God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life. 2. Man is sinful and separated from God. Therefore, he cannot know and experience God’s love and plan for his life. 3. Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for man’s sin. Through Him you can know and experience God’s love and plan for your life. 4. We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; then we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives. 49 WHO’S ON THE THRONE ? 50 CHRIST ON THE THRONE 51 TARGETED PRAYER • Truth Applied • Situation in Life • Person on Missional Prayer List 52 TARGETED PRAYER • The purpose of narrowing down the prayer topics is to create thoughtful requests from the Lens of a Disciple • Additional requests can be emailed out to the participants mid-week • Missional Prayer is defined as “Who is God putting in my life that I am to invest in?” 53 THE LORD’S PRAYER 7 Targets To God • Praise • His Kingdom • His Will To Human Needs • Daily Provision • Forgiveness • Temptation Intercessory 54 REGIMEN OF PRIVATE PRAYER by George Buttrick (page 1) “No binding rules but ‘hints’ – Not formal or formless” • The casual mind kills it 1. Silent self-preparation • Orderly quietness and a mind focused on God 2. Thanksgiving • Call to mind the joys of the journey 55 REGIMEN OF PRIVATE PRAYER by George Buttrick (page 2) 3. Confession • • • • Be specific to work the surgery to cleanse the soul Accept God’s pardon Set your hooks in the facts Don’t be too morbid or too indifferent 4. Intercession • • • “I humbly beseech you…..” Ponder and bear on my heart their burdens Chart of intercession for each day 56 REGIMEN OF PRIVATE PRAYER by George Buttrick (page 3) 5. Petition • • • “Lift my earthly needs before eternal eyes” Crisis cry and friendship talk “Nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done” 6. Meditation Following each step, contemplate God’s goodness • • • Confession Adore pardoning love and listen for guidance Intercession Try to see the whole world’s needs Petition Meditate on God’s will 57 EVERY HOME HAS 7 PRAYER NEEDS 1. “Hallowed be thy Name” – 21 names for God 2. “Thy Kingdom come” – Spiritual rebirth of faith 3. “God’s will be done” – Active obedience 4. “Give us our daily bread” – God’s provision – Let Him worry for us 5. “Forgive us, as we forgive” – Grace of forgiveness – Reconciliation with God 6. “Lead us not into temptation” – Turn off all bad ideas & thoughts in our mind 7. “Deliver us from the evil one” – From demonic influences 58 PRAYER FOR PASTORS 1. Know God’s Will I. 2. Do God’s Will II. Family Needs 3. Productivity III. Spiritual Needs 4. Relationship with God IV. Congregational Needs Personal Needs 5. Power in Their Lives 6. Right Attitude 7. Giving, Healing, and God’s Power = Focus 59 21 NAMES OF GOD Adonai Jehovah-Mekaddishkem El Jehovah-Nissi El Elohe Yisrael Jehovah-Rapha El Elyon Jehovah-Rohi Elohim Jehovah-Sabaoth El Olam Jehovah-Shalom El Roi Jehovah-Shammah El Shaddai Jehovah-Tsidkenu Immanuel YAH, or JAH Jehovah YHWH Jehovah Jireh 60 BIBLICAL GUIDE TO DEFENDING THE FAITH Responses to the 12 common questions? 61 T.E.A.M.S. APPROACH Truth 10% Equipping Accountability 75% Missional Supplication 15% 62 T.E.A.M.S. APPROACH Truth What God has revealed for His people to know, understand and obey. Equipping Massage God’s Truth until it becomes understandable and usable. Accountability Ask the hard questions to promote Godly living and living fully for Christ. 63 T.E.A.M.S. APPROACH Missional Engage the lost and impart the Gospel through word and deed. Supplication Support the above in prayer Targeted Prayer Truth applied Situation in life Person God put in my life 64 T.E.A.M.S. APPROACH Missional Living • Ezekiel 34:1-12 “For thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out.” (verse 11) • Luke 15:1-7 “Rejoice with Me, for I have found My sheep which was lost!” (verse 6b) 65 FORMULA FOR CHRISTIAN MATURITY Christ + His Word + Disciplined Obedience + Effective & Capable Discipler = The ultimate goal of “Christ-likeness.” by Dr. Charles Lake 66 LIFE TO LIFE IS AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY • The Real You • Meeting Real Needs • For the Right Reasons • In the Right Way “When the world sees God’s people step up and love those who are unlike them, and especially those who are unlovely, it takes notice.” 67 LIFE TO LIFE IS AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY • The Real You Authenticity = Sincere Love Purity = Hate what is Evil & Cling to Good • Meets Real Needs Devotion in Brotherly Love Humility is giving preference to one another • For the Right Reasons Motive = Fervent in Spirit Method = Diligence & Enthusiasm • In the Right Way Upward Focus = Hope & Persevering Outward Focus = Pursuing Needs by Chip Ingram from Living on the Edge 68 LIFE TO LIFE IS AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY Relational Connectedness Requires: Take off our masks and be pure Be devoted to one another and honor one another above ourselves Serve God with Passion and Excellence Carry one another’s burdens in the midst of difficulty 69 LIFE TO LIFE IS AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY Dangers: • Collective Focus turns Inward vs. Outward (e.g. “Us 4 and No More”) • Need to practice hospitality and pursue strangers 70 LIFE TO LIFE IS AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY Life to Life discipleship is the process of transferring spiritual life from one person (a Discipling Leader) to another, in the context of a small group of five to eight people (a Discipleship Group). 71 LIFE TO LIFE IS AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY Jesus’ Methods* Selection Association • Willing to learn • Concentrate on a few • To know is to be with • Foundation of follow-up Consecration Impartation • Required obedience • Absolute submission • Life of giving • Love is the only way 72 LIFE TO LIFE IS AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY Jesus’ Methods* Demonstration • Versus explanation • Transparent & authentic Delegation • Briefing instructions • Reaffirming follow-up Supervision • Continuous review & application • Growth in knowledge & grace Reproduction • The acid test of ministry • God’s method * from The Master Plan of Evangelism by Dr. Robert E. Coleman 73 P.L.A.C.E. P.L.A.C.E. – Online Assessment Tool P – Personality Discovery L – Learning Spiritual Gifts A – Abilities Awareness C – Connecting Passion with Ministry E – Experiences Website: http://www.placeministries.org/ 74 WIRED Wired That Way • Personality Profile Paperback book by Marita & Florence Littauer Revell Publisher, 2006 75 KOLBE WISDOM TM KOLBE CORP. ASSESSMENT Website: http://www.kolbe.com/why-kolbe/kolbe-wisdom/ 76 RIGHT PATH RIGHT PATH RESOURCES Website: http://www.rightpath.com/site/ 77 THE BIRKMAN METHOD THE BIRKMAN METHOD by Rob Ketterer Website: http://www.visionworksconsulting.com/about/ 78 SUMMER DEVELOPMENT Disciple’s Summer Development Ideas • Thought is for each person to be accountable for some area of personal development over the summer. • 1st meeting in the fall, each disciple presents a one page paper on their project. • Other ideas: All read same book All read different books Attend a conference • Main thought is that there is some accountability deliverable to the group for a summer project. 79 CONTINUING EDUCATION Continuing Education for Leaders Biblical Principles of Discipleship – Allan Coppedge The Master Plan of Evangelism – Robert Coleman Growing True Disciples – George Barna Personal Disciple Making – Christopher B. Adsit The Cost of Discipleship – Dietrich Bonhoeffer Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands – Paul Tripp Classic Discipleship – John Musselman 80